TCD is just back from the Fort with Big news to report!

TCD - you missed your calling. You should have been a P.I.!!:thumbsup2

Does this mean the footbridge to the movies will be removed?

I saw tiggerinbammas set up to, amazing!

We arrive on 12/30 about 4pm and the inflatable (magic kingdom) were up so maybe they keep them up?

What site were you all in? I did see a couple of Gator flags here and there, were any of those your site?

I heard from my source that there were going to be 15 sites in that loop, no comfort station.


Thanks for confirming this. I wish I had a "source."

When you get a chance, I would like to know from your source whether there are plans to create any other new campsites in the Fort. Fifteen isn't that many. There certainly are other places where sites could be added. I would love to hear what your source says about this.

I don't recall ever hearing anything about sites being added, so this news was kept on the D.L. Wonder what other surprises there may be out there?

Also, is this loop going to have a new number, or will these sites be part of the 600 loop? Will the existing site numbers in the 600 loop then be renumbered?

Ah, so glad to hear they are finally moving ahead with the DVC loop! They had promised waterfront sites and a prime location. Of course, the fact that you have to have a 10 year old or newer Class A to buy in is a bit of a bummer.
Just kidding, I just wanted to see if I could get some cockles up! Great reporting as always TCD!

All kidding aside, those spaces are going to be hard to get! I would not be surprised to see them occupied by those lucky campers who stay for weeks (and months) at a time in the winter.

TCD - you missed your calling. You should have been a P.I.!!:thumbsup2

Does this mean the footbridge to the movies will be removed?

I don't think that the footbridge would have to be removed. I would bet that they keep it, and just situate the sites so that folks will still be able to walk through there.

Before moving on to more mundane matters, I have some more photos of the "new loop" area to share:

As already mentioned, the survey stakes show where silt fences and such are going to be installed;




Over by the lake, it isn't going to be a silt fence. It is going to be a Turbidity Curtain! Oh boy! I can hardly wait to see this!:


Some more shots of the general area:







These photos show where the surveyors were originally working from. This reference point is just outside the 800 loop:





Here are some shots showing some bad news for some of the trees that have been growing here for years:

The trees with the pink ribbons are safe:



The trees with the orange ribbons are not:





I am no tree huger but I do like a cold drink under a good shade tree and that looks like a nice tree with the orange ribbon.
I don't like the new 600 extension a bit. That area is an enjoyable place to fish away from golf carts flying by coming and going to the 1400 loop. The sidewalk from the cross bridge to the Meadows is usually a nice quiet area. Saw a lot of people with poles in the water NYE.

In one pic you have a yellow cap with survey on it and a number. That is what's called a control point. That dot in the middle is a known reference and most likely all or part of the project will be measured off of that. The number is the survey co.'s registered number with the state. I wish they would've found some other place to go a diggin. Oh well, in 10 years the fort will be like what it was to many back in the 80's and we won't recognize a lot anyway.

BTW, I surveyed for a couple years after high school so that's where I knew about the surveying marker.
TCD - I'm thinking the next time you're there you should mess with their heads and start moving markers and ribbons around. Nothin wrong with some good shenanigans! Maybe that'll learn 'em to go cutting down those beautiful old trees! :thumbsup2
Good information TCD, thanks. There are a few other areas where they could possibly ad some sites such as the area where those trees are stacked up or across from there near the grassy field. Also back towards the group site there is some space. Saw some other members while we were down there, but did not chat with many. Stayed in 800 loop, saw some great decorations, anyone know who was in the 800 loop in the 5th wheel with the dog named Amber on the inside of the loop, just curious as they had quite a nice set up.
Howdy. I know if I was wondering, you were probably too:


A floating geotextile material placed so as to minimize sediment transport from a disturbed area adjacent to or within a body of water.

To provide sedimentation protection for a watercourse from up-slope land disturbance, or from dredging or filling within the watercourse.

Conditions Where Practice Applies
Applicable to non-tidal and tidal watercourses where intrusion into the watercourse by construction activities and subsequent sediment movement is unavoidable.

Soil loss into a watercourse results in long-term suspension of sediment. In time, the suspended sediment may travel long distances and affect widespread areas. A turbidity curtain is designed to deflect and contain sediment within a limited area and provide enough residence time so that soil particles will fall out of suspension and not travel to other areas.
Turbidity curtain types must be selected based on flow conditions within the water body, be it a flowing channel lake pond, or tidal watercourse.

This looks like it's just going to be a construction fence, not a permenant installation, but they'll definately be moving some dirt.
I don't like the new 600 extension a bit. That area is an enjoyable place to fish away from golf carts flying by coming and going to the 1400 loop. The sidewalk from the cross bridge to the Meadows is usually a nice quiet area. Saw a lot of people with poles in the water NYE.

In one pic you have a yellow cap with survey on it and a number. That is what's called a control point. That dot in the middle is a known reference and most likely all or part of the project will be measured off of that. The number is the survey co.'s registered number with the state. I wish they would've found some other place to go a diggin. Oh well, in 10 years the fort will be like what it was to many back in the 80's and we won't recognize a lot anyway.

BTW, I surveyed for a couple years after high school so that's where I knew about the surveying marker.

I surveyed after high school also but it was mostly "do you like coke or pepsi ?" :lmao:

I thought turbidity curtains might be those paper things you can put down on the toilet seat.... not sure now though
I don't like the new 600 extension a bit. That area is an enjoyable place to fish away from golf carts flying by coming and going to the 1400 loop. The sidewalk from the cross bridge to the Meadows is usually a nice quiet area. Saw a lot of people with poles in the water NYE.

In one pic you have a yellow cap with survey on it and a number. That is what's called a control point. That dot in the middle is a known reference and most likely all or part of the project will be measured off of that. The number is the survey co.'s registered number with the state. I wish they would've found some other place to go a diggin. Oh well, in 10 years the fort will be like what it was to many back in the 80's and we won't recognize a lot anyway.

BTW, I surveyed for a couple years after high school so that's where I knew about the surveying marker.

Donnie- I figured that yellow cap was important for some reason. If you are interested, it is located right where the surveyor's tripod is set up in the very first photo on this thread. I believe the words stamped on it were "traverse point." I think this is a permanent reference point that is used for any surveys that might need to be done in this area.

And, I agree with you. While it is exciting to see new sites going in, I wish they had found a different place to put them. I like the open feeling of this area, and no matter what they do with landscaping, it just is not going to be the same, and will give this area a congested look. That being said, I sure would like to stay in one of these sites once they are done!

TCD - I'm thinking the next time you're there you should mess with their heads and start moving markers and ribbons around. Nothin wrong with some good shenanigans! Maybe that'll learn 'em to go cutting down those beautiful old trees! :thumbsup2

That thought did cross my mind. I think some of the trees that are being saved are less worthy of those that are marked for removal, but I am sure that it is all about location. Sadly, I don't think there was any consideration given to working the plans around the trees. Looks like they laid this out based on what is the most practical, and if the trees are in the way, too bad. :(

Howdy. I know if I was wondering, you were probably too:

This looks like it's just going to be a construction fence, not a permenant installation, but they'll definately be moving some dirt.

You are right, I actually was wondering! But not enough to bother looking up the information, so thanks for doing the research. Would you like a job as my research assistant/fact checker?

I think you are right- all of these markers are just for temporary construction fixtures. But, they suggest that there is going to be some serious dirt moving coming.

I surveyed after high school also but it was mostly "do you like coke or pepsi ?" :lmao:

I thought turbidity curtains might be those paper things you can put down on the toilet seat.... not sure now though

LOL! :rotfl2:

So, if those paper things that you put on toilet seats are NOT called turbidity curtains, then what are they called?

On with the report . . .

As already mentioned, we were without a golf cart, and decided to usher in the New Year right from the 2000 loop.

We cooked out on the old non-upgraded grill (to my surprise it functioned just as well as one of the upgraded grills) ;) .

We made smores:


Make sure to check out DD's burnt marshmallow- that's how she likes hers. :confused:

More photos of the festivities from site 2009:





Earlier in the day, the girls had heard from one of the boat drivers that there would be an enhanced fireworks show at the Magic Kingdom beginning at 11:45 pm. Supposedly, the Fort Wilderness beach would be a prime viewing location.

But, no one wanted to venture down there, so we were in our site when the fireworks began, right at 11:45. We actually could see them pretty well right from our site! I couldn't get a good photo with the old point and shoot camera, but these shots may give you some idea of what we saw:





From what I saw, it looked like the fireworks were being shot off from two different locations. The show went on right up until midnight, and finished with a huge grand finale!

My DD's friend brought some sparkler-type fireworks that her mom had bought at Target. We set a couple of these off for good measure:


So, it was now 2009!

What now?

One of the girls suggested that we make a run to the McDonalds over by the All Stars for a midnight milkshake! What the heck! We load up and head out.
You would not believe the traffic! Yikes! But, lucky for us we were heading in the right direction, and made it to McDonalds without incident. Only to find that the 24 hour drive through had closed at 8:30 pm! So, no milkshakes for us. Got back to the site around 1-ish, and that was it for the night.

I heard the next day from Millermousekateer that there was a group of Dis'ers who watched the fireworks from the beach by the old cabin. And, that some Disney shirt gave them free hats. Yes, I said free hats. That's right, something free from Disney. My DD's and I had seen folks coming back from the parks with these hats. Apparently, they were passing them out to the guests in the parks all day. Even though we had our own hats, one of my DD's was hoping to score one of those hats. I mentioned that to Millermousekateer when she told me about the hats. That it was a shame we missed them. Well, before I knew it, she had sent Mr. Mousekateer into their camper, and he came back with a hat for my DD! Thanks Millermousekateers!

Here is a photo of the free hat, so you know that I am not making this up:


So there you have it. A very rare photo. A photo of something free from Disney!

Look's like you and your family had a great time bringing in the New Year! Nothing better than spending time with your family at the Fort...and what a cool memory being in site 2009! :thumbsup2

I'm enjoying your report as always...
"You are right, I actually was wondering! But not enough to bother looking up the information, so thanks for doing the research. Would you like a job as my research assistant/fact checker?"

I would so love to be fact checker- does that mean I get to go on research missions with the TCD family? Whahoo!

"So, if those paper things that you put on toilet seats are NOT called turbidity curtains, then what are they called?"

OMG, I fell off my chair laughing at this one.
We were at FW from 12/12/08 until 01/02/09 in site 209. Saw AuburnJen's sign but by the time I got around to wandering over she had left.:sad1: My parents were in site 2063 with their truck camper and Gators "gazebo". The fireworks from the beach at NYE were amazing. We had a great time and can hardly wait for next year:santa: As always great work TCD.:banana:
Now that looks like a heck of a party! :banana:

Sounds like a terrific way to ring in the New Year - thanks for sharing!
We were at FW from 12/12/08 until 01/02/09 in site 209. Saw AuburnJen's sign but by the time I got around to wandering over she had left.:sad1: My parents were in site 2063 with their truck camper and Gators "gazebo". The fireworks from the beach at NYE were amazing. We had a great time and can hardly wait for next year:santa: As always great work TCD.:banana:

Did you say site 2063?

A truck camper with a Gators gazebo?

Hang on for a just a minute . . . .

I will be right back . . . .

(TCD steps away to check his photo archives)

OK, sorry for the wait, but I found what I was looking for . . .

I this their rig?:


I remember the Gator awning.

As you can see, they took it down the day before they left.

I took this photo because these young gang members had created a fort in the middle of the 2000 loop by scraping up and making piles of the pine needles that were just uniformly spread around the loop by the Fort's landscaping department. There was another fort created via the same method at another place on the loop.

I am thinking the landscapers weren't going to be happy to see this!

These gang members were out all day challenging each other to fights with their futuristic weapons:


My middle DD regretted that she had not packed her light saber and Darth Vader helmet (which, for the record, she acquired during a "phase" that has long since passed). She would have shown these posers what was what:


And, not that it was any of my business, but some of these gang members were big time cheaters. They would keep on fighting even though their arms had been cut off, or they had been fatally stabbed. There was a lot of loud, vocal, complaining coming from this part of the loop all day.

Good times!

Great update TCD. I reported one year ago that there were to be new campsites with 100 amp service. Glad to see the manager at the Fort I got the info from was not fibbing. The location is different than I was told but maybe there are still more campsites to be added. Here is the thread


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