Shrinking Tink: Trading Pounds for Pixie Dust

I'm a hormone mess. I was on a very low dose birth control pill (sorry if it's TMI) for the past three months - Loestril. Unfortunately it was enough to balance my system and it's basically been "that time of the month" for about three months straight.
:scared1: I can totally identify. My dosage during college was way too high and made me absolutely crazy, now I'm on one that's such a low dose, if I don't take it at the exact same time every single day, and I mean to the minute, I get breakthrough bleeding. I totally understand where you're coming from and it's so not fun. Remember that it does take 3-4 months for your body to adjust to a new pill, so give it time, and come to us for support. :hug:

I weigh in on Friday and I'm hopeful that the number will be closer to 200 from the 203.8 from last week.
Good luck with your weigh-in. I try to limit myself to the amount of times I do it as well, because I find I obsess more when I weigh myself every day, and when I weigh more, I overeat more. Once I lose some weight, I feel really good, but if I get a fluctuation upwards, it depresses me. Which is silly, it could be water weight for pete's sake, but it's all in my head. OY.
I wanted to check in real quick to update everyone on my week. So far, no hot turkey sandwhiches this week...thank goodness, despite another rainy, cold week.

I'm starting a new program at my gym called "Weigh Way Less." It's essentially a diet that targets your eating habits. I'm hoping to meet with my nutritionist Thursday or Friday for our first consult so if there is anything you want me to ask, let me know. I'd be happy share what I learn.

As far as Tink's question about favorite cheat food. I have a hard time with this. I too have tried the frozen grapes and while I like them, they are no substitution for a chocolate chip cookie (my favorite).

I do have a chip substitution that works pretty well. It's the mini rice chips. I buy the generic store brand rather than Quaker. They're kinda high in sodium so I wouldn't reccomend them everyday....but sometimes you just need something salty and crunchy and these seem to fit the bill.

Here's the nutritional breakdown:
9 chips = 70 calories
Fat -2.5
Carbs - 11
Sugar - 1
No Fiber
Protein 1

I like the BBQ and the cheddar.
Do you do a full body stretch before you start?
You know what, I don't think I did this morning. Maybe that's part of it. I'll be sure to do one Thursday.

To go along with that if you currently walk on the treadmill and want to burn some extra calories try interval training. Walk for a couple of minutes, then run for a minute, go back to walking, then run, etc.....This helps to get your heart rate up and burns extra calories without wiping you out completely because you feel like you have a little recovery when you walk.

Thanks for the advice, that's actually what I'm doing. 5 minutes walking, 3 minutes jogging until I hit 30 minutes. So far it's working, but I am not in shape for jogging so the intervals can be tough, but really only because of the cramping. I'm going to try some full stretching and see how that goes for me.:thumbsup2
Tink...Good luck on your weigh in!! I remember in December just wanting to hit the 199 mark...little did I know I'd be stuck at it for so long! HA! Keep us posted!

KT and Pajules...Thanks for looking for that article. I did jog a little last night at the Y on the treadmill while I was walking...I want to build up my endurance so I can jog lots more!

By the way...when you all are exercising...where do you try keep your target heart rate at??? What's best for losing weight?? I had heard around 130-140. Anyone know!??:confused3
I wanted to check in real quick to update everyone on my week. So far, no hot turkey sandwhiches this week...thank goodness, despite another rainy, cold week.

I'm starting a new program at my gym called "Weigh Way Less." It's essentially a diet that targets your eating habits. I'm hoping to meet with my nutritionist Thursday or Friday for our first consult so if there is anything you want me to ask, let me know. I'd be happy share what I learn.

As far as Tink's question about favorite cheat food. I have a hard time with this. I too have tried the frozen grapes and while I like them, they are no substitution for a chocolate chip cookie (my favorite).

I do have a chip substitution that works pretty well. It's the mini rice chips. I buy the generic store brand rather than Quaker. They're kinda high in sodium so I wouldn't reccomend them everyday....but sometimes you just need something salty and crunchy and these seem to fit the bill.

Here's the nutritional breakdown:
9 chips = 70 calories
Fat -2.5
Carbs - 11
Sugar - 1
No Fiber
Protein 1

I like the BBQ and the cheddar.

When I need a crunch fix....I usaully grab a dill pickle (it also helps to kill sweet cravings.)


I count out 15 fat free pringles = WW 1 pt.
I do have a chip substitution that works pretty well. It's the mini rice chips. I buy the generic store brand rather than Quaker. They're kinda high in sodium so I wouldn't reccomend them everyday....but sometimes you just need something salty and crunchy and these seem to fit the bill.

One white cheddar popcorn cake (generic or otherwise) is only 30 calories, no fat and ZERO points on WW. I can have two for 1 point.

Totally worth it and totally staves my craving. Thanks for bringing this up!
2.) I'm a hormone mess. I was on a very low dose birth control pill (sorry if it's TMI) for the past three months - Loestril. Unfortunately it was enough to balance my system and it's basically been "that time of the month" for about three months straight. Thankfully I'm changing pills (starting this Sunday to Apri) and my doc said she's had good luck with this with people with my problem. I'm crossing my fingers. It'll feel good to feel "normal" again. Being an emotional eater and having your hormones all wacky is NOT conducive to weight loss. :rotfl:

:scared1: I can totally identify. My dosage during college was way too high and made me absolutely crazy, now I'm on one that's such a low dose, if I don't take it at the exact same time every single day, and I mean to the minute, I get breakthrough bleeding. I totally understand where you're coming from and it's so not fun. Remember that it does take 3-4 months for your body to adjust to a new pill, so give it time, and come to us for support. :hug:
I was on too high of a dose back in college and I actually had fake morning sickness. I kid you not, I was puking in the bathroom every morning, poor LL almost had a meltdown. Well, I did, in the doctor's office, the nice doctor patted my arm and said she would put me on a lower dosage. :goodvibes

Totally worth two points in my opinion. It's a decent amount of fruit bar for that point value.

I am proud to report at the grocery store, instead of getting my dove cherry cordial ice cream, I bought italian ices instead. WOO HOO! It's the small steps.
I was on too high of a dose back in college and I actually had fake morning sickness.

I was on the patch for about two years and I actually loved it. But then last year I started getting migraines and high levels of hormone can be migraine triggers, so the doctor decided to switch me over to a low dose pill this spring.

Totally worth two points in my opinion. It's a decent amount of fruit bar for that point value.

I wish they sold them places other than Trader Joe's. There aren't any conveniently located near me.

I am proud to report at the grocery store, instead of getting my dove cherry cordial ice cream, I bought italian ices instead. WOO HOO! It's the small steps.

Morning Shrinkers! Happy Hump Day!

My new gym schedule was supposed to start bright and early this morning before work, but because of some work stuff, needed to be postponed to start on Saturday morning instead. I was a little disappointed but I'm feeling better today already as a result of eating better so I'm ok with putting of the 'gym start' another couple of days.

In terms of the question about a good heart rate, I believe it's tied to your age. On every cardio machine (treadmill, stairs, eliptical, etc.) there should be a chart that shows the optimal heart rate for fat burning and then to be in a true 'high cardio' range. Just match up your age with what you're trying to do and it will tell you about where your heart rate should be. Those machines should also have a feature to track your heart rate for you.

So, I'm also putting together a mix on my iPod for the gym. I have the hardest time getting through the cardio part of my workouts, so I need a really high energy/dance-y type mix. I usually put together a few different playlists of enough songs to play for just over 30min. and then play the list on shuffle. I know that when the list is done playing I can get off the machine and by shuffling them it keeps it interesting.

Some of my go-to artists for these lists are:

Christina Aguilera
Britney Spears (new and old...I really didn't want to like her new stuff, but the reality is that it's grown on me and I love all of her new songs)
Kanye West

I'd be interested to hear suggestions. I put a lot of other stuff on there too, but it's escaping me at the moment.

I'd love to be able to read at the gym (I'm a book lover the likes of which is legendary) but I can't really read anything more than a magazine (I subscribe to SHAPE and real simple). All the moving around while trying to read gives me a headache.

How's everyone else feeling this morning?
Ok...well...I worked out for the second time this week last night...whoo hoo!! Hoping to hit 4 times per week if not more...I will be thrilled if I hit 4 times! I did the elliptical for 20 min and a distance of 1.5 then I switched right over the treadmill where I stayed on it for 25 min and another 1.4 miles. I did 5 min on an incline then dropped the incline and upped the speed and did 2 min. jogging then 3 min at a high paced walk until I hit 20 minutes. I think I did like 4 rounds of jogging for 2 min each. My legs a tiny bit sore today...I like that feeling. After I finished my cardio, I did upper body machines and dumbells!

Anyways, I am enjoying reading everyone's posts and the low cal tips! Keep me posted as you all weigh in!!

Oh yeah...the heart rate thing. I have been using that as a guide but what I wondered was is it better (for weight loss) to stay in the green (middle of the road heart rate) or the red (fastest hr)?? What are y'all doing?? I had heard at curves to stay in the middle for more fat burning but I just feel like I need to move a bit faster! KWIM?

Also, is anyone going to WDW anytime soon?? Everyone post when their next trip is going to be!! :) I am going Sept. 19-28!! FREE FOOD!
Oh yeah...Tink...I saw where you were talking about reading at the gym...I found the same thing to be true. At our YMCA, they have tons of mags to read and alot of them are shape, self, etc. and I find that if I pick one of those, the pics really inspire me as I am working out and that if I make myself finish front to back of one without looking at the time then my time flies much faster than if I keep looking at the time...just a tip! :thumbsup2
Ok...well...I worked out for the second time this week last night...whoo hoo!!

It sounds like you had a great workout!

Anyways, I am enjoying reading everyone's posts and the low cal tips! Keep me posted as you all weigh in!!

I had heard at curves to stay in the middle for more fat burning but I just feel like I need to move a bit faster! KWIM?

Truthfully I'm not sure but my guess is that falling somewhere inbetween the two wouldn't be bad either. When I try to stay at the higher heart rate I literally feel like I'm just going to drop dead and go flying off the back of the treadmill all willynilly.

Also, is anyone going to WDW anytime soon?? Everyone post when their next trip is going to be!! :) I am going Sept. 19-28!! FREE FOOD!

We'll be down there the same time as you (me and a good friend - feel free to come on over to my Pre-Trip Report. The link is in my signature). We'll be in the World 9/20 and checking out on the 26th to visit some family. Free food for us too! We're staying at the Poly.
Oh yeah...the heart rate thing. I have been using that as a guide but what I wondered was is it better (for weight loss) to stay in the green (middle of the road heart rate) or the red (fastest hr)?? What are y'all doing?? I had heard at curves to stay in the middle for more fat burning but I just feel like I need to move a bit faster! KWIM?

Popping over from Tink's PTR... hello! :wave2:

Anyway, I'd have to look up the exact figure, but it's actually better to be working out at 70-80% of your "maximum threshold" (Tink, you should ask your BF for the exact terminology). Over that, you go into the anaerobic stage, which means you're not using oxygen and you wind up burning fewer calories than if you worked out at a lower intensity.

I'm 26, and according to the chart at my gym, my heartrate should be between 23-26 beats in 10 seconds for maximum fat burning. 20-22 would be more appropriate for special populations (new to exercise and/or obese).

Good luck, everyone! I'd like to lose about 10 lbs myself, but will probably wait to work on that until after the World (7 days, yeah)!
Well, I indulged today a bit. A co-worker, recently back from Denmark, brought in some of the yummiest chocolate I've ever tasted in my life. I did partake. Ah well. I started over with my next meal, being careful not to overeat, as is my tendency when things taste good.

So I did have pasta for dinner, but less than I normally do. I guess it's baby steps.

I'm working out tomorrow morning, after some serious stretching, so I'll let you all know how that goes.:thumbsup2
Not gonna post much b/c it is WAYYYY past bedtime (thanks alot Tink for being such a gifted author) but I just wanted to tell Tink that I LOVE LOVE LOVED her pretrip report so far....yes...that means I read every single post so far that your wrote about your upcoming trip. By the way, did I mention that I am sooooo green with envy that you are staying at the POLY!!! Anywho...I will be keeping my eyes on that thread to keep up with your trip planning...and we need to compare notes on our ressies...we may have some similar ones...crazy huh?? Talk with you all tomorrow...I'm off to bed...
My meeting with my nutritionist is tomorrow so if you have any questions you want me to ask about be sure to post them by tonight. :goodvibes

If you're the type of person who gets bored easily on the cardio machines (that would be me) a good trick is to switch machines during your workout. For example if you want to do 45 minutes of cardio, do 15 on the treadmill, 15 on eliptical, and then 15 on the bike. I swear it makes the time go faster and you're getting just as good a workout.

I'm also lucky that my gym has tv's hooked up to each cardio machine so you can watch whatever you want while you workout. The funny thing is, I tend to watch the Food Network! :laughing:

I've also become a big fan of group fitness classes...this is what my gym calls it's aerobics classes. Lucky for me they have lots of different classes at all different times of day so there really is something for everyone. Since I knew I would get bored with the treadmill, I did it for a couple of weeks to get my fitness level up and then tried a class. The first one was definitly the hardest....just walking in the door was hard because I was scared. But the first class I took was a combination cardio, strength training, and balance. It's called BodyVive and I enjoy it so much I take it every Monday morning now. There are all shapes and ages of people in the class so you don't feel intimidated and they also offer different options for each move. For those of you who are going to a gym, check and see what types of classes they offer, you might be surprised to find something you like...many gyms offer hip-hop dance, combat/martial arts/pilates/yoga etc....

Oh, by the way, I saw this trivia tidbit on tv....For every pound you lose you take 4 pounds of pressure off your knees.

I thought this was very interesting considering how much walking you do on a Disney vacation. Even just losing a little weight before your next trip will make a difference and your knees will thank you :)
Popping over from Tink's PTR... hello! :wave2:

Hey Jiri! Welcome!

A co-worker, recently back from Denmark, brought in some of the yummiest chocolate I've ever tasted in my life.

I'm not a chocoholic (I leave that to BF) but still: :faint:

I just wanted to tell Tink that I LOVE LOVE LOVED her pretrip report so far....yes...that means I read every single post so far that your wrote about your upcoming trip.

Yay! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I'm having fun writing it.

and we need to compare notes on our ressies...we may have some similar ones

It's a small world. After all. ;)

I'm also lucky that my gym has tv's hooked up to each cardio machine so you can watch whatever you want while you workout. The funny thing is, I tend to watch the Food Network! :laughing:

Ours have this too, but we only get about 6 channels. :crazy2:

I've also become a big fan of group fitness classes...this is what my gym calls it's aerobics classes. Lucky for me they have lots of different classes at all different times of day so there really is something for everyone.

This is something I wish I could do more of but the classes are offered to late in the morning (yes, a 6 a.m. class is too late since I'm usually on a train no later than 7 a.m.). And I'm not really interested in the ones offered at night or on the weekends. Ah well, se la vie.

Oh, by the way, I saw this trivia tidbit on tv....For every pound you lose you take 4 pounds of pressure off your knees.

I saw this on a ad at one of the train stations! It was sponsored by Tylenol or something like that, I think.

Morning everyone! I'm weighing in tomorrow! If you would like to do the same and would like me to track where you are, let me know! Anything to further the use of my (rather nerdilicious) Excel skillz.

I started doing Dance Dance Revolution and I am AWFUL lol. I have the coordination of a spastic ape- and I probably look like one too! Tomorrow is pay day and my friend and I will be joining the gym together. It's only $50 for the year, which is awesome! I plan on going hopefully 2-3 times a week, but will be satisfied with 2. I bought myself a new pair of sneakers and some new gym clothes to celebrate the occasion (anything to buy new clothes and shoes :laughing:).

As far as music I listen to when I'm working out....I'm willing to bet that no one here has the same taste in music lol. I usually listen to:

rise against
rage against the machine
the kills
reel big fish
less than jake

I hope everyone else is having a good week!


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