Single digit countdown

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone can't wait to get there now and can't wait to see if we meet up with anyone down there. We will have lots of pictures to show everyone after the trip lots to e mail and lots to show at the next dis meet after we get home. For everyone that will be down there at the same time as us hope to see you there and if not have a great trip and enjoy the weather.
Enjoy your trip guys. Looks like your leaving just as our weather is going to turn cold. Have fun and see you at our next meet in the New Year.
Have a fabulous trip, Darren and Lisa, and everyone else that's going soon too ! Too bad things like my kids, my job, etc prevent me from taking your Mom's spot and being your own personal nanny for the kids ;)

Enjoy your stay at the coast, too !

Have a safe and magical trip :wave:

Mary Liz
Thanks everyone see you when we get back I am sure I will be on herer one more time before we leave tomorrow to say bye to everyone.
Hope that you have a fabulous time, Darren, Lisa and kiddos. Hug Mickey for me!
We will have lots of pictures and a full report of everything we see and do have a great time at home everyone and we will see you soon
Hey Darren and Lisa,
If you took the laptop, just thought I'd let you know you left just in time. Got up this morning to an inch or two of snow. Hope you're far south of that by now. Looks chilly in Florida right now but I'm sure it'll warm up for you
Allready have the next one partially planned just waiting for my dad to get here to fill him in on a few things. We leave to go back in Sept now not Dec as originally planned. Work is getting in the way of all my fun


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