Super Goofs Flying into February team thread

Last night got in 40 min on TM then another 40 weights/core work. Ate smart afterward now having jambalaya for lunch....oh well Fat Tuesday only happens once a year. I'll just spend a little more time on the bike tonight.

Have a good day!

YUMMMY Jambalaya! Are you making it yourself or going to Pappadeux?

And believe me, I am consciously taking it easy...I basically go until I feel a little fatigue/weariness and then stop and ice it.

i could have swam further, but had an off angle pushoff during a flip turn, and tweaked it just a little...but enough to scare me.

YUMMMY Jambalaya! Are you making it yourself or going to Pappadeux?

Heaven on 7 - small order of Jambalaya and then darn it if there wasn't a spare cup of gumbo. Well you just can't let that go to waste. :lmao:

So Liz will be eating carrots and celery for dinner.
Hey, Goofs!

I'm just checking in to say hi. I'd gotten my dates wrong with Shan's surgery--and hope you are doing well, Shan! My run today is for you, for the records. 3 miles and 45 minutes, with warm-up/cool-down. I know you're going to (Tigger) bounce back quicky, but wanted you to know I'm thinking of you.

Mike, it looks like you're making steady progress. I'm so glad to see you're walking and swimming again! :thumbsup2 Not sure how to feel about your walking pace being so close to my running pace. :rotfl:

Angie, as long as I'm here....I agree with what others have said about having to wear the belt tight. I now use a fuel belt, with the several bottles (like Mike) and used to wear an Amphi. I didn't have back pain with the Amphi but it was always awkward and uncomfortable. I can't think of any reason why you shouldn't wear your belt backwards if it's more comfortable?

All other Goofs, you know I admire you and will try to keep up with the goings-on here. Keep on moving! :cheer2:
Heaven on 7 - small order of Jambalaya and then darn it if there wasn't a spare cup of gumbo. Well you just can't let that go to waste. :lmao:

So Liz will be eating carrots and celery for dinner.

Someone went to NAPERVILLE!
I hate falling short of my own expectations....

I KNOW what you mean!

Funny thing happened to dh: The lap pool was super crowded when he went for his 5am swim so he jumped in the family pool to swim there. The family pool is HEATED. Being the Florida boy that he is, he loved it and now swims there everytime.

Today I trudged out 4.4 miles. I was miserable. First: it was cold. Second: My nose is still runny Third: I cannot believe how out of shape I am.

Then I hit the gym for more weights. I confess, that the idea of wearing a bathing suit in Nice this summer has actually propelled my body to the gym. That and the sauna. (Remind me of this when I am complaining about the heat while training for Chicago!)

Sorry but my arms hurt too much to spin the mouse wheel so I will have to catch with everyone else later!

lol Cecelia.

The pool at the Y is used for all the programs, so the Master's swimmers are in there a couple of hours before the geezers.

Which means that they keep the pool too warm for laps, and too cold for the geezers; Yesterday it was 84 a tepid bath!
Good Evening Super Goofs!!!!

Tomorrow Hakuna Matata will be hosting an Ice Cream Social. (that's an old fashioned term for mixer). We would love to hear from everyone about what their favorite recovery food is AND is that also your favorite WDW treat!!! Feel free to include any other interesting pieces of information in your answer especially the exact location in WDW where you get this marvelous food!!!

Hope to see you there!
Hello Goofs!! Walked 4 miles today and am about to get on the bike for 30 mins soon. Suppose to be in the low 60's at the start of the ESPN 5K this Saturday with a high of 80, good Florida weather!

Hope everyone is having a great week.

Below is a picture of the frame I made for my "wall" from the 1/2 marathon. Signing up for 2010 this week, its currently at 60% full.

tap tap this thing on?

Anyone seen Lisa or Shan?

I'm heading to the Y (after sleeping in an HOUR :woohoo: )

Nice frame for your wall Suzanne!

long swim on tap today, I'll check in later goofs!

Have an awesome day!
I'm here and checking in everyday, just not posting. I guess I should go nuts posting though since my goal is to reach 2000 posts before my 2 year anniversery here.
the pool just about killed me.

2700 yards, 60 minutes.

How am I ever going to swim 2.4 miles in open water if 1.5 is murdering me in the pool???
Mike: Don't always seems impossible during training. You will get there. Heck, my 3 miles on the TM was like torture!

Where is Lisa????? :confused3 Beginning to worry!

Lisa update - she is fine but no internet access right now. Ice storm they had over the weekend took it out.
Hi all,

Not much to report other than "same old, same old". Getting in my regular workouts, but today felt like I was in a rut.

Suzanne Great frame! My medal and certificate are sitting on my bureau now waiting for me to do something----eventually!

Mike No advice on the swim thing from me--I am still not even in the pool yet, and will never get to the distance you're shooting for. But it does often seem to me that the training part of things is way more mentally challenging than the race itself. Hang in there!

Shan Hope your surgery went well. Let us know how you're doing.

Well, I finally saw airfare that approached something decent, and wouldn't you know it--the Princess 5k filled up! So my little dream, of an escape is still that. Oh well.

Now it's time to go and fight the insurance company/PT place over why my ill for PT has been rejected (to the tune of $3,000!)

Got in a disappointing 6 miles today. Ran a very easy half mile to warm up, then a hard 3 miles - not quite my 5k pace, but close. Ran a mile to recover, and then another 1.5 miles at my almost-5k pace. It's disappointing because I wanted to finish two sets of the 3-mile runs, but I guess the fitness level just isn't there yet.

(The fact that yesterday's run was only about 12 hours before this mornings run probably didn't help much either.)
Hey Goofs! I made it thru surgery! :thumbsup2

Sorry I'm just now checking in, I slept pretty much thru the weekend and today is the first day I'm really getting back to civilization. Gonna attempt to drive the girls to swim practice and gymnastics today. Wish me luck!

I'm feeling pretty good given what I went thru, thinking I might be able to start back walking in a week or so, running not so sure... :lmao:

Hope all my Goofs are doing well! :grouphug:
Shan!!! Glad you're feeling good enough to drive just remember to be careful.
Keep feeling better!
I am SO TIRED. I ran again today (as if I was in THAT kind of shape) and now I can barely lift my fingers over the keyboard.

Lisa - I saw that storm! I hope you and yours are able to keep warm and that all the animals are safe.

Mike - 84 degrees is too cold for me. I must be a geezer... although after a couple laps I bet that feels like swimming in soup.

Shan - SLOW. Go very very SLOW. I am glad you are back in the land of the living and I hope that you got the results you wanted although some times it takes a while to tell....

SAHdad - It sounds like you didn't give yourself quite enough time to recover. Been there, done that, and suffered for it. But next week you will rear the benefits so hang in there.
SAHdad - It sounds like you didn't give yourself quite enough time to recover. Been there, done that, and suffered for it. But next week you will rear the benefits so hang in there.

I think that was part of it. But my current 5k (on a mill) is just over 20 minutes. I was trying to run 3 miles in the same time, then a short recovery, and then do it again. That may have had something to do with it as well. ;)

I'm really working on speed - my next marathon is in about 6 weeks, but I am looking toward RFTT in October, and planning for that. Besides, speedwork for a 10k, combined with enough basework and LSD runs, will invariably result in a faster marathon. . . .well, that's what I keep telling myself.


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