Something About Nothing............ #14

Happy thirsty Thursday :flower1:

It's another cool morning - but hopefully the forecast is right and it will start to warm up here.

DH and sons left this morning for a weekend fishing trip north of here. There is a very small window when the fishing is great. They will be fly fishing for artic greyling if anyone is curious what they are going to catch. So it's an alone weekend for me. I have a small project I want to get done while they are gone - now to see if I have the energy to do it ;)

I'm thinking it will be toasted tomato sandwiches for supper tonight. Something light and easy.

ANNNNNDDDD it's lunch time!!!! I started this am 9 AM :blush: I got busy and forgot to post more

@schumigirl I hope your salon time was fabulous! It is always extra special feeling when the pampering happens before a vacation.

@Charade67 It sounds like your on a roll with your last few papers. Soon enough you will have them done and you will be on your vacation!

@Lynne G I hope your commute home is quick with dry roads.

Well I should run and do the errand I wanted to do over lunch today.

Have a great day everyone!

A weekend on your own is lovely sometimes, but I`m sure you`ll be glad to see them home.....

Hope you got your errand done and yes, salon was nice thanks.....a few hours of chatter and chilling!

Yep, not as blonde as I was, some nice caramel colours through my hair this time as I was just a little too blonde, I don`t like that harsh look. But, I love it.

Got some bits in the village deli for lunch and enjoyed some cajun chicken tonight for dinner with some housework and trip planning in the middle. We now have one dining reservation at Eddie V`s and meeting some friends a couple of nights after we arrive......that`s it so far!!

Glass of wine time I think......
We have had rain this morning, but as always, being British we always mumble about the garden needing it, so it`s good.......

Weird dreams were rife last night as usual.....I wish I could switch the old brain off at night, but I always have a good sleep so, hey ho.

Off to pick up some bits and bobs this morning after breakfast, lunch, some tidying (why I`m not sure) some calls, order takeout pizza then get packed up. I do agree with my friend Felicity, our luggage who cares, it holds our clothes and stuff.

I think my godson and his wife will be spending a few nights here next few weeks, their house "Briarwood" is not in a good way, still having plumbing issues and other stuff now. For a new build this is the worst workmanship I`ve seen, so they can retreat to our home when work gets done. Everyone is telling them to sell once work has been completed, it is a beautiful home, but so unlucky so far. It`s the name.

Time for`s always so quiet here on the San thread this time of the morning when everyone is still in bed....... ::yes::




Happy Friday 😊
Ah good morning Schumi. I’m an early riser in my time zone. We get rain starting by lunchtime and not stopping until tomorrow afternoon. So wet we will be. Getting do close to your trip. Yeah, as long as suitcases not damaged, no reason to get another. I think I’m on my second or third, as last one, when we were LA, came back with a broken zipper on my bag. Hence I searched and searched, and finally found the one I now have. And little one has had hers since she was 9 or 10, and while she now doesn’t like the color of it, it has stood the time without issue, it’s lightweight, and a pattern on it I have never seen. Mine is purple, after having only black. Mine is too now older, and since I’m not the only one with a purple bag, I put a bright pink owner’s info plastic on it. That I have never seen on another purple bag.


Even with all that time of enjoying raining, a yay is right, minion. A woot too. Fabulous Friday feeling here. And thanks to a have a 59 minute earlier day notice, on my usual shorter by 30 minutes, and a longer lunch too day, then all of my other week day routine days, it certainly deserves a yay and woot today. Only better Friday is one that is lazy. Planning that for next Friday.

And so, I hope all are having that Fabulous Friday feeling today, and a most Wonderful Weekend, where we then welcome May next week.
Good morning. A very rainy day here. I'm heading out in a. few minutes to get a much needed haircut.

So it's an alone weekend for me.
Sounds nice. Enjoy it.

Weird dreams were rife last night as usual....
Same here. Thankfully they were just dreams. I dreamed that there were several bees ad yellow jackets in my house. I have a bit of a phobia.

Yeah, as long as suitcases not damaged, no reason to get another. I think I’m on my second or third, as last one, when we were LA, came back with a broken zipper on my bag. Hence I searched and searched, and finally found the one I now have. And little one has had hers since she was 9 or 10, and while she now doesn’t like the color of it, it has stood the time without issue, it’s lightweight, and a pattern on it I have never seen. Mine is purple, after having only black. Mine is too now older, and since I’m not the only one with a purple bag, I put a bright pink owner’s info plastic on it. That I have never seen on another purple bag.
I bought a set a few years ago that are..I guess a little obnoxious. It's a purple paisley pattern. I never have trouble finding them on the luggage carousel. I'll snap a picture on my way out the door.

The rain is finally tapering off. Good timing.
It's that Friday feeling :dogdance: I might even leave a little early today - just because :flower:It is bright and sunny out this morning - with no wind. The wind finally died down around 2 am. It was sooo windy and cold yesterday. So far today - it is a beautiful morning...and if the wind stays away, I think it will be a beautiful day today.

It was a quiet night for me. I just enjoyed being home, not having to cook for anyone with the remote in my hand. Started watching Sweet Magnolias on Netflix. It's ok...predictible...but ok. I didn't get started on the project I had in mind. If I leave work early today - I might try to tackle it.

Luggage - we bought all new luggage when we all went to Mexico 5 yrs ago. But I refuse to pay huge $$$ for something that is beaten and tossed around the way they transfer luggage. We have one set that is grey...and the scuffs and marks on it from our trips :scared1: AS long as it holds all my clothes and things is all that matters to me. But given the way our canadian carriers are loosing luggage - we might be investing in 2 different carry on ones. We did carry on for Vegas and it worked great. I don't know if I could do just carry on for a longer vacation like we do when we go to Florida though.

@schumigirl and packing!!!!! I can't wait to hear and read all about your trip!

@Lynne G enjoy your longer lunch today!

Well, I should try to track down some papers to shuffle around.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
Another really sad day today. I can't remember if I posted this or not. Three days ago I heard that my former youth minister from the church I attended in high school was hospitalized and in serious condition. He is a cancer survivor (I didn't know that at the time) but for the past few months he had been hospitalized with Covid pneumonia several times. This time it was very serious and he has been on a ventilator. I just got word that he passed away this morning. He leaves behind a wife, but I am not sure if he has any children.
Another really sad day today. I can't remember if I posted this or not. Three days ago I heard that my former youth minister from the church I attended in high school was hospitalized and in serious condition. He is a cancer survivor (I didn't know that at the time) but for the past few months he had been hospitalized with Covid pneumonia several times. This time it was very serious and he has been on a ventilator. I just got word that he passed away this morning. He leaves behind a wife, but I am not sure if he has any children.
I'm so sorry to hear of your former youth minister's passing, Charade
I hope your day gets better:)
We have had rain this morning, but as always, being British we always mumble about the garden needing it, so it`s good.......

Weird dreams were rife last night as usual.....I wish I could switch the old brain off at night, but I always have a good sleep so, hey ho.

Off to pick up some bits and bobs this morning after breakfast, lunch, some tidying (why I`m not sure) some calls, order takeout pizza then get packed up. I do agree with my friend Felicity, our luggage who cares, it holds our clothes and stuff.

I think my godson and his wife will be spending a few nights here next few weeks, their house "Briarwood" is not in a good way, still having plumbing issues and other stuff now. For a new build this is the worst workmanship I`ve seen, so they can retreat to our home when work gets done. Everyone is telling them to sell once work has been completed, it is a beautiful home, but so unlucky so far. It`s the name.

Time for`s always so quiet here on the San thread this time of the morning when everyone is still in bed....... ::yes::




Happy Friday 😊
Good Morning ,Carole:

We are having some of that "good for the garden" rain this am too, LOL.
It sounds like you have everything handled for leaving.
A little pampering goes a long way, and can't wait to see your "new" hair color:)

I never dream so I can't relate with weird dreams. Are they scary or just weird?
Have a great last day of packing and anticipation, and take care:)
It’s a good thing I read the Dis so I am aware what date it is!

I don’t live by the clock so every day seems like a weekend for me..

Good morning to all !

I know what day it is!!!!

You have an anniversary today........



I`m sure you`ll have a lovely day.......:)

It's that Friday feeling :dogdance: I might even leave a little early today - just because :flower:It is bright and sunny out this morning - with no wind. The wind finally died down around 2 am. It was sooo windy and cold yesterday. So far today - it is a beautiful morning...and if the wind stays away, I think it will be a beautiful day today.

It was a quiet night for me. I just enjoyed being home, not having to cook for anyone with the remote in my hand. Started watching Sweet Magnolias on Netflix. It's ok...predictible...but ok. I didn't get started on the project I had in mind. If I leave work early today - I might try to tackle it.

Luggage - we bought all new luggage when we all went to Mexico 5 yrs ago. But I refuse to pay huge $$$ for something that is beaten and tossed around the way they transfer luggage. We have one set that is grey...and the scuffs and marks on it from our trips :scared1: AS long as it holds all my clothes and things is all that matters to me. But given the way our canadian carriers are loosing luggage - we might be investing in 2 different carry on ones. We did carry on for Vegas and it worked great. I don't know if I could do just carry on for a longer vacation like we do when we go to Florida though.

@schumigirl and packing!!!!! I can't wait to hear and read all about your trip!

@Lynne G enjoy your longer lunch today!

Well, I should try to track down some papers to shuffle around.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

I could never just do carry on for our trips....even when I went to New York for the first time, it was only a week, but still had a full suitcase.

Yes, I can`t see us changing luggage anytime soon. I will get a red set I think when we do change it, or grey.

Thank you...I hope you enjoy the TR when it starts, always enjoy seeing you is appreciated......:)

Have a great weekend.

Another really sad day today. I can't remember if I posted this or not. Three days ago I heard that my former youth minister from the church I attended in high school was hospitalized and in serious condition. He is a cancer survivor (I didn't know that at the time) but for the past few months he had been hospitalized with Covid pneumonia several times. This time it was very serious and he has been on a ventilator. I just got word that he passed away this morning. He leaves behind a wife, but I am not sure if he has any children.

I`m so sorry to hear that news.

Good Morning ,Carole:

We are having some of that "good for the garden" rain this am too, LOL.
It sounds like you have everything handled for leaving.
A little pampering goes a long way, and can't wait to see your "new" hair color:)

I never dream so I can't relate with weird dreams. Are they scary or just weird?
Have a great last day of packing and anticipation, and take care:) have some British in you somewhere.....

I do love a good old salon appointment, I wasn`t sure about going a little darker initially, but I prefer it......once the sun gets to it though, it`ll brighten up.

My dreams can be both weird and scary, I`ve also woke Tom up laughing at times. Mostly very detailed though and some are the same dream over many years. Tom dreads when I say Oh I`ll tell you about this

I haven`t had night terrors for many years, very rarely have a nightmare now but my dreams are always decidely odd and very real.

You don`t dream at all??? Tom says the same thing, I think in over 30 years together he`s told me once he had a dream......I always say I don`t believe him thinking it`s

Thanks Ruth, it`s been a nice day :)

Turned out gorgeous today after the rain cleared, horrible morning but beautiful afternoon and evening.

Just finished our pizza and pizza was just ok tonight, but the other`s were lovely. Quiet evening ahead, some tv and probably an early night as we get picked up fairly early.

Cup of tea time now though.......
I am awake way too early for a Saturday. Caspian woke me up about an hour ago. He was in rare form this morning. He has finally settled down.

My dreams can be both weird and scary, I`ve also woke Tom up laughing at times. Mostly very detailed though and some are the same dream over many years. Tom dreads when I say Oh I`ll tell you about this
I get a lot of weird, but rarely scary dreams. Do you ever lucid dream? Sometimes I realize that I am dreaming and can change the outcome of the dream.

You don`t dream at all??? Tom says the same thing, I think in over 30 years together he`s told me once he had a dream......I always say I don`t believe him thinking it`s
My husband is similar. He rarely remembers a dream.

I’m going to try to get back to sleep. No big plans for today. I am at a standstill with my school work. I want to finish, but I need some feedback from my professor before I can continue.
Ooh one more day, and Schumi will be starting her relaxing, even with an early morning pick up. Ack, to your pizza not as good as usual. And glad the rain is gone for now. How exciting a flight on Monday.

So sad news, Charade. Ah, an early cat encounter. Glad he settled down, and hope you get more sleep, and an answer from your professor.

Roads still sounded wet when I woke up. The house feels cool, and I swear I heard the AC on last night. Mind you, got down to 38 degrees in the overnight. And so, I checked, yep. Little did he know, house is warm now. See I for some reason, well after an early evening nap, was up over an hour before my alarm goes off. 3 am said the click. Oops. Tried to get back to sleep, but nope. So a very long hot shower, and a big cup of tea. Made pancakes, as decided carbs are good. Did pick up bacon the other day, so used up the rest for DH and I. Kids won’t know, as none left, and oh so sorry for them. If they wanted, will pick up on our grocery shopping today.

48 out now, as rain coming from the South, so another rainy Saturday for us. And not much bump in the temp either. 59 is the high degree. Cool feeling rainy day. So was yesterday. No rain right now, but early weather news said another round of rain throughout this rainy day will make us still damp and wet. We got almost 1 and 1/2 inches of rain by 5 am this morning. Heard quite a gusty, noisy rainstorm at least twice last night. Though saying today’s rain will be just rain showers, with about a little more than a quarter inch to fall when it stops raining by evening. And next week, our first in May, sees us having more of no higher temp then 64 degrees. Including a stormy Sunday start to next week, the last day of April. But there is hope. In the 10 day forecast, two Mondays from today, is to have a high of 74, and sunny. I hope that prediction is right on the full day of sunshine, and hope hotter in temp than predicted.

And so truly a day of rest, and now hearing that dove cooing away. He’s loud enough, I bet he’s in my holly tree right next to my one bedroom window. And a police siren just went by on the main road, as I can hear from my house. Yeah, can hear loud traffic as well as the birds near our house. That and the noisy plane that just flew over. And another one. Sigh, he’s even noisier. I am around an hour drive away from our City airport, but there is a military Air Force base less than an hour drive, in the state across our shared river, and there’s a retired air base not far from me, that my state now owns, and many little airports, with one 15 minutes from me. That and other helicopters, I hear at times too. And I can’t forget the train whistle, as have two stations, each about a mile away. Yeah. I live in the suburbs of the largest city in our state. So birds, local traffic, trains and air traffic I can hear from our house every day. And in the summer, cats from my one neighbor, who lets them outside in the summer. And there has to be others that do the same, as you can then hear their cries when they fight in the late evenings.

But as an early riser, there’s always crap on the tv in the wee hours of the early morning. At least I do get late afternoon live from Europe though. So at least some new, other than current news.

Super size lazy Saturday hope, as given to all. A soggy feeling homie, says have a good morning from me.

And yes,

Hey all. Back for a five night pit stop. Yesterday got to drive two kids to work due to vehicles in the shop, on a few hours sleep. Zombie moms, join me🧟‍♀️ Good sleep last night Was most appreciated.

Need to get house picked up, 40th BD dinner for DiL tomorrow. Found the most beautiful porterhouse steaks Yesterday at a far flung market. Haven’t made them in years. Not a prime rib to be found anywhere in area for some reason.

worfi - darn it, didn’t realize you were at U, maybe next time can catch you to say hey

great weekend all!

carole - hope
Is amazing!

mac -
Steak dinner at Keisha’s house. Yay for scoring a nice cut of meat. And looked like you had a great little trip. Looked like fantastic weather too.

Such the rainy day for us. Grocery shopping with older one. Little one remarked not much for her. Well, we did ask if you wanted anything.

Now chilling with a cup of tea. Still misty out.

Ooh 11 more days before I say I have a university graduate. She wants a trip to celebrate. Um, we both do have credits from being delayed the last time we flew, that we have to use by the end of May, and sale supposedly at SW. Hmm, so I dare look at flights? To where? Have to ask her. Keep getting last minute cruise ads. Land or sea or both? What to do….
Mac, I think a little of both. Where is her choice, then I will book some surprises. I guess decision soon. I think you can book up to 2 days in advance. Can’t believe Monday is the first of May.

Ooh I think I’d rather eat at Keisha’s place. Neither kid is interested in what for dinner. I may just make some soup if I don’t get a suggestion soon.
Not a very exciting day today. I did some cleaning and laundry. I am still waiting to hear back from my professor so I can finish the last 2 assignments. I am so ready to be done.

Found the most beautiful porterhouse steaks
Darn, I missed dinner at keisha’s place.
Ooh 11 more days before I say I have a university graduate. She wants a trip to celebrate.
A trip will be fun. Where does she want to go?

I need to find something to do for the evening. Dh is watching football, and by watching, I mean he has it on theTV while he is sleeping.
Steak dinner at Keisha’s house. Yay for scoring a nice cut of meat. And looked like you had a great little trip. Looked like fantastic weather too.
Thanks it was a nice. I’m of the any time in FLA is a good time, even if just a short visit. Of course, I’m a commando from way back. Had long ago put that up upon a shelf, dusted it off and had at it. My feet and back made sure to tell me for a day afterwards what a fool I was
Ooh 11 more days before I say I have a university graduate. She wants a trip to celebrate. Um, we both do have credits from being delayed the last time we flew, that we have to use by the end of May, and sale supposedly at SW. Hmm, so I dare look at flights? To where? Have to ask her. Keep getting last minute cruise ads. Land or sea or both? What to do….
How exciting for you both. FYI there’s a SW sale 30% off, unfortunately only for next two weekends

cruise…do a land & sea. It’s like surf & turf…the best of both worlds :)
I may just make some soup if I don’t get a suggestion soon.
Steaks r for tomorrow. just made a steak hoagie for the mr & I enjoyed some chicken soup I made earlier out of a repurposed rotisserie chicken carcass and left over bird.
Guess what I am having for dinner tonight…
Cheesecake? if not, you should! With a cherry on top :)

I bought a frozen one at sams yesterday for the celebration. Will dump a can of cherry pie filling in a bowl and whip out the ever present can of reddi whip that sits in my fridge. thot a very smart idea of it already separated into individual slices. How did i never notice that in the freezer case?

Today, since my oven is awfully temperamental, bought a small cake at bakery for those foolish enough to not like cheesecake. I’m talking the size of a large salad plate. shocked it ran more than the big cheesecake. Just a basic white cake with buttercream icing and a couple of rose buds upon it. :confused3


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