TCD is just back from the Fort with Big news to report!

Dang TCD i was looking all over for you. We were in 811. Just down the street from Kelly. Hey did you notice all those trees that were cut down when you are coming into the fort. Right before you get to the 4 way stop on the right. I was checking them out but couldn't decide where they came from.

Anyone wish i could have found you i wanted to the meet the best fort reporter on the boards.
Dang TCD i was looking all over for you. We were in 811. Just down the street from Kelly. Hey did you notice all those trees that were cut down when you are coming into the fort. Right before you get to the 4 way stop on the right. I was checking them out but couldn't decide where they came from.

Anyone wish i could have found you i wanted to the meet the best fort reporter on the boards.

Sorry. I did meet Disboard member MillerMouseketeer. She and her family were staying on the 1400 loop. She told me TiggerinBama and you were on the 800 loop, and that AuburnJen and Stacktester were on the 200 loop. I saw AuburnJen's rig in the 200 loop when I was biking around early on 1/1, but she was gone later in the day when I got my golf cart.

I hear that there was a group of Dis'sers who watched the fireworks on the beach. None of us wanted to bike down there from the 2000 loop.

Yes, I have seen the trees. That pile grows bigger every time we visit. This is what you are talking about, right?:


I think these are some of the trees that have been removed during the campsite expansions. I hate to see this pile.

Oh, and BTW, we stayed in site 811 for Thanksgiving week, 2007. That was before the expansion. It was a great site then, and I would bet it still is.

Here is the toll plaza as we arrived. Busier than I am used to:


I don't recall seeing that snow mouse before.

They are new. They seem to have been the "new thing" for the Christmas season. They were on ornaments and stockings and tree skirts. I really like them. Hope they have them next year.

Thanks again for the awesome reporting. Must be so wonderful to get to go so much. I envy you. :)
Hey TCD,
Wish I would've seen you. I was just doing a little evening visit as I was working near Orlando earlier in the day. I was going to tent it at Jen's but I had to be back NY's day. We're looking for someone to bum a dirt pad for a tent on MLK Weekend. Annie has 4 days off and we want to head down.
Hey TCD,
Wish I would've seen you. I was just doing a little evening visit as I was working near Orlando earlier in the day. I was going to tent it at Jen's but I had to be back NY's day. We're looking for someone to bum a dirt pad for a tent on MLK Weekend. Annie has 4 days off and we want to head down.

Donnie- Sorry that I missed you. I have been trying to get MLK reservations for a while- nothing comes up. That was one of the reasons that we went ahead with New Year's. We are going to skip MLK weekend this year, but hopefully will be at the Fort for President's Day weekend in February.

I really need to keep an eye on what is happening with the pool. Should be a lot going on in February.

Hats off to you TCD! Your trip reports are amazing and informative! :thumbsup2 I also loved seeing TiggerinBama's Christmas decorations. Disboards folks are the best!!!
Donnie- Sorry that I missed you. I have been trying to get MLK reservations for a while- nothing comes up. That was one of the reasons that we went ahead with New Year's. We are going to skip MLK weekend this year, but hopefully will be at the Fort for President's Day weekend in February.

I really need to keep an eye on what is happening with the pool. Should be a lot going on in February.


Whoever get's those pics is going to be king lol. If the parks are too busy we'll say fort it and just stay at the fort. Hopefully we get a dirt pad first. If not we may go to Turkey Lake with our camper.
Wow awesome reporting as usual TCD!!! :thumbsup2
I am looking forward to our trip this summer more than ever with all the exciting changes going on.

PS.....I agree that it is great to see Chris back! wave2:

When we were there 11/30-12/19 we noticed these just "went up" on the nights of MVMCP. Must be inflatables because they would literally not be there at 6pm and be there at 7pm, then be gone in the a.m.

Great trip report and how cool that you rang in NYE in site 2009!! Thanks as always for sharing. :thumbsup2

And as for your perfect weather - we are SO jealous!
We were at our camp in ME on NYE. We arrived about 9pm and it was 0 (yes that's Z-E-R-O) degrees with 20 mph sustained winds and 40 mph gusts. Usually things warm up in a couple of hours (no power when no one is there), but the wind was just sucking the heat out of the place. So we all went to bed with hot water bottles, socks and knit hats. Hey the good news is that it got up to 22 by Saturday! :rotfl:

Gotta say DH was seriously considering throwing a "for sale" sign on both the camp AND the snowmobile, buying that Class C we like and heading for the Fort!! :dance3:

I saw tiggerinbammas set up to, amazing!

We arrive on 12/30 about 4pm and the inflatable (magic kingdom) were up so maybe they keep them up?
I'm almost betting they put them up once everything changed over to "full time Christmas" and left them up. :santa:
Love your report and the pics!! Thanks for sharing and thanks for being the "bearer" of good news!
We were in 845. What a fantastic site! Sorry we didn't get a chance to meet you but it was a pleasure to meet millermousketeers and disneybishops .....oh, and the people with all that Christmas stuff (sorry I forgot your names).

Yes the weather was outstanding, especially compared to stuff back in Chicago (no, I'm not talking about the governor).
Awesome job TCD. I think we should rename you.
TCD =The Cagy Detective
However, how do you know that they weren't actually putting in a REALLY long slide at the new pool to go with the wave machine ....hmmmmm :rotfl2:
I think they might be realizing they have too many cabins and not enough regular sites. Although these will probably be premium pool pet waterfront sites. Cha ching.
Anyway, the cabins appear to be empty in many of the loops much of the time and literally sinking in a couple of the loops.
And no more talk about changing loop 2000. Just leave us poor tenter/pupers alone. They put us on the other side of the railroad tracks as it is. Isn't that enough????? (I hear violin music playing). And, we finally got cable. Ahhhh. :banana: Pure luxury.
Thanks again for the info TCD!
what a treat, a TCD update. is there more to come?

btw, have you heard any scoop about bay lakefront sites? don't be surprised if you do lol. ;)
I heard from my source that there were going to be 15 sites in that loop, no comfort station.
Thank you for the info. and the photos. I am new to posting but have been reading the camping thread for awhile. TCD your trip reports are always great they help keep me in the "loop" in between visits.
Ah, so glad to hear they are finally moving ahead with the DVC loop! They had promised waterfront sites and a prime location. Of course, the fact that you have to have a 10 year old or newer Class A to buy in is a bit of a bummer.

Just kidding, I just wanted to see if I could get some cockles up! Great reporting as always TCD!
hey everyone,

Thanks for the report TCD, and I also heard that it's going to be 15 sites added to the 600 loop all the way up to the meadows.

It's nice to know so many people like the decorations. I actually got into the best top 5 site's this year, but I didn't win, oh well, there is always next year.

I got to meet some more diser's, I didn't have out a sign but the decorations made everyone stop we even had it snowing on Christmas eve and on christmas night, along with handing out candy. I just love Christmas.

Dan and his family were great and we saw the millermouserteers( they are awsome too), we went looking for more but couldn't find anyone around when we went looping, but I did go by Jen's and OMG I didn't even get to see Donnie. The pool is suppose to be coming so be watching TCD's next trip report.


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