Super Goofs Flying into February team thread


Real athletes run, others just play games...
Jul 24, 2007
Well, here it is, officially day 1 of the team challenge again. The team to beat:

CAPTAIN-PrincessRunner (Lisa/ME)
COCAPTAIN-Cruella de mom (Cecilia/GA)

Airtime247 (Steve/CA)
ArelysAdriana (FL)
Creativebeth (Beth/PA)
Disnic (Nicole/FL)
Escape (Susie/AR)
Groovygirls (Joanne/NH)
Groovyguy (Lou/NH) otherwise known as GG DH
Hockeygirl (Laurie/NJ)
Jmasgat (Maura/MI)
Ksoehrlein (Kim/ )
laxdef69 (Mike/IL)
Lenshanem (Shan/GA)
Lynnielou (Lynn/ )
mla1977 (Megan/PA)
Nukeman (Steve/AR) otherwise known as Escape DH
Pungodingy (Angie/NH)
SAHdad (Rich/MI )
Suzannews (Suzanne/FL)
Tiggerspal222 (Patrick/IL)
TwoWDWfools (Liz/IL)
UP_disney (Vicki/MI)


I am going to ask that you all post your miles/minutes totals weekly for me. Please feel free to post them daily as well but an overall weekly total will help me out a lot with keeping track of everything. Lets post these totals on Fridays or the first day of the next month, however it works out. I think you all get that??? Right....:upsidedow You all know me so well.

Belladisneydncr (I think I got that right) made up new logos for everyone and if you wish to change out to the new one, please feel free to do so!! See below. I like it as it does not take as much space as the other one. Do what you like!!

Let's start the challenge out right and rack up some February miles everyone!!
5 miles, 49 minutes that nearly killed me.

I thought that I'd be able to maybe skip surgery on my knee since it hardly hurt while skiing last week...WRONG...its excruciating right now. :(

Oh well...

I am excited about our team though...I'm still working on a google docs spreadsheet that we can use as the Goofs that will make keeping track of our hours and miles simpler as a team, and take some of the load off our fearless leaders.

have a super goofy week team!

Hey Team!

Mike - Patrick had to move up his knee surgery after he realized it hurt pretty much constantly. Even managed to do the WDW half 4 weeks afterward.

We got out for 5 miles that took far longer and far more effort than it should have. Hit a trail we thought might be in good shape. It was...if you cross country ski (saw 4) or snow shoe maybe. Talk about getting an intense work out that way! Really want spring to come...

Have a great week Super Goofs!!
Okay Lisa- I will admit it- I am very computer "challenged"
How do I add the "Team Super Goof" logo?

Can you add DH to our Roster? Yes I know he is not a groovy girl but perhaps a groovy girl plus one groovy dad?

He is WISH- he really wants to run (finish) MCM with me this year. He has been really trying to get in better shape and he has been so supportive of me and all my impulse issue (ie- spring break trip to Disney!)

WELCOME all new members!
Okay all you guys are making me nervous with your knee issues- I have had problems with my knee since August or September- I have not been able to run more than one mile without pain rearing its ugly head. I try to run thru it but I notice I favor one side when I look in the mirror. I thought it was tendonitis but I have really not run any distance rather I have been focusing on fitness yoga, spin class, personal trainer, body pump classes, elipitical, ect.

I am getting quite concerned because even when I have no physical activity and I have not taken mega doses of naprosyn I feel me knee tweeking. I really want to run!

PT did not help and I continue to do what they tell me.

Oh - I am a mess!
Popping in to wish all the Super Goofs a great challenge this year! I know you've kept up with the challenge and didn't hibernate in January (like some of us :rolleyes1 ) so this will be a great year for you all! :thumbsup2

Oh, and Mike: BSG rocks! I owe you one for the help! :worship:
Hey Goofs! I just wanted to stop in and say Hey!! to all of you.

Cecilla Thank you for all the help you gave me the morning of the Half. I was such a ditz that morning and didn't really have a clue what I was doing and you helped me.

Maura I had such a great time working the Full at the same water stop. Hated getting drafted to another table though. And, just to let you know, I have healed all up and actually will be doing another Half in 2 weeks. (What, am I nuts??)

Laurie Unless I am totally wrong, you were the very first one to come up to me at the Meet at POP. You saw me over there by the booths just kind of looking nervous and confused and came over to talk to me for a bit. I can't thank you enough for helping me at that point. I just wish I would have made a move a little quicker to the table where the WISH badges were. By the time I got there, they were bagged up and I never got mine. (It's all good though. I have talked with Tracy and she is actually holding it for me until next year. That's cool!)

Everybody, I hope you have a great year! Stay healthy, happy and motivated because the Ducks are ready to ROCK! Come by and say Hey anytime!

Bryan:joker: :crazy2:
Good morning Goofs!

today I have 2200 yards on tap,hopefully done in 45 minutes or so.

Lets get physically and mentally stronger today than we were yesterday!
:p Mike. I was posting on another thread....

Take care of that knee darn it. We need you here!! :love:

Joanne, you right click on the logo and go to properties. Copy the URL and then go to your signature line. Do control V to copy the URL into your siggie line and then before the http put
and it should work just fine.

I will ask Dave about adding your Groovyguy to our team. :hyper2: :crowded:

Liz, how did you get through the trail?? Your feet must have been soaked!! :crazy2:

From the Frozen North....I got my miles in for yesterday, 8 plus 1 mile skiing with my friends during the pre-Super Bowl bonfire party. Then we retired inside for blood orange martinis with candied hibiscus flowers in the bottom that I had to eat...:scared: Slimey but not, and heck it was candy right... I went directly back to beer after 1 of those!! ::yes:: There was a ton of food and good company. We stayed to half time. Watched the 3D. Was not totally impressed. Favorite commercial that I saw...Mrs. Potatohead and the angry eyes...LOVED IT!!! :goodvibes Today is teen cult to the gym day, then DS7 swimming practice and then my MIL birthday party. No enjoying the warmth of the sun today :beach: . Unlucky me.... :sad:

I hope everyone had a terrific Super Bowl Sunday and we can ALL get back on track today!!!!! :thumbsup2
Hi Goofs!

Yesterday I ran for the first time in weeks! 2 miles but it felt good! The problem with my foot turns out to be a neuroma but I think I have it under control (for now). I am headed to Washington DC for the rest of the week so I doubt I will get many more runs in but I am starting to crank back up so I will be back in full force soon.

Yo! SuperGoofs!!!

Just popping in with a quick drive-by :moped: to tell y'all we're glad to see ya back again! Best of luck with your training and make a great year for yourselves!!

:grouphug: Connie
Hey Goofs! Lisa, I will post weekly for you on Fridays.

I did get outside for the first time in a very long time! I got in 6.5 miles, but they were slow......I logged 40 miles elliptical/running miles last week and I was tired!

4 miles in under half an hour yesterday, 5 miles in 36 minutes and change today. I'm hoping to get in a decent long run outside on Saturday, if the weather cooperates.

And, for the record - I'm Rich, from MI.
Rich from MI!

everyone please keep track of your miles/minutes until we can get the final version of the tracking spreadsheet up.

Once we do, I'll post it on googledocs, and everyone can go in and input their times/distances.

If we are all VERY careful, we won't mess up the spreadsheet...if you have questions about how to do it, please PM me once the sheet is posted...the way I have it planned, it will keep track of each team member daily for each month, team weekly, and team monthly, and team YTD.

Hi Goofs!

Got in a 3 miler this morning. Rained on me a tad.

Hi to Rich! :wave2:

Good job Mike, Liz and Beth on your runs! :cool1:

Joanne, I'm a knee suffer, too. Also went to PT with no relief. It gave out on me during my first half and I had to limp to the finish the last two miles, then this past half it started hurting around mile 9, but I pulled thru. I've been wearing one of those Cho-Pat dual action knee straps. It seems to help a little.

Cecilia, glad you had a good run! :thumbsup2

Lisa, my oldest DD swims, too. This is her first year on a swim team and she loves it.

OK, the afternoon Mom Taxi Service starts soon, have a nice day Goofs!
Hey everyone! I am still here! I am glad to see the new challenge is starting, that means extra motivation for me!! I haven't done much since the Goofy and I need to get myself back in gear.

Sorry I don't have more time to catch up, but I will be back tomorrow with some workout news!!!!
Bryan--You got it! It was me that came up to you. It was great meeting you. I have to say it was a little overwhelming with everyone there at first but once I started talking to people it was all good!!
Hi goofs! I got a run in today. I wanted to run yesterday, but I was totally exhausted after going to the car show. I totally love the Mini - didn't think it would be comfortable, but it is. Too bad it isn't a hybrid. The Camry was very comfortable too and I would be happy in one of those hybrids. I can't really think about any new car until I get a promotion at work. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

My run today wasn't much. 2 miles in 37 minutes. For some reason it is much harder to use the treadmill that I have at home. I can go much faster on the treadmills at the gym, I just struggle on the one at home.

4 weeks, 6 days until the Princess half!
Yeah, Goofs! Our miles and minutes are adding up already!

I hit the TM tonight and think I'm just about ready to get over my fear of speedwork. (Not that I did any tonight, but I'm almost ready to consider it in the future!) 2 miles in 24:05.

After I got home, I logged precisely one hour of game play on the Wii Fit. Are we counting any of those minutes? I never paid attention before, so I have no idea if any Wii minutes are part of the competition. Some of the games probably would not fair to count. For example, one of the balance games I unlocked is simply sitting in a modified lotus position (AKA "criss-cross applesauce" -- or "Indian style" to those who don't currently deal with preschoolers) without much movement for up to 3 minutes at a time. I did that one perfectly on my second try, and it's now my favorite "game." No way can I count those minutes without feeling like I'm totally cheating!
Morning Goofs!! I see everyone present and accounted for.

Welcome Rich from MI!!! We are so glad you are here. Well Mike and Patrick are anyway. Mike has been the lone male soldier here for quite some time. I am sure he is especially glad to have some testosterone present!!

Mike, thank you so much for working on the spreadsheet. I know it has been lots of work and you know I appreciate it!! :goodvibes

Everyone else, :wave2: and :cheer2: keep up the great work. I think our first week numbers will be pretty impressive!! I have to say we were one of the steadiest teams last year. :grouphug:

As for me, I did 3 miles running yesterday and 3 miles skiing for a total of 6 miles. The running is slow as I am still building back from my hiatus but the skiing was fantastic!! Yes, Mike it was too...:p Super fast going! I have 4-5 miles on the schedule for today and I may just have to ski again. We are back into the deep freeze up here with temps only to about 18 for today and tomorrow with snow showers off and on. Sat and Sun should be around 40!!! :beach: WOW!!! It will feel super warm here....:lmao: especially after the -20s from last week!

Keep up the great work Goofs. We are well on our way already. :goofy:


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