Something About Nothing............ #14

This has been a long morning. Caspian can’t keep any food down. He will eat and then vomit a few minutes later. We made the decision to take him to the emergency vet this morning. He has an infection. We were given oral medication to give him for the next 5 days. I pray this takes care of the problem. Thankfully we have no plans for the weekend. I am going to try to get some sleep.
Aw Charade, crap always happens when you are getting ready to go. I hope your cat gets better with his medication and is that healthy cat before you leave. Sending cat size mummy dust well wishes to Caspian.

Happy Birthday to Keisha’s son. Yay to celebrating a longer time. We have two end of June birthdays that will be celebrated for days, until all get together for 4th of July. And my nephew is at beginning of July, and two of my great nieces are mid July, so lots of birthdays we will celebrate all the month of July.

Glorious sunshine almost hazy as I drove to the grocery store. So nice the closest to me opens at 6 am. And you know when I entered at just before 7, the parking lot was certainly not empty. Though they had only one checkout lane open, I got in it just a huge full cart got in back of me, and person in front of me was paying and the checking guy finishing the bagging. I only had a few items, as I like to cherry pick, as I do think this grocery store is higher priced, generally. But weekend 4 day sales got me in there. And so, checked off most of the list I’m bringing up today, so if I forget something, can bring it when I come on Sunday. But a quick stop in the store that is on the way to my sister, so that should complete the list I made. Woot! Good eating weekend. Woot!

With all that sunshine, while was 57 out, had lightweight pants on, my flip flops and a short sleeved shirt. Did not feel cold. While cloudy conditions to start at 10 this morning, so says my phone, I’m still enjoying that glorious sunshine pouring through my windows right now.

A most stupendous Saturday to all. Party on, as great day to do so. :rockband:

And I must have an early neighbor. He’s putting new siding on his home. Started the hammering at 7 this morning, as saw them getting up on the scaffolding as I pulled out of my driveway. I guess I don’t blame them. While it’s nice out, get it done early. Good thing my little one, whose bedroom faces the front of the house, is a good sleeper. I doubt she heard the hammering or me coming and going to the store. Older one is still asleep too. Otherwise, only sounds I hear in weekend mornings is some traffic on the main drag, and the birds. As sunrise is now around 5:30 am, birds start being heard when I wake up around 4 am. Hehe, they are having quite the conversation now, in the tree next to my window. Guess they do or don’t like the banging. Ah, time of year, chicks should have been born. Probably a nest or even two, in my huge, very tall holly tree next to my window.

Ah love these quiet mornings. Tea and big tv remote. Time to see what else is on and refill my teacup. Weee, holiday weekend. Woot!!! ::yes:::thumbsup28-)
This has been a long morning. Caspian can’t keep any food down. He will eat and then vomit a few minutes later. We made the decision to take him to the emergency vet this morning. He has an infection. We were given oral medication to give him for the next 5 days. I pray this takes care of the problem. Thankfully we have no plans for the weekend. I am going to try to get some sleep.
I hope the meds do the trick and Caspian responds quickly to the meds.
Good Saturday Morning everyone :wave:





Good morning homies
Good morning Mac :wave2:

To Robo, Charade, Lynne, Keisha, Mac and anyone I missed. Going out to Chipolte for lunch with daughter.
Hello Sue. Happy Birthday to you. Enjoy all the celebrating.

Saw this on my Facebook AP page:
Very colorful Minion area. Looking forward to seeing it when its done.

Got home late yesterday afternoon, and now I'm vegging on the couch, sick. The little scratchy throat turned into full blown "can't swallow without agony" and I've also developed a headache, sneezy runny nose and sinus pressure. No fever though. So luggage is half unpacked, laundry still to do, but it'll have to wait. I put a mask on to pick up a few needed things at the grocery store, didn't want anyone else to get sick.
Sorry to hear you came home ill. Hope you feel better soon.

Waiting for jr to come round, taking my two Dave’s out for early BD dinner. I’ve been known to stretch out celebrations :rolleyes1
Happy Birthday to your fellas. Nothing wrong with extending celebrations.


Lazy Friday......enjoyed a lovely BBQ earlier and opened a new gin to try, think I found a new favourite. You can really taste all the herbs in the gin, it is beautiful and very smooth. This was one of the bottles we brought back from America.
Lazy days are good. BBQ is always yummy. Never heard of Gin with all those herbs and olive infused flavors. Sounds interesting.

Caspian has had diarrhea for a couple of days and today he has vomited several times. The vet thinks it is just a reaction to the anesthesia he had last week. She has put him on a bland food diet and a probiotic. I am praying the this is a simple tummy bug and will pass soon. This couldn’t have come at a worse time. Other than the diarrhea and vomiting he seems to be fine. He is still drinking water, not lethargic, and still tries to fight us.

Hope your Caspian starts feeling better. Never fun when pets are sick.

Your countdown for your trip is getting closer.

Quiet Saturday morning here. Sun will be hiding today according to the weather.

I was multitasking the other day and dropped my phone on my left foot. It blew up and bruised pretty bad. Put ice on it and it helped a lot. I had an appointment with the Podiatrist that I had made a few weeks before the next day anyway. Having a bit of a flare with the Plantar Faciitis in left foot. I had broke my shoe insert and will have to have another made. Doc did an X-ray of foot. Thankfully no broken bones. He asked me how high my phone was when I dropped it because I have a wicked soft tissue injury to the top of my left foot. I seem to be on a roll here with things lately….LOL…..

Thankfully I was able to find the molds from my previous shoe inserts so the Ortho tech should be able to make me another insert without issue.

I had a wonderful time watching little Jude the other day. He is such a happy little Toddler. I took him for a hair cut to a children‘s specialty salon with little car chairs etc…..he loved the car chairs and did well with the hair cut.

Not much planned today. Need to get my office desk organized again. Some mail to go through.

I really like the Vera Bradley Crossbody bags and they have sale going on now online. The bags are really light weight and perfect for vacation or anytime. Some of their small backpacks are cute too. I ordered a couple of the bags online the other day. I found a small Turtle design backpack at Dillard‘s and bought that too.

Thinking of making a quick week long trip to Universal this summer sometime. Will contemplate that a little more and figure out a good time. All this talk of utilizing AP’s had me thinking. I think my AP will need to be renewed at end of August or beginning of September. I need to get into my AP folder and have a look.

I was thinking the other day how much all the tickets for tours an extras at HHN have gone up and now the price of AP’s have gone up too. Will be interesting to see how much the multi-day passes will be for HHN this year. I don’t mind paying for what I want at all, but I don‘t want to feel as though I’am being taken to the cleaners either and not getting value for my money.

I will admit HHN has changed a lot from a few years ago. Not the same and I know others feel the same. HHN has become far more popular.

I think some of the Original Houses have by far outshined the IP’s past few years. The design team are awesome. Looking forward to this year. Will see how it unfolds. I love Halloween so hope it will be a good HHN this year.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone.
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Hope the soft tissue injury clears up quickly! you got luck no broken bones.

stay safe and heal so you make plans to hit the park and have hhn to enjoy when the event begins.

UO always raises those hhn ticket prices and I just pay as love hhn

Prayers for you that your recovery is quick

So you in the fog in september!
Ack, Robo, glad no broken bones, but even a soreness is not fun. Glad you enjoyed time with little J. How cute, haircut for him.

Older one is up. Now to get little one up do we can be in our way. Since sister and I bought corn, will cook some of them up for lunch today. Time of year corn on cob with butter and salt, yum.
Morning all, yummy steaks last night. Glad I used the app to waitlist. When we arrived, there was an 1.5 wait & it was only 5:30 pm.

I love planting flowers, but it gets a little harder to do when you get older, LOL. Roger and I are going to plant them all this evening. So much fun
I love flowers, i love starting seeds in the winter & watch the seedlings grow. I am not known to actually place them outside:rolleyes1 Have yet to find a method that doesn’t hurt the knees or back. The mr gets down & dirty and crawls around like an ant, happy as can be with it.
Now Bagels.......not for me
All bagels are decidedly not equal. I’m convinced it has to do with the chemical make up of the water in which they are boiled. Fresh ones are a real treat that I rarely get to enjoy unless I lumber into the city in the AM. had enough of fighting that traffic back in the 80’s when i worked in town.
the lady on the phone was one we didn`t know, she was hard to understand, so one of the dishes was not what we asked for, we called them back and they sent the correct dish out in 15 minutes
Now, that is good customer service!
it came down to just over $1,100 a few weeks before our trip, not bad for 3 weeks.
That’s a great rate these days
can’t go wrong having gin and bbq!
I’ll take your word for that. I’m more of an iced tea or beer & BBQ sort
I seem to be on a roll here with things lately….LOL…
That sounds awful, sorry. foot issues are awfully difficult to ignore

had to laugh when I pulled out a pair of dressy favored sandals this year. The right one was awfully tight. Have my share of weird feet issues. When I went to podiatrist for annual check, mentioned it. She suggested the arthritis in that foot is worse than other via getting crushed in an SUV door a decade or so ago & making the circumference of it substantially larger. :headache:

not that I’m not happy to be mobile & have two feet! Podiatrist said I might have to start considering buying a wider size & a regular size in “non athletic/adjustable” shoes. :confused3
I had a wonderful time watching little Jude the other day. He is such a happy little Toddler. I took him for a hair cut to a children‘s specialty salon with little car chairs etc…..he loved the car chairs and did well with the hair cut.
Aw that is sweet
I really like the Vera Bradley Crossbody bags
I confess to having a large bin full of them. Family caught on I favored them in the past and I was deluged with many. Still do use the bigger totes/backpacks. They have a nice, larger kidney shaped morph of a crossbody/mini one shoulder backpack for shopping that is handy for me at the outlets, can stash water bottle & mini umbrella if need.

These days have mostly transitioned over to the D&B disney themed & just two coach cross bodies.
don’t mind paying for what I want at all, but I don‘t want to feel as though I’am being taken to the cleaners either and not getting value for my money.
Absolutely agree!
Yeah I have VB purses and such. Was annoyed when they moved manufacturing to China. Since then, I only buy a few that I wanted, mostly at a good deal at the outlet. Though the prices now, seem way too high for me.

One kid up, now let’s see if I can get the other up. Asked older one to get her up. Um, I hear him playing loudly on his phone. Will ask him again. He gets up fast, her? Will be at least a half hour after we get her up and moving.
I went through days like that trying to get a son up so we could get to our destination.

Thankfully, when he got a full time job, he would be up and at work before I made the morning coffee and fried the bacon
Good Saturday Morning everyone :wave:

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Good morning Mac :wave2:

Hello Sue. Happy Birthday to you. Enjoy all the celebrating.
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Very colorful Minion area. Looking forward to seeing it when its done.

Sorry to hear you came home ill. Hope you feel better soon.

Happy Birthday to your fellas. Nothing wrong with extending celebrations.
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Lazy days are good. BBQ is always yummy. Never heard of Gin with all those herbs and olive infused flavors. Sounds interesting.

Hope your Caspian starts feeling better. Never fun when pets are sick.

Your countdown for your trip is getting closer.

Quiet Saturday morning here. Sun will be hiding today according to the weather.

I was multitasking the other day and dropped my phone on my left foot. It blew up and bruised pretty bad. Put ice on it and it helped a lot. I had an appointment with the Podiatrist that I had made a few weeks before the next day anyway. Having a bit of a flare with the Plantar Faciitis in left foot. I had broke my shoe insert and will have to have another made. Doc did an X-ray of foot. Thankfully no broken bones. He asked me how high my phone was when I dropped it because I have a wicked soft tissue injury to the top of my left foot. I seem to be on a roll here with things lately….LOL…..

Thankfully I was able to find the molds from my previous shoe inserts so the Ortho tech should be able to make me another insert without issue.

I had a wonderful time watching little Jude the other day. He is such a happy little Toddler. I took him for a hair cut to a children‘s specialty salon with little car chairs etc…..he loved the car chairs and did well with the hair cut.

Not much planned today. Need to get my office desk organized again. Some mail to go through.

I really like the Vera Bradley Crossbody bags and they have sale going on now online. The bags are really light weight and perfect for vacation or anytime. Some of their small backpacks are cute too. I ordered a couple of the bags online the other day. I found a small Turtle design backpack at Dillard‘s and bought that too.

Thinking of making a quick week long trip to Universal this summer sometime. Will contemplate that a little more and figure out a good time. All this talk of utilizing AP’s had be thinking. I think my AP will need to be renewed at end of August or beginning of September. I need to get into my AP folder and have a look.

I was thinking the other day how much all the tickets for tours an extras at HHN have gone up and now the price of AP’s have gone up too. Will be interesting to see how much the multi-day passes will be for HHN this year. I don’t mind paying for what I want at all, but I don‘t want to feel as though I’am being taken to the cleaners either and not getting value for my money.

I will admit HHN has changed a lot from a few years ago. Not the same and I know others feel the same. HHN has become far more popular.

I think some of the Original Houses have by far outshined the IP’s past few years. The design team are awesome. Looking forward to this year. Will see how it unfolds. I love Halloween so hope it will be a good HHN this year.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone.

Completely agree with HHN. As someone who has only been visiting since 2007 for HHN, it has declined for sure and is now far too busy. We didn`t feel it was worth it last year, that`s not the reason we aren`t visiting this time, but for many folks it is a consideration for sure. I know they are overselling the tickets/EP, but it`s all money.

Of course I hope it is enjoyable for those that love it, I wonder if it`s losing it`s appeal for us.

I had to re read that....I thought you said the phone blew up!!! But my goodness you must just have caught your foot in a very unfortunate way, glad you had an appointment in place and yes, sometimes it never rains but it pours with incidents.....fingers and toes crossed you`ve had your fill of accidents and incidents now.

Glad you got some time with the little guy, he is such a cutie!!

We do like a gin you can taste the Botanicals and many we have you can pick out certain ingredients, but this one you can taste every one of the added essences and they are crystal clear, it is beautiful.

Have a lovely weekend Robbie.....

Morning all, yummy steaks last night. Glad I used the app to waitlist. When we arrived, there was an 1.5 wait & it was only 5:30 pm.

I love flowers, i love starting seeds in the winter & watch the seedlings grow. I am not known to actually place them outside:rolleyes1 Have yet to find a method that doesn’t hurt the knees or back. The mr gets down & dirty and crawls around like an ant, happy as can be with it.

All bagels are decidedly not equal. I’m convinced it has to do with the chemical make up of the water in which they are boiled. Fresh ones are a real treat that I rarely get to enjoy unless I lumber into the city in the AM. had enough of fighting that traffic back in the 80’s when i worked in town.

Now, that is good customer service!

That’s a great rate these days

I’ll take your word for that. I’m more of an iced tea or beer & BBQ sort

That sounds awful, sorry. foot issues are awfully difficult to ignore

had to laugh when I pulled out a pair of dressy favored sandals this year. The right one was awfully tight. Have my share of weird feet issues. When I went to podiatrist for annual check, mentioned it. She suggested the arthritis in that foot is worse than other via getting crushed in an SUV door a decade or so ago & making the circumference of it substantially larger. :headache:

not that I’m not happy to be mobile & have two feet! Podiatrist said I might have to start considering buying a wider size & a regular size in “non athletic/adjustable” shoes. :confused3

Aw that is sweet

I confess to having a large bin full of them. Family caught on I favored them in the past and I was deluged with many. Still do use the bigger totes/backpacks. They have a nice, larger kidney shaped morph of a crossbody/mini one shoulder backpack for shopping that is handy for me at the outlets, can stash water bottle & mini umbrella if need.

These days have mostly transitioned over to the D&B disney themed & just two coach cross bodies.

Absolutely agree!

Glad you didn`t have to wait last night in the end, that is a long wait for 5.30!! And glad food was so good.

When I was in New York, the lady in the restaurant we were having breakfast assured me we`d like their bagels. I didn`t. I think she was annoyed with

I remember you smashing your foot in the car door!! Crikey 10 years ago......

Yes, we felt as if we had robbed Alamo this went through a different site, not the main Alamo one and it was so much cheaper. Much better than the $2,000 plus of last year! Hopefully prices are now coming back down to pre pandemic levels. We ended up with an Audi Q7 as the first cars they showed us in our category were like minivans. The guy laughed so hard when I said that and said ok, what do you want, I pointed to the Audi and he said no problem. Decent car though in the end.

Have a fabulous day and weekend with the family.....🎊🎈

Sunshine disappeared for a while, but it`s still reasonably warm, certainly not Florida temps or anywhere near it, but for us, it`s decent.

Had some nice sizzly snack foods from the grill for lunch and two friends popped in and of course collected their packages from Orlando! And had a margarita and some food. We still have loads for later and tomorrow probably.

Still sitting in the garden, waiting for the sunshine to appear again.

But, what a lovely relaxing Saturday with my husband...priceless.
I hope your cat gets better with his medication and is that healthy cat before you leave. Sending cat size mummy dust well wishes to Caspian.

I hope the meds do the trick and Caspian responds quickly to the meds.

Hope your Caspian starts feeling better. Never fun when pets are sick.
Thanks y’all. He was not happy with the medication we had to give him this morning. Can’t say that I blame him. It’s supposed to be chicken and liver flavored but it smells awful. I’m sure it doesn’t taste any better. He’s currently licking ice cubes. The vet said to give him ice or a small amount of water. If he can keep that down we can start giving him small amounts of bland food.

I was multitasking the other day and dropped my phone on my left foot. It blew up and bruised pretty bad

Doc did an X-ray of foot. Thankfully no broken bones.
Ouch! Glad to hear it isn’t broken.

I really like the Vera Bradley Crossbody bags and they have sale going on now online.
I like those crossbody bags too but only buy on a really good clearance sale. My favorite Vera bag was this bag that was purchased at WDW several years ago.
Time of year corn on cob with butter and salt, yum.
That’s the only way I like to eat corn. We may have to grill some when we get back from vacation.

I’m going to wait a little longer and then offer Caspian a little bit of food and see how that goes. I know he must be starving right now. I am praying this will all be cleared up by the time we leave for DL.

Morning all, yummy steaks last night. Glad I used the app to waitlist. When we arrived, there was an 1.5 wait & it was only 5:30 pm.

I love flowers, i love starting seeds in the winter & watch the seedlings grow. I am not known to actually place them outside:rolleyes1 Have yet to find a method that doesn’t hurt the knees or back. The mr gets down & dirty and crawls around like an ant, happy as can be with it.

All bagels are decidedly not equal. I’m convinced it has to do with the chemical make up of the water in which they are boiled. Fresh ones are a real treat that I rarely get to enjoy unless I lumber into the city in the AM. had enough of fighting that traffic back in the 80’s when i worked in town.

Now, that is good customer service!

That’s a great rate these days

I’ll take your word for that. I’m more of an iced tea or beer & BBQ sort

That sounds awful, sorry. foot issues are awfully difficult to ignore

had to laugh when I pulled out a pair of dressy favored sandals this year. The right one was awfully tight. Have my share of weird feet issues. When I went to podiatrist for annual check, mentioned it. She suggested the arthritis in that foot is worse than other via getting crushed in an SUV door a decade or so ago & making the circumference of it substantially larger. :headache:

not that I’m not happy to be mobile & have two feet! Podiatrist said I might have to start considering buying a wider size & a regular size in “non athletic/adjustable” shoes. :confused3

Aw that is sweet

I confess to having a large bin full of them. Family caught on I favored them in the past and I was deluged with many. Still do use the bigger totes/backpacks. They have a nice, larger kidney shaped morph of a crossbody/mini one shoulder backpack for shopping that is handy for me at the outlets, can stash water bottle & mini umbrella if need.

These days have mostly transitioned over to the D&B disney themed & just two coach cross bodies.

Absolutely agree!
LOL that's so funny. I can just see him crawling along planting flowers:)
I know what you mean by planting causing back pain! I am always a hurting unit after I do the planting but it's only a one time thing in the Spring - that's what I keep telling myself:)
Hope the soft tissue injury clears up quickly! you got luck no broken bones.

stay safe and heal so you make plans to hit the park and have hhn to enjoy when the event begins.
Thank you Mac. Yep, need to be in prime walking mode to do HHN.

UO always raises those hhn ticket prices and I just pay as love hhn
I know, me too. I was just blabbering about HHN. I’am going to pay what it costs to have a good time at HHN for sure. Those if us who are hopelessly addicted to HHN always do don’t we.

Prayers for you that your recovery is quick
Thank you.

So you in the fog in september!
See you in the fog.

Older one is up. Now to get little one up do we can be in our way. Since sister and I bought corn, will cook some of them up for lunch today. Time of year corn on cob with butter and salt, yum.
Hubby likes corn on the cob. I like it, but can‘t eat it.

She suggested the arthritis in that foot is worse than other via getting crushed in an SUV door a decade or so ago & making the circumference of it substantially larger. :headache:
Oh my goodness OWWWWWW. Yes, a traumatic crush injury does alter the normal architecture of the foot for sure.

Having the old arthritis in the feet does make buying shoes an issue. I always see cute shoes and try them and more then not they don‘t work.

Small potatoes in the big picture of things I guess. Like you, I ‘am happy to be up walking on my tootsies all things considered.

was deluged with many. Still do use the bigger totes/backpacks. They have a nice, larger kidney shaped morph of a crossbody/mini one shoulder backpack for shopping that is handy for me at the outlets, can stash water bottle & mini umbrella if need.
My granddaughter was the one who got me hooked on Very Bradley bags. I get the lightweight cotton ones. I use them for awhile then wash them up and they are good as new then donate them. The folks at Mother Teresa Treasures donation center like to see me coming in with them.

I had to re read that....I thought you said the phone blew up!!! But my goodness you must just have caught your foot in a very unfortunate way, glad you had an appointment in place and yes, sometimes it never rains but it pours with incidents.....fingers and toes crossed you`ve had your fill of accidents and incidents now.
LOL…after I re-read it sounded like that too. I just hit the top of my foot in right spot I guess. I was surprised it produced such an impressive hematoma. I iced it up quickly. Foot doc was impressed with the bruising.….not exactly what you want to impress someone with…LOL…

You and your family enjoy your holiday weekend too. Glad to hear you all are feeling better. All the grilled food sounds delicious. Always good to have a hubby who is a grill master.

I like those crossbody bags too but only buy on a really good clearance sale. My favorite Vera bag was this bag that was purchased at WDW several years ago.
That is cute. Here are the ones I ordered.

Amethyst Plaid.

Turtle Dream

Bought the smaller version of this Turtle Dream backpack at Dillard’s.

Heading outside to soak up some sun. It finally peaked out from behind the clouds. Will go out and get some Vitamin D. Does improve the mood and all.
that is a way cool count down!

I am impressed and very entertained with it…
Thanks. I just google the number I need and then look for an animation
That is cute. Here are the ones I ordered.

Amethyst Plaid.
I love that pattern.

I am giving Caspian small amounts of food and so far everything has stayed down. It seems like things are looking up. Except for car rental rates. They have dropped again. It wasn’t a whole lot this time, but enough for us to rebook. So far we are down $265 from our original booking.


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