Something About Nothing............ #14

Anything you make for dinner sounds good!
I have not made anything similar to a pot pie in ages.
I’m lousy at making pie crusts for pot pies!

You should make a cook book for the sans.
I’ll buy a couple of copies of it and send them to daughter in laws.
They are always looking for great recipes.

Looking at the food plates reminds me of a steak and shake or one of those eateries the uses that design style.

I would have gone for the hot dog and desserts!

I’m playing ketchup here and notice many are missing.
Hope many check in to let us know how they are doing.

No one needs to write a dissertation but maybe a wave so I know all are fine.

bobbie, Robo, cam, Vicky and Vicki, buckeev, Sue, Mrose,
Patty, monyk, tinydancer, Kfish, etc

There many more I did not put on that list but will in my next round of shout outs

We have a large family here and I miss hearing from
all. I’m the basic mom that worries when I don’t hear from
all my “ kids”

Dislife.......I like that!

The other time we ate there I did have a foot long chili cheese dog......

My youngest had a peanut butter shake, I was a little nervous about trying it, but it was actually really good, I forgot to mention that.

We don’t have steak and shake in our area but have eaten there during our travels before.

I believe this place is a privately owned restaurant, it’s called Jimmy’s All American, if I recall the table top designs are similar if not the same as what is at Cabana Bay!!!
Anything you make for dinner sounds good!
I have not made anything similar to a pot pie in ages.
I’m lousy at making pie crusts for pot pies!

You should make a cook book for the sans.
I’ll buy a couple of copies of it and send them to daughter in laws.
They are always looking for great recipes.

Looking at the food plates reminds me of a steak and shake or one of those eateries the uses that design style.

I would have gone for the hot dog and desserts!

I’m playing ketchup here and notice many are missing.
Hope many check in to let us know how they are doing.

No one needs to write a dissertation but maybe a wave so I know all are fine.

bobbie, Robo, cam, Vicky and Vicki, buckeev, Sue, Mrose,
Patty, monyk, tinydancer, Kfish, etc

There many more I did not put on that list but will in my next round of shout outs

We have a large family here and I miss hearing from
all. I’m the basic mom that worries when I don’t hear from
all my “ kids”

lol......Kyle always says when he does get married he hopes to share my recipes as I have them all written down......which is odd considering I never follow a recipe myself...some of it is a dash of this or a shake of

I was thinking of some of the older posters today funnily enough.....I miss Greg, otherwise known as MadHattered, he was such a cool guy and so nice......and some of the others who used to be fun........some of course not. Remember his food pictures mac? They always looked so good.......I hope him and Dana are doing good. Must be three or four years since we met them for lunch in Citywalk......good guy.
I remember Greg!
He did not live very far from the town I moved from
In Illinois

We met up at a restaurant near six flags one time and had
a great time talking away.

He is a gem!

I saved all the past years of the sans threads.
There was a time once we had a specific number of posts allowed, I had to create a new thread.
I keep all sans # so I can find who was here way back in the beginning of our home here.

Its been lovely to meet so many wonderful homies!
I remember Greg!
He did not live very far from the town I moved from
In Illinois

We met up at a restaurant near six flags one time and had
a great time talking away.

He is a gem!

I saved all the past years of the sans threads.
There was a time once we had a specific number of posts, I had to create a new thread.
I keep all sans # so I can find who was here way back in the beginning of our home here.

Its been lovely to meet so many wonderful homies!

I remember that with Greg......he really is a nice guy. I always look for him at HHN as I’m sure he still goes every year.......he was a massive Jaws fan wasn’t he.

Yes, met so many folks over the years.......
Yum, always enjoy hearing food talk here. Nothing special for dinner. I buy most of my pie crusts. Not a great pastry chef. But I enjoy eating many a pastry. Though I am not a huge pie fan. Like the pie fillings sometimes, like pumpkin and lemon meringue more than the crust.

Ah, kinda surprised not one hollering for dinner. Hot dogs are a request, so thinking what else with it. Little one will not eat then, so I better find enough other food for her, and think there is deli turkey, so maybe she will eat that.

Dinner time here. Hope all have a good night.
I cheated and we picked up Red Robin, yum :).

Carole’s savory pie would turn me to the dark side. Sure doesn’t look like the frozen ones I had plopped in front of me as a kid.

The mr dipped into the pool, i give him cred for it. Still felt like ice water to me, no thankyouverymuchmydear.

Figured it was a good time to use up the various JCPenney GC I had sitting my in folder. Tend to collect various ones so I always have a spur of the moment gift onhand. Thinking perhaps Macy’s too but don’t think they’ve filed for protection, yet.
Yeah, DSis’s pool read 65 degrees. Quick foot dip, then back inside. Rainy too. Keisha, yeah I would use up those Penney GCs quick. Macy, well, so far, not file Chapter 11 yet. Kinda shocked at NM and J Crew the other day. Though have to say, did not really shop at those two. My Penney stores were always overpriced not our style clothes. Though I have to say, one of the few that had a big man’s shop, where I got older one’s suit jacket for a wedding last year.
Success!! A room on the first floor opened up today so B grabbed it. It's on the opposite end of the hall than the room she had last year, but she doesn't care. She's just happy to be back on the same hall.

My new quest is for disinfecting spray, nearly at the end of my can of Lysol
I managed to grab a can of Lysol and a few cartons of disinfecting wipes before they all disappeared from the shelves. I have not seen any disinfecting products in over 2 months.

We decided to sit in for a lunch today......

Food was really good!!

Aside from another couple we had the place to ourselves.....

Here are a few photos we have been here once before....
That looks like a cool place to eat.

="DisneyLifePapioNe, post: 61896578, member: 596343"]
My youngest had a peanut butter shake, I was a little nervous about trying it, but it was actually really good, I forgot to mention that.
Yum. I love peanut butter. Even better when you add chocolate.

I keep all sans # so I can find who was here way back in the beginning of our home here.
We have numbers?

Figured it was a good time to use up the various JCPenney GC I had sitting my in folder. Tend to collect various ones so I always have a spur of the moment gift onhand. Thinking perhaps Macy’s too but don’t think they’ve filed for protection, yet.
I need to return a few things to JCP. I hope I can still do that.

I'm not sure if we will have dinner tonight or just snack. We had a very late lunch from our favorite Mexican restaurant. Right now I am taking a break from a puzzle we have been working on. I'm ready to do more, but dh wants to nap. I think I will continue anyway.
Lazy day here today. It's warm-ish, but was cloudy most of the day so the wind made it a little chilly. I took care of my plants in the greenhouse and fought the urge to put them in the ground... I still feel like it's a bit early.

Tonight was homemade pizza and it started out fine. DD and I made the dough (regular and gf) this morning and then everything went sideways when it was time to prepare them tonight. I was chopping garlic and cut a nice slice in my thumb. Truth be told... it could've used a stitch or two, but there was NO WAY I was setting foot in the ER with all our virus cases here. (A lot of people don't have a general doctor so they go to the ER or Urgent Care when they're sick.) So I cleaned it, and was going to put new-skin on to seal it, but didn't realize that dd had opened the bottle for me.... I picked it up to shake and it went everywhere. I'm pretty sure my shirt is ruined and it's all over my joggers but they're black so I'm going to wash them and hope for the best. I got two layers of new-skin on, one butterfly closure and a big dressing.

Back downstairs and the first pizza in the oven went fine. Then when the second one was in, we checked it and saw the pizza stone cracked into three pieces. Granted, it was old, but we take good care of it and it was nicely seasoned. So we had to finish the pizzas on pans and the crust was just not the same. One click on Amazon and the new one should be here at the end of May. Sigh....

Found out yesterday that the nursing home one of my family members works in has their first virus case in an employee. My family was not around the person, but now everyone is fearful for the residents and it spreading. I'm really sad about that.

PSA more family pets die in swimming pools than people realize. They get in, then can’t figure out how to navigate the ladder out.
That's so sad. I watch my dogs in the water and they will swim away from the kayak or boat, and the shore sometimes.... like they get disoriented or something.
My new quest is for disinfecting spray, nearly at the end of my can of Lysol
I haven't found any in two months here.
Yeah, DSis’s pool read 65 degrees. Quick foot dip, then back inside
Yikes, that sounds so cold!

Hope everyone is doing well. I'm thinking it will be an early bed time tonight.

Ooh McK, hope you heal fast. I did that when I was pregnant slicing a watermelon. Stitches for that one, done in doctor’s office. Hope the blood gets washed out of your clothes. Shudder, as I hate to see blood.

Ah yes, on a many Sunday night:

Yep, earlier to bed, as the week day routine starts early tomorrow.

Enjoy your night.

And yay for B. getting the room on the dorm floor she wanted. Little one’s University is to say if Fall semester is in person or not by the end of this month. I think little one really wants to go back to room very close to the school.
We had our usually Sunday dinner.

I’m sure you all know my regular weekly menu by now...
Domino’s delivery pizza means it is Sunday in our house.
Left overs on Monday.

We always order two different large pizzas every Sunday.
Yes we do
This sans thread is our 14th one in a row
I feel a little silly now. For some reason I thought you meant you numbered each member. I was wondering what my number was.

Hope the finger is okay MRose. I have a small scar on my pinky from when I foolishly tried to use an onion sliced without a finger guard.

Lynne - I don’t do well with blood either. B used to get random nosebleeds when she was younger. I think they were more difficult for me than her.
Don’t feel silly charade!

I probably confused a lot of the homies here
as I yak on and on at times.

Have not found anything on tv to watch tonight
Channel surfing and nothing catches my eye tonight
Finally watching needy jumamji. (Sp) popcorn intermission
Yes we do
This sans thread is our 14th one in a row
Seemed like only yesterday. I miss the hula gal
So I cleaned it, and was going to put new-skin on to seal it, but didn't realize that dd had opened the bottle for me.... I picked it up to shake and it went everywhere. I'm pretty sure my shirt is ruined and it's all over my joggers but they're black so I'm going to wash them and hope for the best. I got two layers of new-skin on, one butterfly closure and a big dressing
Dear God, that’s an awful scenario. Hope u r feeling ok
Found out yesterday that the nursing home one of my family members works in has their first virus case in an employee. My family was not around the person, but now everyone is fearful for the residents and it spreading. I'm really sad about that.
That’s devastating to read. The stuff of my nightmares.
I cheated and we picked up Red Robin, yum :).

Carole’s savory pie would turn me to the dark side. Sure doesn’t look like the frozen ones I had plopped in front of me as a kid.

The mr dipped into the pool, i give him cred for it. Still felt like ice water to me, no thankyouverymuchmydear.

Figured it was a good time to use up the various JCPenney GC I had sitting my in folder. Tend to collect various ones so I always have a spur of the moment gift onhand. Thinking perhaps Macy’s too but don’t think they’ve filed for protection, yet.

Why thank you Janet.....I do buy them ready made from the butchers now and again, but my own home made one is better....even if I say so

I do like the sound of that burger!!!!

I`m with you.....the pool sounds far too cold for me.....

Success!! A room on the first floor opened up today so B grabbed it. It's on the opposite end of the hall than the room she had last year, but she doesn't care. She's just happy to be back on the same hall.

I managed to grab a can of Lysol and a few cartons of disinfecting wipes before they all disappeared from the shelves. I have not seen any disinfecting products in over 2 months.

Glad she got the place she wanted.

Lazy day here today. It's warm-ish, but was cloudy most of the day so the wind made it a little chilly. I took care of my plants in the greenhouse and fought the urge to put them in the ground... I still feel like it's a bit early.

Tonight was homemade pizza and it started out fine. DD and I made the dough (regular and gf) this morning and then everything went sideways when it was time to prepare them tonight. I was chopping garlic and cut a nice slice in my thumb. Truth be told... it could've used a stitch or two, but there was NO WAY I was setting foot in the ER with all our virus cases here. (A lot of people don't have a general doctor so they go to the ER or Urgent Care when they're sick.) So I cleaned it, and was going to put new-skin on to seal it, but didn't realize that dd had opened the bottle for me.... I picked it up to shake and it went everywhere. I'm pretty sure my shirt is ruined and it's all over my joggers but they're black so I'm going to wash them and hope for the best. I got two layers of new-skin on, one butterfly closure and a big dressing.

Back downstairs and the first pizza in the oven went fine. Then when the second one was in, we checked it and saw the pizza stone cracked into three pieces. Granted, it was old, but we take good care of it and it was nicely seasoned. So we had to finish the pizzas on pans and the crust was just not the same. One click on Amazon and the new one should be here at the end of May. Sigh....

Found out yesterday that the nursing home one of my family members works in has their first virus case in an employee. My family was not around the person, but now everyone is fearful for the residents and it spreading. I'm really sad about that.

That's so sad. I watch my dogs in the water and they will swim away from the kayak or boat, and the shore sometimes.... like they get disoriented or something.

I haven't found any in two months here.

Yikes, that sounds so cold!

Hope everyone is doing well. I'm thinking it will be an early bed time tonight.

Ouch on the finger!!!!! And the finger cuts always really hurt as you just can`t avoid using them!!

It`s terrifying with nursing homes. They have been hit hard over here, and the reason many believe our death number is much higher as some are not being reported as a covid death. It`s a mess. Fingers crossed for your family member.

It`s Monday.......and our weather is improving although we had heavy rain from around 9pm last night all through the night. Today is grey and breezy but it`s to reach mid 60`s today.....warmest for a while.

Although we have been released some what from lockdown in England, we still don`t have any plans to mix just yet. All of our friends feel the same, it`s just too soon to start getting together.....will give it a bit longer. No pubs or restaurants are open yet anyway so we can wait.

Good old sausage and mash tonight......but hoping midweek it may be nice enough to get the bbq going......we have some steaks and spicy pork chops just waiting to be enjoyed!!

Think lunch will be turkey sandwiches.....mine will have some avocado on it as we managed to get some nice ones in the grocery order we got on Thursday.

Quiet day ahead.......







Have a wonderful Monday.
Well, a hearty good morning to all the homies this Monday in May.

Yeah, Keisha, we get to be in the 50’s this week. Good thing that stormy Arthur will stay far enough out to sea as it passes by, no rain, as that pesky Northern air will be a bully, and while keeping that storm at bay, will drop the temps by almost 20 degrees. Sigh. The nice and not so nice days of Spring. At least no AC this morning. And no heater needed either. Ah Spring.

So, let’s have some fun this week. And yeah,


So, early bird tea drinking homie checking in. And Schumi’s lush sounding meals always make me hungry. Ooh little one had bought chocolate chip mini muffins. 😊
Guess who’s back, back again, guess who’s back, tell a friend...

After a 2 day journey, our “pet” raccoon has made his way home. Think we’ll call him/her Milo or Otis
Carole - Off to use that cruise code!:upsidedow Had paid off the August cruise in full earlier this month...full disclosure hoping it would be cancelled by cruise line in order to grab a refund vs a credit. Received an email today, urging me to pay my balance...another $200. Umm, guess I have a long time on hold ahead of me today.

Think bacon is in order :)

Maybe it’s a momma raccoon, Keisha. Babies around to feed? Eh, would not get close, no one needs rabies shots. We have quite a few around our neighborhood, but thankfully, no nesting in our yard. We do have a large township park less than a mile up the road, so I assume most of our raccoons come from there.

Sun, why hello. Even if clouds building as the day goes on.


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