Super Goofs Flying into February team thread

90 minutes spinning, 15 elliptical, 15 walking.

20 minutes ice, and 2 aspirin.

Have a great goofy weekend!


P.S. Today is the last day of the month...get your last minute miles and minutes in!
Goofs, I wussed out today. I was supposed to do a 20-miler today, but with a headache, and not nearly enough food before I ran, I only managed 16.5. (It was on the home treadmill, too - so I did the run/walk thing, always going up the 2% incline though.)
Hi all!

Dh took me to the gym and I managed 5 miles on the dreadmill. Yea me!

SAHdad - I bow to you and 16 miles on the dreadmill. Whoa. I know you are gonna beat yourself up for not getting 20 miles but sometimes its better to go short than to suffer through and then have to take twice as long to recover. When is your race? Do you have time for one more LSR? I did a barely 2 week taper for Goofy and it was the perfect amount of taper for me.

Shan - I am still mad at not getting in the Peachtree last year. I haven't decided if I am going to try to run it this year. (yeah right. who am I kidding, I will apply again....)

Cruella de mom - it's not until April 11, so I have time for a 5k race next weekend, and then at least one full 20 the week after. With a short taper, I might manage another beyond that. It wasn't so bad - not much longer than "A Knight's Tale", though the 20 would have required a longer movie or an additional show.

For some reason, 5 miles on a gym dreadmill is very different from 5 at home. I suspect that, while it is physically easier, the inability to watch what I want to watch makes it more mentally challenging. OTOH, the Y doesn't like me using one of their 'mills for a couple of hours in the morning.

Edit - my HRM no longer lies to me. I've only had it 18 months or so, and the battery is supposed to last for 3 years. But, when the battery starts to go, the HRM starts giving out some crazy readings. . . like a heart rate of 233. Change the batteries, and all was well. good to know that tachycardia wasn't the culprit.
Just popping in as well. 14 miles on the exercise bike tonight and another 4.7 running earlier today. I was supposed to be doing tempo runs but had to stop midway through and just do easy running as I was too drained. My 3yo DD princess was being a little villain all day and I had to do battle with our oven. The good news is after two weeks we can finally bake again (and much to my surprise, I didn't have any parts left over!)

All this talk about swimming reminded me we are taking our DD to the pool tomorrow to start getting her regular practice. I'm sure she'll be living in the pools at WDW and on the Magic on our May trip. I might sneak in a few laps while at the pool tomorrow. I have to be careful though as I'm one of those sinkers too!

I just posted my numbers to the spreadsheet and we are now just over 1000 miles this month. Way to go team!

Suzanne - I love your frame. Thanks for posting it. It gave me some great ideas for what do do with my Mickey shrine after my first WDW run next year. I hope you had a blast at the ESPN 5k!

:stitch: 'Ohana's Monday Mixer :stitch:

We had so much fun with last week’s Monday Mixer, ‘Ohana is doing it again tomorrow! Come early, stay late, visit on any day of the week. No need to stick to the topic, either. We’re just happy to hear from our cousins and swap a tale or two over some tasty beverages. :drinking1

Tomorrow, we’re curious to find out how you pass the time on long walks/wogs/runs if you don’t listen to music and are training solo. (Or what you do in addition to/as an alternative to listening to music.) What makes the long miles less daunting and maybe even enjoyable? What do you watch for, think about, concentrate on? From the serious to silly to the surreal, we want to hear your stories.

Me, I’m pretty sure I hallucinate, but the rest of you probably have better strategies...

Hope to see you on the ‘Ohana thread. The mixer posts for this week start here.
Drive by. Got my drain out today so I'm feeling much happier, but my blood pressure is high and thus, I feel a tad yucky. I'm being a trooper, though! Should be able to start TRYING to run in a couple weeks. :woohoo:

Cecilia, I still can't believe you didn't get in last year. That totally stunk. I'm sure your mail got lost somewhere... At least being online this year you won't have to worry about that!


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