Something About Nothing............ #14

charade you are a lot braver than me in getting the shingles vaccine
Not a fan of shots at all but did the 4 vaccinations for covid.

schumi… just saw your post
I’ll be over in ten minutes to help you eat that turkey!

lol……enough for a sandwich or two left…….and we have Mayo!!

Apple pie was gorgeous, that lady makes the best of the best of pies. Yes mac, there‘s a slice or three left!
Save that slice of apple pie for me!

It was lovely!! I didn`t notice till later she had popped some cheese in with the pie......she grew up where if they served apple pie, you were also served a slice or two of cheese too. I`ve heard of that from various people including Tom, but I found it so lovely she sticks to what she thinks goes together whether you like it or not......she`s of that generation.

We have a winter wonderland outside this morning, everything is white and icy, very beautiful but looks very cold! I didn`t realise it was as bad as the house is always so warm, but even so, completely unexpected as it felt milder last night.

And I think it`s mating season for foxes!!! Holy moly they were loud last night. They don`t like to come near the house usually as the automatic lights come on and in the summer the sprinklers, but they are in the woods to the side of us, they seem to have a preference for that area! The noise is unbelievable though. It didn`t keep me awake though for long and sleeping beauty slept through it.

We plan a walk into the village this morning, once the sun comes up it`ll be gorgeous, might walk through the woods first, will see how cold it is.....🥶

Small bowl of turkey noodle soup for lunch with a half sandwich each.....


I agree, but still call it a half sandwich! I`m having beef, Tom wants turkey.

Then Thai takeout tonight.......told Tom this morning the news we`re not going to the vegan`s birthday get together, he was over the moon. She`ll be glad I`m not there anyway, we don`t like one another, but her sister is one of my closest friends, she just laughs as everyone knows we don`t get on.

So, a nice day is ahead for us I think, Kyle might join us for lunch hopefully. And he has another birthday celebration tonight, a nice meal out with friends, nothing nicer than stretching out celebrations.

First, bacon and avocado on toast for breakfast.....just the toast with bacon for my husband.....time for more tea now.




Have a wonderful Saturday :sunny:
Almost moon for Schumi, but hope your morning walk was nice. Cold weather you are having. We have small, red foxes where I am. We rarely see them. But what a noise of your foxes last night.

Yay, the weekend is here. Was crazy up at my alarm time, but decided I needed to have had a very nice, long hot shower. And I did. Even used a shower bomb, so a scented shower I had too. Then my usual, pot of tea, that is almost empty. Some days, I’m more thirsty than others. We do have a humidifier on our heater, but time of year, house is warm, which is good, but a bit dry, unlike warm weather months.

Cool out in this early morning. Below freezing now, most overnights and early mornings. There’s that predicted 29 as low temp tomorrow and a could other days next week. But the high temps are 41 to 46, in our 10 day, so I don’t think that’s too bad for almost the end of January. For me, February is always the coldest month of the year. So colder days are certainly having a chance to come. That gulf steam turns to look like a u, across my country, then all that Arctic air comes down into my area. Sigh. Still the winter season. Next weekend, will start our even warmer, hoping to see 80’s, in our lazy day fun time. Yeah and will be wearing our winter jackets, to and from, as I’m sure our weather will be very different. Ever hopeful me will be putting shorts in my carry on bag.

And so, that quiet house, with English football to watch. Hehe, like when it’s early morning for me. I get that largest tv to watch it too. Kids are not early risers. Though older one will be out the door, most likely earlier than little one and me. He has work today. Told little one the mart we have never been, is open today. Always wanted to see if the cinnamon bun bakery of my youth was still the same, as my sister said it is still operating in that mart. The mart it was in when I was a kid, burned down when I was a young teen. And then my parents never followed where that bakery went. So since we have a Costco run to do, and that store is on the way, we will do both. Mart is relatively close to where my sister lives, so may give her a call to see her agenda today, and maybe stop in. And so our agenda today.

Super sized most stupendously happy Saturday, today, homies. Have it.

And ah yes:
Another quiet day on the San……☺️

Early morning sunrise shot today from behind us…… was stunningly beautiful. And cold. Really cold, but as there was no breeze, -4C didn’t seem too bad at all.


And a little later…..


Could almost be a July day now, the sky is stunning.


Enjoyed a lovely walk, needed some lemon's and limes, which will go into a pitcher of Sangria I’m making up…….we got some blackberry brandy for a Christmas gift from someone, so we’ll add a good glug of that into the wine, OJ, frozen cherries and fizzy lemonade.

The sun is still streaming in our kitchen, we have bifold doors on the main outdoor wall, they let in a lot of light, we love that we can sit toasty in the warm kitchen while it’s white and frosty outside but in the summer, we can slide them wide open and enjoy the heat for the 5 days of summer we get!! The UK is not known for the best weather, but we have our moments.

Tom is already studying the Thai menu for tonight…………looking forward to that meal!
Good Saturday afternoon everyone :wave2:



Robbie, cars are still a nightmare over here too. We ordered this car last August as we only keep cars 3 years, and we are lucky to get this one as other manufacturers are still quoting a year and then some. Mercedes aren`t even taking orders yet for some models. Crazy and who knows when things will fully recover.
Same issue here. Each car dealer is allotted a certain number of vehicles and they are snapped up pretty quickly. We haven’t decided what we are going to do yet. So will think it through.

So glad to hear you all were able to get what you wanted.

We sold our Porsche so easily as dealerships are crying out for second hand cars, we were thrilled as we had folks wanting to buy it privately too, it was and is a sellers market. We never buy second hand cars, so we just had to wait on the manufacturers timeline.
Yes, all the dealers here had to come up with a way to survive here too. With poor new vehicle inventory they all went to pushing car repair as more folks were holding onto their cars longer do to the shortage. Our dealership contacted us and wanted to buy our SUV. I just was not ready to sell my vehicle yet.

I didn’t think you all would have trouble selling your car. So glad to hear it all worked out so well.

She was 2nd overall this time. We leave for State College meet tomorrow, mr & I taking her as such a quick turn around from last outing. Funny, as we were getting ready to leave the state competition there in march of 2020…then covid shut everything down. Nice to see the wheels of life moving on, finally.
Congratulations to your granddaughter. I think it is awesome that you are able to take her to her competitions and see her compete. I know you all are so proud of her. She is adorable.

The mr ’twisted my arm’ to point where I cried Uncle and booked a 4 day anniversary trip to WDW early February. :banana:So funny, every time I’d walk into the LR I’d catch him watching a different disney park video. I’d like to thank Spirit airlines for having ridiculously tempting fares:worship:
Sounds like a wonderful anniversary trip.

now I’m thinking of the eel pie (my fav window @ HP :)).
LOL….that is an interesting window with the eel heads sticking up out of the pie.


This is what it can look like. Salmon, cod, monkfish, haddock, some use smoked haddock, I don`t, and shrimp all encased in a rich sauce using the milk you poach the fish in, barely poached though
Never had fish pie before. It looks very good.

I have been busy past few days. Son is doing better and he is home healing. Praying that he gets better everyday. He will have to have surgery, but hopefully later this summer. He was able to get into the specialist surgeon and we feel better about things now.

Went to shops down by the Ocean yesterday with my Rockit Sista’s. We had a nice time doing a little retail therapy. Enjoyed lunch.

This morning went out to breakfast to my favorite place for eggs benedict and my other favorite breakfast food grits. I love this restaurant. The chef makes the best hollandaise sauce.

Then onto the farmers market for more of the Orri tangerines.

I have some ribs in the crockpot so dinner is basically figured out. Might go down to the pool for a swim a little later.

This is Saturday so just chill and relax day.

I have started a new book. So look forward to getting more reading time in. I just finished a Stephen King book. This is my second of his books so far and I liked it.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday doing whatever makes you happy.

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You always share great pictures with us

Hope your Thai dinner is great!

I have eaten it before as brothers gf is a pro making it.
He quite enjoys it.

Thanks Mac……..we are so lucky to live in such lovely surroundings.

Thai food was good!!!

Good Saturday afternoon everyone :wave2:

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Same issue here. Each car dealer is allotted a certain number of vehicles and they are snapped up pretty quickly. We haven’t decided what we are going to do yet. So will think it through.

So glad to hear you all were able to get what you wanted.

Yes, all the dealers here had to come up with a way to survive here too. With poor new vehicle inventory they all went to pushing car repair as more folks were holding onto their cars longer do to the shortage. Our dealership contacted us and wanted to buy our SUV. I just was not ready to sale my vehicle yet.

I didn’t think you all would have trouble selling your car. So glad to hear it all worked out so well.

Congratulations to your granddaughter. I think it is awesome that you are able to take her to her competitions and see her compete. I know you all are so proud of her. She is adorable.

Sounds like a wonderful anniversary trip.

LOL….that is an interesting window with the eel heads sticking up out of the pie.

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Never had fish pie before. It looks very good.

I have been busy past few days. Son is doing better and he is home healing. Praying that he gets better everyday. He will have to have surgery, but hopefully later this summer. He was able to get into the specialist surgeon and we feel better about things now.

Went to shops down boy the Ocean yesterday with my Rockit Sista’s. We had a nice time doing a little retail therapy. Enjoyed lunch.

This morning went out to breakfast to my favorite place for eggs benedict and my other favorite breakfast food grits. I love this restaurant. The chef makes the best hollandaise sauce.

Then onto the farmers market for more of the Orri tangerines.

I have some ribs in the crockpot so dinner is basically figured out. Might go down to the pool for a swim a little later.

This is Saturday to just chill and relax day.

I have started a new book. So look forward to getting more reading time in. I just finished a Stephen King book. This is my second of his books so far and I liked it.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday doing whatever makes you happy.

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Our fish pie looks nothing like stargazey pie as pictured above……that one is an Italian classic for Christmas Eve for some……not for me, not fond of fish heads.

We were lucky that Porsches Hold their value and then some. And timing was right, so yes, we went for it.

I’m so glad your son is improving, so good to hear.

A good hollandaise sauce is a joy to behold, and ribs……can’t go wrong with ribs! Last Stephen King book I read was The Stand. I struggle with his books generally, can’t really get into them, but the ones I do, I really enjoy them.

Have a great weekend……

Sangria was lovely……..


Fruity and enjoyable…….

Food was so good. I usually prefer eating in the restaurant, but their takeout is very good…..

This was our shared apps…..chicken satay and duck spring rolls, our entrees were Duck in Tamarind sauce and Chicken in a very spicy Thai Basil sauce.


Never took a picture of the entrees, but they were lovely.

We watched The Greatest Showman, love that movie…….very vibrant and you have to sing and dance along.

Watching Scary Movie 3 now……funniest of them all!! No frost outside tonight, hoping it stays that way for tomorrow, planning an early drive to Ikea.

Not long till bedtime……..
Ah lazy Sunday for us. Alarm set, and trash will be at the curb tonight. Little one asked what we need to do today. Um, we did our grocery shopping and getting gas for the car yesterday. So no real agenda today I can think of. Did my rounds of wash, so had those fresh washed towels for my shower. And older one has left, he tends to work weekends, and little one I’ve not seen yet. I guess I will see if she has anywhere she wants to go when I do see her. Otherwise, I’ve made some vegan vegetable soup, not that I’m opposed to meat in it, but had sad looking tomatoes, tired looking carrots, older, have had potatoes, leftover broccoli pieces, a can of green beans and a can of corn, and some beef broth I had in my pantry. Good amount of seasoning, and yum. Have some water crackers to eat with them. Butter too, if I feel like buttering those crackers. Will keep it warm in the pot if little one wants some. If not, I think she will make a beef stir fry. There’s some steak leftover from last night, as is some white rice. With some red and yellow peppers we picked up yesterday, Easy meal for lunch for her instead. Eh, soup is always just as good, or even better tasting when eating it leftover. Time for my and DH’s lunch.

40 degrees out. And the rain will come by dinner time. Soggy trash cans for tomorrow’s pick up. Though saying the rain will continue throughout the night and even not stop until later tomorrow. So rainy day trash pickup.

Finally, weather and food talk done, so hope all having that same agenda as us this Sunday. A Lazy Sunday to all.

Change of plans today, we were planning to drive to see friends who live a few hours away from us, but their house has flooded so, no point in visiting.

So, this morning Tom and I went for a walk and it was stunning, but again, very cold.


Then we decided to go for a drive, and Kyle came with us which was lovely, had some lunch out in a place sitting in the middle of nowhere……wow….they had a Sunday carvery that was just beautiful. They had rib of beef which is unusual as it‘s usually a regular joint of beef most places offer, and turkey or ham. We all had some beef as it was rare and turkey, lovely and an Imaginative selection of veg and various potatoes.

Dessert was included but we couldn’t eat it, we were so full.

Still cold, but we’ve had some lovely days……

Time for tea…….

Yeah, and the early bedtime for me. Rainy still, though not noisy enough to be heard. So just light rain. Glad because at 38 degrees right now, it’s above freezing. At least I don’t have to commute tomorrow, as saying rain doesn’t have its shut off valve until around lunchtime tomorrow. So glad I don’t have to drive in the pre dawn dark in pouring rain. Will have to commute on Tuesday though. And Tuesday is to be dry, and partly cloudy. Thankful for that.

Trash cans at the curb, and all hunkered down for the night. DH already asleep and so am I going to be shortly. Kids? Both up past our old folks’ bedtimes.

Have a most restful Sunday night. A good one too.
Our fish pie looks nothing like stargazey pie as pictured above……that one is an Italian classic for Christmas Eve for some……not for me, not fond of fish heads.
I got tickled when I read this. I was commenting on Keisha saying she liked the eels in the window at Diagon Alley. So I posted a picture of the eel pie in the window at Diagon Alley .

I saw your picture of the example of the fish pie you were talking about. It looks good.

Sangria was lovely……..
Looks good.

So, this morning Tom and I went for a walk and it was stunning, but again, very cold.
Beautiful scenery.
I got tickled when I read this. I was commenting on Keisha saying she liked the eels in the window at Diagon Alley. So I posted a picture of the eel pie in the window at Diagon Alley .

I saw your picture of the example of the fish pie you were talking about. It looks good.

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Looks good.

Beautiful scenery.

lol.....oh I know Robbie.....I was laughing at the comparison........

A lot of folks won`t know Stargazey pie and glad some know that`s not fish pie......☺️

How is your son doing now? Hopefully he`s doing much better now, I know how hard it is to be far away from family, but when one is sick, it`s even worse, and of course it`s your child which is ultra hard.

Back to Monday again........

We`re above freezing again which is good! It`s been very chilly, but with the chill comes some beautiful scenery around us. I think today will be ok, just cloudy.

I`m doing the school reading this morning, that`s always fun, then we`ll do some grocery shopping as we don`t have a single fresh vegetable in the house.....we use our veg quickly!

Doing salmon for dinner tonight so might get some Bok Choi and and other bits and do an Asian style stir fry to sit under the salmon.

And getting the rooms ready upstairs for the decorators coming this week, they`ll be here Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and half of Saturday, then back Monday and Tuesday next week!!! Then we wait for the bedroom to be rebuilt and new bed. I`ll be glad when this is over. No more decorating this year!!

On an avocado kick right now, so hoping the farm store has some this morning as I`ve run out, so breakfast is going to be some toast with marmalade and my favourite tea.




Happy Monday :sunny:
Robo, good to hear from you. I hope your son is feeling much better. Sending more mummy dust well wishes to him. Hard when you are not there. If you’re around the Dark Side next week, maybe we can meet up. Will have a car, so I don’t mind offsite. We eat offsite often. Hehe, we went to a steak restaurant in Daytona one night.

Schumi, nice to help out at the school this morning. Glad that at least you are above freezing weather today. We are too, and it’s still raining.

Ah yes, that ever yeah it’s a Monday feeling. Very thankful I’m in a warm place, with that cool feeling rainy in this predawn time. Still not sunrise yet, and should be hearing those trash trucks not that later after sunrise. And we are getting that much closer to the Summer solstice, as finally, sunset is now after 5 pm, even if 8 minutes after 5 pm today. Every day, will be a few minutes longer now. Yay for that.

So, pep up, we are in the last full week of January. The month of the coldest weather, is also one of love, comes next week. If ever a month to snuggle together, that’s February. So, as we go along in well now into a new year, hope this Monday, is a marvelous one for all.

Rainy and dark, time to get more tea. Good morning all too.
Finally getting to do a stop in :wave2:

I'm officially done my training at the new job. Just with the circus that happened with my training, they have a "buddy" in the building for me that I can ask questions when I'm unsure about a procedure to complete, I can ask her any questions, as she works our desk when there are sick call-outs. I will see how I do now on my own. I have a pretty good grasp of the more important tasks, there will still need to be some review on other duties.

We went to the city this past weekend to celebrate our gd's 3rd birthday. She is definitely a three yr old now :rotfl: I have to giggle a little, about how we now to get enjoy her, and leave her with Mom & Dad to deal with the attitude and everyday things. She had a great party, and it was fun to watch her play and interact with her daycare friends.

Our weather has been extremely mild for the past three weeks!!!! Now the forecast is supposed to go drop again. We have had lots of heavy fog which left picturesque trees with the horefrost. I guess I'll be pulling the big coat out of the closet again.

We finally finalized some dates for Florida...we are heading back with the kids late April :cool1: I"m so excited!!! We do havea limited number of days, and with everything They/We want to do. The boys have one day they need to decide what they want to do with it. They can either have another Disney park day, or a Universal park day, and then I can get park tickets and plan that day. So I have been sending them MANY youtube videos on the other Disney park they might want to visit. Alsothey are huge Potter I would love another dayat Universal as well. Then we wouldn't need to be as rushed to do all they want to do in the parks. We are also doing a KSC day and we are heading to Clearwater for a day as well. I might try to combine our Clearwater day with an Aligator/Airboat tour - as they boys want to do that as well. So many things to do...but we only have 10 days - 8 days including travel days.

rewatch last night’s episode of The Last of Us sooo good, what was reallly surprising to me was how closely they followed the video game as to actual visuals. Smart stuff there, don’t mess up a good thing.
That was actually filmed in our province. Some of the scenes inside abondoned buildings - were filmed right here in our city using out old hospital. Some of the street scenes were filmed right outside dd's building in downtown Calgary and Edmonton. One of ds's good buddy's was working with the special effects teams building some of the more elborate outdoor teams.
We received news last Wednesday evening that our son was going to have emergency surgery. Thankfully the surgeon decided to hold off and give son much needed antibiotics IV and watched over him. He had a ulcer and microperfurations in his large intestines. This came on the Sunday before and he thought it was just something he ate that did not agree with him. By Wednesday he was in the hospital.
How scary! I'll send lots healing thoughts and prayers your way.
A quick hello as I am taking a lunch/study break. This week has been crazy. That shingles vaccine really knocked me out. I got almost all of the standard symptoms - sore arm (really sore), headache, fatigue, and low grade fever. I am finally starting to feel better today. Work has been busy

I hope your last semester goes fast!

And getting the rooms ready upstairs for the decorators coming this week, they`ll be here Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and half of Saturday, then back Monday and Tuesday next week!!! Then we wait for the bedroom to be rebuilt and new bed. I`ll be glad when this is over. No more decorating this year!!
As annoying the process of the actual construction of the renovation is, the end result is worth it!

Well, I should get working on a few papers sitting in my desk. I have been keeping up fairly well, to keep most things current. My hard drive on my computer should be fixed today - Thank goodness!!!! I want my office and computer back.

Have a great day everyone!
Yay for Pumpkin settling into her new job. I hope it gets easier and more enjoyable than your old one. Wahoo for a 10 day trip in April. Yes, lots to do all over Florida. Including one outside of Disney where there’s a place you tour an orange grove, and throw oranges to cows at the end. I’m not sure they are still in business, nor the name, as when kids were much younger, but we enjoyed the ride, including little one nailing a cow straight in the face with an orange, and all had brain freeze with the fresh orange slushes they sold in the store at the front. Though April is not the time oranges are in season. We really enjoyed our space time on the coast when kids weee younger too.

Ooh I need more tea. Afternoon meeting, which is always like, ah, when it’s over.
Finally getting to do a stop in :wave2:

I'm officially done my training at the new job. Just with the circus that happened with my training, they have a "buddy" in the building for me that I can ask questions when I'm unsure about a procedure to complete, I can ask her any questions, as she works our desk when there are sick call-outs. I will see how I do now on my own. I have a pretty good grasp of the more important tasks, there will still need to be some review on other duties.

We went to the city this past weekend to celebrate our gd's 3rd birthday. She is definitely a three yr old now :rotfl: I have to giggle a little, about how we now to get enjoy her, and leave her with Mom & Dad to deal with the attitude and everyday things. She had a great party, and it was fun to watch her play and interact with her daycare friends.

Our weather has been extremely mild for the past three weeks!!!! Now the forecast is supposed to go drop again. We have had lots of heavy fog which left picturesque trees with the horefrost. I guess I'll be pulling the big coat out of the closet again.

We finally finalized some dates for Florida...we are heading back with the kids late April :cool1: I"m so excited!!! We do havea limited number of days, and with everything They/We want to do. The boys have one day they need to decide what they want to do with it. They can either have another Disney park day, or a Universal park day, and then I can get park tickets and plan that day. So I have been sending them MANY youtube videos on the other Disney park they might want to visit. Alsothey are huge Potter I would love another dayat Universal as well. Then we wouldn't need to be as rushed to do all they want to do in the parks. We are also doing a KSC day and we are heading to Clearwater for a day as well. I might try to combine our Clearwater day with an Aligator/Airboat tour - as they boys want to do that as well. So many things to do...but we only have 10 days - 8 days including travel days.

That was actually filmed in our province. Some of the scenes inside abondoned buildings - were filmed right here in our city using out old hospital. Some of the street scenes were filmed right outside dd's building in downtown Calgary and Edmonton. One of ds's good buddy's was working with the special effects teams building some of the more elborate outdoor teams.

How scary! I'll send lots healing thoughts and prayers your way.

I hope your last semester goes fast!

As annoying the process of the actual construction of the renovation is, the end result is worth it!

Well, I should get working on a few papers sitting in my desk. I have been keeping up fairly well, to keep most things current. My hard drive on my computer should be fixed today - Thank goodness!!!! I want my office and computer back.

Have a great day everyone!

How on earth is your little one already 3!! Yes, it’s an adorable age, well, they all are……3 year old little girls can be hilariously precocious!!

Glad to hear the training is done and you have a buddy to help with anything, that’s always nice to know someone is there if you need a guiding hand.

And good to hear you’ve sorted dates for your Florida trip! Yes, there’s so much to do away from the parks.

We adore KSC and plan 2 days in May for visits. They’ve added so much in the last few years for you to see, it’ll be a highlight day for sure. Have fun planning!!

Enjoyed some school reading this morning, the kids absolutely love reading time. I asked if I could start one I love a lot, an Old Bear story by Jane Hissey. I used to read them to Kyle and have read them to godchildren and friends kids alike and they all loved them. Kids did too today.

Then, got my new drapes ordered, not sure about them to be honest, but I’ll see how they look when they’re made and hanging up. I can get another couple of pairs if need be. Picked up a few other bits while we were in the store, they have some lovely things.

Salmon was lush!! Ended up serving it with parmentier potatoes and chargrilled some veg and a tiny amount of lemon butter sauce too.

A bit like pumpkin our weather has been milder, still cool outside though.

Time for a lovely pot of tea freshly brewed as I cut us a slice of apple pie…..finally finished it!

Keisha……..hope the trip was lovely……:wave2:
And a good Tuesday morning......

Going to be mid 40`sF as a high today, not too bad for January, best part is we have no high winds.

Decorators aren`t coming till Thursday now, they`ve been held up by another job, but suits us better as it gives us another day to clear the rooms, tomorrow paint will be delivered and carpet guys are coming to measure up, so we`ll be in for them. But, can`t wait till all this is done.

Got some avocados yesterday, so that`s breakfast with some toast and grapes, lunch will be turkey slices in a wrap with salad and dinner is spicy pulled pork with sweet potato wedges and a large side salad. Food sorted for the day ☺️

Pot of tea time, real tea....🫖




Have a wonderful Tuesday :sunny:


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