Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Does anyone know the timeline of this film? I assumed it took place before Episode I due to the scene with Darth Maul but then remembered that the Empire was in control of the galaxy during the film. I believe Darth Maul was cut in half near the end of Episode I.
so Darth Maul ends up surviving being cut in half and ends up coming back in the clones wars and rebels cartoon series. I frequent the Star Wars wiki a fair amount and end d up coming across this as I haven’t even watched the series myself. So the movie takes place I believe 10 years or so before the original Star Wars.

A simpler explanation is that everyone told George Lucas he killed off an intriguing as hell character without fleshing them out. So he retconed him back into the fold
It is. Series 4 if memory serves. My daughter was way into that show until they screwed over Ahsoka, then she rage quit.
I’ve only seen like a season and a half, it’s good but I kinda fell out of it.

Also I love that you used the term rage quit. A good summary of my childhood haha
Does anyone know the timeline of this film? I assumed it took place before Episode I due to the scene with Darth Maul but then remembered that the Empire was in control of the galaxy during the film. I believe Darth Maul was cut in half near the end of Episode I.

I think it’s after Revenge of the Sith, but before Rebels. He gets better in The Clone Wars CGI series and becomes a regular character in Rebels. He gains robot legs, a brother, he kills his sisters, but he still gets killed by Obi-Wan in anticlimactic fashion. Poor Maul.
I agree (even though I'm not in the Kathleen Kennedy fan club) - one thing I read was very clear on that: for about $1 billion in production budgets, she's made 4 movies that have made a total of about $5 billion. Love her or hate her, most businesses don't kick someone out the door on a 5x return on investment that nets them a cool $4 billion.

And that's not even mentioning the merchandise sales too. Toys alone were about $760 million in 2016. Then you add in all the other tie ins and merchandise rights that are sold. Even if they never made a new movie they would have made back their investment in a few years in merchandise alone after the purchase.
Does anyone know the timeline of this film? I assumed it took place before Episode I due to the scene with Darth Maul but then remembered that the Empire was in control of the galaxy during the film. I believe Darth Maul was cut in half near the end of Episode I.

I covered this in a previous post, but I'll boil it down in timeline fashion:

Time is measured from the original Star Wars film, known at the Battle of Yavin, so BBY means Before Battle of Yavin and ABY = After Battle of Yavin.

32 BBY - Episode I: The Phantom Menace - Darth Maul is sliced in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
22 BBY - Episode II: Attack of the Clones
20 BBY - The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 21 - "Brothers" - Darth Maul is revealed as alive and found by his brother Savage Opress. Maul goes through a series of robotic legs.
19 BBY - The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 16 - "The Lawless" - Darth Maul has become a crime lord with an organization called the Shadow Collective and takes over Mandalore, but Darth Sidious kills Savage Opress and defeats Maul hinting at plans for him.
19 BBY - Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir - Unproduced story arc for The Clone Wars published as a comic book - Sidious used Maul as a pawn between the Separists and the Republic and to try to take revenge on Mother Talzin, who created Maul and Savage Opress. Maul escapes in the end but his Shadow Collective organization is destroyed.
19 BBY - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

13 BBY - Solo: A Star Wars Story - (possibly anywhere between 13 BBY and 10 BBY) Darth Maul appears as the secret head of the Crimson Dawn criminal orginization.

5 BBY - Star Wars: Rebels - The series runs through 1 BBY
1 BBY - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

And just for fun...

0 BBY - Episode IV: A New Hope
3 ABY - Epidose V: The Empire Strikes Back
4 ABY - Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

34 ABY - Episode VII: The Force Awakens
34 ABY - Episode VIII: THe Last Jedi
I covered this in a previous post, but I'll boil it down in timeline fashion:

Time is measured from the original Star Wars film, known at the Battle of Yavin, so BBY means Before Battle of Yavin and ABY = After Battle of Yavin.

32 BBY - Episode I: The Phantom Menace - Darth Maul is sliced in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
22 BBY - Episode II: Attack of the Clones
20 BBY - The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 21 - "Brothers" - Darth Maul is revealed as alive and found by his brother Savage Opress. Maul goes through a series of robotic legs.
19 BBY - The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 16 - "The Lawless" - Darth Maul has become a crime lord with an organization called the Shadow Collective and takes over Mandalore, but Darth Sidious kills Savage Opress and defeats Maul hinting at plans for him.
19 BBY - Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir - Unproduced story arc for The Clone Wars published as a comic book - Sidious used Maul as a pawn between the Separists and the Republic and to try to take revenge on Mother Talzin, who created Maul and Savage Opress. Maul escapes in the end but his Shadow Collective organization is destroyed.
19 BBY - Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

13 BBY - Solo: A Star Wars Story - (possibly anywhere between 13 BBY and 10 BBY) Darth Maul appears as the secret head of the Crimson Dawn criminal orginization.

5 BBY - Star Wars: Rebels - The series runs through 1 BBY
1 BBY - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

And just for fun...

0 BBY - Episode IV: A New Hope
3 ABY - Epidose V: The Empire Strikes Back
4 ABY - Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

34 ABY - Episode VII: The Force Awakens
34 ABY - Episode VIII: THe Last Jedi
Thanks for the breakdown and information! :thumbsup2 However his presence negates the premise that there are only two sith lords, a master and apprentice.
Thanks for the breakdown and information! :thumbsup2 However his presence negates the premise that there are only two sith lords, a master and apprentice.

There are quite often more than two Dark Side users out and about at any given time. Some even claim to be Sith. Asaj Ventress was one, who went presented herself to Dooku as a Sith. He of course told her she had much to learn, but then started training her as his apprentice/assassin. The Goal of any Sith is to kill their master and supplant them, though the master will also trade-up on the apprentice if they can. Anything or anyone who can give them an edge is fair game. Sidious didn't even know that Maul was still alive until the Mandalore incident, so there's no reason he wouldn't have taken on a new apprentice.
Does anyone know the timeline of this film? I assumed it took place before Episode I due to the scene with Darth Maul but then remembered that the Empire was in control of the galaxy during the film. I believe Darth Maul was cut in half near the end of Episode I.

no, it is between episodes III and IV - I believe about 7 years before episode IV

It gets explained in the Clone Wars that Maul survived being cut in half due to channeling the dark side of the Force via his hatred for Obi-wan. There is a whole long storyline but in the end he winds up leading a crime syndicate - which fits into the movie. And also at this point his is no longer "Darth", he is just "Maul" - and if you look at the ending credits it lists him simply as "Maul"

edit: missed that others covered this already
The Clone Wars series is on Netflix if anyone wants a quick catch up for the character at the end of Solo...

Season 3
Episode 312 & 313(Both not required but helpful for the story), 314

Season 4
Episode 421 & 422

Season 5
501, 514, 515, 516
Geez what a nose dive, never dreamt it.
Did anybody else thing of Merida during the later part of the movie?

Definitely will be interesting to see how Disney reacts to this - I mean, they've still made a ton off Star Wars and the rest of their movie division is doing fine (other than Wrinkle in Time) so not like they need to over-react. Perhaps they just chock it up to "Memorial Day weekend was not a good time and we underestimated the impact of the competition and Infinity War being just 2 weeks before, etc." But we shall see. My guess is it doesn't change much as far as their plans for Episode IX but brings into question if they do a sequel to this one and/or if they want to keep doing backstory movies of older characters
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