September W.I.S.H. - Back to Basics

No real motivation this week, just plodding along like I do. Well, the scale was up Saturday, but I'm not stressing about it. Maybe if I stress a wee bit more I'll be more attentive to what I'm putting in my mouth! As always I need to run to the grocery store! I've been munching on carrots, and those are almost gone!

DH was a good helper tonight but says he wishes I would have warned him he'd be working so hard! He does now realize everything that needs to be done by Friday, but isn't thrilled about it. I'll try to do most of it, but tearing out carpet is hard! Tonight we worked on a stretch that didn't involve moving furniture. Tomorrow is clear this stuff out day so we can work on other stretches.
Tuesday’s topic:

What are you feeding your soul?

I also limit news. This morning I watched "Too Cute" on Animal Planet, and I've been binge-watching "Behind the Attraction" on Disney+ lately.

I also get outside for a while every day (weather permitting). The cats sort of 'make" me, but I know I get as much out of it as they do! - Nature is good for the soul. I've been taking a book with me and reading out in the fresh air.
Excellent topic choice. I've also for the most part turned off the news, except that I read the headlines on CNN multiple times a day which isn't really news, it is curated opinions about the news slanted to a specific point of view, so I really should stop. If I want to understand something deeply I prefer PBS News Hour for in depth balanced reporting. Overall I do have the TV on too much and need to make an adjustment there as well.

I'm about 24 books behind, meaning I've recently purchased a couple dozen books that I haven't read yet. I saw a meme yesterday about how reading helps to develop empathy and exercises our creative minds, so I'm more inspired to get going on tackling the pile.

Taking the 20/5/3 approach to outdoors time definitely feeds the soul some yummy stuff. When I'm at the park walking I do sit for a while and look and listen, so make sure I'm soaking it all in.
I just got home from my annual physical, and I am not thrilled. My doctor didn't acknowledge my weight loss, and when I brought it up, she said, "It's not nearly enough." Well, thanks for nothing. Then after she made me angry, she took my blood pressure. It was higher than last year...yeah, just got me mad, and you think my blood pressure is going to be normal? Unbelievable. I guess the only way she will get off my back is if I lose a tremendous amount of weight this year. I thought 22 lbs. was great, but I guess I need to lose 50 lbs. to get her attention. I have tried switching doctors, but they are dropping like flies, retiring left and right or not accepting new patients. One bit of good news, she actually had the flu shot in her office, which never happens, so instead of going to CVS, I got it today. Now I need to take DD for her flu shot this weekend. My principal is not happy that I am not in school today, but I am determined to take care of myself since I have been neglecting my personal needs due to work-related stress and too much time at work.

I do try to avoid news, but I will admit to being obsessed with the Gabby Petito case. She is my DD's age and looks a lot like her. If I were her parents, I cannot imagine what I would do. When they announced that they had found a body and wished her family their condolences, I burst into tears. I just can't stop thinking about her.

Anyway, what feeds my soul right now is being home from school and watching old movies. I am about to watch "An American in Paris."
I just got home from my annual physical, and I am not thrilled. My doctor didn't acknowledge my weight loss, and when I brought it up, she said, "It's not nearly enough." Well, thanks for nothing. Then after she made me angry, she took my blood pressure. It was higher than last year...yeah, just got me mad, and you think my blood pressure is going to be normal? Unbelievable. I guess the only way she will get off my back is if I lose a tremendous amount of weight this year. I thought 22 lbs. was great, but I guess I need to lose 50 lbs. to get her attention. I have tried switching doctors, but they are dropping like flies, retiring left and right or not accepting new patients. One bit of good news, she actually had the flu shot in her office, which never happens, so instead of going to CVS, I got it today. Now I need to take DD for her flu shot this weekend. My principal is not happy that I am not in school today, but I am determined to take care of myself since I have been neglecting my personal needs due to work-related stress and too much time at work.

I do try to avoid news, but I will admit to being obsessed with the Gabby Petito case. She is my DD's age and looks a lot like her. If I were her parents, I cannot imagine what I would do. When they announced that they had found a body and wished her family their condolences, I burst into tears. I just can't stop thinking about her.

Anyway, what feeds my soul right now is being home from school and watching old movies. I am about to watch "An American in Paris."
22 is a lot! And has significant impacts to your overall health - congratulations!
I do try to avoid news, but I will admit to being obsessed with the Gabby Petito case. She is my DD's age and looks a lot like her. If I were her parents, I cannot imagine what I would do. When they announced that they had found a body and wished her family their condolences, I burst into tears. I just can't stop thinking about her.

This is me right now. I try to avoid the news until something big happens, then I am glued. I have been following the tread on the Dis about it. I feel for her family. It is so sad.

Oh and 22 pounds is a lot. A small weight change can make you healthier. I just got my blood work back from my appointment. I only lost 10 pounds this year. My cholesterol is still on the high side but all the number have come down some since last year. Every little bit helps. Keep up what you are doing.
I just got home from my annual physical, and I am not thrilled. My doctor didn't acknowledge my weight loss, and when I brought it up, she said, "It's not nearly enough." Well, thanks for nothing. Then after she made me angry, she took my blood pressure. It was higher than last year...yeah, just got me mad, and you think my blood pressure is going to be normal? Unbelievable. I guess the only way she will get off my back is if I lose a tremendous amount of weight this year. I thought 22 lbs. was great, but I guess I need to lose 50 lbs. to get her attention. I have tried switching doctors, but they are dropping like flies, retiring left and right or not accepting new patients. One bit of good news, she actually had the flu shot in her office, which never happens, so instead of going to CVS, I got it today. Now I need to take DD for her flu shot this weekend. My principal is not happy that I am not in school today, but I am determined to take care of myself since I have been neglecting my personal needs due to work-related stress and too much time at work.

I do try to avoid news, but I will admit to being obsessed with the Gabby Petito case. She is my DD's age and looks a lot like her. If I were her parents, I cannot imagine what I would do. When they announced that they had found a body and wished her family their condolences, I burst into tears. I just can't stop thinking about her.

Anyway, what feeds my soul right now is being home from school and watching old movies. I am about to watch "An American in Paris."
Wait, what??? What an insensitive response from that doctor! That’s awful!
And, yes, 22lbs is a lot and a great benefit health wise.

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I'm walking to and from work every day and then walking home for lunch. I love it. This morning I couldn't find my jacket and couldn't imagine where it was. Grabbed another, went to hang it up at work and there's my missing jacket! :rolleyes:

All the weight losses are super fantastic. My doctor never said anything about my weight loss either. I'm just going to keep drinking my water, eating my veggies and doing my yoga.

Time to move the furniture out. While I changed out of work clothes tonight, DH moved everything aside. Then we ripped out more carpet. We both have blisters so tomorrow need to remember to wear gloves.

DS1 called. Said the honeymoon is going great and they're having a fantastic time. Last night daughter in law sent some early release pictures from the photographer. Lovely. 💖
Tuesday’s topic:

What are you feeding your soul?
I also avoid the news and now my thing to avoid is school board meetings. I only started attending during the pandemic when they were virtual. Now they are back to being in person, but are also streamed. But after the last one I need to stop. I will get the needed info from my principal.

It’s Wednesday! What are you celebrating today?
Woohoo - professional development day on Monday is over. I enjoyed the PD, but struggled with having to be out of the classroom so early in the year. It just throws off the kids…and especially on a Monday, it makes for a rough week.
Woohoo -virtual back to school night is over. Unfortunately only 5 families out of 15 attended though.
Woohoo - my sister is in Disney and sharing pics & videos daily (very uplifting for me!). And my 2 (almost 3) year old nephew is LOVING it, especially characters, rides (Sourin, Test Track, Big Thunder and Splash were big hits so far!). And my 6 month old niece LOVED Small World (our family is very split on that ride…half love, half can’t stand it. I LOVE it!)
I just got home from my annual physical, and I am not thrilled. My doctor didn't acknowledge my weight loss, and when I brought it up, she said, "It's not nearly enough." Well, thanks for nothing. Then after she made me angry, she took my blood pressure. It was higher than last year...yeah, just got me mad, and you think my blood pressure is going to be normal? Unbelievable. I guess the only way she will get off my back is if I lose a tremendous amount of weight this year. I thought 22 lbs. was great, but I guess I need to lose 50 lbs. to get her attention. I have tried switching doctors, but they are dropping like flies, retiring left and right or not accepting new patients. One bit of good news, she actually had the flu shot in her office, which never happens, so instead of going to CVS, I got it today. Now I need to take DD for her flu shot this weekend. My principal is not happy that I am not in school today, but I am determined to take care of myself since I have been neglecting my personal needs due to work-related stress and too much time at work.

I do try to avoid news, but I will admit to being obsessed with the Gabby Petito case. She is my DD's age and looks a lot like her. If I were her parents, I cannot imagine what I would do. When they announced that they had found a body and wished her family their condolences, I burst into tears. I just can't stop thinking about her.

Anyway, what feeds my soul right now is being home from school and watching old movies. I am about to watch "An American in Paris."
And my 6 month old niece LOVED Small World (our family is very split on that ride…half love, half can’t stand it. I LOVE it!)

I'm in the love it camp as well!

Wednesday WooHoo - Decluttering is going well. I think it's a combination of several factors - a book that really made sense to me, the right time of year, enough time to devote to it... I'm hoping to sustain the momentum and get a lot done. :cheer2:
I have 2 woohoo's. one for me and one for DD. Mine is that with the weight that I have lost my cholesterol numbers have come down. I need to keep losing to continue bringing them down.

DD's woohoo is that she got cleared yesterday to go back to normal activities. She is one happy girl. She can't play in the game tonight as they want to make sure she is ready to play. A good possibility that she will play on Saturday though.


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