Super Goofs Flying into February team thread

Shan Good to hear that you are getting back into things after surgery. Take care.

Laurie Weddings sure do seem stressful. What's the date of yours again?

Cecilia Sending "energy waves" your way. I know I've been tired lately--which I'm hoping will change now that the dog can no longer jump on the bed and crowd me out of my sleeping space!

Time to go fix dinner....or may be go join the ice cream social.

Cecelia, I wish I could go slow! I just can't lay around like I did last time. You should see my calendar! I'm so tired from today. I'm swelled up like a balloon. I'm going to bed as soon as I can get the kids to bed. It is hard to tell anything right now. I was cut further than I thought I was going to be and that was a little of a shock. Plus, they couldn't finish everything - more in three months, but at least it will be local next time. Trying not to think about it. Still got a drain and binder on. I'm embarrassed to be out and about, but I just don't feel like I have a choice. No one can call me a wimp! :lmao: I do have to admit I bounced back alot quicker this time - no muscle repair was done. I've learned alot of life lessons from this experience for sure. :rotfl:
Two miles for me tonight. I think I'm finally getting over my IT band injury but we'll see how I feel after a longer run. Welcome back, Shan. Hope you're fully functional soon!
Biked for 30 mins while watching the Biggest Loser. Love that show. Very bad sinus day for me.

Shan...hope you have a speedy recovery.

Have a great Thursday everyone!!!
Morning everyone!! I have dug out from my snow fort and I am back to business. Actually, I took a few days off from work and I am back at it today so the computer is back on. Monday I would have checked in but I had no internet due to the storm. We got 18 inches in my area, heavy wet snow. I have been shoveling FOREVER!!!

I am behind on the thread, behind on posting my miles to the spreadsheet but I am up to date on my miles and exercise. My eating has been good and I am down another pound!!! :woohoo:

Shan, :wizard: Recovery quickly. I don't think there is a mom out there who is a wimp to be honest. We do so much for our kids and no flu, headache, surgery or anything else holds us back. Stay strong and definitely take breaks often. You need your rest more than ever now!!

Mike, glad to see you missed me!! :love: Lots of fresh snow in Maine if you wanna make the trek to Sugarloaf!

Everyone else, :goodvibes

Today is 4 miles for me, 2 easy and 2 moderate. This is one of my favorite runs. It should be warm enough today for me to get this done outside. Fingers crossed. We have ice hockey tonight and an early evening for all. DD14 is sick on the couch with the flu that has been going around. She held out for the longest in our family but it finally got her.

Take care everyone and keep up the good work!! :cheer2:
Hey all! I finally managed to snag a reasonable airfare to Florida and I'm running away from home to Disney next weekend! Bad news is.....5k race is full. Not crazy (enough) to run the half.

Suzanne Will you be at the POR meet or are you working? ANy special insider way to get into the 5k?

Half mile warm-up and then four hard miles tonight. My Garmin lied to me again - during the warm-up, it said my HR hit 233. And then when I started running hard, it dropped down to 175 or so (which is what I was expecting it to be).
Good GOD, 175?

I don't think I can get my heart rate that high anymore!

I did get in 2200 yards in the pool and another 35 minutes walking on the it 2.25 miles, I lost count of the laps.

Have a great day/night/weekend!

Good GOD, 175?

I don't think I can get my heart rate that high anymore!

I did get in 2200 yards in the pool and another 35 minutes walking on the it 2.25 miles, I lost count of the laps.

Have a great day/night/weekend!


Mike - max max is still somewhere in the low 200s, near as I can figure. (The 220 -2x age is worthless, at least for a significant minority.) For a tempo run (which tonight was), I generally hit 175-185 for most of the run. For recovery, I try to keep it under 150, or not much over, and for easy cruising runs, I aim for the low 160s.

Like I said - tonight was a tempo run, because I am trying not to neglect speedwork. I'll pay for it tomorrow, but tomorrow is an easy day before my 20-miler on Saturday.

OTOH, I couldn't do 2.25 in the pool unless I could walk it. I float rather like a brick, and don't swim much because of that.
Hey all! I finally managed to snag a reasonable airfare to Florida and I'm running away from home to Disney next weekend! Bad news is.....5k race is full. Not crazy (enough) to run the half.

Suzanne Will you be at the POR meet or are you working? ANy special insider way to get into the 5k?


Hey Maura. I am doing the 5K, don't know if I'll be at the POR meet or not. Not sure what else we are doing that day as I don't have to work. We decided to go to the Strawberry festival this Saturday after the ESPN 5K. I am trying to get Sunday off also to cheer for the 1/2. Would you want to meet if I can get the day off? Where are you staying? I was thinking of cheering at the EPCOT bus stop like where Susie was during the January 1/2. What do you think???
Happy Friday everyone!

Yay for you Maura. Have fun in WDW!!

Suzanne and Liz, have fun during the Princess girly girls weekend!! I will be thinking of you...:sad1: Liz, give Kimmer a big hug from me, K.

Mike, you can't get your heart rate up... Yeah, I'm not touching that one...:scared: DH just came in and said that the Extreme Logging tonight on Discovery Channel is featuring some cutters from Millinocket, Maine. You should check it out. I live in the woods but they are in No Mans Land.

Everyone else, :grouphug: :love:

As for me, I got my 4 in yesterday. I am trying to keep my pace a little slower and more reasonable with my eye on the marathon. I want to finish and be happy with my time but not hurt so bad that the plane ride home the next day is brutal. DH is against me doing the full to begin with. I don't want to give him anymore ammunition nor do I want to listen to it all the way home!! :sad2: Tonight is girls to the gym and 5 miles for me. I have 10 on for the weekend with a field hockey tourney at BC and then playoffs back here on Sunday. The snow is supposed to miss us which is a blessing in itself. Today is warm but should be raining later today. Maybe a quick 2 outside before picking up the girls if the rain holds off. Otherwise, it may be a long weekend!!!

I will start the March thread on Monday, probably, as I won't be around the computer much this weekend. If everyone could have their miles updated by then so I could post the total it would be awesome (myself included). If not, please let me know that you added February miles when you post so I can update the total for the team in the first post. Some people are going to be kind of anal on that so we should at least try to be good!! :rolleyes1
I float rather like a brick, and don't swim much because of that.

LOL...I have the same body composition...I'm the only guy I know who inflates the BCD while descending on a scuba dive so I don't descend too fast.

Its actually gotten worse since I've been training, since i've burned off so much fat that I sink faster, so its harder to stay on the surface! :lmao:

Lisa, I don't think that my DVR recorded that episode of extreme loggers...gotta check that out. Also, have you tried an ice bath after your long runs? They aren't comfortable...but BOY do they work with recovery. To give you an idea, after the half IM last summer, my training partner did not ice bath and I did. The next day he literally could barely walk, while I could have jogged. I didn't but I easily could have. just a suggestion.

Have a good day all, today is a complete rest day for Mikey!
Happy Friday everyone!

Got in a great workout last night.
3 miles in 34 min on eliptical
.5 mile in 15 min on TM (just wanted to stretch legs out)
45 min on weights and core (including a killer stability ball set)

Mike - enjoy the rest day. I plan on doing laps this evening. Have 8 miles on tap for tomorrow so want to stay off the legs during tonight's work out.

Lisa - wish you could be there next weekend, too. As for not going too fast at CMM, stay with Patrick and he'll keep you on pace. Worked for Scott in Jan.

And I'll get our numbers in the sheet tomorrow.

Have a great day everybody!
Kim Glad to hear your ITband is improving.

Suzanne I am staying offsite this time--Disney rates were too crazy. especially for Fri/Sat nights--practically double the cost of Thurs/Sun. I don't know where Susie was during half--remind me again? Would definitely be interested. I may go to a baseball game Sun pm in Lakeland, so that should still work out for me.

Liz LOL, I thought your post said you were going to do 8 miles in the pool!

Time to go do some more vacation planning--it's another "sport" for me.

Sadly, even 8 laps in the pool would kill me.

I took a mental health break yesterday. My 19 year old nephew decided to drop out of college (3.4 average) and join the Marine Corps. :scared1:

As the minister in the famly, I had to make sure everyone was still breathing, then calm some nerves, then remind them that serving your country is an honor and not everyone who goes into the service gets killed. I think his family is ready to rally behind him now......

It pouring rain here in Atlanta and I just can't face the treadmills so maybe tomorrow.....



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