TEAM FIVE: Herc's Heroes--Post miles/hours here!

Tim mile 4 miles and 41 minutes!

Sandy 2.5 miles 42 minutes (ok that so depresses me that it takes me just as long to go half as far!)
and 30 minute floor exercies (I dont think fdil is trying to kill me!! :faint: that medicine ball tho!! )
You all are off to an awesome start!

I will keep track through the week and post-up total on Saturdays. Unfortunately, bit of shin problems from early in the week - so my post for w/e 2/2 is as follows:

Hours: 1.5 (walk / DVD workout)
Miles: 3.25 (walk)
PS Stephen/UTguitarst did all the REAL work for the logo!! I just posted and added the tag line!!

THANKS STEPHEN!! :thumbsup2
Betsy- Sorry missed it!

It's looking like I'll be going on my 3rd deployment prior to that and will be gone for that time frame. That and I heard it's selling out soon if it hasn't already, and either way I won't know in time to register. But it's looking like I'll be missing all the May WISH events. :sad2:

Oh, yeah...I think I DID ask you that a while back.

OK, then, xterratri and I will toe the line for you!
Good luck!
Sat.- 8.43 mi walk/run 1:35
3000 yds swim 58 min
total time 2 hr 33 min

3rd year doing FL 70.3 and last for a while. Next year will be Hawaii 70.3
Ran 9.44 miles in 1:29:53. (Had a 10 miler mapped out but had to make a detour so altered my course.)

Ironically, I realized by running faster in the last mile I was hurting my team as I was reducing my hours! :rotfl:

Ran 9.44 miles in 1:29:53. (Had a 10 miler mapped out but had to make a detour so altered my course.)

Ironically, I realized by running faster in the last mile I was hurting my team as I was reducing my hours! :rotfl:


Keep in mind they will add the total miles each team has run too!!

only that is funny - as I was trying to get thru my 2.5 miles, I actually did a 5 min warm up - thought that would help the team!!
Good job everyone! :thumbsup2

Ya, I didn't think about adding the warmups and cooldowns. That could add up! That would be ten minutes total every run for me. Ten times four runs a week is forty minutes! Should I count this in? :confused3

3 miles / 31:35

And warmup and cooldown for today and the other day -

1 mile / 20:00

Go get em today Herc's! :cheer2:
Did W1D1 again of the Couch to 5K. I am redoing this week again just because I think I want to feel better doing it before I go to W2.

So today for me 30 minutes and 2.48 walking/running. I really love the podcast that goes along with it. I find it SO helpful for telling me when to run, when to walk.

Woohoo! Good job team five!

Today, I walked 5 miles (my furthest ever!) and it took a pathetic 2 hours. But I felt like if I needed to go further, I could have. I will work on speed later this week, today I was worried about distance, which I have!

Oh, and 20 minutes of stretching!
Did W1D1 again of the Couch to 5K. I am redoing this week again just because I think I want to feel better doing it before I go to W2.

So today for me 30 minutes and 2.48 walking/running. I really love the podcast that goes along with it. I find it SO helpful for telling me when to run, when to walk.


Allyson, thanks for commenting on the podcast. I just downloaded the C25K podcast and was afraid I would hate it so I haven't done started it yet.
For my total today I did 2.5 miles jog/walk DVD with Leslie Sansone WATP for 30 minutes.
I think I'll give the podcast a whirl tomorrow! :banana:
Hey everyone, I did short workout to get it in before the super bowl.
20 minutes on the bike for 5.6 mi. Tomorrow I'll put in an hour, I promise.
Congrats Matt! :thumbsup2

Since you guys are discussing podcasts... I've been listening to Disney themed podcasts for awhile. It really helps the time go by. Try WDW Radio, WDW Today (for shorter runs) and Inside the Magic. :goodvibes
Sat. amd Sun times.
Sat. walking-5 miles (2 @ stores) 3TM time 1:45 total
weights-30 minutes
flooor work-1 hour

total time Sat.-3:15

Sun. walk 2mile time 28min30sec.

running up and down the stairs @ home and cleaning----4 hours

toal time sat and sun----7:43m30sec
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Yay team!

Today I did my walk/run: 34 minutes and 2.5 miles along with 30 minutes of core work.

Go the distance!

ps - and Matt - you da man! I can't believe you did 2 races in the same weekend. You ARE a Hero!


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