Stacie's Journey for Weight Loss and the 1/2 Marathon Jan 09!

Hey Stacie,
Love the bike.This time of year it is a great alternative to ride-feel what little breeze there is in your hair.HA!HA! I love it too.

If Matt doesn't train with you we are all here and will cheer you on at the sidelines of course.You are lucky your DH works out with you.We just started to play tennis again this week and that was great.

Keep up the great work,

Hi Stacie! just thought I'd come and check out your journal again!

I do love your bike. I really think DH and I need to get bikes. There are some great trails around here that would be easy for us to get to.

Have a great day!

Hiya, kiddo. Good job getting in the swimming. I would like to do that, but can't find a pool that has hours I can work into my schedule. It takes time to do the change - swim - shower and dress thing, in addition to driving to the pool itself. I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes for you - I bet you do great, especially if you take lessons.

Are you and Matt going bike riding this weekend? If so, hope you have great weather for it.

Have a good one, ladybug - love ya!


P.S. We're under 30 days now!!!:banana: :banana: :dance3:
Hi Stacie, love the bike! What a fun way to exercise and you and Matt can ride together. And also, way to go with the swimming. I am impressed that you do such a variety of exercise. Pretty fish! Hope you are having a nice weekend.:)
Whew! Let me dust thing off! It's been a while...Sorry for my abscense. It's a been a bit busy!

Not a tremendous amount new going on...

Still having a hard time getting out of bed, but I've always been like that. My workouts last week were lacking. We were super busy and we had our 3-day religious convention on F/S/Su. We also had things to do each night! We had company on Fri night, a baby shower to attend on Sat night and my brother and a few friends came over on Sunday night. He left for Mexico this past Monday so it was my last chance to see him for a while. They were over until 12:30 am!

So, this week I am supposed to be on Week 5 of the C25K. Well, last week I only got in Day 1 of Week 4 and yesterday was my first day back out there and I was pushed for time so I mostly walked and did a bit of jogging myself. I'm thinking I may just forget the C25K and start trying to do a R3/W2 for 30 min. When I start training for the half, this is what I will start out with, so I figure instead of completing the C25K with goal to be to run for 30 min, it may be better to start training my body to do this 3/2 interval. What do you think? I feel like this may better serve my needs to get me to the Half vs trying to run for 30 min straight. Maybe when I start training for my TRI (the run is only 2 miles) I'll try to work up to be able to run for that distance instead.

Matt and I are really loving our bikes. We bought a bike rack and hitch for the back of his car. We brought them up here to work today and I just took mine out for a ride to the bank. I never realized so much of it was up hill! Coming back to work was pretty fun though. The town of Cary is very bike friendly. One of the bike shops gave us a map of the "greenways" so we are going to go out for a ride after work. I just bought a pair of bike shorts. They having padding in them for your bum. It's almost like a bike seat in your shorts! I'll try them out this afternoon. Matt much prefers the biking to the running! So far we've only done 2 rides. One was 8.8 miles, the other was a bit over 7 miles. I hope to bike about twice a week. Mondays and Fridays. Maybe some on the weekends too...just for fun! For now, I'm only going to attempt to swim once a week and then run/walk 3 days.

I'm quite excited thinking about the Half Marathon and that weekend. I've made our ressies. We are doing a split stay. 2 nights at Coronado and 2 nights at the Poly!!! I pray a code comes out! I've also made our dinner ressies too. It will be a quick trip for us, but it will be fun anyway. I can't think about the training too much or those Long R/Ws get a bit overwhelming. My longest one will be 12 miles in the training. Whew! :eek:

Did I mention I am about 99% sure I will do the Danskin women's TRI next May at WDW. They won't release the date until January, but I'm expecting it to be around May 16/17. Maybe the 8/9...not sure yet. We'll see. It's a bit shorter than a Sprint distance. It's a 1/4 mile swim, 9 mile bike and 2 mile swim. I think it will be fun.

In school I was never the best at any particular sport, but I was half-way descent at most of them. This is why I think the TRI may be a good fit for me. I guess we'll find out.

So...I think that's about all for now!

Thanks for continuing to check in on me!!!

Hi Stacie.

It's hard to keep up with a journal and still keep up with all the posts that you want to isn't it.

You are always invited to come and visit at the forms walking section. A lot of the walkers are over there. We are planning some stuff for next year.

My big news is that I'm meeting with the general manager of Total Fitness next week to discuss sponsorship. They have a big chain of health clubs in our area.

How are you getting along?

Walking Panda:hippie:
Hi Stacie,

It sounds like you've been busy!:goodvibes

Great job getting those bike rides in! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

That is so cool that you're thinking about doing the Danskin Women's TRI at WDW next year!:cool1: We'll be cheering you on from Ohio!:cheer2:

Hope you have a great weekend ahead.:hug:
Stacie, I think the R3/W2 thing sounds like a good idea. I am no expert on training but I would think the bottom line is that you have to do something that you can do consistently, that allows you to train and be successful while you train. You can always switch to the other thing as you progress. I think the Tri sounds perfect, esp. given your recent bike purchase! That is great you live in such a bike friendly town. Again, I think when you exercise/train at something you love to do and can do with the ones you love, you can't help but win and be successful!

You have been busy but you have hung in there, well done! I love CSR and the Poly. Hope those codes come out for you! If not, they are both worth full price imho. At least that's what I told myself when I only managed to get 10% off AAA rate at the Poly last May! No regrets, hey its only money right??

Have a super weekend.:)
Hi Stacie!
It sounds like you're having a busy summer and you're enjoying the biking - that's so cool. :thumbsup2

For what it's worth, I think your pre-half training idea sounds good. The important thing is that you are out there doing something to get ready. I'm having a hard time getting the excitement level up there for the half for some reason. I'm sure it will be fun - it's just that it's not panning out at all the way I imagined it would. That's always the way, isn't it? It's good to know you and Matt are still planning on it. Are you doing the 5K as well this year or are you one of those sane people who sticks to one race per weekend? ;)

It sounds like the Tri is an exciting prospect for you as well!
Hi Stacie,
I think you have a good plan to walk/run.As you go you will be switching the numbers up with more running than walking.A tri sounds cool.I am glad you guys are having a blast with your bikes.I love it too.Wish we had more area to go on long rides.Alot of traffic and no trails does not help.

The Applefest sounds fun.Meeting Amy and Scott will be cool too.

Have a good one,
Just wanted to log I did 45 min in the pool on Saturday afternoon. 14 laps the first 30 min, then an additional 4 just playing around/cooling down the last 15 min.

Sunday, I did 8.03 miles on the bike, 11 mph, 43.37 min and ran a 1/2 mile, 7 min...

I need to remember to put this in my spreadsheet at work!


PS. I bought some Tri shorts from REI. I had seen them on the Danskin website. Black w/ blue flowers going down the side. They have a tiny bit of padding...not nearly as much as the bike shorts. I tried them out this morning on the bike since it was a shorter ride. They did well and also did well for the quick run down the street. I think I may go back and get a smaller size in hopes of wearing them next May for the TRI. I thought these would be too small, but they did fit! Yay! I can wear them now! :thumbsup2
Activity so far this week...

Monday: Bike for 13 miles miles!
Tuesday: Run 3 miles, 47 minutes

On Monday, we took the bikes out and got chased by dogs!!! We ended up taking a longer route back home so as to avoid the dogs and ended w/ a total of 13 miles!!!

Tuesay was running. I did infact decide to ax the C25K this time and I did 30 min of the 3/2 Run/Walk intervals. I made it through each one! yay! I hope this is a sign of things to come. I couldn't get out of bed on Tuesday morning, but I did finally make it out about 9:30 Tuesday night. I was determined to get into my schedule and stick to it.

Tonight is supposed to be a swim. My SIL mentioned they may bike in town for a little bit tonight so if they invite us to go we may do that instead. Whatever work out. Something will get done though!

I've done some type of physical activity now for 6 days in a will make 7!

Friday is normally a scheduled bike day, but I think it will become a rest day as we are going to see Kenny Chesney Friday night. Whoo Hoo!!! :woohoo: I'll then try to bike or swim on Saturday instead.

I think that's about it!

Hi Stacie,
That is great that you are maintaining a routine.6 days in a row is impressive.So is 13 miles on your bike.I hope you had on bike shorts-HA!HA!

I think when the kids go back to school routine will be alot easier and I hope the journaling here picks up too.I don't know about you but I find it helps alot to hear from others to keep me going.

I will say hello to Amy and Scott- I miss them both around here- BIG motivators!

90 degrees still in your neck of the woods? We were in the forties the last few nights with nice sunny 70's days.I would love that all year with a couple of warmer beach days in there.

Have a good one,
Stacie, you are doing really well with your workouts. I really admire the way you do so many different types of activities. I think those bikes were a very wise investment! I hate that when dogs run loose and chase bikers. Very annoying, why don't people keep their dogs fenced in??

Keep up the good work!:thumbsup2
Stacie i love reading your journal - it motivates me to try to be more active!!
Yay you got the bike :)
I want a mickey mouse fish!! they are sooo cool :)
Hey all! I wanted to let you know I'm still around! Sorry I've been MIA.

We were at Vero Beach last week! It was soo nice. Windy, but nice. I did a little shopping, some sitting by the pool...

Now, it's time to get back to focusing on my eating and start my half marathon training plan. I'm very anxious about this. I should have been getting in 3 miles on Sunday the last few months and it just hasn't happened. I know I need the core the strength and should have been doing Pilates as well as my Physical Therapy exercises... Why is is so hard to do this? Mentally I know I need to keep up on these things, but I've been missing the motivation to get it done. Now it's time to start training and I'll be picking up that LR mileage very quickly. I'm a little scared! :scared1:

For the next two weeks I'll do 3 miles on Sunday, then I'll pick it up to 4 miles for the next two weeks, and then move on up to 5, 6, ... :eek:

Tonight I plan to go to the gym to do the elliptical I think. It may depend on what time we get home. I may try to aquacise...

Here'a few pics from Vero Beach. We did an airboat ride that was very cool!








Hey Stacie! I have been MIA from your journal for a LONG time!!! Looks like you guys had an awesome time in Vero Beach!

Don't worry about the half marathon training, you will do great. Just take it day by day and you will do great! I actually just signed up to do the Goofy Challenge through Anthony Travel. I am actually very nervous about it myself, but I try not to think about!

Can't wait to follow as you go through your half training!
Hi Stacey nice pictures. Looks like a good time.

I have a new blog, the link is in my signature. I started doing an entry there every day instead of a journal.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Hiya, kiddo. Who's that good-looking woman sitting in front of you in that airboat???;) I wish we were still there.

Just wanted to say that you should push the fear aside and GO FOR IT!!! You can do ANYTHING - you KNOW you can. You'll do the training and you will ROCK the half-marathon. I know a little bit about that stubborn streak of yours, you know.:) Hang in there, baby doll - you'll make it!

Great pics Stacie :)
I know you'll soon be back on track with the training :)


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