Single due to Disney.....

Sorry, empathy is saved for those who are put in situations beyond their control. When one knowingly dates a pot head who doesn't like kids, even though one has kids, and then tries to blame the failure of the relationship on a lack of Disney love instead of poor choices, it's time for a wake-up call, not empathy.
Just for the record, you don't have to find someone to love Disney. My hubby HATES all things Disney LOL but he goes and still enjoys himself (and curses the fact that Disney now owns Star Wars) because when I plan - I plan for everyone. We have an 7yo girl who is ALL THINGS princess and he knows this. He isn't going to deny his child the sheer joy she has when meeting a princess. He stands in line like a good dad because it makes her happy.

Last year he spent 2.5 hours in line for Elsa JUST so she could meet her. If you are talking about the kind of "man" to meet - you want one that will do the things he hates because of his love for his family. My oldest daughter isn't his by blood but he treats her the same. She (at 21) still has a massive love for Aristocats and HAD to meet Marie at MK. He took her to meet her at town square even though he had no interest.

I don't think I would have shoved Disney in his face while we were dating lol He would have ran away screaming :D
He was really nerdy, it came down to the fact he couldn't get stoned. We live in Colorado, so here he's stoned consistsantly apparently.. And i don't like who he is when not under the influence. Oh well. Live and learn

This made me chuckle a little bit. Not because of your break-up because he's only okay stoned.

I've been married for almost 16 years to a guy who isn't into Disney. He's just not. The girls and I love it so he sucks it up and manages to have a good time when we go. He realizes it's my "thing". Girl, if he hates kids you dodged a serious bullet. Thank your lucky stars he showed you his true colors before you and your kids had too much invested in him. How do you find a guy that loves Disney too? That's so secondary. A guy that loves and accepts you and your kids for what you are will go to Disney with a big old smile on his face just for you. He'll compromise with you and work with you. Disney didn't break you up, honey, it just allowed you to see him for exactly what he was. Look! That's pixie dust!
Sorry, empathy is saved for those who are put in situations beyond their control. When one knowingly dates a pot head who doesn't like kids, even though one has kids, and then tries to blame the failure of the relationship on a lack of Disney love instead of poor choices, it's time for a wake-up call, not empathy.
Best post ever! And soooo true. Why a mom would date a pot-head who hates kids is beyond me. OP, you should thank your lucky stars that he's out of your life. Hopefully its for good.
I think a week long trip with someone you have been seeing 5 months is moving too fast.

I went to WDW with someone I was only seeing for 5 months. I ended up marrying him; we recently passed our 25th anniversary. It always brings good memories going there. But we didn't pick each other because of a mutual love of Disney. I wouldn't even say that we had any particular great love for Disney or WDW when we first went, it was just an interesting place to go at the time. But we often go to places or see and do things for each other and, over time, come to enjoy those things together. And now one of the reasons we feel so much magic in WDW is partly because of that first trip.

And as for "childish" things like parades and such. DH and I both hate parades except that somehow Disney does it so that we actually enjoy them. I don't do character breakfasts but we did one on our last DCL cruise and had a blast. They were fun and enjoyable because we did them together. Seems to me that the problem that the OP has was not that he didn't like Disney but that he didn't value the relationship enough to let himself go and enjoy what was important to her. That's a key facet of a good and long-lasting relationship. Find someone who values you and your relationship and you'll find someone who will, if not necessarily come to love Disney, spend the time with you in the places you love in order to be with you, to make you happy and will do it with good grace. DH even comes to the opera with me occasionally and has come to enjoy the music of one or two of them, though it's not really how he'd like to spend his evenings. I go to events with him that aren't my favourite but that makes him happy. I hope that the OP can find someone who is more interested in her and in making her happy and having a good time together than in what he wants. If he can't do that, he isn't worth the time.
I went to WDW with someone I was only seeing for 5 months. I ended up marrying him; we recently passed our 25th anniversary.

I would typically agree with the person you quoted as well and the person who mentioned paying for everything after 5 months together. It is moving fast. However, I knew my wife 6 months and we got married. I believe in love at first sight.
I would typically agree with the person you quoted as well and the person who mentioned paying for everything after 5 months together. It is moving fast. However, I knew my wife 6 months and we got married. I believe in love at first sight.
Hey, me too! And it lasted 29 years before we split up, and for no other reason then we probably lost interest in each other and didn't work to save it. Still 29 years is a good run. At least we got a bunch of cool 25th anniversary gifts before it dissolved. :upsidedow
If his weed is more important to him than his woman, he's a loser who deserves to be alone, and you are WAY better off without him. Seriously. Dust yourself off and move on. And don't worry so much about finding the next one. I saw a great quote recently: "Don't chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing, and work hard. The right people, the ones who really belong in your life, will come to you... and stay." :hug:
Sorry, but this has nothing to do with Disney or a vacation. The man is a drug addict. You have children. I would be more concerned about screening boyfriends for drug problems than I would be for a love of Disney!

100% Incorrect. You cant have a drug problem smoking pot sorry to tell ya.
yes you can.

you can also smoke pot and not have a 'drug problem'- just like you can drink alcohol but not have a 'problem'.

but to say you can't have a drug problem- this sounds like it's coming from a pothead in denial :smokin:
Exactly. My point was that if the man couldn't have a great vacation because he couldn't have pot for a few days, that points to a serious problem.
yes you can.

you can also smoke pot and not have a 'drug problem'- just like you can drink alcohol but not have a 'problem'.

but to say you can't have a drug problem- this sounds like it's coming from a pothead in denial :smokin:

no sorry you cant be physically addicted to pot. it doesn't work that way. i used to be just like him now i have a good job, gf, daughter, home, car. he'll grow out of it and if he doesn't then hes just an idiot plain and simple. regardless hes still a jerk for making you pay and putting you through that. its bad morals and stupidity not an addiction prob. if he wassmoking crack thats a different story but blaming pot addiction is an antiquated way of thinking. also idk if any in here noticed but in the next 10-15 years pot will be legal in this country just like liquor.
no sorry you cant be physically addicted to pot. it doesn't work that way. i used to be just like him now i have a good job, gf, daughter, home, car. he'll grow out of it and if he doesn't then hes just an idiot plain and simple. regardless hes still a jerk for making you pay and putting you through that. its bad morals and stupidity not an addiction prob. if he wassmoking crack thats a different story but blaming pot addiction is an antiquated way of thinking. also idk if any in here noticed but in the next 10-15 years pot will be legal in this country just like liquor.

so just because something is legal doesn't mean you can be addicted to it? um, okay.

EVEN IF something isn't chemically addictive, you can be habitually addicted, and that leads to chemical (you own brain chemical- not the drug) addiction. How else can you explain porn, sex, food, etc. addictions?

i think the guy's choices are at fault, not the pot. i understand you there. but that's how any drug addict is - their choice to start using is the problem.

just fyi - i'm not against pot. i'm pro-legalization. i believe there are many benefits to smoking pot. but just like ANYTHING, it's possible to become addicted and it (the addiction) can ruin many things in your life.


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