Sleepy and Grumpy visit Tatooine–A SWW TR! - The End - All done and Link to new TR

Thanks for posting the contents! Love the Darth cushion I didn't see that! Too crowded :-) lol re Wookie picture! So do you sell the items you don't want?
Love everything, especially the lamp and the pillow. You guys don't like Vinylmation? Will you be trying to sell those? I'm not a fan of them either. But if I ever see a really cool one that I couldn't live without, I would probably get it.
That is quite a haul :thumbsup2


Yup! The gal knows how to shop!

Catching up on your trip report. Love your photos! They remind me why I really love Star Wars Weekend. We attended the opening day of SWW and wish had known about your tour. We, too, would have gladly spent our nieces and nephews' inheritance on the price of the tour.

I didn't notice the Millennium Falcon when we walked by the Sorcerer's Hat stage. There are so many bits and pieces of extra magic strewn around Disney that are easy to miss, so it feels so neat when someone points one out. I wish I had better powers of observation!

We went to Darth Mall later in the afternoon and it was crowded. We also bought the 2014 SWW t-shirt -- both the standard blue version and the brown Passholder version -- but we didn't know about the Aurasma App until a few days later. We were wearing our t-shirts and a CM told us about them being 'interactive' shirts. Since then, we've shown the t-shirts and the app to all our friends and relatives.

We have already booked BLT for May 2015 so we will be there for the 2015 version of SWW.

So what do the shirts do? I guess I should get them out and try the Aurasma App on my phone. I could at least put away MY stuff from those boxes.

We are skipping SWW next year and going during F&G festival, but we plan on going back in 2016 and we'll stay at the VGF if we can get in. That will be a busy WDW year, some other friends (on this TR) are talking about us all going during F&W too!

I love that lamp!!! Fran found some awesome stuff. That Wookie family portrait is cracking me up!

Jill in CO

I know, I can't wait for them to get stuff on the house done, so we can start putting some of this stuff out. Right now we're still living in a construction zone, so nothing out of the boxes yet. I'm so glad that I found the Wookie Family Portrait online, I couldn't figure out where in the house I would put it. Now that it's in my TR I can come back and enjoy it whenever I want.

That's some serious shopping. Glad that the package worked out for you and Fran where the shopping was concerned. I think I would have been sitting it out with you once the mobs came in....and I love star wars stuff!!!

What a great outcome to have such a small group in your package. That would be fantastic!

That dress is great. Love that picture of you in it.

I love the picture of the hairless cat with it's wookie family. :thumbsup2

There's even more to come, which made it completely worth it. Thanks! I really like the dress too! The cat is my favorite part of that picture, but there's a lot more funny going on in there too.

Did you buy most of that to sell? Its quite the haul.

I never know what her purposes of buying stuff are. All I know is that it fills some sort of need from childhood! Me, I bought the stuff to wear or display.

Very nice merchandise from the shopping experience during Star Wars Weekend.


Note to self, find Darth Mall next time!

You really must! There was a lot there you couldn't get elsewhere.

Thanks for posting the contents! Love the Darth cushion I didn't see that! Too crowded :-) lol re Wookie picture! So do you sell the items you don't want?

I didn't see it either, but Fran did. I'm going to put a picture of us in that frame. In theory, yes we sell the stuff we don't want. In practice, we put them in a box labeled SWW 2014 and get another storage locker to put them in with all the other stuff "we're going to sell on eBay." :lmao:

Love everything, especially the lamp and the pillow. You guys don't like Vinylmation? Will you be trying to sell those? I'm not a fan of them either. But if I ever see a really cool one that I couldn't live without, I would probably get it.

That lamp is definitely coming out of the box. Supposedly while we're gone they plan on finishing all the stuff that is keeping us from putting stuff out. You will arrive shortly after we do so the place will still be somewhat of a disaster and nothing will be put out yet.

I don't "get" the Vinylmations and really wondered why she was buying them. She says that she will sell them. I guess until we get somewhat settled down, nothing is going to happen.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for a real life update:

It may seem to some of you that I am cranking out updates in rapid fire succession. I know that this causes folks to get behind and normally I try and wait until a sufficient amount of my readers have had a chance to comment before posting the next update.

However, the reason that I am deviating from my regular behavior is that I have quite a bit coming up in the next few weeks. As my tickers might betray, I'm going to a Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas in a little over two weeks, and then to the Midwest to perform in a Band Concert in August.

What isn't listed there, is the trip to San Luis Obispo with the Classic Car Club next week, my DISmeet the following Monday, the Disneyana Convention that week, and another DISmeet a week after that. I think that gives me about ten days in the next six weeks that I am either not out of town, going to a seminar/dinner/DISmeet, or flying/driving somewhere. And we are still moving into the new house.

So what I'm saying is bear with me as I rapid fire update in the next couple of days because there will be long stretches with nothing. Feel free to catch up on the updates then if I'm going to fast now!

Thank you for your continued patience!
There was a special roped off area for the folks who purchased the “May the Force Be With You” package (like us) and the “Feel the Force” package which included parade and fireworks viewing only at 10% of the price that we paid. Both included desserts and beverages and once we were situated with a prime viewing spot, our guides brought us soda, waters and Mickey bars.

A little while before the Motorcade was scheduled to start these two came out on the stage and began to entertain us. They were going to be the Emcees for the parade.

They showed this video of Star Wars producer JJ Abrams announcing an opportunity for a fan to have a cameo in the next movie. This would not be the last time we saw this video today. :rolleyes1

We had a decent viewing spot for the parade, with one exception. This guy.

He would turn out to be our nemesis at times throughout the day. I’m not sure what his disability was, some sort of down syndrome, and I have nothing against folks like that. I’m glad that Disney has something for everyone, but what I do have something against is that for the entire parade, he stood on the wrong side of the rope, and not one Disney CM ever told him to get back behind the rope.

I now know after reading Paula’s account of the parade, and that they were only about 10 feet away from us, there was a situation brewing in the section where this guy was standing. An able bodied kid in the disabled section was refusing to give up his curbside spot to a grandpa in a wheelchair. We were able to work around him with our photos, but it was annoying that the CMs were letting him on the other side of the rope while everyone else was following the rules.
But back to the Motorcade, Jedi Mickey leads the way…

Chip and Dale as Ewoks followed closely behind.

Minnie as Princess Leia

Darth Goofy.

Stormtrooper Donald.

Every day a number of Padawans are selected to participate in the parade.

After walking down the street, the characters go up on the stage so that those who can’t find a spot on the street can see them as well.

They also broadcast the parade on the Jumbotron.

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The 501st Legion is made up of volunteers who receive no compensation. They make their costumes themselves, pay for their own transportation, lodging and other expenses to participate in events like this.

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More 501st Legion

That was the end of the volunteers, then came the Star Wars Universe characters. Chewie and ewoks.

Kit Fisto

Mace Windu and Shaak Ti

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The Celebrity portion of the Motorcade began.

Ahsoka Tano

An old favorite R2D2

And Ashley Eckstein, she voiced someone on the Clone Wars and also designs the “Her Universe” collection.

Commander Cody and Captain Rex

Taylor Gray. He is voicing one of the characters in the new Star Wars Rebels Animated Show.

These are some of the other characters from that show.

This is Ray Park who played Darth Maul in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

John Ratzenberger, his Star Wars contribution is minimal, but he’s a huge star, so he’s a great person to draw crowds. Later in the TR will be a whole thing about his character.

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C3PO didn’t march past us, but he did make an appearance on stage.

Chewie and the Ewoks on the stage.

Back to the Parade

The Fetts

The last celebrity approaches

James Arnold Taylor our host of SWW and character voice actor

Darth Vader Closes the parade with his herd of Stormtroopers.

Chewie looks pensive.

Following the end of the parade, spectators are encouraged to move towards the stage for a show that followed the parade.

Our guides asked us not to join the procession and instead wait for it to pass. We had something else to do!
What fantastic parade pictures! Love it!

That person on the other side of the ropes must have had some kind of karma following him. I can't imagine the CM NOT saying anything; but it obviously was the case. It takes all sorts!

ps. Have a great couple of weeks away. Sounds like your real life is going to be a lot of fun!
So what do the shirts do? I guess I should get them out and try the Aurasma App on my phone. I could at least put away MY stuff from those boxes.

When viewed with the Aurasma app, the image on the SWW t-shirt comes alive. Mickey's X-Wing fighter dodges explosions and the Tie Fighters chasing him. The scene lasts for about 10-15 seconds.

The Aurasma app works on any item that has the same 2014 SWW image as the t-shirts. We bought a puzzle and a couple of coffee mugs with the image and it works on them as well.

For those who want the app, its free and available at the iTunes Store. I'm sure its available for Android as well.
The Star Wars parade looks amazing and what a nice touch that they served you Mickey bars and sodas. What a shame that for both Paula and you people not obeying the rules caused some trouble.

When are you heading for F&G next year? Looks like I will finally get to see this next year.

That is an awesome parade!!!! I'm so impressed by the 501st, they really go all out.

Have fun with all your extras going on :)
I finally came by to check out this TR as my DH, wdrl, has been talking about it for 3 or 4 days and showing me photos from time to time. Wow this wonderful and fabulous photos! Thanks for taking the time to post everything.

I have to admit I thought we bought a lot at Darth Mall, but when we picked up our large sack others were picking up large boxes like yours but Fran (and you) still purchased more. We are definitely not in Fran's league for shopping.

We might have to check out the Feel the Force event next year. I think your VIP event is too pricey for us. (I found out about these tours on All Ears.)

Have fun at your Star Trek Convention and I think one of you should wear a yellow and the other a blue uniform then you'd be like Kirk and Spock, BFFs forever.
:welcome: CJ! Great to “see” you again. How have you been? How is your daughter enjoying college?

I could say life could not be better but that would be a slight exaggeration. Things are good. Doing a fair amont of traveling including a trip to visit a friend in the UK last year. A will begin her Junior year in the fall (two years and 4 tuition payments to go) and academically is, shall we say, doing a lot better than her father did.

I also want to add my applause on the great pictures of the parade! Wow.

PS. Don’t pay attention to Mark, he tends to stir the pot a bit.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for a real life update:

Seriously, you guys really need to get out once in a while. Hopefully you will post some pics of the upcoming adventures here. Have a blast and Carpe Diem.

Best to both of you.
Fantastic photos from the parade. Your report is making me want to get to my first SWW - maybe next year.
Very nice pictures from the parade. That is a parade that I would love to see during Star Wars weekend. It was a good thing that you did that package. After reading your trip report and seeing your pictures, I am now considering going during SWW and I don't care about the weather as long as I get to experience it.

Great pictures Alison.
Yeah the parade! Great photos! So disappointing CM did not police the lines! Sorry about that guy in your way. Able bodied boy who's Dad insisted remained in handicap viewing spent the entire parade waving a lightsaber in front of us all and was super annoying as it was in 99% of our photos!

You got some lovely photos there though :-) looking forward to reading about your firework desert party!


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