Singing on the Pirates Ride??

We dont sing THE WHOLE ride. Just that first part.

I never thought we were being inconsiderate.
Wow, see the things you learn about yourself on these boards?

I don't think I would mind while the boat was floating past the restaurant and by the cabin dude but much past that and it's very very VERY irritating. Do you take flash photos too? pirate:
I have been in many boats over the years where folks sang. It doesn't bother me at all, but then everytime its always been a very short lived kind of thing. They seem to sing the first few lines along with the music playing and then stop. To me its part of the experience but yeah, I guess if they sant the entire time that would annoy me.

What I have had bad luck with on POTC is people splashing each other with the water. The worst was when I literally got drenched last January when this family in front of us let their teenagers started horsing around much to mom and dad's delight. Now that did ruin the ride, I got a mouthful of yucky POTC water, it was a chilly January night and my hair was dripping wet. I wish they had just sang!

The problem with all this kind of thing whether its kids crying, people stopping dead in their tracks to look at a map or take a picture, etc, etc, etc, is that its a theme park thousands of other people are enjoying the same time you are. Things that irritate any of us will happen and in turn, we probably do the same thing to someone else without even knowing it. Its not an intimate experience and you just have to take it all in stride and do your best not ruin your own experience or anyone else's.
That's so funny that there's a thread about this because I always embarrass my kids when I try to get them to sing this with me! LOL
Because singing along in the tiki room is expected, encouraged and not boorish and inconsiderate? I mean, I realize boorish and inconsiderate doesn't stop a lot of folks, but for those who care if they're ruining things for others, it might be a nice compromise.

Boorish and inconsiderate? :lmao: Singing?? :rotfl: I'm sorry but no, boorish and inconsiderate is when people give others migraines because they are taking flash photos or screaming in order to scare smaller kids, singing is not boorish nor inconsiderate. I'm not screaming the song into anyone's ear for goodness sake, I'm singing with my kids. And ftr, I do sing in the Tiki Room as well. :) Heck I break into song while walking down Main Street, or through the drawbridge into that taboo as well?

That's so funny that there's a thread about this because I always embarrass my kids when I try to get them to sing this with me! LOL

Don't let them see this, they will never want to sing with you. lol :)
I think if people could just do it in a way that doesn't drive everyone else nuts, it would be fine. The same goes for talking, though... we were just there a week ago, and during one of our rides on POTC, there was a family taking up the 2 rows ahead of us who were VERY loud with their talking (I think they might have been Greek? Maybe that kind of thing isn't considered rude in Greece? :confused3). They were so loud, that I couldn't hear any of the audio through the section from the last drop to the tunnel with Davy Jones.

The very next time we were on it...we had a group of people behind us and 2 seconds after hearing the "no flash photography" spiel, the 16/17 year old girl behind me starts flashing pics! The girl next to her says, "Didn't they just say not to do that?" The girl replied, "I don't care". My husband then turned around to her and said, "Maybe not, but the other people in the boat DO care". It was obvious she was shocked. It was also obvious that she intended to do whatever the heck she wanted. She totally ruined that particular run through of POTC for us. What a brat!

It would be wonderful if guests in the parks would simply make an effort not to bug other guests TOO much....if your kid accidentally bumps into me in line because he is :yay: wiggly as he biggie:hippie:. But if that kid is repeatedly ramming his head into my a** and you do nothing to stop him...yeah, that's not cool (actually happened to me while waiting in line for Alice last week. SERIOUSLY wanted to smack those parents in the head.).

If you're not acting totally stupid when singing by being obnoxiously loud or carrying on for more than a minute or two, you'll be a lot less likely to ruin the experience for the other 20 or so people who have to share your boat.

WHY it's so difficult for people to understand this kind of stuff without having it spelled out for them is beyond me.
...and people like that are exactly why I plan trips for the weeks when schools are in session. Disneyland has become the de-facto babysitter for a lot of Orange County youngsters who after years of free AP's (from their parents) and thousands of afternoon trips, have come to regard Disneyland as no-more special than the mall or Chucky Cheese. (I don't mean to imply that this is representative of ALL APers, but just a certain few.)

In our most recent trips I've witnessed a lot of frustrating behavior from entitled local brats: obnoxious screaming, copious amounts of profanity, texting during dark rides, wearing clothing that leaves less to the imagination than a swimsuit, line-cutting with you and about 20 friends, etc.

See, with our family, we can't go to the park more than once every couple of years, and that means with every trip we're adding a new youngster to the group who will be experiencing the magic for the first time. It's more than a little disheartening to tell this kid that Disneyland is a special, magical place, but when you show up, it's overrun with obnoxious teenagers who treat the place like a third-rate hillbilly waterpark.

That was EXACTLY what I experienced on the Friday evening of my recent weeklong stay. It was disappointing to feel like I was at the mall with roving bands of teenagers just out to be out with little regard for where they actually were. And this was in Disneyland...don't get me started on the crowd over at ElecTRONica! :laughing:
I think if people could just do it in a way that doesn't drive everyone else nuts, it would be fine. The same goes for talking, though... we were just there a week ago, and during one of our rides on POTC, there was a family taking up the 2 rows ahead of us who were VERY loud with their talking (I think they might have been Greek? Maybe that kind of thing isn't considered rude in Greece? :confused3). They were so loud, that I couldn't hear any of the audio through the section from the last drop to the tunnel with Davy Jones.

The very next time we were on it...we had a group of people behind us and 2 seconds after hearing the "no flash photography" spiel, the 16/17 year old girl behind me starts flashing pics! The girl next to her says, "Didn't they just say not to do that?" The girl replied, "I don't care". My husband then turned around to her and said, "Maybe not, but the other people in the boat DO care". It was obvious she was shocked. It was also obvious that she intended to do whatever the heck she wanted. She totally ruined that particular run through of POTC for us. What a brat!

It would be wonderful if guests in the parks would simply make an effort not to bug other guests TOO much....if your kid accidentally bumps into me in line because he is :yay: wiggly as he biggie:hippie:. But if that kid is repeatedly ramming his head into my a** and you do nothing to stop him...yeah, that's not cool (actually happened to me while waiting in line for Alice last week. SERIOUSLY wanted to smack those parents in the head.).

If you're not acting totally stupid when singing by being obnoxiously loud or carrying on for more than a minute or two, you'll be a lot less likely to ruin the experience for the other 20 or so people who have to share your boat.

WHY it's so difficult for people to understand this kind of stuff without having it spelled out for them is beyond me.
Hey guys,

Moving this over to the DL Community Board so you can continue your discussion there ...


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