Singing on the Pirates Ride??


DIS Veteran
Dec 14, 2006
We have been to DL 5 times. You know, we are not locals, so its always a big deal for us. Being a big deal, we sort of try to make the most of it.
One thing we always do is try to get people to sing (pirate song) with us on the PoTC ride. Funny, some years its a total hoot, with SO MANY joining in, and other years its like we are riding in boats with bones. I KNOW to some of the locals its like "OMG tourists!" :headache:

About singing. pirate: Would you?
Yea, sorry if others do not like it, but generaly there are at least 7 of us on the pirate ride singing away at the beginning. We move as a large group since so many of us go, and many times over chirstmas took up the whole boat :rotfl2: There were 19 of us.

I realize other's may get upset....but er, it's kinda a tradition for us. But we stop fairly quickly after the 1 st drop, honest!
That would irritate the $#@% out of me. I'm not a local, either. DL is a big deal if we go, too. As such, I am there to see AND HEAR the ride, and take in the atmosphere. A bunch of people singing would ruin the experience for me, as I would fixate on how annoyed I am and how inconsiderate I feel it is for them to assume the other people want to hear them singing. I would be unable to enjoy the ride as I sat there, fuming. That's just me. :confused3
I get hotheaded when I feel people are being inconsiderate :mad:.
I find that very inconsiderate, even if you were in a boat near mine and not even my own. If you really sang the whole time I'd have no problem asking you to stop and if you didn't, I'd complain to a CM at the end to see if I could ride again.
Well, we sing for about a minute tops, and not through the whole ride. There are many things that other's do at DL that bug the heck outta me too, however I try and take it in stride and realize that other's enjoy the park the way they want too as well. :goodvibes
We dont sing THE WHOLE ride. Just that first part.

I never thought we were being inconsiderate.
Wow, see the things you learn about yourself on these boards?
Well, we sing for about a minute tops, and not through the whole ride. There are many things that other's do at DL that bug the heck outta me too, however I try and take it in stride and realize that other's enjoy the park the way they want too as well. :goodvibes

I don't care what people do so long as it doesn't detract from the experience of others. Singing detracts from the experience of others. What if it was someone's first trip to Disneyland and their first ride on Pirates? Now you have dictated how they will experience that ride rather than letting them enjoy it as it was intended. Just as flash photography is not allowed, so should be singing. I understand people that sing a single line of "yo ho, yo ho" quietly to their travel companions, but subjecting the whole boat just isn't cool.
I never thought we were being inconsiderate.

Well, now, that first part of your sentence--that pretty much defines being inconsiderate; not thinking, or considering, the feelings of others.

I'm not trying to pick a fight, but, well, now you know. :rolleyes1
I don't care what people do so long as it doesn't detract from the experience of others. Singing detracts from the experience of others. What if it was someone's first trip to Disneyland and their first ride on Pirates? Now you have dictated how they will experience that ride rather than letting them enjoy it as it was intended. Just as flash photography is not allowed, so should be singing. I understand people that sing a single line of "yo ho, yo ho" quietly to their travel companions, but subjecting the whole boat just isn't cool.

Well I also have a tendancy to squeal and scream a bit as we go down the water falls, and point out things to other family members that I have not noticed before while on the ride too. Come to think of it I also scream quite a bit on space, splash, and big thunder, and laugh outloud while on buzz. :scared1:

Sorry but it is a bit hyperbolic to state I or anyone else singing a line in a song that is playing during a ride could ruin an entire experiance for someone. Everyone has the ability to decide for themselves how other''s behaviour influances them, I for one do not allow how other''s behave to damper my enjoyment. I guess in future I will be sure to only sing quietly while all 19 of us take up one boat to ourselves. Sometimes I just get carried away with having fun.
I would throw you overboard. Or, if you prefer in Pirate-speak -- have you walk the plank.

It would bug me too.

If you enjoy that though you would love Pirates IN the Caribbean night on the Disney Cruise. Everybody was singing... Most were drunk, but singing nonetheless!
It would bug me, too. would be so much better than my last experience on POTC when the guy behind us was trying to "save" the entire boat. He quoted scripture the ENTIRE ride. Wow.
Sorry but it is a bit hyperbolic to state I or anyone else singing a line in a song that is playing during a ride could ruin an entire experiance for someone.

It's a good thing no one said that, then. The OP did not refer to one person singing one line, but a group of people trying to get the entire boat to sing the "pirate song". I did not say anything about squealing, screaming, laughing, or pointing things out to family members. :confused3
I would be incredibly annoyed. I strongly hate (as in I'd be less mad if someone puked on me) when people think it's their job to sing, I didn't go on POTC, or wherever I am, to hear you sing so please cease and desist. I have had this happen numerous times and every time I'd ask the people to stop.

Maybe I sound kind of mean, but I think they are being more mean by singing and ruining it for the rest of us. Again, I didn't go on POTC for karaoke. Can you tell this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine? ;):goodvibes
We have been to DL 5 times. You know, we are not locals, so its always a big deal for us. Being a big deal, we sort of try to make the most of it.
One thing we always do is try to get people to sing (pirate song) with us on the PoTC ride. Funny, some years its a total hoot, with SO MANY joining in, and other years its like we are riding in boats with bones. I KNOW to some of the locals its like "OMG tourists!" :headache:

About singing. pirate: Would you?

It's a good thing no one said that, then. The OP did not refer to one person singing one line, but a group of people trying to get the entire boat to sing the "pirate song". I did not say anything about squealing, screaming, laughing, or pointing things out to family members. :confused3

I agree. My initial response was based solely upon the original post (which I have quoted above). Based on that quote, I had no way of knowing whether the OP sang a single line while boarding the boat, or had a marathon sing-a-long at the top of their lungs throughout the ride. I'm not so "evil" that I expect guests to sit in total silence on a ride, take notes on a legal pad, and then discuss their thoughts during a post-ride debriefing, but the OP inferred that they tried to engage the whole boat in song, which I found inconsiderate.
It's a good thing no one said that, then. The OP did not refer to one person singing one line, but a group of people trying to get the entire boat to sing the "pirate song". I did not say anything about squealing, screaming, laughing, or pointing things out to family members. :confused3

Well actually it was stated that any singing could ruin an entire experiance for someone, I do consider that a little hyperbolic in my opinion. I also took it to the next level that if that kind of noise is that disruptive, then I might assume that any noises one makes could ruin an entire experiance.

Hyperbole begets hyperbole. :rotfl:

I personally think that most people try to conduct themselves in a resonable manner, however sometimes we get carried away with the fun of it all, and may do things that other''s do not like. I try and shrug it off when other's are over excurberant, and not allow that my experiance is forever tainted.

But that is just me.
I'll listen when we ride next week, to see if our boat has any singers.
To each their own I guess.

I'm not a singer... But I could join in for a "Yo Ho Yo Ho" a time or two.

Disneyland is all about having fun.
Lighten up and go with the flow ... Grumpy...

Teacups maybe it's a Pacific NW person's kind of thing.
I live a few mile south of Portland.

I wonder how people feel about singing along on It's a Small World?

Why do people not like visiting the parks during cheerleading competitions? Because they don't won't shut up and they interrupt everyone's experience who is in the vincinity.
This thread I making me :rotfl:

I unfortunately would be one of the bags of bones. There is no way you would get me singing on the ride. My mother used to do that when we were little, she would hear a song playing somewhere out in public and start singing (not loud, just singing to herself and we would have to say shush mum) and it's something I will never do to my son :rotfl:

But really, I have been guilty of starting to sing along on IASW (but not loud, nobody else can hear me, I lean over to my son and whisper sing in his ear, and he does exactly what I used to do to my mother... shush).

If someone was singing beside me, I don't think it would annoy me, but I wouldn't join in. I would possibly think back to when my mother did and think how embarrassing :rotfl:. But it's all in fun.
:eek: I literally don't know what I would have done!

The other one I have absolutely NO qualms about contesting is profanity. I'm an adult. No word you say can shock me. But for the sake of the families around me, there's no need for every other word out of your mouth to be the F word. Again, I understand that we pay the same admission, so we have an equal right to enjoy our experience, but must your enjoyment come from swearing? I believe there are certain "social contract" issues, and overt profanity at Disneyland is a violation of that social contract.

I cold conked a foul mouthed *** a few years back, I, my family and others had had enough..not proud but his whole family was asked to leave the park..many hours with the Anaheim PD..was worth evry minute.

My opinion is to keep it in the line. I've had people break into songs while waiting in a long line (D-U-M-B-O comes to mind) and I think that's fun and keeps your mind off the waiting, but when it comes time to ride, I think it's time to let everyone experience it as it was intended...just my 2 cents:rolleyes1


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