Something About Nothing............ #14

Morning all...rough weather night last night and now most of the systems we use at work are down. Hopefully they will come up soon.

Everyone have a great day!

Are you still in the same place Todd??

Good Thursday Morning Sans family :wave2:

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I know pushing the buttons on all the Halloween animatronics is the fun part. My goal today is to walk through Big Lots.

Nice photo of your daughter and her roommates. It will help them all being in the same dental program. Always nice to have friends to study with.

Great to hear Tom had a lovely birthday. Nothing wrong with keeping the wine flowing during a Birthday celebration day.

Hopefully your systems will be up and running soon.

Charade glad to hear all is well with your mom.

Soniam that’s a long time to wait to pick up your little one.

Lynne sounds like another hot for you today. On a positive note you will be prepared to go back to Orlando again soon.

Kstar hope little Charlie is doing well. Continued good wishes for a speedy recovery for him.

Shout out to Tink. Hope all is well. Your vacation will be here before you know it.

Up having coffee in my HHN mug. The sun is shining. Supposed be 91 today.

Cough is significantly better just need my back to settle down completely. I’am going to do a little walking in a couple of stores today.

Will do Big Lots to look and see if they have their Halloween merchandise in the stores. They have it online. Then Target. They have a Starbucks in Target. Might need to get a pumpkin cream cold brew. Then back home. Will see how it goes.

17 days till Universal

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Have been wondering If Universal will do a themed WWOHP Resort now that Disney is doing a Star Wars Spaceship Hotel. Would be a game changer for sure for Universal. Will see.

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Have a wonderful Thursday everyone.

lol....yes, celebrations are ongoing 🎉.....dinner out tomorrow night and friends coming over on Saturday for his birthday.......I agree, why not.

Glad your cough is improving, and hopefully your back will ease fully soon......and weather sounds lovely, you`re certainly used to those wonderful Southern temperatures.......

I can`t see Ms Rowling signing off on a Hogwarts/WW Hotel.....she was never in favour of it when talk was bandied around a few years back. It would be magnificent though, I`d stay there!

Keep well Robbie and enjoy your walk.......

Lori......not sure where your quote went???........yes, he has had a lovely birthday thank you, and still carrying on till Saturday night.......I`m not complaining, but the liver might!!!

Never heard of the ceremony you mentioned, but sounds like flowers are essential......yes, glad you found out ahead of time, I know I`d have felt dreadful turning up without them!

Have a great day today......

Rain and low cloud all day today, and much cooler than previous weeks, I think summer may be over. Bank Holiday weekend here too.....beaches will be even busier if it heats up again as it`s supposed to.

No walks, but not long home, got some lovely produce from a new farm store that`s opened up near us, they also make their own local honey, so Tom was in heaven.....I hate the stuff, but he came home with 5 jars of various flavours. He knows they`re safe from me nibbling that! I do like honey in something, like honey mustard dressing and sauces, but not straight, he can eat it by the tablespoon.

And tonight, I have honey balsamic mustard chicken.....been in the slow cooker all day and smells beautiful......I made some jalapeno red leicester cheese bread, so that`ll mop up the sauce and some roasted carrots.

Hungry now......
morning all! I can smell the weekend. Started to watch new AHS, didn’t grab my interest. Wound up defaulting to RuPaul’s latest series :). Will give it another whirl down the road. Did anyone here watch & enjoy?

Have to laugh, thought everything was progressing nicely with my ‘early’ retirement in conjunction with the mr’s. His went very smoothly thus far. Going to keep working till late spring next year. Mine not so much. Turns out the SS rep I spoke to months ago, totally messed things up. Almost fell over when i read my determination letter last night. One more fire to put out, whee.

Called, shocked they picked up the phone at 6:30 pm TBH. told I need to cancel the whole thing & start over. :crazy:Who knew un-retiring was thing?
not so funny if it would be somebody actually depending upon the income to survive tho. Wonder how often than happens?

I have a virtual appointment set up with the local office this time vs the national one (months from now, no less) to once again go over my options. Need to fill out a form & mail them a check once the first payment shows up. Government red tape at it’s best.

QUOTE="Robo56, post: 63312632, member: 553190"]
I know pushing the buttons on all the Halloween animatronics is the fun part. My goal today is to walk through Big Lots.
oooh have fun, I’ll be in several grocery stores in a bit being a personal shopper for my youngest. No complaints, its’ Good exercise in AC!
I guess I'll pop over to the florist today to order something for tomorrow. I'm glad I found out now. I'd feel terrible if we 'missed the boat' on this and came empty handed.
glad u caught it, we’ve all been there at one point or another.
A HP themed resort? THAT. WOULD. BE. INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!
it would Indeed. I’d like to see a horror wing paying homage to the classic U monsters at one of their value properties
Oh no Keisha, the dreaded red tape. Not to be faint of heart when the single guru that can help you is out, and no one else can do what that guru does. Hope you get your retirement papers straightened out pronto. Eh, I am totally hoping to do that in around 10 years. And a hehe, kids asked when DH would retire again. I said probably close to when I do. And the fact, he likes to keep busy, after being in the military for 32 years.

Ooh at least I’m looking for lunch closer to lunchtime. Another hehe, after more oatmeal for breakfast, at that oh so early hour, have been snacking on and off in a big jar of animal crackers. 😊
Bored at work again. One therapist is on vacation, so there is less for me to do.

Charade I remember the food line up but it was my list for my solo days for the shows in the park.
Sorry Mac, I was trying to be funny. I hope you were able to recall your schedule.

Getting more and more excited about our HHN visit in early October.
What days will you be there?

It took me almost 1.5 hours to pick son up from school after getting there early to be near the front of the line, then waiting in the line to leave the road near the school, then waiting to get onto the highway, and then driving in rush hour traffic to get home. His school is in the worst location.
That’s crazy. Getting out of B’s school always too time, but never that long. I could still get her home before the busses arrived though.

Ack, Charade. I had that. We gave her a cell phone, and most of the time she did not take it with her. Glad you did get ahold of your mom.
I want to get Mom a cell phone, but she refuses to use one. She just won’t accept technology.

Morning all...rough weather night last night and now most of the systems we use at work are down. Hopefully they will come up soon.
Hope the systems have come back.

Have been wondering If Universal will do a themed WWOHP Resort now that Disney is doing a Star Wars Spaceship Hotel. Would be a game changer for sure for Universal. Will see.
That would be awesome.

That must have been scary to not be able to reach your mom....glad it all worked out ok!
I was almost to the point of driving down there. Sometimes I think my aunt is deliberately trying to keep me in the dark.

30 minutes until lunch. After work I am going to my medical office. I woke up with a pain in my side. I have a history of kidney stones, so I want to get it checked out before it becomes worse.
And ooh did you see, ugh, those poor peoples along the Louisiana, Texas and part of the Alabama coast maybe getting the brunt of the newest tropical depression? Quiet the storms that have come into the Gulf. Though thankful the one that came when we were to fly when it hit FLA, went more West then they thought, and we landed without any heavy rain or wind.
Hope you are okay, Charade. Good to get yourself checked out, and sorry to hear you are in pain. And yeah, we bought the phone for my mom, but she routinely forgot to charge it, or take it with her when out and about. And we bought her an iPad, but I think the must she ever did on it, was play solitaire. At least she was not opposed to electronics, bless her soul. Though she was always gifted with such and never bought for herself.
morning all! I can smell the weekend. Started to watch new AHS, didn’t grab my interest. Wound up defaulting to RuPaul’s latest series :). Will give it another whirl down the road. Did anyone here watch & enjoy?

Have to laugh, thought everything was progressing nicely with my ‘early’ retirement in conjunction with the mr’s. His went very smoothly thus far. Going to keep working till late spring next year. Mine not so much. Turns out the SS rep I spoke to months ago, totally messed things up. Almost fell over when i read my determination letter last night. One more fire to put out, whee.

Called, shocked they picked up the phone at 6:30 pm TBH. told I need to cancel the whole thing & start over. :crazy:Who knew un-retiring was thing?
not so funny if it would be somebody actually depending upon the income to survive tho. Wonder how often than happens?

I have a virtual appointment set up with the local office this time vs the national one (months from now, no less) to once again go over my options. Need to fill out a form & mail them a check once the first payment shows up. Government red tape at it’s best.

We haven't started watching AHS yet. Just realized last night that it was on FX too, not just Hulu. Probably watch it tonight.

The people that deal with the paperwork/HR stuff are always clueless, and sometimes downright nasty. Hope it gets figured out soon. In the meantime, you can just do an in-cube retirement :rotfl2:

What days will you be there?

That’s crazy. Getting out of B’s school always too time, but never that long. I could still get her home before the busses arrived though.

10/7-10/11 just for HHN. I arrive early on the 7th, but husband and son won't make it until late on the 8th due to school and work. We are doing a 3 house tour and an RIP tour and have express for the other nights!!

We go again at Thanksgiving.

The bus was at the stop yesterday when we got home. Got stuck in a long line waiting for it. We have just about beat it some days, and others it was the same time. They block traffic to let the buses out, so you get stuck behind them no matter what.

Hope your pain turns out to be nothing.
10/7-10/11 just for HHN. I arrive early on the 7th, but husband and son won't make it until late on the 8th due to school and work. We are doing a 3 house tour and an RIP tour and have express for the other nights!!
I will miss seeing you. I am there from 10/1 - 10/4. I’m not going to HHN, but will be meeting some of the other SANs people while I am there.
morning all! I can smell the weekend. Started to watch new AHS, didn’t grab my interest. Wound up defaulting to RuPaul’s latest series :). Will give it another whirl down the road. Did anyone here watch & enjoy?

Have to laugh, thought everything was progressing nicely with my ‘early’ retirement in conjunction with the mr’s. His went very smoothly thus far. Going to keep working till late spring next year. Mine not so much. Turns out the SS rep I spoke to months ago, totally messed things up. Almost fell over when i read my determination letter last night. One more fire to put out, whee.

Called, shocked they picked up the phone at 6:30 pm TBH. told I need to cancel the whole thing & start over. :crazy:Who knew un-retiring was thing?
not so funny if it would be somebody actually depending upon the income to survive tho. Wonder how often than happens?

I have a virtual appointment set up with the local office this time vs the national one (months from now, no less) to once again go over my options. Need to fill out a form & mail them a check once the first payment shows up. Government red tape at it’s best.

QUOTE="Robo56, post: 63312632, member: 553190"]
I know pushing the buttons on all the Halloween animatronics is the fun part. My goal today is to walk through Big Lots.

I hope this AHS redeems itself after the past few that have missed the mark for us.....enjoyed the first 2 a lot, then not really. I didn`t realise it was starting up again, will look out for it. Is this the one with Cindy Crawford daughter in it? Think that put me off as she`s no actress.

What a carry on to retire!!!

We do have just as much red tape though.......I guess it keeps folks in jobs that need them.....

Oh no Keisha, the dreaded red tape. Not to be faint of heart when the single guru that can help you is out, and no one else can do what that guru does. Hope you get your retirement papers straightened out pronto. Eh, I am totally hoping to do that in around 10 years. And a hehe, kids asked when DH would retire again. I said probably close to when I do. And the fact, he likes to keep busy, after being in the military for 32 years.

Ooh at least I’m looking for lunch closer to lunchtime. Another hehe, after more oatmeal for breakfast, at that oh so early hour, have been snacking on and off in a big jar of animal crackers. 😊

When Tom retired after 42 years in our Industry everyone said he`d be bored......well, he`s never been bored yet. Always something to do and we keep busy many ways. So hopefully when your husband does retire, he`ll enjoy it.

We often say we wonder how he ever had time to work at all!

I love being a lady of leisure......but, it`s not for everyone.

Bored at work again. One therapist is on vacation, so there is less for me to do.

Sorry Mac, I was trying to be funny. I hope you were able to recall your schedule.

What days will you be there?

That’s crazy. Getting out of B’s school always too time, but never that long. I could still get her home before the busses arrived though.

I want to get Mom a cell phone, but she refuses to use one. She just won’t accept technology.

Hope the systems have come back.

That would be awesome.

I was almost to the point of driving down there. Sometimes I think my aunt is deliberately trying to keep me in the dark.

30 minutes until lunch. After work I am going to my medical office. I woke up with a pain in my side. I have a history of kidney stones, so I want to get it checked out before it becomes worse.

Good luck with the doctor, hope the pain eases soon. Kidney/gall stones are dreadful.

I also hope you get your aunt on board. She really needs to keep you informed on everything going on.

Dinner was delicious....empty plates from both of us and no room for any ice cream, I had a batch of good old vanilla, it`ll keep.

Definitely cooler tonight, we have 54F, which is ridiculous for August, but that`s the UK for you. Hope this isn`t the first night we turn the thermostat up for the heating to come on, it seems very early.

Time for some tea and maybe some shortbread.....just a tiny piece...... ::yes::
Thankfully no more fall stones for me. That problem was eliminated several years ago.

Me too. I got my gallbladder removed when I was 35.

But, I remember the pain of them all too well. I spent 9 days in hospital with the last attack before finally getting it removed, 4 of those days were on morphine....then got morphine head when they took me off it......still wasn`t as bad as the gall stone pain. Had to wait till the inflamation went down after that attack before they could finally take it out.

Huge relief when it did come out. Never had a minutes trouble after that.

Lamps on here around the house at 7.45 now.

I even noticed some leaves are beginning to fall off the trees around us now, still not even September yet.
But, I remember the pain of them all too well. I spent 9 days in hospital with the last attack before finally getting it removed, 4 of those days were on morphine....then got morphine head when they took me off it......still wasn`t as bad as the gall stone pain. Had to wait till the inflamation went down after that attack before they could finally take it out.
Yikes! That’s much worse than I had it. I just ended up in urgent care, but no hospital stay.
An ooh what for dinner? Still done steaks left, so maybe toss them on grill once again. Gorgeous sunny day.
Are you still in the same place Todd??
Yeah...still 16th anniversary was in June. It's rough right now with COVID running rampant and trying to find supplies...just like last year. But...we got through it once and we can get through it again.

All the systems were back online by noon which was good but still frustrating. Tomorrow is Friday and I can't wait to be away from work for a couple of days.
I woke up with a pain in my side. I have a history of kidney stones, so I want to get it checked out before it becomes worse.
better to attend to now vs when on vacation! Good luck
And ooh did you see, ugh, those poor peoples along the Louisiana, Texas and part of the Alabama coast maybe getting the brunt of the newest tropical depression? Quiet the storms that have come into the Gulf. Though thankful the one that came when we were to fly when it hit FLA, went more West then they thought, and we landed without any heavy rain or wind.
It’s been quite the active year, can stop anytime
In the meantime, you can just do an in-cube retirement
Lol I’ve only been working as a realtor for last 25+ years, now only rare referrals. Unofficially retired from real job to hover over MiL & my Mom, both with Alzheimer’s. Shamefully, many days during those challenging times I I wished I was back in the office. Took a lot of vacations to clear head tho!
hope this AHS redeems itself after the past few that have missed the mark for us.....enjoyed the first 2 a lot, then not really. I didn`t realise it was starting up again, will look out for it. Is this the one with Cindy Crawford daughter in it? Think that put me off as she`s no actress.
I never got thru 1st season. Did enjoy the last Armageddon themed ones
What a carry on to retire!!!

We do have just as much red tape though.......I guess it keeps folks in jobs that need them.....
Yes, said exactly the same to somebody today.
Gall stones are terrible. My husband's family have all had their gallbladders out. My husband got his out before he turned 30. They kept saying that it couldn't be that since he was too young, but it definitely was.
Honestly, until you have one, difficult to believe how nasty
4 of those days were on morphine....then got morphine head when they took me off it......still wasn`t as bad as the gall stone pain. Had to wait till the inflamation went down after that attack before they could finally take it out.
Oh my! Not sure what I was given but, comfortably numb. Found out I was allergic to morphine on previous surgery. Oy
Steak for us tonight but using the broiler
Too hot outside !

I’m Lynne’s menu twin tonight...
Yum. I made ham BBQ sandwiches & burgers with corn on cob. Stuffed. For dessert had a piece of the candy corn that I found in grocery today.

Every year I try it, thinking maybe it’ll taste better. :sad2:Same as pumpkin spice anything:duck:


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I'm feeling somewhat better this evening. I'm scheduled to have a CT scan next week. I also have a prescription for pain medication. After the appointment today I went home and took a nap.

This evening we took a trip to Home Depot. A couple of weeks ago we purchased a new front door and asked our contractor to pick it up. He texted dh today and said he went to get the door, but was told there wasn't a door purchased under our name or phone number. Dh and I went to Home Depot to clear this up. We were told that yes, they had a door on hold for us and that our contractor's name was on the paperwork. Dh texted the contractor and told him that the door was ready to be picked up at Home Depot. Dude had gone to Lowes. We would have picked up the door ourselves, but we were driving a Honda Fit.

An ooh what for dinner
Dh was supposed to cook on the grill tonight, but we ended up at Olive Garden.

Found out I was allergic to morphine on previous surgery.
I was given morphine with my last kidney stone. Didn't do a darn thing.

For dessert had a piece of the candy corn that I found in grocery today.

Every year I try it, thinking maybe it’ll taste better. :sad2:Same as pumpkin spice anything
I like candy corn in small doses, but not a fan of the pumpkin spice craze.

I normally bring desserts to our Thanksgiving dinner at our friend's house, but this year our kitchen may be in disarray due to all the home improvements. I have a backup plan though. There is a cheesecake store in town I've been wanting to try.

Dh is watching football.....again. I need to find something to do.


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