Singing on the Pirates Ride??

I have to admit that I am nostalgic for all the trips in my youth to DL when NO one ever deliberately screamed bloody murder just to be annoying, sang (at all) or talked loudly on any attractions, yelled at those dining at the Blue Bayou, took flash photos on dark rides or had any light up devices whether toys or cell phones. You could hear the sounds of the attraction and really be immersed in the experience.

My favorite thing as a child (and probably still is) is the beginning bayou scene of pirates and the blue bayou. Drifting slowly through the swamp with the fireflies, the rocker on the old man's shack the quiet clink of silverware at the restaurant and then going toward the darker area and hearing the narrative of the pirate skull. I was really please when they finally re-did the soundtrack several years ago so you could clearly hear the narrative.

Couldn't agree more! For that minute or two just drifting through the swamp, it is just the most serene and peaceful moment in the sea of craziness and the throngs of people outside. If I can just get through that part without any singing or flashing of cameras or phone, then I am content.

At the same time though, I am never going to be upset at a kid singing along. If there was ever a place to sign your lungs out without a care in the world, Disneyland would be it.

But yeah, annoying high schoolers are completely different. Send 'em all down to Davy Jones' locker!
...and people like that are exactly why I plan trips for the weeks when schools are in session. Disneyland has become the de-facto babysitter for a lot of Orange County youngsters who after years of free AP's (from their parents) and thousands of afternoon trips, have come to regard Disneyland as no-more special than the mall or Chucky Cheese. (I don't mean to imply that this is representative of ALL APers, but just a certain few.)

In our most recent trips I've witnessed a lot of frustrating behavior from entitled local brats: obnoxious screaming, copious amounts of profanity, texting during dark rides, wearing clothing that leaves less to the imagination than a swimsuit, line-cutting with you and about 20 friends, etc.

See, with our family, we can't go to the park more than once every couple of years, and that means with every trip we're adding a new youngster to the group who will be experiencing the magic for the first time. It's more than a little disheartening to tell this kid that Disneyland is a special, magical place, but when you show up, it's overrun with obnoxious teenagers who treat the place like a third-rate hillbilly waterpark.
Perhaps those who desire to sing could redirect their passion to the Tiki Room?

why should I be sent to the Tiki Room because I like to sing......sorry, I'll keep singing on the rides and having fun. :)

If you don't know the type of screaming that some of us are referring to, I'm entirely jealous.

Screaming because you're on a thrill ride is different than screaming because you're being a jerk.


Walt never expressed that the park was just for kids, it was so families can enjoy the experience togther. If we did not have children my wife and I would still go as much as we could/can afford. I have noticed over the years many disrespectful parents which seems to rub off on their children.
It is for EVERYONE to enjoy..I love to see the expressions of the younger children and having fun, that is part of my disney experience.


We go without the kids too, it's as much fun without them as it is with them. :) I :lovestruc DL!!

The teenagers in the group I referred to screamed loudly and laughed when all the kids started to cry and high fived each other. :confused3

Sorry, I don't care how much fun you think you deserve, that's just rude.

I'm also comfortable with my opinion :goodvibes

That is not cool....and yes, I've seen that as well.

My opinion is tainted because of the experience I'm describing :lmao: I'm not up in arms at everyone who has a good time, Promise ;) I'm only 29. I can't afford to be that grumpy yet. :laughing:

:lmao::lmao::lmao::thumbsup2 Heck I'm 40 and can't afford to be that Grumpy..... LOL

I am pretty sure that NO RIDE was designed to have people SCREAMING like what I am talking about. Screaming because you are genereally scared. Is not the same as a group of teenagers going "1, 2, 3 SCREAM, SCREAM, SCREAM" They are not screaming because they are scared, they are screaming just for the sake of screaming.

I have done this myself. I am pretty sure you are not trying to scream as loud as you can, just for the sake of screaming.


No, in fact it's the opposite, I'm trying to scream quietly because I feel silly that I still react that way.....LOL

Well having been to the parks more then once, I have heard the type of screaming that you describe. However I guess I am just not that uptight about certian things. Sorry, I just do not let it bother me.:confused3

When they make your child cry or scream directly in your ear perhaps you will change your mind. This is one of the main reasons we don't like to stand in the middle of the elevator anymore, stand near the edges where idiots can't scream directly in your ear, which more often than not results in a headache.

...and people like that are exactly why I plan trips for the weeks when schools are in session. Disneyland has become the de-facto babysitter for a lot of Orange County youngsters who after years of free AP's (from their parents) and thousands of afternoon trips, have come to regard Disneyland as no-more special than the mall or Chucky Cheese. (I don't mean to imply that this is representative of ALL APers, but just a certain few.)

In our most recent trips I've witnessed a lot of frustrating behavior from entitled local brats: obnoxious screaming, copious amounts of profanity, texting during dark rides, wearing clothing that leaves less to the imagination than a swimsuit, line-cutting with you and about 20 friends, etc.

See, with our family, we can't go to the park more than once every couple of years, and that means with every trip we're adding a new youngster to the group who will be experiencing the magic for the first time. It's more than a little disheartening to tell this kid that Disneyland is a special, magical place, but when you show up, it's overrun with obnoxious teenagers who treat the place like a third-rate hillbilly waterpark.

We go pretty regularly, but I totally understand what you are saying. DL is magical, unfortunately not everyone sees it that way.
"When they make your child cry or scream directly in your ear perhaps you will change your mind. This is one of the main reasons we don't like to stand in the middle of the elevator anymore, stand near the edges where idiots can't scream directly in your ear, which more often than not results in a headache."

I did say in one of my posts that making kids cry is not cool, mmmkky? So if someone is making a child cry is is not cool.

However what I was responding too, was that as an adult I do not let it bother me. I control how I react to other''s, and I do not let some things bother me, not sure why that is a problem? Why are you jumping to me not letting things bother me, too not caring if someone makes a child cry, when I said prior that making kids cry is not cool is beyond me.

I hope I have cleared that up now.
However what I was responding too, was that as an adult I do not let it bother me. I control how I react to other''s, and I do not let some things bother me, not sure why that is a problem?
So if you can't enjoy the ride because of others behavior you are totally okay with it? You ears ringing because someone screamed as loudly as they can directly in your big deal.
So if you can't enjoy the ride because of others behavior you are totally okay with it? You ears ringing because someone screamed as loudly as they can directly in your big deal.

I do not let other''s dictate how I enjoy myself, honestly, I do not let it bother me. Now if someone was abusing another person or me, or hurting them, I would say something, and say something to a CM. But for myself, If someone wants to act like the fool, I just ignore it (unless someone is being abusive), as an adult I can do that, and I am confused as to why that seems to have touched a nerve? :confused3

What I was responding too, was people who scream more then once on a ride, or are over dramatic about it, I said things like that do not bother me. Now you are upping it to "If someone made your ears ring", that is a little unfair. You are trying to compare apples to oranges. They are not the same thing. One is being or acting the fool, the other could be viewed in some cases as a verbal assault.

I never said that anyone else had to react the way I do, just that I do not let things bother me that other people do. But the impression I am getting is that unless I get as upset as other's do somehow, I am in the wrong. :confused3
A couple of weeks ago on "It's a Small World" at WDW the family in front of us on the ride spent THE ENTIRE RIDE commenting EXTREMELY LOUDLY about every scene in the ride..."I DON'T REMEMBER THAT! LOOK AT THAT! DO YOU REMEMBER THAT! WOW LOOK AT THAT! I REMEMBER THAT, DO YOU?"

It was the most disappointing ride experience I can remember. The couple behind us also mentioned is as we got off the ride. It was that remarkable.

Everyone makes comments during rides, but this was beyond anything I have ever experienced...non stop top of the lungs commentary...ugh....and I mean NON-STOP!!

And yes, if someone tried to get me to "sing-along" on a ride I would not be pleased.
A couple of weeks ago on "It's a Small World" at WDW the family in front of us on the ride spent THE ENTIRE RIDE commenting EXTREMELY LOUDLY about every scene in the ride..."I DON'T REMEMBER THAT! LOOK AT THAT! DO YOU REMEMBER THAT! WOW LOOK AT THAT! I REMEMBER THAT, DO YOU?"

It was the most disappointing ride experience I can remember. The couple behind us also mentioned is as we got off the ride. It was that remarkable.

Everyone makes comments during rides, but this was beyond anything I have ever experienced...non stop top of the lungs commentary...ugh....and I mean NON-STOP!!

And yes, if someone tried to get me to "sing-along" on a ride I would not be pleased.

Ever since the IASW rehab at Disneyland you can't ride without the entire boat playing spot-the-character. You just get used to it.
What I was responding too, was people who scream more then once on a ride, or are over dramatic about it, I said things like that do not bother me. Now you are upping it to "If someone made your ears ring", that is a little unfair. You are trying to compare apples to oranges. They are not the same thing. One is being or acting the fool, the other could be viewed in some cases as a verbal assault.
See this is what I and others have been talking about not just the over enthusastic/dramatic. But the screaming so loudly that it makes your ears ring/hurt. It seems that you just haven't experienced what some of us are talking about to compare.
"When they make your child cry or scream directly in your ear perhaps you will change your mind. This is one of the main reasons we don't like to stand in the middle of the elevator anymore, stand near the edges where idiots can't scream directly in your ear, which more often than not results in a headache."

I did say in one of my posts that making kids cry is not cool, mmmkky? So if someone is making a child cry is is not cool.

However what I was responding too, was that as an adult I do not let it bother me. I control how I react to other''s, and I do not let some things bother me, not sure why that is a problem? Why are you jumping to me not letting things bother me, too not caring if someone makes a child cry, when I said prior that making kids cry is not cool is beyond me.

I hope I have cleared that up now.

fyi, to quote someone, simply click the "quote" button at the bottom of the post. :) It makes it a little easier to respond to people. :)
So it's not ok to make a kid cry, but it's ok to scream into someone ear so loudly that it causes a headache? I find it hard to believe you'd be OK with that.

So if you can't enjoy the ride because of others behavior you are totally okay with it? You ears ringing because someone screamed as loudly as they can directly in your big deal.

Exactly! Thank You!

I do not let other''s dictate how I enjoy myself, honestly, I do not let it bother me. Now if someone was abusing another person or me, or hurting them, I would say something, and say something to a CM. But for myself, If someone wants to act like the fool, I just ignore it (unless someone is being abusive), as an adult I can do that, and I am confused as to why that seems to have touched a nerve? :confused3

What I was responding too, was people who scream more then once on a ride, or are over dramatic about it, I said things like that do not bother me. Now you are upping it to "If someone made your ears ring", that is a little unfair. You are trying to compare apples to oranges. They are not the same thing. One is being or acting the fool, the other could be viewed in some cases as a verbal assault.

I never said that anyone else had to react the way I do, just that I do not let things bother me that other people do. But the impression I am getting is that unless I get as upset as other's do somehow, I am in the wrong. :confused3

No one has said you're in the wrong, I personally find it hard to believe you would be OK with someone shrieking in your ear but that's just my opinion.

See this is what I and others have been talking about not just the over enthusastic/dramatic. But the screaming so loudly that it makes your ears ring/hurt. It seems that you just haven't experienced what some of us are talking about to compare.

See this is what I and others have been talking about not just the over enthusastic/dramatic. But the screaming so loudly that it makes your ears ring/hurt. It seems that you just haven't experienced what some of us are talking about to compare.

You know what, I get that you want it to appear that somehow I am not getting what you are saying, however I am. My orginal response was in regards to a post that stated they did not like when someone screamed on a ride more then once, not that they were screaming in someone's ear, to the point that it was hurting someone.

When I responded that something like that, screaming more then once on a ride was not something that botherd me, it was then taken to next level by other's not me, that if someone screamed in my ear that it would not bother me. Or that if someone made my child cry that it would not bother me.

I never said that! I simply said that if others want to act the fool, that is their issue, I really do not care and would not let it spoil my day!

Honest to god, if someone is screaming to the point that you are being injurned by it, then report it! I know I would, but that is not, what I was talking about.

Just in case I am not being clear, someone hurts you by screaming too loud, okay, go report it. However if it is someone who is just being a fool, then I would ignore it, you can upset all you want, but for me, I really do not care unless they are hurting someone.
See this is what I and others have been talking about not just the over enthusastic/dramatic. But the screaming so loudly that it makes your ears ring/hurt. It seems that you just haven't experienced what some of us are talking about to compare.

fyi, to quote someone, simply click the "quote" button at the bottom of the post. :) It makes it a little easier to respond to people. :)
So it's not ok to make a kid cry, but it's ok to scream into someone ear so loudly that it causes a headache? I find it hard to believe you'd be OK with that.

Exactly! Thank You!

No one has said you're in the wrong, I personally find it hard to believe you would be OK with someone shrieking in your ear but that's just my opinion.


Please go back and re-read what I wrote, I never once said that screaming in someone's ear to the point that it would hurt someone is okay. What I was responding too, what a post that stated that if someone screamed on a ride more than once, they considered that rude. I just said that, that is not something that would bother me, that I would consider it being a fool. It got taken to the next level by other's not me, that somehow I did not care if screaming was to the point of hurting someone.

Never once did I say that! I said that if someone is acting like a fool, so be it, it would not bother me. Hurting someone would bother me.

Really, this discussion has now gone beyond the point of being redundant, and I am so finished with it. Just bloody read what I wrote, if someone is being hurt that is is wrong. If someone is just acting like an idiot, that does not bother me.
When I responded that something like that, screaming more then once on a ride was not something that botherd me.
That post was mine and I was not talking about simple screaming but the kind the hurts your ears. Obviously a ride like ToT is going cause to scream over and over, no big deal. It is the level at which people are screaming that is and what I and others are talking about.
In reading all these threads and since people seem to be talking what ruins people's enjoyment of the park...this is what annoys me. Parents who let their strollers ride up the back of my ankles and look at you like I did something wrong. To me that is worse than having somebody scream or sing a few bars to a song. Maybe those that are pushing strollers should pay more attention to their surroundings so MY enjoyment of the park is not ruined by other people's carelessness.
"I want to know just when it became "the thing" to scream on HM. I mean come on people. I just don't get screaming for the sake of screaming. HM is bad, Tower of Terror is worse. Its not just one scream and done, it is scream, after scream, after scream."

Disneychrista, that is your original quote, you are not saying anywhere in there that screaming to the point of hurting someone is wrong. Just screaming over, and over.

l took that to mean what you said, screaming over, and over, and I said I do not have an issue with that, and if someone wants to scream multipal times, okay, not my thing but it would not bother me.

The next thing I know, apparently I do not care if someone screams to the point that a child crys, or someone's ears are hurting, when I never once said that. Just that if someone wants to behave like a fool, so be it, I do not care about that.

Again if someone is being hurt, not cool, if someone is acting like an idiot, and screaming a few too many times, I do not let it bother me.

Hope I am clear on this now.
Hmmmm... fascinating thread.

If only there could be two types of boats .... one for those who like to sing and those who would prefer the quiet ride. I admit that I wouldn't like to hear the singing .... but then ... I'll also admit that it might be fun to be with the exhuberant boat. If one could do both rides in one day without having to line up for hours, it might be nice. But ... we all know that's usually not possible.

I absolutely hate it when people recite the HM (my favourite ride) spiel in the stretchy elevator. Absolutely hate it because to me that narration is sacred. :rotfl: Call me a fuddy duddy but I want to hear that in all it's glory with THAT voice, not the person standing next to me or the group of teenagers standing over there or .... you get the picture.

If Pirates is your favourite ride and you think that quiet bayou sound as you enter the ride is as important as the pirates shooting canon balls at each other, then I can understand your frustration if people sing during that quiet time. It's all about atmosphere.

But there really isn't a solution to this. People will do what they want to do. People will sing and people will get upset. The OP asked the question but was upset when he/she found out that it did annoy people ... or got upset when people got upset at him/her because he/she didn't seem upset that people were upset at him/her. :rotfl2: I guess it's an eye opener to those who didn't think they were disturbing others by singing. And never assume that because nobody said anything that they weren't annoyed. A lot of people won't say anything because they don't want to cause a disturbance, add to the distraction, or are too shy to say something.

The best thing that this thread could accomplish is to make people aware that sometimes their actions could be annoying people so be aware next time they ride. And for those who get upset, it's best to take the high road and don't let it ruin the rest of the day. Fume for a bit :mad: but then let it go :angel:.
Hmmmm... fascinating thread.

If only there could be two types of boats .... one for those who like to sing and those who would prefer the quiet ride. I admit that I wouldn't like to hear the singing .... but then ... I'll also admit that it might be fun to be with the exhuberant boat. If one could do both rides in one day without having to line up for hours, it might be nice. But ... we all know that's usually not possible.

I absolutely hate it when people recite the HM (my favourite ride) spiel in the stretchy elevator. Absolutely hate it because to me that narration is sacred. :rotfl: Call me a fuddy duddy but I want to hear that in all it's glory with THAT voice, not the person standing next to me or the group of teenagers standing over there or .... you get the picture.

If Pirates is your favourite ride and you think that quiet bayou sound as you enter the ride is as important as the pirates shooting canon balls at each other, then I can understand your frustration if people sing during that quiet time. It's all about atmosphere.

But there really isn't a solution to this. People will do what they want to do. People will sing and people will get upset. The OP asked the question but was upset when he/she found out that it did annoy people ... or got upset when people got upset at him/her because he/she didn't seem upset that people were upset at him/her. :rotfl2: I guess it's an eye opener to those who didn't think they were disturbing others by singing. And never assume that because nobody said anything that they weren't annoyed. A lot of people won't say anything because they don't want to cause a disturbance, add to the distraction, or are too shy to say something.

The best thing that this thread could accomplish is to make people aware that sometimes their actions could be annoying people so be aware next time they ride. And for those who get upset, it's best to take the high road and don't let it ruin the rest of the day. Fume for a bit :mad: but then let it go :angel:.

Whenever I read threads like this on here I can't help but be just a little fascinated by human nature. Your post is probably the best one I read in the entire thread. It speaks to the very real part of us as human beings.

Everyone has a different idea of what "fun" is. For some, it is reciting a few lines, singing a few bars or just generally giggling and laughing ... or even letting out a timely scream. They get caught up in the moment, which is the whole point of so much of Walt envisioned.

Yes, some people are going to be upset when others are enjoying their version of fun.

What I hope has been learned here though is the old saying about moderation. As long as what you are doing is done in moderation, it is very likely taken in stride, even if it is viewed as a little inappropriate.
"I want to know just when it became "the thing" to scream on HM. I mean come on people. I just don't get screaming for the sake of screaming. HM is bad, Tower of Terror is worse. Its not just one scream and done, it is scream, after scream, after scream."

Disneychrista, that is your original quote, you are not saying anywhere in there that screaming to the point of hurting someone is wrong. Just screaming over, and over.

l took that to mean what you said, screaming over, and over, and I said I do not have an issue with that, and if someone wants to scream multipal times, okay, not my thing but it would not bother me.

The next thing I know, apparently I do not care if someone screams to the point that a child crys, or someone's ears are hurting, when I never once said that. Just that if someone wants to behave like a fool, so be it, I do not care about that.

Again if someone is being hurt, not cool, if someone is acting like an idiot, and screaming a few too many times, I do not let it bother me.

Hope I am clear on this now.

once again, to quote someone simply hit the "quote" button at the bottom of their post, it will open a whole new reply box with their quote nicely "quoted" (for lack of better term lol) so you won't have to use the " key. :) Just a tip. :)

Behaving like a fool can have many different meanings, for me if someone screams in my ear they are behaving like a fool. For me someone who hits their kid or makes them ride a ride they are clearly afraid of is a fool. I think it's best at this point to agree to disagree. :)

Hmmmm... fascinating thread.

If only there could be two types of boats .... one for those who like to sing and those who would prefer the quiet ride. I admit that I wouldn't like to hear the singing .... but then ... I'll also admit that it might be fun to be with the exhuberant boat. If one could do both rides in one day without having to line up for hours, it might be nice. But ... we all know that's usually not possible.

I absolutely hate it when people recite the HM (my favourite ride) spiel in the stretchy elevator. Absolutely hate it because to me that narration is sacred. :rotfl: Call me a fuddy duddy but I want to hear that in all it's glory with THAT voice, not the person standing next to me or the group of teenagers standing over there or .... you get the picture.

If Pirates is your favourite ride and you think that quiet bayou sound as you enter the ride is as important as the pirates shooting canon balls at each other, then I can understand your frustration if people sing during that quiet time. It's all about atmosphere.

But there really isn't a solution to this. People will do what they want to do. People will sing and people will get upset. The OP asked the question but was upset when he/she found out that it did annoy people ... or got upset when people got upset at him/her because he/she didn't seem upset that people were upset at him/her. :rotfl2: I guess it's an eye opener to those who didn't think they were disturbing others by singing. And never assume that because nobody said anything that they weren't annoyed. A lot of people won't say anything because they don't want to cause a disturbance, add to the distraction, or are too shy to say something.

The best thing that this thread could accomplish is to make people aware that sometimes their actions could be annoying people so be aware next time they ride. And for those who get upset, it's best to take the high road and don't let it ruin the rest of the day. Fume for a bit :mad: but then let it go :angel:.

:thumbsup2 Great post, and just wanted to say that the only thing has ever "ruined" the day for me was the idiot who repeatedly took flash photos (even after we asked him to please stop as it was giving me a migraine) and caused me to spend hours in the first aid station. Yes, that did ruin that day for us, but we were able to enjoy ourselves after the migraine eased up and the rest of our trip (I think we had 2 days after that) was fine. :)
Sing away people, but please don't use flash photography or scream dramatically when it's not necessary. ;)
why should I be sent to the Tiki Room because I like to sing......sorry, I'll keep singing on the rides and having fun. :)

Because singing along in the tiki room is expected, encouraged and not boorish and inconsiderate? I mean, I realize boorish and inconsiderate doesn't stop a lot of folks, but for those who care if they're ruining things for others, it might be a nice compromise.


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