Super Goofs Challenge April Edition

Good morning Goofs. An overall VERY long weekend for me. DD had a bad day Saturday and ended up in 4th place overall. She was very upset and very emotional (weren't we all at 13??). Sunday was better. She had some awesome diving saves and at the end of it was asked to goalie for the 19-U team which was quite an honor. She was playing her home town team on her travel team which was fun for her too. Long days standing, eating out, sleeping in foreign bed not to mention the 1 a.m. on Saturday morning after a benefit dinner. I am tired, gained 2 pounds and not a very happy mommy. No exercise ALL WEEKEND....

Cecilia: I have nothing but love to send to you, and to your dad too. You are stronger than you think and that will be coming through soon. It must be the year for diaphragm issues. At least you still tied your PR...which with an injury is a personal best anyway!! I am thinking of you daily and hoping for the best for you, and your dad, whatever the best may be.

Angie: My Saucony's rubbed my first run out too. Not as bad as yours but I had blisters on both sides. I think the back of the shoe is just thicker than the Nikes. I had to use bandaids for the first few runs and even put precautionary ones on in WDW. After a few runs, they seem to go down and form better to your feet. I would go with the Nikes though so an not to punish your poor feet anymore. Did you get any of the rubbing in the other places with the Sauconys?

Maura: Sorry for the continuing shin issues. Here's hoping it is just residual. I think that your idea of XT is a good one before Minnie. I hope the shins heal by then.

Suzanne: YES YOU CAN DO IT. I am sooo excited for you!!!

DisneyLuv: You can do it too. You will get faster and by ToT time, you will be more than ready!!

Chad: Yep, beer, wings and chili. Could life get any better? Oh and the shirt says Will Run for Beer. I would have tried to keep pace with you at 9:30 but sub-9 is beyond me....and my knees...and my lungs...:lmao:

Beth: Yay for a great race and yay for the Garmin. Love that thing!!!

Lynnielou: You should set a goal for yourself. I LOVE the races just for that purpose alone. I don't need to win anything just give me my bling and a PR and color me a happy girl.

Well Goofs, I am off to the gym today and hoping for 3 miles. We are due for some serious rain (2-3") from this afternoon until tomorrow so I may be banished to the TM. I have to do something as I am 2 pounds up and not happy about no exercise. Not even a walk. Oh, and I found out that if I had gotten up earlier on Sunday and gone back to the YMCA where DD had her gymnastics meet, there was a 5K that started at 8 a.m. ARGH!!!!! :mad:

I have set a goal for myself. I want to be able to get 5k in 30 minutes by 6/21, my 52nd birthday. I also have set another goal to do a 5k this summer with my daughter. There is a local 5k Hospice run in my hometown. Thanks for the encouragement from you as well as all the Goofs.

Happy Monday, Goofs:

Beth Congrats on your PR!

Did my 50 minutes of strength/stretch this am. I'm getting really excited & plenty nervous about the Minnie this weekend. All of you pros must know what it felt like your first race--any last minute tips for a first-timer? I'm still at the stage where I don't have confidence that I can do it unless I have had a recent good run to reassure me (and I haven't since last week).

Plus, I am so used to running in the am on an empty stomach that I am still trying to figure out what is a good pre-race fuel/hydration strategy. I was planning on trying to eat a bagel or something 2 hrs in advance, and drink 16-20 oz water 1 hr in advance, but I'm wondering if, given the weahter down there, I should try to drink Gatorade instead. Don't really have time to mess around with trying new things, but the things that I have tried my stomach tolerates just fine (gu (yecch), sports beans). Your thought are welcome.


I am jealous of you can only hope to do the Minnie some day. I will certainly be thinking of you this weekend! :grouphug:
Hi Goofs -

Lisa - can you ask Dave for a substitute for me for the next couple weeks?

I am headed to Johns Hopkins to see my Dad and things are looking very bleak.

Dad had chemo on Thursday and spiked a fever on Saturday. They don't know what is causing the fever but believe it is an infection. His "window" for fighting infection has now passed and the fever is still there. Now his blood counts tell us that he no longer has the blood cells to fight the infection. They still have no idea what the infection is but they are giving him IV antibiotics.

My step mother called me around 6 am and asked me to change my flight to today.

Meanwhile, you guys keep up the great work! We have an awesome team!

Angie & Maura have a BLAST at Minnie. Did I miss anyone else going?

I will try to check in from on of the hopital computers later this week. I am going to go crazy not knowing the Minne results!

Cecilia: First of all :hug: for you in your time of need. Please remember that we are all here for you.

Second: I will ask Dave if there are any temps but I don't think there are. In your absence, the Goofs will just have to crank it up a notch and do a little more in your honor. I, for one, will push myself to do some extra for you.

Third: :hug: again. I will PM you my phone number if you would like. I have been in your shoes just 5 short years ago and feel every pain that you are feeling right now. Give your family my love and carry the Goofs in your heart.
Good morning Goofs. I am having work computer issues today so I will be in and out.

I did get my 3 miles in yesterday at an average 10:17 pace so I am feeling a little closer to normal. I did sign up for the 5K in June and, barring any softball tournaments, am hoping to complete that at a 9:30 to 9:45 mpm pace which will be a PR for me and then it is back to half training again. I went to the gym, got 35 minutes of strength in and then the run, then it let loose and started pouring just as DD finished up softball practice. No walk with DH last night and I will end up at the gym today. I am thinking some elliptical so I can donate some miles to Cecilia in her absence.

I hope everyone has a great day and gets their workouts in. Me, I will be doing this most of the day...:badpc: Oh, but my housekeeper comes this morning so it is not a total lost day for me!!

My heart is breaking for you. I lost my dad 10 years ago and I, too, know the pain you are going through. Here's some more :hug: for you and your family. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. :hug:

Also, don't worry about a temp. I'll be honored to do some extra time and mileage for you. You just concentrate on your family and we'll take care of the Super Goofs.

May God give you and your family strength and courage to help carry you through this difficult time. :angel:
Cecilia: My prayers to you. I lost my mom to cancer 7 years ago. I know the sorrow in your heart. Sending you PD :wizard: and hugs :grouphug: I too will help in your absence with time and miles. Don't worry, we've got your back!

Cecilia You're in our thoughts and prayers. Dedicating the Minnie race to you and your dad.

I am jealous of you can only hope to do the Minnie some day. I will certainly be thinking of you this weekend!

lynnielou Thanks for the good thoughts on the Minnie. It really is motivational to know that someone, somewhere is cheering you on--even if they are miles away (like my family--well they BETTER be cheering!). And I have definitely visualized WISHers providing encouragement. It has gotten me trhough at least one long run before.

I did my last run today before Minnie (yes, I said I wasn't going to but I ran again). 3 miles in 28:20. Didn't push it, shin felt fine, the rest of my near-50 year old body is beginning to question my intentions!

Will do two more days of easy XT--cycling tomorrow and then maybe weights/stretching on Thursday and then I'm off!

Let's see, got my gear, my belt, my sport beans, gel, my new AP, my sanity....okay, sanity--where are you? I thought I saw it around here someplace!

So, Lisa, how do I post my miles and time for my 1/2 marathon? I know the miles count 2x, but does the time?


Sunday: 13.1 miles (26.2)
2:25:00 time

Just popping in to say hello to Cecilia and to let her know I'm thinking of her this week while she's with her dad. :hug: Please let me know if there's anything I can do.

60 minutes total exercise time today
45 minutes on the TM for 3.0 miles.

Cecilia: My thoughts and prayers are with you during this diffucult time. Cancer has touched so many lives. I lost my Mom 20+ years ago now to breast cancer. Hang in there. :grouphug:
jmasgat ...Good Luck at the Minnie. I'm sure you will do great!!

escape...Congrats on the half this weekend. Hope everything gets back to
normal for you soon

princessrunner.. Glad everything is getting closer to normal for you. I think
you will definitely reach your PR times.

Cecilia....Sending you some extra :grouphug: for you and your family. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I'm also willing to add some extra time and mileage for you.

As for me...rain and kids schedules have banished me to the elliptical:
4 miles / 1 hour on Monday
4 miles / 1 hour on Tues
30 minutes weight training + 1.25 miles on treadmill (30 mins)
OK, I am so nervous about the Minnie 15K on Sunday that I have literally made myself sick. My stomach is in knots, my head is pounding, I feel sick just thinking that maybe I can't finish. I guess I just need to stop listening to the voices in my head and need a cheerleader or two. :cheer2: :cheer2: I don't have a lime green shirt for the race but will be looking for everyone on race day. I only live 20 minutes away from property but we will most likely be staying Saturday night at ASSports. Anyone else?
Sorry about the last post, I was freaking out for a few minutes.

Anyways, I got on the treadmill to get rid of some nerves.

Tuesday...60 mins treadmill/2.80 miles
Good morning Goofs. Computer back to well not so much...:upsidedow

Beth: Double miles not time so 26.2 in 2:25 which, hey on paper looks smokin doesn't it??? :rolleyes:

Suzanne: You WILL be fine. You WILL finish. There is so much excitement on race day that you will be surprised how far that alone will carry you. When in doubt, look for the green, they will bring you the rest of the way. Take a breath, smile and know that we are back here cheering you on (and being jealous that you are there). :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Joanne: Where did you go? I signed up for the Hollis Applefest half marathon.

Angie: I would definitely try Susie's blister advice. Being that she has them chronically and this worked for her. I would use the precautionary measures that she offered up. Besides, you don't want to be stuck in WDW with blistery feet again. :scared:

Cecilia: :hug: if you are out there.

I went to the gym late last night on my way to pick up DD at gymnastics. I started on the elliptical but was bored so I moved to the bike where I was also bored but I stayed there as nothing seemed to be cheering me up much. Some places here got 6" of rain. It was dismal, wet and cold outside which messes with my mood. Today it is sunny and bright again so I will venture outside and get my run in. Due to my change in scheduling I will put strength off until Friday. I am donating some of my miles from yesterday to Cecilia and have decided that all miles I walk with DH at night will go to her also. She has always been so good and supportive of me that I feel I owe her this at the very least.

Have a good day Goofs and get out there and get these workouts in. Technically the new month starts tomorrow but I am putting all miles for this week in April.
Suzanne Repeat after me...."I will finsih the Minnie. My WISH friends will give me strength" 50x before you go to bed. ;) And rest assured, you are not alone in the "mildly freaking out" department.

Today, I did 30 minutes on the bike for 8.7 miles. Chatted with a woman who appears to be my age about triathlons. Since my sanity is still AWOL, I am now actually thinking that I might train for one after Minnie. Of course, I don't actually have to do it, just train for it. :rotfl: I figure it is probably a good way to give my legs a rest while maintaining fitness.

Packing tonight and then off tomorrow afternoon!
Hi Guys-
The girls have April vacation this week so I took them to the Cape for a few days. Of course it poured each day but we made the best of it! Sunday I competed in a local horse show and received third place in my division. I think I was a bit distracting to the other riders because each time we jumped a jump I had to yell out WHEE!! Not the most professional but we had a blast (plus no falls which is always a plus!) I will say our total time was 2 hours that day and none for this week so far.
The big news is....

I signed up for the MCM today!!! Yes I am super goofy but what the heck!
Anyone else?
just read some of the past posts and to echo what everyone is thinking and thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
HI Goofs,

80 minutes total exercise time today.

45 minutes on the TM for 3.3 miles. (I made 2.8 miles for 35 minutes, if I take away the 10 minutes for warm up and cool down)

Otherwise the other time was spent on abdominal work and upper body strength training.


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