T.T.S's Doctor Who Series 3 Thread! Hope you had Fun! See you next Christmas!

I didn't see that one coming, although I did hear reports saying how the Doctor met Catherine Tate's Lauren.. I was wondering what was going on for awhile..

Did you see him in the background of the new Peter Kay parady song?? Wearing a kilt.. :lmao:

Yes saw that, it was cut very well to give the impression they were all there live, but most prerecorded.

I think we will see a lot more of Doctor Who now in the next two weeks and I am sure there will be a specail Radio times, a week Tuesday.
The Sun has a double page spread re Doctor Who today mostly about new assistant but,

Picture of Captain Jack with Doctor, and new assistant confirms his return.

The Sun says the series starts


Two weeks today!!!!

Woo Hoo, couldnt start on a better date, my birthday:banana: :banana: :banana: Just wanted to make sure I was subscribed to this thread Matt:thumbsup2
Hey guys, I just found something interesting out...

Peter Davison, i.e. Doctor Number 5, is back in work again!!! He is on a BBC two sitcom called Fear Stress and Anger. Haven't watched it myself, but I am going to look out for it from now on.. :goodvibes

On the subject of previous doctors Christopher Eccleston has appeared in Heroes. We have watched right up to date with the US and when he appears he is on top form.
On the subject of previous doctors Christopher Eccleston has appeared in Heroes. We have watched right up to date with the US and when he appears he is on top form.

Must look out for that!!:thumbsup2
More on SMITH and JONES epispode.

BBC Programme Information have released a brief summary of episode one of the third series:

"David Tennant returns to his role as the Doctor and meets his brand-new companion in the highly anticipated third series of Russell T Davies's Doctor Who.

For Martha Jones, a medical student in Central London, an ordinary day turns into a nightmare when her entire hospital is transported to the Moon.

There, she has to battle the Judoon and outwit a blood-sucking Plasmavore – but can she trust a mysterious stranger called the Doctor?

David Tennant plays the Doctor and Freema Agyeman plays his new assistant, Martha Jones. Russell T Davies is also the executive producer."

Seems a bit of my Series schdule at the start has the right contents, but not nessercerally in the right order as Eric would say.
Just looked at online Radio Times

Doctor Who weakest link Friday 30th 8.30pm.
Doctor Who shows at 7.55pm to 8.40pm on BBC1 Saturday 31st.

I do not think thats correct there is a long gap before it, and my guess thats the new Find someone for Joseph show, after last years Sound of Music show.

So I still think usual slot 7pm, unless sport gets in the way.

Also The Master is in 3.12 3.13, John Sim.
Hey guys, we brought over my Uncle's Season 2 Doc Who DVD. In the deleted scenes there were some things we noticed that they cut that should be mentioned:

  • Ricky and Jake from the Parrell universe were meant to be a different kind of "Friend". The scene was supposed to end with him saying "OK, definetly not going to be able to replace him"...
  • The inside of the impossible planet was supposed to have it's own weather system, and was supposed to Snow in a scene. Obviously, that would make NO sense at all!
  • There was supposed to be a short scene saying that the only refreshments onboard the colony where "Protein 1", "Protein 2" and "Protein 3". Protein 1 is supposed to taste like Milk, Protein 2 like Salt, and Protein 3 like Sugar. Rose than asks for 1 with a little bit of 3 afterwards.
  • Apparantly the clap out of the Ood speaker system was supposed to be due to "Electromagnetic distrubance"
  • In the same scene, prior to the Ood reporting their arrival, the doctor tries to get them to change their view of them. Instead of Unwanted humans, he tries to get them to say they are guests, or better yet, Friends they haven't met yet.. When the crew arrive, the ood explain that they are friends they haven't met yet, which prompts the person in charge to hit the ood. Obviously cut due to violence..
  • The horse from the clockwork people episode was supposed to be "whipped to one inch of it's life" when the owner found it, which was supposed to prompt the doctor to keep him
  • Elton from the Klom episode was supposed to have a mother, but we never got to see her on screen; she just askes him for what he wants from Tesco. Obviously it was deleted when she was changed to be killed off
  • The street cleaner from "Fear Her" was supposed to be antagonised a lot more, and the scene was supposed to be dragged out alot. It was probably cut due to fears of Racism, but also due to the fact that there were gaps in the talk..
  • The Krillitanes were supposed to explain the need for packed rats, and also explained that they had a part of an oftsed inspector in a fridge, prior to the head bursting in saying they will be gods..
  • There was supposed to be a part explaining that the child from Krillitane episode got bullyed..
  • There was also supposed to be a part explaining how the same child gets emotionally shocked by whats seen, but then waves it off by saying he used to live on the Isle of Man..
  • There were also a lot more scenes that made no sense at all, e.g. The head of the colony in the impossible planet having a rock paper scissors match with the doctor over who goes down..

They also had a lot of funny outtakes, but the BBC wasted a lot of money on things that were not really outtakes, e.g. 2 cybermen playing football, a krillatane getting a drink from a vending machine etc.

We also watched New Earth, and discovered that RTD put a lot of Sex references in that.. I'd repeat some, but I don't think it is permitted on the DIS....

A lot to take in I know, but at least it has no reflection on the new series!
More on SMITH and JONES epispode.

BBC Programme Information have released a brief summary of episode one of the third series:

"David Tennant returns to his role as the Doctor and meets his brand-new companion in the highly anticipated third series of Russell T Davies's Doctor Who.

For Martha Jones, a medical student in Central London, an ordinary day turns into a nightmare when her entire hospital is transported to the Moon.

There, she has to battle the Judoon and outwit a blood-sucking Plasmavore – but can she trust a mysterious stranger called the Doctor?

David Tennant plays the Doctor and Freema Agyeman plays his new assistant, Martha Jones. Russell T Davies is also the executive producer."

Seems a bit of my Series schdule at the start has the right contents, but not nessercerally in the right order as Eric would say.

Ooh that sounds very interesting!!

Just looked at online Radio Times

Doctor Who weakest link Friday 30th 8.30pm.
Doctor Who shows at 7.55pm to 8.40pm on BBC1 Saturday 31st.

Ooh I heard about that one but wanted to know when it was going to be shown! It was recorded ages ago!!!
Did you see the Old Patrick T Doctor Who on BBC4 last night yetis set on the London underground, reaaly good but only part 1 as the BBC lost the rest.

Then later on Tube night Arena special Jon P on the Tube with UNIT.
I haven't watched Doctor Who for years now. Sadly though, I do remember very clearly the very first Doctor (Patrick Troughton) with very fond memories.

Also I liked Jon Pertwee when he played the dear Doctor. Haven't really taken to any of the new actors though for a long time.
I go away for the weekend and look what happens - a date confirmation and Sontarans!!!!! So excited :yay:

Radio times have now deleted Doctor Who from 31st March.

I hope it doesn't start that Saturday as we will be down at my Mother in Laws and I won't be able to watch it!:sad1: She will find some mindnumbingly boring programme to have on and then promptly fall asleep with the remote in her hand!:lmao:


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