
Dzień dobry :) @Lord Manhammer, and everyone!

Tom and I share a heritage in that all of our grandparents came from Poland. In 1999, Tom and I were so happy to be on a cruise that stopped in Gdańsk, and we visited Solidarity’s headquarters. It was the highlight of that cruise.

Regarding our meet that June 10th in Seaside Park, NJ. I was with a group of friends, and he was also there with friends. One of my friends knew one of his and those two also married, just a few years after we did.
I am always shocked that my wonderful, amazing husband puts up with my crazy. When I say stuff like that to him he is just like whatever man, you are the best. in all seriousness we are indeed very lucky to have eachother. In March we will be celebrating 30 years. We've had our ups and downs, built a business, raised five kids, and have been through countless trying times but he's my best friend. We are truly perfect for eachother and as a 20 year old getting married I had no clue how much we would grow together. It's been the most wonderful ride.
Dzień dobry :) @Lord Manhammer, and everyone!

Tom and I share a heritage in that all of our grandparents came from Poland. In 1999, Tom and I were so happy to be on a cruise that stopped in Gdańsk, and we visited Solidarity’s headquarters. It was the highlight of that cruise.
Dzień dobry! I've heard wonderful things about Gdańsk and hope to go later in the year when I'm back in Poland, especially since it's so significant in the labour movement. Most of my work takes me to Krakow but I'll be in Warsaw twice this year. Very excited.
God Bless all of you! Prayers for many more healthy years together! I love this thread. Not married (yet) No Mr. Right at the moment and that's okay. I have always been a romantic at heart and love hearing stories of happy long-time couples. What a blessing! My beloved late grandparents pretty much grew up together and were married almost 54 years when grandpa unexpectedly passed away. I am eternally grateful to know, thanks to my belief as a Christian, that they are restored to health with God and together forever. Keep the positive shares coming :)
Amazing thread, love the stories!

I used to jokingly call DH my "starter husband" when we first got married. A lot of people were shocked at the time at that joke, but we thought it was funny - even him. I guess that sense of humor got us through the times because this September we will celebrate our 20th!
What a great thread!

As someone else posted, I also thought this was going to be a complaint thread and avoided it until now. I've just spent the last 30 minutes reading and laughing and tearing up at all the great meet-cute stories.

My dh & I met in college when I was dating a fraternity brother of his and he was sort of dating a friend of mine. After a few months of friendship, we found we were drawn to each other more than our initial dates. Dh was my first real love and I was head over heels. None of our friends thought we'd make it as we were only 19 and 20 when we got engaged. My parents insisted they would only pay for college and the wedding if we graduated first so we got married the summer after I graduated. Thirty-seven years and 3 sons later, we are still devoted to each other. Sure there have been some rocky times and huge screaming/crying fights but in the end, we continue to choose each other. Some days it's unbelievably amazing and some days I'd like to strangle him, lol. but every day, I am so grateful for us and for the life we've made together.
Thank you for this thread. The past few months have been a difficult adjustment with a dementia diagnosis. I really needed this reminder to reflect back on the past 25 years, thinking about what brought us together and kept us together through thick and thin. This next phase is our biggest challenge yet.
Thank you for this thread. The past few months have been a difficult adjustment with a dementia diagnosis. I really needed this reminder to reflect back on the past 25 years, thinking about what brought us together and kept us together through thick and thin. This next phase is our biggest challenge yet.
:flower3: Grace and peace. You’ll be on my mind.
As a friend of ours, Jason (low-key), might say, long post.....:surfweb:

I would say, at its earliest, it all started back in 1964, when as a 20-year-old, I started work at a mid-sized Fortune 500 company, located in suburban Chicago. I was hired as one of about fifteen mail messengers to deliver mail, packages, etc. within the corporate offices. Over the course of the next 5 years, I worked my way up as the manager of the mail department.

In 1966, a young lady, Marie, a recent business school graduate, started at the same company in one of the corporate departments. I did take notice of her, as I delivered mail, etc. to her area, or as she came to the mailroom to drop off things that had to be redistributed within the headquarters or mailed out. We used to chit-chat a bit, small talk.

In January of 1968 (this date is important to my story), there was going to be a company ski trip up in neighboring Wisconsin. This was not an overnight event. I had recently taken up a bit of skiing in the previous and current years and thought this would be an opportune time to ask Marie for a first date. Kind of low key, other familiar people around, etc. Well, I asked her at work if I could call her in the evening to ask her something. Amazingly, she gave me her home phone number and said I could call. (I think that is the way that part worked, after all, that was 56 years ago, memory gets fuzzy). Anyway, I did call her and talked a bit and then asked about taking her on the ski trip. Well, the answer was a quick, no. She said she did not ski and was not about to learn how to ski. Now, I did find out, later down the road, that Marie had given herself a workplace policy of not dating people from within the company. Too many horror stories of things going wrong and the subsequent fallout at work.

Anyway, I think I asked if I could call again, just to chit-chat. The answer must have been, yes, as I did call back in a few days, just to talk. I also still saw Marie every day at work, just friendly, passing in the hallways, her floor, mailroom, etc.

As time went on, I called a few more times, and a few more times, and a few more times. By March of 1968, I was calling Marie at home after work maybe three times a week. The amazing thing about the calls was how long they lasted. Keep in mind, back then, no cell phones, no emails, no text messages. It was either a phone call, in our case, our parents’ home phones (we both lived at home with our respective parents) or maybe a written letter. After a few weeks, the three-a-week average number of phone calls usually each lasted about four hours. Really! From about 7 PM to 11 PM. Hours and hours every week. It was amazing. We learned so much about each other with these seemingly endless calls. It was almost like we were dating each other, learning about each other, except not in person.

Well, this went on for months. For months. We continued to learn about each other, our likes, dislikes, life ideas, everything. And I still kept trying to get an in-person date lined up. But no go. No date, yet.

Time went on and at some point, in late summer I think, still 1968, Marie decided to leave the company we were both working at. Not that her leaving resulted from the two of us and our over-the-phone ‘courtship’, but the company was cutting back on people, laying people off. She worked in the HR department (personnel department in those days), and she saw the lack of concern the company had in letting people go. She was in no danger of getting laid off herself, but she did not like what she saw happening to other people and decided she did not like working for the company any longer. So, relative to my story here, the question of dating somebody at work was now gone.

But that did not seem to budge the needle off zero. Still no in-person date even though I asked every so often. We did continue our ongoing 3 day-a-week, 4-hour long phone call routine. Since we were tying up our folks’ phone line so much, I decided to put in my own phone line in my bedroom and Marie’s mom decided to put a phone line in for her in her bedroom. Now at least, other people could make and get phone calls without us tying up the line a few nights a week.

At some point, not long after Marie left the company, I also decided to leave the company. We were now both gone from the place where we originally met each other. The phone call pattern continued, three or four nights a week, about four hours a call. We really got to know each other well. But still, a frequent request for an ‘actual date’. Still, no.

By the fall of 1968, I thought I would have to pull all the stops out. Prayer. Having been raised Catholic, I believe both in prayer as well as the intercession of saints. Not praying to the saints, but rather asking for their intercessions to God. I went daily to a church to pray for maybe 30 minutes, asking St. Jude, patron saint of the ‘impossible’ (and I think I was dealing with the ‘impossible’ here) for us Catholics, to intercede for me to get a ‘real’ date, not just a continuing phone date. Now, know I did not have to go to a church to pray, can do that anywhere. But, like many churches, physically being there puts one in the right ‘state of mind’.

I did my prayers at church for about 30 days. While I was still doing them, now about early November, I thought of one, very last-ditch idea to get a first date. During one of our phone calls, in asking for a date, I asked if we could maybe go to Mass together on Thanksgiving. Now, you can’t get much more innocent of a date like that for a first date. Well, Marie replied with something like, ‘Well, let me think about it for a week, we’ll see.’ Wow, almost knocked me over with that reply! Stunned! A few days later, on our call, I asked, and she said she was still thinking about it. Well, still good, in the running. Finally, maybe a week before Thanksgiving, Marie said she would go to Thanksgiving Day mass with me. Just mass, and then back home. Progress!

We lived about 10 miles apart, maybe a 30-minute drive each way. Mass was at 10 AM. Church was down the street, one block from my house. I asked Marie if picking her up at about 9:15 would work out. If I recall, she then said to come about 9 so her mom and dad could meet me. Even better.

So, I guess I left my home about 8:30, arrived at Marie’s about 9:00. Now the big moment, ring the doorbell. Eleven months to get to this point, with some help from Above. Marie came to the door, smiled, asked me to come in. She was all fancied dressed, I was wearing a sport coat and tie. Her mom and dad met me, asked me to sit for a bit. We talked about what, I have no recollection. Small talk I suppose.

Now time to leave and head back to my neighborhood and church. I opened the car door for Marie, and she got in. As I was walking around the car for me to get in, I was thinking to myself, ‘this really is not happening.’

Anyway, we left Marie’s home and talked as we drove to church by me. Keep in mind that we have been talking for hours and hours every week for about eleven months now. So, it was not like we were on a blind date or introducing ourselves to each other. It just seemed, ‘normal’.

We arrived probably 10 minutes before mass. Went into church and attended Thanksgiving mass, as planned. When mass was over, maybe about 10:50 or so, I asked if she would like to go out to breakfast. I was kind of expecting, ‘no’, but got a ‘yes’ instead. But also, she said that we go right back to her house after breakfast. Sounded okay to me. I knew that a nearby Howard Johnson’s restaurant would be open on Thanksgiving, so I suggested we go there. And we did. We had a nice breakfast, nothing special, do not recall, but just a simple breakfast, but with Marie. When we finished, I told Marie we would be heading back to her house.

When we arrived back at her house, Marie suggested I come in for a bit and relax for a while before heading home. Her mom and dad were both so very pleasant and accommodating. I had a glass of wine with them. After maybe an hour, Marie’s mom asked if I was going to be having Thanksgiving dinner with my family. At this point, I made a calculated decision to reply with a fib. Seeing how nice her parents were, I thought I might try to play on their accommodating nature and said that our Thanksgiving family dinner, with my immediate family and some cousins, was usually around the early afternoon and was probably over. Actually, our family holiday meals were always late afternoon. But I assured her mom I would stop back at Howard Johnson’s and get some fried chicken for Thanksgiving dinner on my own. That’s all where the fib came in. I could have left and had Thanksgiving dinner with my family just fine. With that, her mom said she would see none of that, I could stay there with Marie and her family for their Thanksgiving dinner. I politely declined, knowing it would not be accepted. Marie called her mom into the kitchen (we were in the living room) and said she would have none of that, me ‘butting’ into their family afternoon and evening. He’s supposed to leave.

Her mom told me I would be joining the family for my Thanksgiving dinner. So, I enjoyed my first meal with Marie’s family the same day of our first date. But Marie did not concede that it really was a ‘full, real date’ but rather just a ‘get together’. Whatever it was called, I finally went home about 11 PM that night. Amazed at how the day unfolded.

I think I probably called the next day, reviewed our previous day together, with Marie ‘chewing’ me out a bit for being there so long the day before. I smiled. Not sure if on that call or a day or so later, but I did ask for a second date, or ‘get together’, as the case may be. Again, it was, ‘let me think about it for a few days.’ And in a few days, it was, ‘yes, let’s get together again.’ I suggested Christmas Eve. And yes, we did have our second ‘date’ on Christmas Eve. Picked Marie up maybe around 7 PM. We went to a fancy restaurant in Downtown Chicago. And we spent Christmas Eve together. When I brought Marie home, I think I asked about getting together again. Marie said something like, ‘How about after New Year’s?’ I was fine with that.

And we did get together again, New Year’s, 1969. And we pretty much have been together ever since. We were engaged in June 1970, married 1971. We celebrated our 52nd anniversary last year, 2023. Today, we have two children, five grandchildren and one daughter-in-law.

And to this day, I recognize that I alone did not bring this all to be. I still thank God, to Whom I prayed, and carry an acknowledgment of St. Jude’s intercession to God on my behalf.

I told you, long post. :laughing:
As a friend of ours, Jason (low-key), might say, long post.....:surfweb:

I would say, at its earliest, it all started back in 1964, when as a 20-year-old, I started work at a mid-sized Fortune 500 company, located in suburban Chicago. I was hired as one of about fifteen mail messengers to deliver mail, packages, etc. within the corporate offices. Over the course of the next 5 years, I worked my way up as the manager of the mail department.

In 1966, a young lady, Marie, a recent business school graduate, started at the same company in one of the corporate departments. I did take notice of her, as I delivered mail, etc. to her area, or as she came to the mailroom to drop off things that had to be redistributed within the headquarters or mailed out. We used to chit-chat a bit, small talk.

In January of 1968 (this date is important to my story), there was going to be a company ski trip up in neighboring Wisconsin. This was not an overnight event. I had recently taken up a bit of skiing in the previous and current years and thought this would be an opportune time to ask Marie for a first date. Kind of low key, other familiar people around, etc. Well, I asked her at work if I could call her in the evening to ask her something. Amazingly, she gave me her home phone number and said I could call. (I think that is the way that part worked, after all, that was 56 years ago, memory gets fuzzy). Anyway, I did call her and talked a bit and then asked about taking her on the ski trip. Well, the answer was a quick, no. She said she did not ski and was not about to learn how to ski. Now, I did find out, later down the road, that Marie had given herself a workplace policy of not dating people from within the company. Too many horror stories of things going wrong and the subsequent fallout at work.

Anyway, I think I asked if I could call again, just to chit-chat. The answer must have been, yes, as I did call back in a few days, just to talk. I also still saw Marie every day at work, just friendly, passing in the hallways, her floor, mailroom, etc.

As time went on, I called a few more times, and a few more times, and a few more times. By March of 1968, I was calling Marie at home after work maybe three times a week. The amazing thing about the calls was how long they lasted. Keep in mind, back then, no cell phones, no emails, no text messages. It was either a phone call, in our case, our parents’ home phones (we both lived at home with our respective parents) or maybe a written letter. After a few weeks, the three-a-week average number of phone calls usually each lasted about four hours. Really! From about 7 PM to 11 PM. Hours and hours every week. It was amazing. We learned so much about each other with these seemingly endless calls. It was almost like we were dating each other, learning about each other, except not in person.

Well, this went on for months. For months. We continued to learn about each other, our likes, dislikes, life ideas, everything. And I still kept trying to get an in-person date lined up. But no go. No date, yet.

Time went on and at some point, in late summer I think, still 1968, Marie decided to leave the company we were both working at. Not that her leaving resulted from the two of us and our over-the-phone ‘courtship’, but the company was cutting back on people, laying people off. She worked in the HR department (personnel department in those days), and she saw the lack of concern the company had in letting people go. She was in no danger of getting laid off herself, but she did not like what she saw happening to other people and decided she did not like working for the company any longer. So, relative to my story here, the question of dating somebody at work was now gone.

But that did not seem to budge the needle off zero. Still no in-person date even though I asked every so often. We did continue our ongoing 3 day-a-week, 4-hour long phone call routine. Since we were tying up our folks’ phone line so much, I decided to put in my own phone line in my bedroom and Marie’s mom decided to put a phone line in for her in her bedroom. Now at least, other people could make and get phone calls without us tying up the line a few nights a week.

At some point, not long after Marie left the company, I also decided to leave the company. We were now both gone from the place where we originally met each other. The phone call pattern continued, three or four nights a week, about four hours a call. We really got to know each other well. But still, a frequent request for an ‘actual date’. Still, no.

By the fall of 1968, I thought I would have to pull all the stops out. Prayer. Having been raised Catholic, I believe both in prayer as well as the intercession of saints. Not praying to the saints, but rather asking for their intercessions to God. I went daily to a church to pray for maybe 30 minutes, asking St. Jude, patron saint of the ‘impossible’ (and I think I was dealing with the ‘impossible’ here) for us Catholics, to intercede for me to get a ‘real’ date, not just a continuing phone date. Now, know I did not have to go to a church to pray, can do that anywhere. But, like many churches, physically being there puts one in the right ‘state of mind’.

I did my prayers at church for about 30 days. While I was still doing them, now about early November, I thought of one, very last-ditch idea to get a first date. During one of our phone calls, in asking for a date, I asked if we could maybe go to Mass together on Thanksgiving. Now, you can’t get much more innocent of a date like that for a first date. Well, Marie replied with something like, ‘Well, let me think about it for a week, we’ll see.’ Wow, almost knocked me over with that reply! Stunned! A few days later, on our call, I asked, and she said she was still thinking about it. Well, still good, in the running. Finally, maybe a week before Thanksgiving, Marie said she would go to Thanksgiving Day mass with me. Just mass, and then back home. Progress!

We lived about 10 miles apart, maybe a 30-minute drive each way. Mass was at 10 AM. Church was down the street, one block from my house. I asked Marie if picking her up at about 9:15 would work out. If I recall, she then said to come about 9 so her mom and dad could meet me. Even better.

So, I guess I left my home about 8:30, arrived at Marie’s about 9:00. Now the big moment, ring the doorbell. Eleven months to get to this point, with some help from Above. Marie came to the door, smiled, asked me to come in. She was all fancied dressed, I was wearing a sport coat and tie. Her mom and dad met me, asked me to sit for a bit. We talked about what, I have no recollection. Small talk I suppose.

Now time to leave and head back to my neighborhood and church. I opened the car door for Marie, and she got in. As I was walking around the car for me to get in, I was thinking to myself, ‘this really is not happening.’

Anyway, we left Marie’s home and talked as we drove to church by me. Keep in mind that we have been talking for hours and hours every week for about eleven months now. So, it was not like we were on a blind date or introducing ourselves to each other. It just seemed, ‘normal’.

We arrived probably 10 minutes before mass. Went into church and attended Thanksgiving mass, as planned. When mass was over, maybe about 10:50 or so, I asked if she would like to go out to breakfast. I was kind of expecting, ‘no’, but got a ‘yes’ instead. But also, she said that we go right back to her house after breakfast. Sounded okay to me. I knew that a nearby Howard Johnson’s restaurant would be open on Thanksgiving, so I suggested we go there. And we did. We had a nice breakfast, nothing special, do not recall, but just a simple breakfast, but with Marie. When we finished, I told Marie we would be heading back to her house.

When we arrived back at her house, Marie suggested I come in for a bit and relax for a while before heading home. Her mom and dad were both so very pleasant and accommodating. I had a glass of wine with them. After maybe an hour, Marie’s mom asked if I was going to be having Thanksgiving dinner with my family. At this point, I made a calculated decision to reply with a fib. Seeing how nice her parents were, I thought I might try to play on their accommodating nature and said that our Thanksgiving family dinner, with my immediate family and some cousins, was usually around the early afternoon and was probably over. Actually, our family holiday meals were always late afternoon. But I assured her mom I would stop back at Howard Johnson’s and get some fried chicken for Thanksgiving dinner on my own. That’s all where the fib came in. I could have left and had Thanksgiving dinner with my family just fine. With that, her mom said she would see none of that, I could stay there with Marie and her family for their Thanksgiving dinner. I politely declined, knowing it would not be accepted. Marie called her mom into the kitchen (we were in the living room) and said she would have none of that, me ‘butting’ into their family afternoon and evening. He’s supposed to leave.

Her mom told me I would be joining the family for my Thanksgiving dinner. So, I enjoyed my first meal with Marie’s family the same day of our first date. But Marie did not concede that it really was a ‘full, real date’ but rather just a ‘get together’. Whatever it was called, I finally went home about 11 PM that night. Amazed at how the day unfolded.

I think I probably called the next day, reviewed our previous day together, with Marie ‘chewing’ me out a bit for being there so long the day before. I smiled. Not sure if on that call or a day or so later, but I did ask for a second date, or ‘get together’, as the case may be. Again, it was, ‘let me think about it for a few days.’ And in a few days, it was, ‘yes, let’s get together again.’ I suggested Christmas Eve. And yes, we did have our second ‘date’ on Christmas Eve. Picked Marie up maybe around 7 PM. We went to a fancy restaurant in Downtown Chicago. And we spent Christmas Eve together. When I brought Marie home, I think I asked about getting together again. Marie said something like, ‘How about after New Year’s?’ I was fine with that.

And we did get together again, New Year’s, 1969. And we pretty much have been together ever since. We were engaged in June 1970, married 1971. We celebrated our 52nd anniversary last year, 2023. Today, we have two children, five grandchildren and one daughter-in-law.

And to this day, I recognize that I alone did not bring this all to be. I still thank God, to Whom I prayed, and carry an acknowledgment of St. Jude’s intercession to God on my behalf.

I told you, long post. :laughing:
Epic story! Seems you were smitten from the beginning. Did you ever ask her when, or at what point, her spark was lit?
Thank you for this thread. The past few months have been a difficult adjustment with a dementia diagnosis. I really needed this reminder to reflect back on the past 25 years, thinking about what brought us together and kept us together through thick and thin. This next phase is our biggest challenge yet.
Good wishes and thoughts are with you, @lanejudy. :hug:'s
Funny story:

My aunt (mom's sister) married at 23. When she and my uncle would come home from a date and park in the driveway, my grandma (her mom) would flick the porchlight on, as if to say, "We're watching you!" By the time my mom was engaged, at the ripe old age of 34, she and my dad would park in the driveway after a date, and the light stayed off. My dad loved telling that story. :laughing:
When we first met, as fellow engineers in1975, it wasn't exactly love at first sight (at least on my part)-it was more like hate at first sight, at least on my part. And when we finally worked through it (long story) and started dating in 1979, everyone thought we were a mismatch, and predicted we'd never last when we married in 1982. But so far it's almost 42 years, and I couldn't be happier, and I think DH would agree.
For DH and me, we met in church. I had just started at a new church after college. My dad and me decided to try choir and DH and another friend came up to introduce themselves to us. About a week or 2 later the young adult Sunday school class was having an event and I needed a ride. The only people in the class I knew at all was DH and his friend, but his friend was married. So I called DH for a ride and he asked me out on a date. We were married 9 months later. Our 27th anniversary is tomorrow, 1/18.

This time of year always brings up feelings of how wonderful he still is, how everyone thought we were crazy to get married so quick. How we are still perfect for each other.


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