Silver's Trading Market!

If i give you a one use only snowman will that get me gold mickey ears.. plz say yes.... :guilty:

P.S what is an inferno.. everyone talks about it but idk what it is.. lol :blush:
Lion- Sorry, I think i'll hang on to my gold candle.

Lizbon- One use snowman isn't tradeable, sorry.

$nowman ( not $ingle u$e ) magic? That would be lovely, twyla :)

Tell me when and where you would like to trade.

i've got them tucked away.
I'm online now for a about fifteen minutes than going outside to visit with friends.

I'll be on at open tommorrow and throughout the day as HRH.Queen.Evil and usually playing pirates. (I'll pay attn better to mail tomorrow!)
Lizbon- Please don't post your opinions on trade threads. Not to be mean, but it's not your opinion that matters, unless you were 1 of the people involved in the trade. I mean, if she had posted it as a question thread then I suppose you could reply like that, but not just in the trade thread.

twyla- I can't get on this second, but today I will be on later.

Lizbon- Please don't post your opinions on trade threads. Not to be mean, but it's not your opinion that matters, unless you were 1 of the people involved in the trade. I mean, if she had posted it as a question thread then I suppose you could reply like that, but not just in the trade thread.

twyla- I can't get on this second, but today I will be on later.


I did not mean to be rude but you have to admit it is kind of true.. sorry. :confused3
twyla I am getting on within the hour.

Lizbon- No problem, but try not to in the future ;)

how much for a 4th of July Hat and a Haunted Mansion Black Shirt?
I don't know exactly what I am looking for. Do you have any of the following?

Invisibility magic
Yellow Dreidel Chairs
Wreath Pins
Dreams Items

If you do, or if you have a seperate offer, just post it. :) Thanks!

I would rather do a shopping spree if that is okay. Just tell me what to buy, and how many credits you want for each item I asked about.
I'm sorry, I don't need buyables atm. If you have a different offer, just post it. :)



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