
Wow! Thanks for sharing! I thought I was the only crazy person who takes pictures of every Disney sign they see!! Of course, you got even better shots and some I have missed, so thanks for sharing. I will download some for sure. How do you make the pictures into links to your smugmug page? I use smugmug, but I don't know how to do that little trick!
Here's a technical question, what is the best way to "save" the pictures so I can have them printed at Walgreens?

I saved one to word just to see if it saved. But other than that, I'm clueless.

1) First, click on the picture. That should open the same picture on my Smugmug site. If it doesn't, let me know because it probably means that I messed up a link.

2) On the Smugmug site, move your mouse over the picture. A little menu should appear over the picture. The bottom choice on the menu is "Save Photo".

3) Click on "Save Photo" on that menu. Your browser should now prompt you for what you want to do with the file. One option should be to save it. This will save the hi-res file which is ready for you to print or put onto a disk or drive to take to your local printer.

Another option is to click on the "buy this photo" or "buy multiple photos" links. You can order the prints directly off of Smugmug. I print all my own photos, so I've never tried this myself. Some others have and tell me that the prints come out good, but I haven't actually seen them.
Wow! Thanks for sharing! I thought I was the only crazy person who takes pictures of every Disney sign they see!! Of course, you got even better shots and some I have missed, so thanks for sharing. I will download some for sure. How do you make the pictures into links to your smugmug page? I use smugmug, but I don't know how to do that little trick!

1) Go to your picture in Smugmug.

2) Copy the link address and post it as a photo here on the Dis.

3) If you see the photo on your post, select it. If you see [ IMG ], your photo's URL, and [ /IMG ], select all of that.

4) Switch back to your Smugmug site (you need to use two browser windows or two tabs) and select the URL for the entire page from the address bar.

5) Switch back to your reply on the Dis. Click on the Insert Link button. Paste the URL for the Smugmug page.

You now have a picture that is also a link. It makes it much easier for people to get at the original hi-res photo.

If you are printing any of these pictures, I strongly recommend that you download the original size photo. You'll get a much better print than you will by just saving the lower res image that you see in this thread.
Mark, Thanks so much! I can't wait to have them printed! We were just there in Dec. Due to seeing WDW for the 1st time in 24 years through the
"eyes" of a 4 yr. old princess ( we have 3 boys) I focused more on action pictures, and just taking it all in as opposed to my OCP ( obsessive compulsive photography:rotfl2: )

Thanks again!
wow, these are fantstic!!! i love sign pics!!! I'm planning to download a bunch- i've had no scrapping mojo lately & it's starting to come back. I need to finish last year's trip!
Thank you so much- I am going to use the Ristorante Alfredo for sure. When I have more time I know I will find others I need!
I'm slowly getting my husband trained but he's not as thorough as you. Well done and thanks!
Thank you! I wanted some pics of the signs for rides to fill in some spaces in my album, and yours are PERFECT!
This is great Mark thanks so much. I've been looking for the 'See Ya Real Soon' sign for my scrapbooks. Do you have any pictures of it? I would really appreciate it soooo much! Thanks again for sharing these pictures! :thumbsup2
GREAT photos!!
Do you happen by chance to have a photo from Slash Montain that says
"You will get wet"?
I didnt think we would get as yet as we did and I have both before and after photos and would like to use it for a layuout.
And I may end up using more of your work!
Are you a professional or hobbyist?
Again, your work is great!
Thank you very much Fran! It's adorable! I didnt think we were going to get that wet and now I have at least a 2 page if not more layout about it!:hippie:
bumping back up so I can find this thread.. starting to work on our recent trip and our 2005 trip finished....
thanks again Mark!!
Thanks a million! I tried taking my own sign pics but we got hit with Tropical Storm FAy and I was afraid I would ruin my camera in the rain so I missed a lot!!


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