So what are your thought on masks around the resorts?

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The virtue signaling is strong on this topic on all ends of the spectrum everywhere for sure.

If wearing a mask outside in Florida in August isn't a big deal to you, then go and have a great time. The parks will probably be empty. If it is a big deal to you, then don't go. Stay home.

If you're in the 1st camp and are offended by people in the 2nd camp, chill out and be respectful and kind towards others who you disagree with.

If you're in the 2nd camp and are offended by people in the 1st camp, chill out and be respectful and kind towards others who you disagree with.
If masks are required, some people will stay home because they cannot or will not wear masks all day.

If mask are not required, some people will stay home because they cannot or will not be around potentially infectious people unmasked all day.

Either way, thousands will make their decision to stay or go based on the mask policy.
I think the real question is can you just go around the resorts with a Starbucks cup in your hand and your mask around your chin? We saw this all over Disney Springs last week and CM's didn't say a thing.

Exactly. People are freaking out but we honestly have no idea how this is going to play out yet. As long as people are reasonable and act in good faith for the common good, it will all be fine. Need a drink of water or a snack or a coffee? Need to find a secluded place to take your mask off for just a second when nobody else is around? Have a kid who takes his mask off for a minute or two before you notice? That will all be FINE, I'm sure of it. Of course, you can't control other people and there will always be people who are completely inconsiderate (and unfortunately, those are the people who will get the most attention). But I really believe that, at the end of the day, most people are going to do their best. I know my family will! Personally, I think this is all being made into a WAY bigger deal than it needs to be.
I watched 1 of the DIS Unplugged episodes the other day and Craig said that he and his wife went to Universal City Walk after it re-opened. He said that on the day they went, it was pretty darn hot (like in the 90s with high humidity) and after 30 minutes with the mask on outside in that heat, as he put it, "it sucked." Needless to say, it sounded like it was not an enjoyable experience.
As mask threads go, this has been staying fairly civil, and I thank you. :)

Let's continue to keep this centered on the use of masks at Disney, and particularly Disney resorts. If you want to talk about the pros and cons of masks in general or the way mask policies are playing out in your country, state or hometown, there are several current threads on the Community Board.

That's not a warning, just a reminder for those just joining the thread.
Just received an email from DVC stating:

”Our Members and guests will also play an important role in helping prevent the spread of illness. Like our Cast, all Members and guests will be asked to wear face coverings in public resort areas when not eating or drinking and to respect physical distancing.”

I was expecting to wear masks in the parks during our November trip. But having to wear them every moment you are out of the room seems too much for me personally. Unfortunately I am booked on some borrowed points and may not have the option to reschedule. Not trying to make this a debate about masks and whether Disney can require people to wear a mask. Of course they can. It is their private property. Just wondered if everyone knew that they would be expected to wear them at the resorts too.

I don't understand this at all.

Either they are needed and that means worn everywhere

Or they are not needed.

Why would you wear in the parks but not in the resorts?
I posted this in another thread, but thought it warranted another repost here.

I've traveled twice now for work, staying at hotels; once with my DD (5) to a very nice Omni.

The hotel stated in emails and at the property, that masks were required throughout your stay ... but there is no great way to enforce it. Half of the staff and guests sort of had them around their necks and would put them on when approaching another guest. People were confused as to whether they had to wear them outside in the privacy of their own space, or if no one else was around, etc.

At the pool, chairs were spaced in pairs, 6ft apart. Most of the people (prob about 10) kept their distance. But for kids in a crowded environment? Meltdowns will ensue. My daughter, who is probably a little too well educated on 'social distancing', kept getting annoyed when other kids came too close. So I do think the constant give and take between wearing a mask and not wearing one will be a concern. We had the same problem on the shared balcony in our room (which had a divider).

Granted, this isn't Disney, but I think it leads to some insight on hotel environments going forward. Infrared temp checks aren't that accurate, masks have their use (we cough in our elbow normally; same line of thought), and social distancing will work well in orderly environments like line queues. Outside of that? You have to be comfortable with the risks and nuances that go along with all of this.

My hope would be that Disney might help foster a better outcome, especially given the price we're all paying to be there and the desired expectations.
I think the real question is can you just go around the resorts with a Starbucks cup in your hand and your mask around your chin? We saw this all over Disney Springs last week and CM's didn't say a thing.

Bingo. While I'm fine with the rule, I don't think they're going to enforce it past the gates. They don't even enforce all of the rules they already have.
I think this will be hardest for children to follow, especially kids ages 3-5. Good luck having them keep their masks on in hot Florida weather. My 7 year old daughter will wear a mask but still complains a lot about it. The complaining won't make for a fun family trip, which is why I would go to WDW to begin with. So I don't think we will be going. If I lived in Florida I wouldn't mind going up for a day or two. But for me it's a 6 hour flight, so it's just not worth it. I may go to Disneyland whenever it reopens, because I can drive there and it's not quite as hot here, and we have less humidity.
Bingo. While I'm fine with the rule, I don't think they're going to enforce it past the gates. They don't even enforce all of the rules they already have.

I disagree. If the threads on the Disboards are any indication, mask wearing or the lack thereof is a very hot button issue. People who feel strongly about masks are often quite...passionate... about their views, and I don't think Disney wants guests policing other guests - it could get really nasty.

The other thing is that Disney has to comply with their plan to the state. Disney is allowed to open because of the mask mandate. Some of their other rules about line cutting, etc. are created by Disney alone with no outside authority. I don't think Disney wants to deal with the publicity and potential state scrutiny of allowing large numbers of people to openly flout the rules. Of course, no one expects compliance to be 100% at any moment, especially in a place where there are large numbers of young children, but I think we will see CMs stepping up enforcement in ways we don't see with other rules.
I listened in to the livestream of their proposal to Orange County. Disney said they will deploy their "Social Distancing Squad" members, and provide training to cast members to positively encourage guests to follow safety protocols.

They also mentioned having some relaxed zones outside the parks where masks would not be necessary.
I listened in to the livestream of their proposal to Orange County. Disney said they will deploy their "Social Distancing Squad" members, and provide training to cast members to positively encourage guests to follow safety protocols.

They also mentioned having some relaxed zones outside the parks where masks would not be necessary.

The only time we saw their "Social Distancing Squad" was at the bottom of the escalators for the parking garages. I hope they are out and about more often now that Disney owned stores are open at Disney Springs.

I'm glad that Florida department of health with have "secret shoppers" checking to make company's are following the plans they presented to the Orange County task force.
Its not selfish at all. I'm not telling anybody else what to do. I just merely stated an opinion that this mask mandate will affect WDW is a very negative way. You see it here on these boards - I'm seeing post after post of people who had reservations or were thinking of going that are not going largely because of the mask issue. Whether they have problems wearing one in the heat, or having to worry about their kids wearing it, etc. In the end, its no longer a vacation. I shouldn't have to worry about stuff like that when I'm paying thousands of dollars to go on vacation. My daughter is 6 and a lover of all things Disney, and a trip to WDW would be the ultimate for her....and I wouldn't even be able to see her smile. Maybe that wouldn't bother you, but as a dad, that would bother me terribly. That's not me being "selfish".

I have made my choice, I'm not going. And that's okay. And maybe you're right and plenty of people will go. But I'm very, very skeptical of that.

The mask mandate will affect WDW in a negative way for many guests. No mask mandate would affect WDW in a negative way for many guests. Whichever choice Disney makes, some people either won't or can't go.

Just as you don't want to worry about the heat or kids wearing masks, there are others who don't want to worry about others potentially getting them sick. You are right that any time there is excessive worry, it ceases to be an enjoyable vacation. For you, wearing masks is a deal breaker. For others, not wearing masks is a deal breaker.

Since Disney can't satisfy both customers, they've made a choice in one direction. I honstly don't think Florida would have allowed them to open without the mask mandate. Now it's up to each of us to decide under what conditions we will go or not.

Fortunately, Disney has given everyone enough advance notice to cancel their plans before opening, if guests don't care for the new operating conditions. I only hope that if Disney reverses course, they will give everyone enough advance notice to cancel their plans, if guests don't care for the revised operating conditions.

These are uncertain times, and we each have a different dealbreaker.
OK, right here....

Please bring your own face coverings and wear them at all times, except when dining or swimming.

OK, so according to this, there would be no masks in the pools... but would the pools be even open?

Because this year we're doing a resorts-only trip (CL + BWI split stay lat July) we place much more emphasis on being in the pool and the CL buffet food.

And how would they do any kind of buffet dining like in CL lounges or places like Chef Mickey or Boma or Cape May?
I understand why mask requirements are in place. I’m a health care researcher my wife is a provider and has been treating covid patients throughout this whole thing.

That being said we aren’t going to Disney or anywhere else non-essential where huge crowds gather and these precautions are necessary. It just doesn’t sound fun.

We were planning a trip next year but have already decided to scrap it. I suspect things will be largely back to normal by summer ‘21 but I don’t even want to make plans while things are so uncertain.

Meanwhile we will go to the beach (uncrowded locations) or mountains where we can rent a place a not mingle with too many other people as much as possible.
To the people who are ok with wearing a mask their whole vacations, do they wear mask now at work/home all day? I'm just asking. I wear one indoors 5 days a week, 8 hours a day and hate it. I have pretty much decided not to go anywhere a mask is required unless I absolutely need to (groceries, but I've tried to do pick up). I could only imagine wearing one in Florida heat for 10 hours, sweating. A mask wet from sweat. Again, just asking, out of curiosity.

I do have a reservation for September (rescheduled from April). I'll wait it out until 30 days before to see what's changed from now until then. if I don't go I'll wait until 2022
I"m ok with wearing the mask, and yes i wear one all day....I'm a nurse. I'm used to it. my only hope is we don't have to wear one around the pool area when sitting in your chair. the cdc says you do not need one in a pool, and actually no one should swim with one, i'm wondering if they'll have a distancing process around the pool, and hopefully wont need a mask there....I'm expecting everywhere else.
OK, right here....

Please bring your own face coverings and wear them at all times, except when dining or swimming.

OK, so according to this, there would be no masks in the pools... but would the pools be even open?

Because this year we're doing a resorts-only trip (CL + BWI split stay lat July) we place much more emphasis on being in the pool and the CL buffet food.

And how would they do any kind of buffet dining like in CL lounges or places like Chef Mickey or Boma or Cape May?
good info about the pool....thanks! I'm hoping the pools will be open since the cdc has okd opening of swim clubs etc.

I"m also wondering about the buffets. WE have a few buffet adrs. I don't want to eat at a buffet right now, so was going to cancel buffet restaurants....but i'm wondering if they will eliminate the buffet, and offer a menu.
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