Sharon's Journal -150 here I come!

oh gosh - woke up during the night to no heat again!! :cold: We just had this problem 3 weeks ago. When it rains, it pours, ya know??

So I am at home with the service guy this morning. I hope to get to work by 10 or 11 am. It is just extra stress I really don't need. In addition, the weather is supposed to turn bad by 1 pm today. Will the kids have early dismissal again?? UUUGGGHHHHH! I just can't seem to catch a break!

Food yesterday was terrible. I let my mood take over and I ate just because.... :guilty: I am not happy about that. I will try to do better today. I did very well with my water yesterday, so at least that was good. I think I will go cut up a pear while I am sitting here this morning. I haven't had any breakfast yet. And I have yogurt again for my morning snack. I need to start planning a little better. With all this extra running, a food plan would probably help quite a bit.

That's it for now. I am trying to take baby steps to get back to my healthy living. Getting rid of the pasta and chocolate would probably help to make me feel better, so I will focus on that for today.
:grouphug: to everyone for all of your support. You guys are great!

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:

Wow, you haven't caught a break at all!!

I hope that your day gets better...

Hi Sharon,

I'm so sorry to hear about the heat :grouphug: Sending :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: your way!

Try to be good to yourself. What's the meal plan for today? I love Dotti's Weightloss Zone quote, "one day at a time, no guilt and move on" (or something like that).

Today is a new day, albeit cold, you can do it!!!!!! :cheer2:

Hi Sharon,

I'm sorry to hear that your heat isn't working. I hope the repairman gets there soon to fix it! In the meantime, here is lots of :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: and a couple of :grouphug: :grouphug: to help you through the day.

Sharon, I know that things are difficult for you and your family right now. I want you to know that I (along with the rest of your WISH sisters) am here for you: step by step. Some days, they may be baby steps and other days, they may be leaps and bounds. Please know that we are here for you and that we care about you and what you are going through! You and your family are in my prayers, Sharon! :grouphug:

Take extra special, wonderful, super-duper care of you today! :grouphug:
Hey Sharon,

I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you. I'm sorry to hear that the furnace was on the fritz again. Hopefully things are toasty warm by now.

Focus on things one at a time for now. Water today, no chocolate tomorrow. We'll be here to cheer you on, and support you when you need the help.

Tracy posted so well. Sometimes baby steps, sometimes leaps and bounds. We are all here for you. I hope things get better. Take care. :wizard:
Yes, baby steps is what it has been. Tuesday's food was really really good. Wed and today - not so hot. :confused3 Emotions have definitely played into my eating. I am going to try to focus on this a little more and nip it in the bud if I can. I have also been eating dinner at 8 or 9 pm. That is beyond my control right now, so I won't let it bother me. I have managed to get some veggies and dairy in, so that is something anyhow........

I am very tired. This morning I just felt like putting my head down and crying, I was just so overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done, both at home and at work, never mind the store. But instead I made a list of what I needed to buy whenever I do manage to get to WalMart so that I won't forget anything. I just thought about the addage "How do you eat a grizzly bear? One Bite at a time!" So I will do things one bite at a time and cut myself some slack for the rest. Or at least I am going to try! :p I tend to want everything just so, ya know?? :blush:

That's it for now. Hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow!!! :cool1:

TTFN- Sharon
Hi Sharon,

You know what? Sometimes we need a good cry. ::yes:: You have been through quite a bit in the past week and I think it might be helpful to release those tears. Remember, your WISH sisters have some strong and shapely shoulders if you need one to cry on. ;) :grouphug:

I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. :grouphug:

Have a good weekend! :flower:
sharoncity said:
"How do you eat a grizzly bear? One Bite at a time!" So I will do things one bite at a time and cut myself some slack for the rest. Or at least I am going to try! :p I tend to want everything just so, ya know??

:rotfl2: I've never heard the grizzly bear quote! That's great. I know what you mean. Lately, I've been getting totally overwhelmed at the grocery store. I get about 3/4 of the way through, the cart is overflowing and I have this panic of not knowing what I've bought, needed to buy, have forgotten, etc. Baby steps and single bites are good advice.

I hope you feel more cheery now :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: Be good to yourself, k?

Good morning Sharon,

Stopping by to send some :grouphug: your way and to see how you are doing. I hope you have a great week! :sunny:
Boy oh boy, things have been CRAZY busy. I am SOOOOOO incredibly tired. :faint: I don't know how long I can keep working both jobs. I worked my regular job Mon thru Thursday 8 am to 5:30 pm. I worked at the store with DH Friday and Sat 8 am to 4 pm. In addition i have to keep up with laundry and the kids. I have totally let the housework go...I didn't even get to vacuum this weekend! What a mess the house is!!! But we do have clean clothes, the kids got their homework done and we did manage to find something to eat, so I figure that is good enough for now. ;)

Speaking of food, mine has been horrendous! Can't believe the junk I have been eating. But little or no time means unhealthy food for the most part. And I haven't been eating a lot because I literally haven't had the time. So you will notice my ticker shows that I've lost some weight. Probably partially due to the stress, but I will take it. Hopefully by claiming it, I will be inspired to focus more so that it stays down!! It has been holding staedy at about 180 for a week now, so I did feel comfortable claiming it!

I hope to somehow get to Target today and pick up some Easter stuff before everything is sold out. This week looks worse than last, with meetings for work both Mon and Tues evenings. I have no idea what I will do with the kids or how I will stay awake :rolleyes: , but I am sure it will all work out somehow...... I will continue to just take it one day at a time! :p

My spirits are better, although I still feel melancholy at times. Also, not knowing what direction we are going with the store and all gives me a lot of stress. I guess I really need to know things will be resolved one way or the other within a few months. At this point, we can't even take a weekend away, let alone a week. And boy, we could sure use it!! I am praying that things are resolved by June so that we can take our camping trips that we have planned.

Hope everyone has a great week and loses bunches of pounds!!! :teeth:

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
Sharon--sorry you are going crazy--hope things settle down for you soon...on the bright side--congrats on losing weight!have a great week, and i hope you can relax some!
:hug: Sharon,

I am so sorry that you are being pulled in so many directions and under so much stress. I know that the house is adding to your stress level, but it is the least of your worries. Do what you can, and let the rest go. There are only so many hours in a day. You can only do so much.

Sharon, I am worried about you. Your aren't eating and I bet you aren't sleeping. You have way too much going on to become ill. Try to at least get some sleep tonight.

I am praying for you,
Congrats on the loss--but I hope the underlying stress goes away soon!

Good morning friend. How are you doing today? I hope that things are starting to settle down for you and your family. :grouphug:

You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Sending :grouphug: your way today!
Feeling pretty blue today..... :guilty: My FIL was an Irishman and enjoyed St. Patty's Day. Also, the local weekly paper did a beautiful story about him in yesterdays paper. It talked about what a generous man he was and how quietly he went about doing his charitable works. It is a beautiful remembrance of him. But all this has me feeling melancholy.... That's okay though, it will get better as time passes.

My eating this week has been the worst yet. I just let everything go and ate whatever I wanted. It is the week before TOM and I always have a hard time this week, but with the stress and sadness it has been UNBELIEVABLY bad!!!! :sad2: Water has been good and that is about it for good stuff this week.

I think I'm just gonna forget about healthy eating until April 1st. I'll get through Easter and hopefully be adjusted to my new schedule and then try to get back on track. With my weight holding steady, I'm not too worried about having a whole month away from healthy living.

Beth, I have been trying to get to bed by 10 pm each night. And I have been taking Tylenol PM to help me sleep. I tried going without it one night, but it was a disaster. So for the time being, I'll stick with it. I am trying to take care of myself so that I don't get sick, because as you said, I just don't have time for that right now! :rolleyes: Baby steps......

Hope everyone enjoys St. Paddy's Day!! :bounce:

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
Sharon -- Thank you so much for stopping by my journal. I really appreciate the support. I am so sorry for all you are going through. I am worried about whether you are getting enough nutrients and enough sleep. Please take care of yourself.
Have a good day, sweetie.
Hi Sharon,

:grouphug: You have so much going on. Don't stress over the food. I think getting through Easter and re-evaluating then is a good idea. Be kind to yourself. Think of how you would treat a friend in your shoes, and then treat yourself like that :love: You are worth it :cloud9:

Sending :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: your way.



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