Team 6 - Team Ohana - Check in and introduce!

Good afternoon, Ohana!

I'm just popping in to say that I'm so proud to be part of a team with such well-rounded interests! Trail and endurance running, powerwalking, scuba diving, biking, horseback riding, swimming, directing races, volleyball, smack talking one's own family....

In addition to the XT mentioned earlier, I really like to bike & am looking foward to this spring & the local rails to trails opportunities that Pgh offers. I'm also into evil scheming and covert operations, which will help me with the trash talking! Bwahahaha!

Oh, and for those who are interested, there's some talk about calculating miles & minutes, what counts for what, over at the updated roster thread:
Hello Team.....this is your captain speaking: :lmao:

At almost 55, I am the second "old lady" on the team (Nancy does have me beat by just a few years, but who's counting!) After watching my daughter run her first marathon at WDW last year, I truly became inspired. I thought maybe, just maybe, I could attempt to do the Donald in '08. Well one thing led to another and I roped Nancy into being my virtual training partner. We did our first half in April '07 and that went so well we decided (well actually I decided...and Nancy somewhat relutantly agreed!) to go for the full in '08. I am happy to report that we were both official finishers and now are the proud owners of Mickey medals. A little more than a year ago, I would have never even dreamed such a feat was possible. I learned that with hard work and perserverance one can do anything. I owe so very much to the WISH team for all their invaluable support and advice. Had it not been for them, I probably would have given up on my training long ago.
Just as my daughter inspired me, I inspired my husband, John. He is a non-posting but full fledged member of both the WISH racing and scream teams. In addition to the Donald a few weeks ago, he has completed 2 other half-marathons and one 13K. The trend continues.....Not to be left out, my youngest son completed his first marathon two weeks ago at WDW also. Of course he had only one half-marathon and one 10-mile training run under his belt at the time but I guess you can pull that sort of stunt if you're 22!
I work at home and have a very big title (CFO) for a very small company (4 employees total!) I have also been married to the boss for 34 years! We have 4 grown children and love making trips to WDW or sailing on Disney cruises. Our 2 older children have not yet been biten by the marathoning bug, but my oldest child routinely walks from Hollywood to Venice Beach and back again so he'd be perfect!
Here's a photo of me with hubby, John and youngest child, Jason:
Hello team!
I just wanted to let you know we now have 2 additional team members:

Joanne (grooveygirls), who has already posted her bio, and Corrinak!

A big Ohana welcome to our new teammates! :welcome:
It seems I'm late, as usual! I am another token newbie, and am excited to be on Team Ohana! Though I am accustomed to being left in the dust, it is comforting to know that at least I won't be left behind.

I started C25K last March and loved the structure of the program and the support on the DIS. I ran my first 5K in May - The Twin Cities Race for the Cure. I did another 3 mile run on the 4th of July, and the Tower of Terror 13K! I rounded out the year with a Jingle Bell Run in December, when the temperature was -2. This is what my eyelashes looked like after:


My big dream all along has been to run the Disney half-marathon in '09. I also dream of running a sub 30 minute 5K - I know, dream BIG. I am also registered for the Minnie 15K, planning to add the 5K as well, and RFTC again in May. I am going to run the 10 mile on July 4th this year instead of the three. Last year I lauged when my BIL asked if I was going to do the 3 or the 10. This year, I won't be laughing. Or maybe I will, who knows.

As for my non-running life, I am a SAHM to 2 boys, ages 4 and 9. I also enjoy theater tech work when it comes along and works out with our schedule.

I'm not much for the trash/smack talk, but I'll do my slow and reliable best for the I gotta go get that Lilo and Stitch clippie installed!
but my oldest child routinely walks from Hollywood to Venice Beach and back again so he'd be perfect!

Whoa! Please tell me you're talking about California. If he's doing that here, he's walking clear across the state and back :scared1:

Welcome corinna! My secret goal is a sub-30 5K too!

I may have accidentally harrassed DH's team (Team 8) a little bit today :rolleyes1 I think 4 of them are training for Goofy next year, so they'll be posting some high mileage next fall.
:tiptoe: :tiptoe: :tiptoe: :tiptoe:

Just checking out the competition...especially since some of you have been spying on my team :laughing: . Mel and Robert!!! ;)
Good Morning everyone!
While everyone was asleep there was some moving around of some of the newer add ones. I have been moved to a different team but I am still with you all in spirit!
hey Joanne...welcome back to the team!

Welcome to the WISH healthcare team! Lara (Larahb), Vicki (tinks) and I are all PA's.

To post a picture, right click on the graphic in one of our signatures. click on properties then copy the url from there. To add to your sig, go to user CP and click on edit signature.
img) but replace the ) with a ]. Just holler if you have any problems!
Hi Everyone!

I guess it's time to introduce ourselves to Team Ohana. I will be *gulp* 40 in June, and dh (Dennis) will be 45 in May. We live in Boston proper, and have one ds10. We have been married for almost 15 years. I am originally from St. Louis, Dennis is from the NH Seacoast. Dennis is the industrial leasing agent for the City of Boston, I'm the government grants professional for a large homeless services agency.

Dennis is a runner, and has pretty much always been one as his form of exercise. I have flirted with aerobics, dvds, etc., and decided to get serious about running last year. That lasted about 2 months, when with some help from WWDave and the great folks at WISH, I realized I am a walker. Dennis completed the WDW '08 Half in under 3 hours, I finished about half an hour after he did, and I was grateful to get that Donald medal!

He ran the first 8 miles, and now wants to run the entire Half in '09. I struggled through most of the race, and would like to feel more confident and not so frightened of the sweepers.

Other interests -- Dennis is a huge Alice Cooper fan, and has seen him 20 times in concert. I am a voracious reader, and I teach Sunday School for 1st and 2nd graders. I love scifi, and we are both huge fans of the History Channel.

Dennis really, really doesn't like Disney -- so you can imagine my surprise when we'd barely finished the Half, and he was talking about coming back next year. :dance3: I have done two races in my life, the Half and a previous 5K. My goal this year is to do a 5-miler and a 5K, and see what else pops up.

I am so psyched to be on this team! Last year I did the long walks, but really slacked off on the other training. I am one of those people who needs more of a purpose than just to workout to well, work out.

Occupational hazard -- I write way too much, so I'll just apologize up front. ;)

Hey Maria! Glad you joined us!

Debra, when's your birthday? I can think of at least 5 of us that will be 40 this year. Sounds like we need a big WISH birthday party! :cool1:
Interloper here. I'm not spying, just nosey.

Mel - I gotta say, you and Jeff are doing some fine work lately. Funny stuff. Your "Less is More" training advice for Team 7 really made me laugh.

Debra - You don't know me from Adam, but you should do Cleveland. There will be at least a mini-WISH contingent already and these things can get contagious. BTW, I think you spent some time on the course with my DW Kathy (momoftwogirls) during the half.

GroovyJoanne - No help here getting talked out of MCM. I did it in Oct and very much enjoyed it. Again, I've seen a number of WISHers planning for this year. Always makes it more fun.

So, if ya'll decide to have a team dinner at Ohana can I come along? Yumm!! I'll be the mascot or something?

Good Luck!
Welcome, Corinna....... love those eyelashes!

Welcome, Maria and non-posting hubby, Dennis!
Welcome Corinna :welcome: :thumbsup2 to you for doing a race in those really cold conditions. I would have stayed snuggled in bed.

Hi Maria:wave: So you are going to keep track of both you and Dennis's miles and hours. I didn't sign my husband up because I wasn't going to be responsible for keeping track of what he did.

Welcome Corinna :welcome: :thumbsup2 to you for doing a race in those really cold conditions. I would have stayed snuggled in bed.

Hi Maria:wave: So you are going to keep track of both you and Dennis's miles and hours. I didn't sign my husband up because I wasn't going to be responsible for keeping track of what he did.


Hi Nancy!

We have a calendar in the kitchen where we write our times and distances, so it's not a big deal for me to track his stuff along with mine. I am feeling a little guilty, though. Friday is a crosstraining day for me, so just 30 minutes. On the bright side, I'm on the stationary bike, so at least I go farther!

Welcome, Corinna! And everybody else! It's been a crazy week, but I promise to read all the posts and catch up this weekend.

I'm ready to get going!:cool1:
Corinna and Mel: I'm another person with a secret goal (WISH) of sub-30 5K. Whoa, I guess it's not-so-secret anymore. Hey, I say if I'm going to dream, dream big!

Maria: Another writer here and a sci-fi lover. DS9 was/is my fave of the ST series. I'm glad Dennis is on board with not only the training, but the Disney part. After all, Disney was my initial motivation. My DH is with us in spirit, but not in competition. (I think I scare him--hah!)

Mel: I'll be 40 in April. Neener, neener, I'm older! You're in July. Maria's b-day is in June. Carrie (wtpclc) is another, right? Amy (AmyBeth68) is another. Is there anyone else? Hey, I think this calls for a celebration at the Marathon weekend!!! And in my, your and Maria's honor, I promise to run/walk at least 4 miles that day. One for each decade. For Carrie and Amy, seeing as they're on other teams, I'll make it 8. :rotfl:

Optimator Mike: Nosey/spying/getting to know us. Po-ta-to, Po-tah-to. We have no secrets here--we're quite open about the fact we're going to win this thing! You're right, I did spend some time with Kathy--she was quite friendly, as I recall. Next time I hope to be less nervous and more social. Thanks for the heads-up on Cleveland; it's strange how the WISH contingency is becoming a factor in my planning. (Now if I could just get DH on board that WISH team members are an important factor in our decision-making process...he's coming along, though!)

Nancy: Same with my DH. He's training sporadically, and half the time I don't know what he does. Btw, it looks like there's a fair number of PAers who are also WISH members. Geez, I love this state!

I'll be keeping track of my miles/minutes on SP, as well as a paper training log. The first is to help me lose some of that pesky training weight from the Goofy and the second is because I think my small part in Ohana's victory deserves to be recorded for posterity.

Soon I'm off the library to see if my running books have come in....

One last thing: Jeanne & Jen, how do you prefer we log our miles/minutes? Weekly? Daily? Are we going to follow the Friday to Friday record-keeping?

I'm so PSYCHED for tomorrow!
Holy cow those eyelashes! Good thing eyelashes can't get frostbite! (Or can they?)

Add me to the sub 30 min 5k dreams. Besides actually WINNING this thing this year, we should make that a sub-goal for the end of the year.

I'm gone this weekend, this is probably my last post 'til I fly away, but I'll be back Monday raring to add some hours/miles.
Maria:[/B] Another writer here and a sci-fi lover. DS9 was/is my fave of the ST series. I'm glad Dennis is on board with not only the training, but the Disney part. After all, Disney was my initial motivation. My DH is with us in spirit, but not in competition. (I think I scare him--hah!)

Hi Debra!

My favorite ST (although not readily apparent) is in my screen name. I'm an NG girl, who came to appreciate DS9 much more after Worf appeared -- although I never quite got Odo.... One of our cats is actually named Worf, but we call him Worfiedoodles as a term of endearment.

Michelle -- Well, now I guess I'll have to get on that sub30 5K banner as guys are already pushing me:laughing:

Mel Wow, 1968 seems to have been a prolific year! Or we're all pushing 40 and realized we'd better do something...I'm going with the mass fertility...:rolleyes1

Ok, so today is a walking day for me. No points for us, but it will all come out in the :laundy:

:cheer2: Team Ohana :cheer2:
I have a question: Does anyone know where we are supposed to post our miles and hours? Will there be one big thread for all the teams or should I start a posting thread....or should we just do it here? Does anybody know?
Hi O'hana Team!!

I just popped in here to thank Maria and Deekaypee for wishing me happy birthday and telling me that they secretly thought that our team would beat y'all soundly, and noticed you had a question!

Jeanne, you need to post a thread tomorrow for your team to report their hours and their miles tomorrow. That thread will become a sticky, so it's easy to find all the time. Disneybelle has a thread for captains and co-captains that you can go to and it will tell you where to go to post the times for the team so that there will be running totals for everybody.

Plus, the page will be available for viewing for all teams, thus cementing Maria's and deekaypee's opinion of our superiority!

Hugs and Kisses, Connie


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