September W.I.S.H. - Back to Basics

Loved this article! I’m more of a glamper in terms of accommodations. But I love a good nature walk or hike or kayak or bike ride! I could use 3 days in a cabin right about now. But I’ll dream of our trip to Yosemite next summer for now and just try to get myself outside for a 20 minute walk each day!
What a week!

WOO HOO Wednesday was my Back to School Night, and parents came into our rooms:scared:. I think this was a big mistake. Covid is going through my school like wildfire:mad: because not enough of our parents are getting vaccinated. (Since the era of American slavery, Black people have faced mistreatment from many medical institutions which has caused them to mistrust the vaccine). So, I had all of these unvaccinated adults and their unvaccinated children basically taking over my room and touching EVERYTHING. It was a very long eleven hour day for me, and after all of the built up stressors capped off by Back to School Night's events, I was DONE.

My Thankful Thursday was being thankful for having Yom Kippur off. I was able to sleep in a little and calm down from the day before.

Friday was TERRIBLE. Many staff called out, and two just plain quit, one of which was the paraprofessional working with the two new kindergarten teachers and me-maybe 30 minutes a day. She just couldn't handle how bad they are...REALLY REALLY BAD, like nothing I have ever seen in 21 years of teaching, and 3 years as a SPED paraprofessional. The three other kindergarten classes are so horribly out of control that the entire kindergarten got kicked out of the cafeteria for the next two weeks! I am actually fine with that. I would rather they eat in the classroom in our calm environment with classical music playing in the background than be subjected to all of the mayhem caused by the other three kindergartens. It saves my knees from doing two flights of stairs, which is hugely important to me being able to do my job longterm. I hope it becomes permanent. Anyway, I keep my class pretty much under control in spite of a few naughty ones who test me constantly. Unfortunately, I do have a very smart (spoiled) boy who likes to be the one in control...ummm, not gonna happen on my watch!!! Anyway, when things don't go his way, we get treated to one of his tantrums.🙄 After age 3, tantruming is very inappropriate and nothing more than a nuisance for everyone in their orbit. I just ignore it unless he is hurting someone else. Fortunately he took his meltdown to our classroom "Safe Place," a little tent shaped like a castle where he eventually calmed down. A lot happened on Friday, most of it frustrating to the point that when I had to create a new password for an assessment, I chose the first letters of this sentence to create it: I Am Going To Scream Right Now Period! (IAGTSRNP). Later I laughed about it, but at the time, I wanted to have my own tantrum in the "Safe Place!"

I am so happy that it is Saturday, even if it will be a day of bill-paying, chores, etc. It is still better than being in school surrounded by chaos and covid.
I can’t imagine! I’m struggling and I have 2 solid grade level partners!
Our back to school night is Tuesday and they just changed it to virtual. Mixed emotions on it. Thankful for less contact. But semi last minute change of plans means reworking what I had planned. Ugh. Definitely a challenging start to the year!
The scale was up half a pound this morning, but I'm not going to worry about it. I'm happy it wasn't more considering I had 2.5 pieces of pizza for dinner at 9 PM!

The wedding rehearsal went well. I laughed so hard so many times. It's weird being around young people and all their energy! Such a hoot. Everyone is freaking out because it's been super hot here and now that it's time for the outdoor wedding it is storming! All will be well and the kids have a good attitude about it. I had the biggest grin on my face as we were leaving rehearsal and heading to the car all scattered out. I heard DS1 shout out, "Hey Sweetie! This time tomorrow we'll be married!" So fun.

Love this!
Happy Wedding Day!!!! Enjoy every second!!
Catching up this morning.

Woohoo Wednesday - I’ve survived the week.I’ve stuck with my workouts even though I didn’t feel like it. I meal prepped last Sunday, so packing lunches and snacks have been on target!

Thankful Thursday - My dads hernia surgery was a success. Unfortunately they didn’t listen to my mom or look back through his charts afterwards to know that he needed a catheter and ended up needing to be admitted overnight. But thankful he was able to come home Friday and is now feeling better. Thankful I was off for Yom Kippur so I could help watch my niece and nephew since my parents were at the hospital (they normally babysit).

Friday - Enjoyed attending my son’s golf match after a crazy day at school. Nothing specific, just really high energy in the kiddos!

Self Care Saturday - Paid bills, meal planned, grocery order, visited my parents, then Netflix!

Social Sunday - I was the cat hiding in the corner cat watching (I do enjoy people watching, so it totally makes sense!). Also excited my sister is on her way to Disney right now! Seeing pictures of them there will help get me through the week!
Loved this article! I’m more of a glamper in terms of accommodations. But I love a good nature walk or hike or kayak or bike ride! I could use 3 days in a cabin right about now. But I’ll dream of our trip to Yosemite next summer for now and just try to get myself outside for a 20 minute walk each day!
If I were to camp in the woods, I would definitely be a glamper. As a child going to Girl Scout Camp; a teen going on youth group retreats and Appalacian Service Project; and as a 20-something youth group leader, I camped in many tents, youth hostels, stripped down cabins in the woods, and even outside under the stars in a sleeping bag on the ground. I have had my share of those experiences.

Now the closest I would come to that would be a beach cottage in Cape Cod. When we go to North Truro, MA, we stay in a resort on Cape Cod Bay. Down the road are these cute cottages with the most basic of amenities. Staying in one of those off-season when tourists are sparse would be my way to commune with nature.

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I’m Soap Kitten, sitting there looking like what the what is going on.

And speaking about not knowing what is going on… I don’t know what is going on with my body, but I was down two more pounds this morning, so that’s -6 for the month and -21 overall. I haven’t really changed much, my calorie intake is the same but I did switch from red meat to fish. I suppose it could be water weight from sweating in the sauna, but I did drink a jug of water afterwards.

This morning when I opened the curtains there was a patch of blue sky between the storm clouds so I got myself together and got down to the park for a walk and my 20 minutes of outdoor time. I also walked the farmers market and picked up some dahlias. I think I might turn on the football game in a bit, and I’ve been feeling the urge to knit lately, so I might dig out some yarn for a hat. A nice relaxing day.
The wedding was wonderful! They didn't make a site decision until fifteen minutes before so we had a lot of guests milling here and there. In the end we had the wedding outside. No major rain, but a few drops as we were processing in. Then the reception was in a covered area. It was chillier than anticipated, but most people didn't mind.

DS1 and his bride were so happy. It was completely infectious. Just a great experience. The bride's dad in his speech informed my son that there was a "no return policy." It was so funny. It was a fantastic weekend!!!!!

Now DH and I have a busy week, but I get the feeling he's not obsessing over all that needs to be done the way I am. I have a feeling he's not thinking about it at all. He's in for quite the surprise with the honey do lists that are about to hit him over the head! :scared:
Good morning! What are you using as motivation for a good week?

I am using Oneanne’s awesome weight loss as a motivator to get out of this holding pattern I’ve been in all summer. I’ve been watching her slowly, steadily get those pounds off and I am determined to do what I need to do to get to a healthy weight before my next Dr. appointment in December.

Portion control is an issue for me and unhealthy carbs. I will keep a food journal-it has always been a good tool for me.
I’m lacking in motivation. So I’m relying on discipline. Completely relying on my good habits/routines that I worked so hard to put in place (morning workout and devotional, food prep weekends so quick & easy to pack my lunches, and early to bed is usually an easy one at the start of the school year)
I am using Oneanne’s awesome weight loss as a motivator to get out of this holding pattern I’ve been in all summer. I’ve been watching her slowly, steadily get those pounds off and I am determined to do what I need to do to get to a healthy weight before my next Dr. appointment in December.

Yes, This right here for me too. It has been very inspirational to hear about Oneanne's journey.
The wedding was wonderful! They didn't make a site decision until fifteen minutes before so we had a lot of guests milling here and there. In the end we had the wedding outside. No major rain, but a few drops as we were processing in. Then the reception was in a covered area. It was chillier than anticipated, but most people didn't mind.

DS1 and his bride were so happy. It was completely infectious. Just a great experience. The bride's dad in his speech informed my son that there was a "no return policy." It was so funny. It was a fantastic weekend!!!!!

Now DH and I have a busy week, but I get the feeling he's not obsessing over all that needs to be done the way I am. I have a feeling he's not thinking about it at all. He's in for quite the surprise with the honey do lists that are about to hit him over the head! :scared:
I am so happy for you and your family. It sounds like it was perfection.
I agree that Oneanne’s journey has been inspirational.

I have my annual physical tomorrow, so today will be especially light eating. I am also motivated by my aches and pains from a life well-lived, but also many injuries and arthritis. Getting rid of the excess weight will certainly help me feel better physically.
Ah, thanks everyone... that'll help me keep motivated and on task for sure.

My weight was the same this morning, so I guess that -2 is a real loss. I did think of one other small thing I changed, I've been paying attention to and making sure I get into the fat burn zone when I'm walking and not just strolling, so maybe that is helping? I am on-track to hit onderland by the end of the year which is really exciting to think about.

My motivation this week... to get thru it the best way possible which means delivering on what is needed from me without tearing myself apart. We are testing this week so that means having to be on-line and talking to people at 7am, which is always a challenge as I like to have quiet time to start the day. And I'm involved in helping to get resolution on two issues that are high impact/high visibility which is going to make the days hectic.
I find I am not watching much tv these days-and I try to limit how much news I follow. Not that I don’t want to be informed, but I find I am less stressed when I read from some trusted sources. I do find Lester Holt reassuring, though! We’re listening to more music-I am on a smooth jazz kick right now. A nice way to relax rather than putting on the tv.
I love to read and have been enjoying revisiting some classics-Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy are on my nightstand right now. And I am fortunate that the people I surround myself with are all so positive and supportive-including this lovely online group!


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