Super Goofs Challenge April Edition

Hi Goofs,
Only able to squeeze a 3.5 mile walk in today (1 hour total).

Hope everyone is having a good week.

Good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend. :cheer2: Can't wait to hear all about it.
Good morning Super Goofs. First I want to say good luck to Maura, Angie and Suzanne anyone else leaving for Minnie right off. I WISH you the best of luck and, Angie, a blister-free event!!

Joanne: Great to see you back. Love the WHEE part. I don't think any of the stuffy muffys I remember from eventing would appreciate that at all. They would look at you strangely and snort about you distracting others. I love that you have a great time though and congrats on the third.

All other Goofs: I hope you are out there moving and grooving. I still have no miles from ArelysAdriana for this week and the 2 prior, lllovell for 3 weeks, Donac for 4 weeks and for this week, HockeyGirl, Raenstoirm, MickeyHead, SAP1227 and Steve, and FloridaGirl. I hope this means you have been working extra hard!!

I ran 3 miles yesterday with an average pace of 10:08 so my speed is progressing well in my short runs. I walked 2.43 miles last night which goes in Cecilias column. I also have 5 miles from Tuesday that I am giving her. Tonight DD13 has a softball game after school, DS6 has baseball practice after that, then dinner, home chores and bed. Somewhere in there I will squeeze in a 40 minute tempo run. Good think I can flex my schedule around!! Kidlets keep you hopping.

Have a great day Goofs and I hope to hear from those MIAs soon!! :goodvibes
Hey Goofs,

One last report-in before I leave this afternoon to Minnie! I did 40 minutes of easy strenght/stretch today.

Will head home this pm to finish packing and let the dog out before I head out. No computer for me at WDW. Will post when I get back--Tuesday am.

Thanks for your support. It really means a lot.

I am so sad that you are all going to have so much fun at the Minnie without me! I so wish I was going too but there is no more Disney money this year. Good Luck to you all and have a BLAST!
Oh Joanne, I said the same thing after 2 WDW trips in 3 months. My DH banned me from any more trips until 2010 but then he relented and we are going to ToT this year. Yay, another birthday in the world. Gotta love that!! So, keep the faith, ToT does not fill so maybe you too can go. Great rates at AS Sports and CBR. Southwest has cheap flights too.....

Did you see that I signed up for the Applefest half? I hope to see you there, running or not, as I missed you at Great Bay. I am hoping maybe Chad will do the Applefest too and Kristi will cheer from the sidelines. Always nice to see some green out there!!!
Wednesday's totals.......I put in extra time for Cecilia....

Cecilia's donation
Hours: 60 min
Miles: 4

Hours: 60min
Miles: 4

Thinking of you Cecilia and prayers to your Dad.

Hey there Super Goofs!!

First of all, I just want to say to Cecilia that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Suzanne--I know exactly what you are feeling right now...I felt the same exact way before the marathon in January. I think I about drove my DBF crazy before the race...but come race morning, as soon as the race started, I calmed down and did awesome! So, don't worry...YOU WILL DO AWESOME!! but most importantly....HAVE FUN!!!!

Maura--You are probably on your way to WDW by now..but I just wanted to say GOOD LUCK!

If I missed anyone else heading down to the Minnie...GOOD LUCK!!

For me....I am in taper mode for my half this sunday. Not sure how this race is going to go....I have absolutely no expectations time wise....I have not really kept up with my training, so I feel a bit undertrained, but I am going to do my best and just aim to finish the race!!

Weekly totals:

Tuesday: 2 miles 22 min
Wed.: 3 miles 33 min
Thursday: 1 hour -- ice hockey

That will be it until my race on Sunday!

Keep up the good work Super Goofs!!
HI Goofs,

Best of luck and hopefully injury free for the Minnie! I will be thinking of all of you and can't wait to see your posts upon return.

Today was 46.5 minutes on the TM for 3.3 miles

The total exercise time was 60 minutes.

I will not be running tomororw, taking a day off and then back at it on Sat and Sun.

Have a great Friday everyone.
Lisa - I have been thinking about Applefest. The problem is that I have been wanting to do the New hampshire Marathon and I think it is the same weekend. So, I will have to decide.

4/30 1:30 of yardwork
5/1 7 miles 1:10 (Runnning/Geocaching)

Good morning Super Goofs. You have done so well for the month of April. After today, we will move to the May thread so as not to clog up the boards. I am so very proud of each and every one of you!!!

Laurie: Best of luck in your half this weekend. I unfortunately go into every race with a goal but I try to keep it realistic. Have fun and enjoy!!

Lynnielou: You have so much to be proud of what with graduating and continuing on with your program. I hope you feel the love of WISH and the Super Goofs too.

Chad: If the NH Marathon is what you want to do, then you should. Angie is doing a 10K the same day as the Applefest so we will just cover NH with lime green!!!!!

DisneyLuv: You, too, are doing exceedingly well working in your program. Your goal for a 5K is so exciting. I remember my first one as feeling like something I could not do also. Afterward, you will say, hey that was not bad, let's do it again!!!!!

Cecilia: Continued PD and :hug: . I got in 2.57 more miles for you last night. The Goofs will continue to fight the battle and wait for your return to us.

Kristi: Still miss your smiling face on our thread. I hope everything is going well. How is the job search going??

All my other Super Goofy people: Keep on keepin on!!!!

I actually did not feel like running yesterday (I know, I know, hard to believe isn't it) so I opted for my bike. While I was out, it started sleeting at 50 degrees and yes I was a little :headache: but at least I was on my bike. The wind has been blowing brutally here lately and that was another factor. I need a road bike, can't get lots of speed on a mountain bike. Anyway, I did get a good ride in and then walked with DH last night. My weight is up a couple pounds after my indiscretions over the past weekend and the pounds just don't seem to want to budge. Today is supposed to be a rest day but I am heading to the gym for my missed workout earlier this week and probably some cardio (I just have to decide what I am doing). DD13 softball game was a horrific blowout and not in their favor. Pitching was off, DD too, she hit the only girl on the other team that she knew and was mentally gone after that. On top of which, the wind was blowing a gale and parents were freezing. I was looking forward to my walk which did warm me up some, thinking that the miles go to Cecilia warms my heart anyway.

Have a great weekend Goofs. Happy Friday!! Oh and get out there and get your workouts in, this is your LAST CHANCE for April!!!
Thursday's totals:

Time: 35 minutes
Miles: 3

I did manage to get an extra 30 minutes of stretching in last night (always helps the sore recovering muscles!) so you can donate the 30 minutes to Cecilia!

1 mile/16 mins

1.5 miles/23 mins

1 mile/15 mins

1 mile/16 mins

2 miles/32 mins

Heading out early early tomorrow for the Minnie....

5 hours of yard work for me today.

Tomorrow I wil be back with a run. For now I am doing a 3 mile run at least 5 days a week.

Have a great weekend Goofs!
Hey Everyone,

Thursdays totals:

4 mile on Ellip. (1 hour)
1.5 mile walk with the family (27 minutes
Hi Goofs,

60 minutes for me today, 46 of which was on the TM for 3.3 miles.

I can't wait to hear how the minnie went????
Hi Goofs,

70 minutes total exercise time today
45 minutes was on the bike for 9.2 miles, the remaining 25 minutes was strength training for upper body work,


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