So what do YOU look like?

We do have a fine looking bunch here!! :woohoo:

I'm at work at the moment, so the only pic I have to offer is the one in my signature. It's me on the left and Jen on the right, and it was taken this past December at Jen's work Christmas party/fundraiser. Maybe I can dig out some more this evening when I get home.
*bump* Don't want to loose this thread. Hey... is this one worth a sticky?? Mom? Dad? Unclie Rick?
I should totally be doing homework, but instead I'm messing with finding pictures LOL
This is one taken by a friend who is a photography major

One of me and DBF on our trip over x-max. I still get tears when I think about it

another friend with a photography minor. Gosh people like to take pictures of us LOL
LOL... Great!! That definitely works with her... she's a Leo... you know how they LOOOOOVE attention:lmao: (though, she's very shy...)

Hey - us Leo's are a pretty good group on the whole - no teasing now!
Wow, great pictures. I've noticed a few things:
We have a good looking group!:thumbsup2
Mike - I didn't know you were a Harley kind of guy.
LukenDC - that is one heck of a cute monkey. Do you have any close-ups? And did you try to sneek him back? (Although I'm sure he's much cuter there than in a house or apartment in America!)
Why are you staring at me? I suddenly feel the need to turn off my computer.

Looook intoo my eyes!!!!

I really need to photoshop out the unibrow and the scratch from the cat under my left eye :rotfl:
haha OMG I remember when my little brother was trying to shave off his "unibrow" back in the day. So cute...:rotfl:
LukenDC - that is one heck of a cute monkey. Do you have any close-ups?

His name is Gumbo and I wish I could have brought him back with me. He was rescued after his mother was killed by someone who was shooting monkeys for fun. :sad1:

Here is a close-up:


While I was in Belize, I visited the Community Baoon Sanctuary. The "baboons" are actually black Yucatan howler monkeys. Conservationists have worked with a local community to reduce the destruction of habitat for the wild troops of monkeys. Here is a pic of a wild monkey that I saw at the sanctuary:

I should totally be doing homework, but instead I'm messing with finding pictures LOL
This is one taken by a friend who is a photography major

One of me and DBF on our trip over x-max. I still get tears when I think about it

another friend with a photography minor. Gosh people like to take pictures of us LOL

These pictures are fantastic! You guys are adorable, and you photograph well, no wonder all your photog friends want to snap your pic!!

I am probably not as cute as the little howler monkeys, but here is my picture. It is backstage at HAIRSPRAY in NYC with the incredible Ms. Jordan Ballard who was playing Amber at the time.

ps...another LEO here as well!

Here are three pictures of me and my b/f Kenny. His head is shaved in the first pic (he does it himself), & the last two were taken while at the bowling alley by our friend.



I bought my very first digital camera yesterday for my upcoming Disney vacation and I wanted to test it out, so I present to you the results! The first pic is me trying to look emo and then some "smiley" pics!



I always LOL at the "Myspace Mirror" pictures.


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