Solo: A Star Wars Story

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I honestly wasn't that excited for a Solo movie. I've never been a huge Solo fan. I thought he was kind of a boring character. That being said, I don't think the trailers or promotions did much to get me excited either. I was more interested in Lando, and Chewie, than Han's story!

I liked the movie, but it's in the bottom half of my rankings for SW movies.
The stories are right about Star Wars fatigue. I'm a huge fan, but didn't go see Solo simply because I had no ambition to. As Star Wars movies are coming out every 18 months or so the specialnesss of it kinda fades.
The stories are right about Star Wars fatigue. I'm a huge fan, but didn't go see Solo simply because I had no ambition to. As Star Wars movies are coming out every 18 months or so the specialnesss of it kinda fades.
I think this one definitely suffered being so close to TLJ. It was only about 6 months in between which usually you have at least a year. That could help episode 9 though since that is now 18 months from now.
Why is there “Star Wars fatigue” yet Infinity War and Deadpool are out simultaneously. Deadpool made $125 on its opening weekend vs Solo $100 while Infinity War was still playing.

Please explain why there is “Star Wars fatigue” but not “Marvel fatigue”
We went and saw Solo on Sunday. It was just kinda meh. To me, this is not a story that needed a movie. This was something that should have been handled in a book or comic run.
There are of course numerous possible causes for Solo's pretty astonishing under-performance at the box-office over the weekend. I think the number one reason is timing, and feel like there is just too much competition out there right now. Most people don't go to movies every week, and they may have hit their fill right now after Avengers and Deadpool. Also, I think interest in this movie wasn't all that high to begin with, not because people thought it would be bad, but more that they just felt the story didn't need to be told. Now, this would be fine if the budget were in line with it, but with a swollen spend of $250 or even $300M, there was no way it was ever going to meet that. Rogue One only had a $200M budget. I think that's the biggest problem here.

As for any boycott, I seriously doubt that had a major effect on the take. It might have made a small impact, but I doubt your average movie goer was even aware of any of that. Fans sometimes forget that we are only small part of the actual movie-going audience. If anything, I would say that those who were very disgruntled by TLJ should go see Solo to show Lucasfilm that that is the kind of Star Wars movie they do want. Personally, I liked both of them, but I can see where Solo is more of a movie "for the fans" than TLJ was.

That pretty much somes it up.

Infinity War was and is massive. It's still selling out theatres here locally. Deadpool 2 way underachieved because of Infinity War. Combine the two and there isn't alot of pie left for Solo. The average person only alots a certain amount of time and money to going to a theatre.

Under perfect circumstances Solo was only maybe a $150 Million opening weekend type of movie. $100 Million under the current circumstances is about right.

You also have Incredible's 2, Jurrasic World 2, and Ant Man/Wasp all coming out in the next 6 weeks. These movies all appeal to the same people.
Why is there “Star Wars fatigue” yet Infinity War and Deadpool are out simultaneously. Deadpool made $125 on its opening weekend vs Solo $100 while Infinity War was still playing.

Please explain why there is “Star Wars fatigue” but not “Marvel fatigue”

Because Deadpool is very different from Infinity Wars. Deadpool is an adult comic character. He's played up to be crude and funny, and vicious and different than the mainline characters. Solo was not really a different type of audience or story than the other Star Wars films. Deadpool really has nothing to do with The Avengers, Solo has everything to do with the original Star Wars trilogy.

We will see how Ant Man and Wasp do. I think the dropoff for that movie will be huge from recent Marvel offerings, showing there is some fatigue for PG Marvel movie right now. Of course, a drop is expected for those characters, while I think Lucasfilm thought there was more love for anything Solo than there ended up being.
Why is there “Star Wars fatigue” yet Infinity War and Deadpool are out simultaneously. Deadpool made $125 on its opening weekend vs Solo $100 while Infinity War was still playing.

Please explain why there is “Star Wars fatigue” but not “Marvel fatigue”

I’m not fatigued with marvel or Star Wars movies. But that being said Solo beat 2017 opening Pirates by 25m, 2016 X-men apocalypse by 24m and 2015 Tomorrowland by 60m. Major east coast storms north and south probably had more to do with a lower than expected haul but this isn’t a bad showing. Time will tell though.
Why is there “Star Wars fatigue” yet Infinity War and Deadpool are out simultaneously. Deadpool made $125 on its opening weekend vs Solo $100 while Infinity War was still playing.

Please explain why there is “Star Wars fatigue” but not “Marvel fatigue”

$125 for Deadpool 2 was a fail IMO. I'm sure they were hoping for around $175.
I think it comes down to the fact that seeing this movie was not a high priority for people - for various reasons: turned off by TLJ, burned out from 4 Star Wars movies in 30 months, turned off by the reported production problems, just not that interested in a Han background movie (I know I wasn’t) ... and when it is in the middle of other big superhero/adventure movies if you aren’t the top ptioroty you are nothing (to some extent) given the event driven society we are in.

Still question why they didn’t stick with a December relaese
I honestly wasn't that excited for a Solo movie. I've never been a huge Solo fan. I thought he was kind of a boring character. That being said, I don't think the trailers or promotions did much to get me excited either. I was more interested in Lando, and Chewie, than Han's story!

I liked the movie, but it's in the bottom half of my rankings for SW movies.
Had to quote both of you because both of you brought up reasons why I'm not planning on seeing this movie in the theaters. I'm a newer Star Wars fan and was pretty excited for TLJ, which I ended up not liking at all after REALLY liking Rogue One (the first Star Wars movie I saw in a theater - granted it was on a DCL ship but that still counts, right? ;)). So after being disappointed by TLJ, and not super interested in Han Solo's origin story, this movie wasn't a must-see for me. If I didn't participate in this board, I'm not sure I would have even remembered it was coming out. I'm good with waiting for this one to come to Netflix or whatever. :confused3 I really like Donald Glover though, knowing he's in the movie is probably the biggest draw for me!
Why is there “Star Wars fatigue” yet Infinity War and Deadpool are out simultaneously. Deadpool made $125 on its opening weekend vs Solo $100 while Infinity War was still playing.

Please explain why there is “Star Wars fatigue” but not “Marvel fatigue”
I'm not into Marvel OR Deadpool - like, at all - but I forget that they are even technically in the same universe. I've seen one Marvel movie and part of Deadpool (couldn't finish it) and the tones of both were wildly different to me, so I could see how the fatigue wouldn't be there.
I would place it more with Star Wars Weariness. It's not like marvel where at least there's some difference in these stories and difference in feel. I don't think it's because of the boycott.

Plus Disney is acting like Oprah by giving Star Wars trilogy or Star Wars series to everyone.

And I don't think people labeling it a failure before it came out helped
I'm not into Marvel OR Deadpool - like, at all - but I forget that they are even technically in the same universe. I've seen one Marvel movie and part of Deadpool (couldn't finish it) and the tones of both were wildly different to me, so I could see how the fatigue wouldn't be there.
Yeah it’s x-men for Deadpool which fox owns vs avengers for the actual marvel made films. And you’re 100% right the tones are very different. X-men and avengers are essentially their own universes at this stage
Yeah it’s x-men for Deadpool which fox owns vs avengers for the actual marvel made films. And you’re 100% right the tones are very different. X-men and avengers are essentially their own universes at this stage
I need, like, a flowchart to keep all of the universes straight (I am sure such a chart exists but I haven't bothered to look). :rotfl:
I need, like, a flowchart to keep all of the universes straight (I am sure such a chart exists but I haven't bothered to look). :rotfl:
I will say it’s less confusing in recent years because fox hasn’t made as many x-men films (the franchise outside of Deadpool and Logan is essentially dead). But yeah I confuse myself sometimes trying to sort it all out
Because Deadpool is very different from Infinity Wars. Deadpool is an adult comic character. He's played up to be crude and funny, and vicious and different than the mainline characters. Solo was not really a different type of audience or story than the other Star Wars films. Deadpool really has nothing to do with The Avengers, Solo has everything to do with the original Star Wars trilogy.

We will see how Ant Man and Wasp do. I think the dropoff for that movie will be huge from recent Marvel offerings, showing there is some fatigue for PG Marvel movie right now. Of course, a drop is expected for those characters, while I think Lucasfilm thought there was more love for anything Solo than there ended up being.

Not for us.

Deadpool is completely skippable and we are very much looking forward to Ant Man and the Wasp.
Because Deadpool is very different from Infinity Wars. Deadpool is an adult comic character. He's played up to be crude and funny, and vicious and different than the mainline characters.

This is certainly true. Deadpool plays to our worst instincts. It is GRATUITOUSLY violent and profane; it and the culture is sprang from is sick. ...and people wonder why there are more and more mass shootings? Look in the mirror, America.

...but to the thread; Disney erred by placing Solo into direct competition with its biggest release of the year (Infinity War) and the Cesspool movie. I agree that there is just too much competition for a Solo film that didn't have a lot of buzz anyway.
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