Silver's Trading Market!


New Orleans Square Line Dancer
Nov 12, 2006
Hi there, I have some stuff I don't really need, so I am going to post it and see what I can get for it.
If you have offers for any of it, feel free to post or PM me, but posting is preferred :goodvibes

Clothes And Hats
5 4th of July Hats
2 King's Crowns
1 Witch Hat
1 Maleficent Hat

1 Herbie Poster
1 4th of July Pin
1 Pirates Of The Caribbean Insider Tour Pin
1 VMK Birthday Pin
1 Well Chair

Spooky Magic
Bat Magic
New Pirates Pin Collection Items
VMK Home Theater Pieces

I don't really need any pins that are ' Non-Magic ' besides Stitch Pins.

Feel free to offer whatever you like though, :)

Thanks for reading, Cade_Silver ( the trading nut )
i am interested in a birthday pin can you look at my trade thread link in my sig and see if you like any of it.


Hmm, I kinda like the dream shirt and credits, how many credits would you offer?
actually i forgot to enter that i traded all of my credits before this i have no more i have to edit that.

but i would be happy to trade dream shirt for it.

I am interested in the Cyan Tiki Idols...

I'm thinking perhaps... 1000 credits for one?

I am interested in the following items. Could you let me know what type of things you are interested in?

1 Herbie Poster
1 Pirates Of The Caribbean Insider Tour Pin
2 VMK Birthday Pins
1 Tron Table
2 Tron Chairs
1 Red Heart Chair

- Disney Dreams
Alphawazup Could you add a bit?

Pirate-Emery Hmm, could you go 1500 or no?

Disney_Dreams I Like Credits, magic ( snowman bat and invisibility ) New pirate pin collection items, VMK theater stuff, and other. Just make me an offer :)
i'll give for birthday pin:
-dream shirt
-500 credits (via quest kiosk)

tell me if that is ok with you
i can pay it but i will need to earn it back quick which i can do today.

i have spent it on a gift that is why i don't want to spen it but i will and then earn it back. but i can't spen anything over that.


Hmm Alpha, I'm just not sure. Could you add maybe some wreath pins? ( I somehow have not managed to obtain any wreath pins @_@ )

Let me know,
Cade_Silver said:
Disney_Dreams I Like Credits, magic ( snowman bat and invisibility ) New pirate pin collection items, VMK theater stuff, and other. Just make me an offer :)


Not sure anything I am interested in is worth the magics you have listed, the pirate pins (which cost real money) or the theatre system (again, real money.

Do you like in park quest items/pins or host pins...???

Again, I am interested in:

1 Herbie Poster
1 Pirates Of The Caribbean Insider Tour Pin
2 VMK Birthday Pins
1 Tron Table
2 Tron Chairs
1 Red Heart Chair
Alphawazup-I think that sounds about fair, PM me with when you would like to trade.
Disney_Dreams-I absolutely Love the christmas quest items, ( white snowman, gold snowman, blue soldier etc. ) , and I kinda need some wreath pins.

Let me know,
how much for golden mickey ears or fourth of july hat?
Hey I have all of the new pirate collection pins which do you need? I am interested in the hm magenta organ and I can always use another pirate insider pin tell me what you think!!!
Texas- I need snowman magic, invisibility magic and bat magic,
and a lot else ( lol ). Just make me an offer.

Lizbon- As I said with Texas, I need invisibility bat and snowman magic, and a lot else so make me an offer.

Are you talking about the pirate pins:
Burning Village
Jolly Roger
and the other two i don't remember, that were sold in pirate motnh in VMK?
Or are you talking about the new pirate items obtainable from pins you can buy at WDW and DLR? about those two items, Just make me an offer :)

Thanks, Silver
Cade_Silver said:
Texas- I need snowman magic, invisibility magic and bat magic,
and a lot else ( lol ). Just make me an offer.

Lizbon- As I said with Texas, I need invisibility bat and snowman magic, and a lot else so make me an offer.

Are you talking about the pirate pins:
Burning Village
Jolly Roger
and the other two i don't remember, that were sold in pirate motnh in VMK?
Or are you talking about the new pirate items obtainable from pins you can buy at WDW and DLR? about those two items, Just make me an offer :)

Thanks, Silver

I was talking about the new pirate pins that you can buy but I also have the pirate pins but those most likely are not for trade. Well like I said I am interested in the hm magenta organ and could use another pirate insider pin. for those I will trade aloot of the new pirate colllection pins. let me know
sorry for still being confused. Do you mean the items from the pins:
Ship Stern Chair
Ship Bow Chair
Treasure Chair
Or do you mean something else?

Sorry for the confusion :confused3,
Just a quick message:

A lot of this stuff is in my inferno offer on VMK,
and somebody is considering it.

If he takes my offer, I will have to close this thread.

I am sorry for any inconvenience, but wish me luck ;)
Well, I offer a gold slipper seat (2* Beta in angeus's thread) for gold candle (same thing). Please let me know!



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