Shrinking Tink: Trading Pounds for Pixie Dust

Hi guys! Can I join?? If so, I'll write you my guys sound like a great group of accountability partners that I could hang with! Can I, huh, can I?? :)
Aw sweetie, do whatever is comfortable for you. No pressure.

I will however share something with you (and the rest of the DIS). I used to hide my weight info from everyone. Sometimes even myself. If I didn't talk about it, it didn't exist, even when I was dieting. Then one day it just slipped out during a therapy session and suddenly it was like a light bulb went off! :idea:

That little light bulb was called motivation.

Sharing it made it real for me. And it made it easier to get and stay motivated. People supported me more and I found they were quicker to ask me how I was doing and offer advice, etc.

And even if you don't want to share it here, no biggee. I (and everyone else, I'm sure) respect that. But try it with yourself. Go to the mirror. Say your 'stats' out loud. I think you'll be surprised as to how much emotion is tied to that and might actually be sapping you of energy. I sobbed in my therapists office for a full-on 15 minutes. But let me tell you, I felt so much better, so much more MYSELF afterwards.

It pains me how often being overweight makes us ashamed or scared. Shame is a useless emotion. It makes us feel worse about ourselves. (Guilt on the other hand usually inspires us to better ourselves. Weird, huh? But true. Scientists have been studying this recently.)

Whether we know your stats or not, we're here for you!

Awwww. *sniff sniff* Your response totally made me tear up. Thanks for the support.
It's really hard to be able to accept who you are, I also see a therapist, who is a godsend, truly. I've been working on the self esteem issues. I really have the desire to get healthy, it's not even about the number anymore. It's about feeling and living better.
Thanks again for your kind words, I will work up too...just takes time. :hug:
OK!! Here it story:

Name: Leigh
Age: 33
Family: DH-Kevin (married 7 yrs in Nov.) and one son, Kevin, Jr. (nickname-K2) whose b'day we will be celebrating on our WDW trip in Sept.
Next WDW trip: Sept. 19-28 at ASMo with FREE Dining (upgraded to
Weight loss history: always...always struggled with weight...began counting calories and Curves in Aug. of 07 and lost 20 lbs (went from 219 to 199) before trip to WDW in Jan. then fell off the wagon (lost my goal since there was no trip planned) for a bit until we decided to go back to WDW for ds's b'day and my motivation reappeared! My parents have offered me a motivational bet that I can't lose 30 lbs before mid Aug. so I want to win this bet b/c the $$ I would win can pay off my WDW trip for Sept.!!! Whoo hoo!
Current weight: I haven't weighed since last month but I am proud to say that I lost enough weight to get back to 199 where I was before my trip in Jan!! So I am back on track! I WEIGH TODAY!!!!! WISH ME LUCK! I will post my loss (hopefully) later on today or tomorrow! Hoping for a 3 or 4 lbs loss since last month!
Current weight loss methods: My dh wanted to join the YMCA so we added that in April. Since then (and since last weigh in at Curves) I have been doing 2-3 days per week of cardio (45 min total usually split between elliptical and treadmill) and upper body weight machines (2 sets of 15 reps at weight that makes it hard to lift by end of reps.) Also, I am back to counting calories and try to stay under 1500 per day. I am drinking plenty of water too! Now that school is getting out on Friday (I am a teacher), I plan to up my trips to the YMCA to 4 times per week and maybe more...we will see...I am going to work at my church this summer so I know I can do 4 but 5 or more is iffie!!
Weight loss goals:
1. Lost 30 lbs by August 15
2. Fit in a cute tinkerbell costume for MNSSHP on Sept. 23!!!! Oh yeah!! DS is going to be peter pan and dh will be capt. hook!!
3. Drop a couple of dress sizes so I can buy new clothes for my trip!!
4. Feel healthier and be able to have more energy to give to my ds and dh!
5. Want to start jogging instead of walking on treadmill (I did officially jog for 3 minutes on Friday for the first time!! Oh yeah!) that sums it up for me!! I am soooo excited to find some people who are in the same boat as me!! I'm game for any type of motivational challenges and such!! Let me know!! I'll post more later!! Thanks for letting me join the group!! Can't wait to know you all better!! :cool1:
Hey, speaking of jogging on the treadmill...I'm horrible at it, but, I found this little snippet in a Woman's Day mag and it's worked for me so far. They recommend to get yourself conditioned, start your first week by walking 5 minutes, then jogging/running 3 minutes. You alternate this until you've hit 30 minutes. Let me tell you, it makes my workouts go so much faster! But it also is a study in contrast, because the five minutes go by so fast and the three minutes feel really, really loooooooong.:lmao: I don't remember what weeks 2-4 are, but if you want I'm sure I could dig out the magazine. It's basically just an increase of jogging minutes and decrease of walking minutes combo.:thumbsup2
Hey, speaking of jogging on the treadmill...I'm horrible at it, but, I found this little snippet in a Woman's Day mag and it's worked for me so far. They recommend to get yourself conditioned, start your first week by walking 5 minutes, then jogging/running 3 minutes. You alternate this until you've hit 30 minutes. Let me tell you, it makes my workouts go so much faster! But it also is a study in contrast, because the five minutes go by so fast and the three minutes feel really, really loooooooong.:lmao: I don't remember what weeks 2-4 are, but if you want I'm sure I could dig out the magazine. It's basically just an increase of jogging minutes and decrease of walking minutes combo.:thumbsup2

Awesome...that is exactly what I am trying to get to!! I did my first 3 min. last week and after I did it ( I did the last few min. of my workout jogging) I thought that I really should have done more of the jog/walk wasn't as hard to jog as I thought it would be...AND I had it on an incline too!! I was very proud of myself...ha! If you have that article, that would be great!! I think today I will do my elliptical for 15 min. then transfer over to the treadmill and do 5 min. walk/2 min. jog alternating for 20 mins. and then a 5 min. cool down! We'll see how it works!! I'll keep you posted!!

I'm sooooo excited that I found you guys!! :banana:
and stayed at 199...:confused3 I was a little disappointed but on the other hand, it gave me lots of motivation! I did lose 1/2 inch in my bust and a 1/4 inch in my waist! So I am not gaining or anything...and I can tell in my shirts/pants that something is getting smaller. I carry all of my weight in my stomach (typical apple shape...skinny legs...big ol' tummy...some people think I'm preggo...grrr) so finally losing a little in the right places is good. Anyways, I went to the Y and did my cardio and arm machines and feel good. I stayed in my calorie range too. Now that summer is here...I am really going to try and workout more...maybe that will get me off this plateau and into weight loss again!

Keep me posted on how you all are doing!! :yay: I'm rootin' for ya!
Okay...I lied about the Fruit Floes. Whoops.

The Mango Bars are Fat Free, 120 Calories, 10mg Sodium, 30g of Carbs, 24g of Sugars. I believe all the flavors of Fat Free, at least all the ones I have had. I think I like them so much because of the fruit chunks in them. :cutie:
Okay...I lied about the Fruit Floes. Whoops.

The Mango Bars are Fat Free, 120 Calories, 10mg Sodium, 30g of Carbs, 24g of Sugars. I believe all the flavors of Fat Free, at least all the ones I have had. I think I like them so much because of the fruit chunks in them. :cutie:

I buy the sugar free popsicles. Depending what kind you buy they have 15-60 calories each. The regular popsicles are 15, the creamsicles are 25, the fudgesicles are 40, and fudge pops are 60. They're delicious too! And also have less calories than weight watchers pops.
Can I join...please?? I have 5 more lbs. to lose before our WDW trip. I find it really helps to surround yourself with diet motivators and you all sound great.
I am at work now...but will post my life story tonight.

PS....has anyone tried the italian ice? I bought a box with 4 different flavors and they are pretty dern good. They are fat free and only a few calories each. (They are like the old freezer frozrn slush in a plastic sleeve).
It's really hard to be able to accept who you are, I also see a therapist, who is a godsend, truly. I've been working on the self esteem issues. I really have the desire to get healthy, it's not even about the number anymore. It's about feeling and living better.
Thanks again for your kind words, I will work up too...just takes time. :hug:

It does. I know. I've been working on it for SIX YEARS and I've only recently come so far. Skittle hug! (And it's calorie free because they're virtual Skittles.) :hug:

My parents have offered me a motivational bet that I can't lose 30 lbs before mid Aug. so I want to win this bet b/c the $$ I would win can pay off my WDW trip for Sept.!!! Whoo hoo!

Your parents should call my parents. And give them lessons. Because Tinkerbellarella is a bettin' kind of gal.

Weight loss goals:
1. Lost 30 lbs by August 15
2. Fit in a cute tinkerbell costume for MNSSHP on Sept. 23!!!! Oh yeah!! DS is going to be peter pan and dh will be capt. hook!!
3. Drop a couple of dress sizes so I can buy new clothes for my trip!!
4. Feel healthier and be able to have more energy to give to my ds and dh!
5. Want to start jogging instead of walking on treadmill (I did officially jog for 3 minutes on Friday for the first time!! Oh yeah!)

Great goals!

Hey, speaking of jogging on the treadmill...I'm horrible at it, but, I found this little snippet in a Woman's Day mag and it's worked for me so far. They recommend to get yourself conditioned, start your first week by walking 5 minutes, then jogging/running 3 minutes. You alternate this until you've hit 30 minutes. Let me tell you, it makes my workouts go so much faster! But it also is a study in contrast, because the five minutes go by so fast and the three minutes feel really, really loooooooong.:lmao: I don't remember what weeks 2-4 are, but if you want I'm sure I could dig out the magazine. It's basically just an increase of jogging minutes and decrease of walking minutes combo.:thumbsup2

Who rocks the jogging workout more than TK? That's right - NOBODY!

stayed at 199I did lose 1/2 inch in my bust and a 1/4 inch in my waist!

That's still a loss in my book! It means you're putting on muscle my friend! The more muscle you have the more fat you burn.

The Mango Bars are Fat Free, 120 Calories, 10mg Sodium, 30g of Carbs, 24g of Sugars. I believe all the flavors of Fat Free, at least all the ones I have had. I think I like them so much because of the fruit chunks in them. :cutie:

Any fiber? Just trying to figure out the points values on WW.

I know it's not healthy but when I really want something, I chew it and spit it out.

Really?! I think that would be more torturous for me. LOL

I buy the sugar free popsicles. Depending what kind you buy they have 15-60 calories each. The regular popsicles are 15, the creamsicles are 25, the fudgesicles are 40, and fudge pops are 60. They're delicious too! And also have less calories than weight watchers pops.

I'll start buying the popsicles now that the summer is here. They are such a treat! I sometimes also freeze fresh fruit in my ice cubes to drop into my water that way it's not so boring.

We almost always have fudgicles on hand. BF is a chocoholic, me not so much. But when we do want something chocolate, this satisfies the craving.

Can I join...please?? I have 5 more lbs. to lose before our WDW trip. I find it really helps to surround yourself with diet motivators and you all sound great.
I am at work now...but will post my life story tonight.

Welcome! A cheerleading Lemon Skittle, just for you! :cheer2: We'd love to be your diet motivators. Congrats on being so close to your goal!!!

PS....has anyone tried the italian ice? I bought a box with 4 different flavors and they are pretty dern good. They are fat free and only a few calories each. (They are like the old freezer frozrn slush in a plastic sleeve).

I haven't tried these yet. I can be kidn of a popsicle snob. :snooty: However, I have to find a replacement for those freezable sorbet-type things Dole makes. I can't remember what they're called but they're good...and very high in calories and sugar. What brand Italian Ice did you buy? I like the idea of multiple flavors. Tink likes options.
Not sure of the italian ice brand name....will check my freezer tonight and let ya know. BTW...just threw my grapes in the freezer at work....everyone thinks I'm nuts.:lmao:
Just curious! I really think the frozen fruit would be a great thing for me to pack for myself and ds while we are at summer day camp this summer (I am directing the camp...argh!) but I wondered...if I put fruit like grapes straight into the freezer after I clean them then how long can they last in the freezer?? How about if I slice peaches and freeze them?? How long will fruit last? :confused3
I realized I forgot to post the fiber last night. I should know better as I am veteran of the WW Points as well. No fiber. :goodvibes

2 Points :goodvibes

Not sure of the italian ice brand name....will check my freezer tonight and let ya know. BTW...just threw my grapes in the freezer at work....everyone thinks I'm nuts.:lmao:


I wish we had a freezer on our floor (we had one on our old floor). I had grapes today that weren't great. They would've been much better frozen.

if I put fruit like grapes straight into the freezer after I clean them then how long can they last in the freezer?? How about if I slice peaches and freeze them?? How long will fruit last? :confused3

Not really sure on this because I usually eat them within a couple of weeks of putting them in there. The longer their in there the frostier they get. BF freezes bananas for his smoothies, just as they are about to get ripe, but he too uses them probably within a week.
OK all...I ate my grapes for lunch...they were great!!!!! I also had some melon, cut up, that was not very I mixed the frozen grapes in and it really sweetened the whole mix. We are going camping this weekend....I think I'll buy some grapes to put in the camper freezer!!!!!
Thanks for the great snack tip.
Who rocks the jogging workout more than TK? That's right - NOBODY!

Alrighty that's motivation enough right there!

Go TK, it's your birthday, Go TK, it's your birthday!

This is what I'm going to hum to myself when I work out on Thursday. I already did one this morning, and it's hard. The jogging part, especially my last three minute interval is the worst...but, I think I've lost weight. I say I think, because my scale at home is off. It errs on the side of forgiveness, so according to it, I'm 145. Now, I know this to be not true, because my mom has a digital scale. I'll give you guys the low down, I plan to weigh myself at her house tomorrow.

Anyhow, I tend to cramp up on my right side while jogging. Only jogging, not walking. Can anyone tell me how to alleviate that, I have no idea? :confused:

And guys, I'm still trying to find that jogging workout I was talking about. It wasn't an actual article, just a little blip on one of the pages, so I'm having a hard time...I think I'm going to head over to the mag's website and see if I can find it.:thumbsup2
So, I've been good so far this week now that I'm following WW. It's a hungry week, though. Probably for a few reasons:

1.) I was gorging myself over the past few weeks, knowing I would be sticking my nose back to the grindstone and eating healthy. I think I stretched my stomach a little bit and so even though I'm eating filling meals, there's still the tiniest bit of room in there. But I'm sticking to my guns (and my points) and doing the right thing.

2.) I'm a hormone mess. I was on a very low dose birth control pill (sorry if it's TMI) for the past three months - Loestril. Unfortunately it was enough to balance my system and it's basically been "that time of the month" for about three months straight. Thankfully I'm changing pills (starting this Sunday to Apri) and my doc said she's had good luck with this with people with my problem. I'm crossing my fingers. It'll feel good to feel "normal" again. Being an emotional eater and having your hormones all wacky is NOT conducive to weight loss. :rotfl:

3.) I'm what they call a food addict. (Check out last month's issue of SELF - the have a very interesting article about food disorders other than the anorexia and bulimia.) I think about it all the time, and it's mostly unhealthy foods. Whenever I get back on track, the first week is the toughest. I'm constantly thinking about food. This time, though, I'm really trying to be aggressive about controlling this. It's unhealthy behavior and it makes me miserable.

I weigh in on Friday and I'm hopeful that the number will be closer to 200 from the 203.8 from last week. I've decided to only step on the scale on my weigh-in days. I used to weigh myself every day and at first it was good for me; it kept me honest. But then it became obsessive and I'd get emotionally tied, daily, to whatever the scale said. I feel better than I did last week so I think I stand a fair chance.

I should really measure my arms, chest, waist, hips and thighs too, so I can track those monthly but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Maybe this weekend.

And some health-related reading. If you haven't read Fast Food Nation you really should. I haven't seen the movie and probably won't (I'm usually more of a book fan. I heart words.) but the book was, well, unbelievable. I let my mom borrow it a while back but I think I'm going to get it back from her and give it a good re-read.


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