Team 'Ohana--No One Left Behind: The Continuing Adventures

Rebecca - Do you prefer Rebecca or a nickname? I loved the whole Stargate and SG Atlantis series', and really want to like Universe when it picks back up as well. You may be new to running, but you'll have some other team members there for Princess in March you might be able to meet up with--it took me over 2 years to get to meet some of these guys. Welcome to running and welcome to the Team.:cheer2:

Maria - Earth: Final Conflict I had definitely forgotten about that one, and enjoyed it at the time although found it occasionaly tedious to follow. I just wish Corinna would tell us her true feelings about the characters on that show. :rofl:

Mel, Corinna - I got my Half Fanatic shirt in the mail yesterday and feel so ............... "fanatic-y" now. (may Debra excuse my butchering of the language ;) )
I guess I need to post my info as well

Name: Richard
Day Job: Water Utility Manager
Family: wife Darcy (started dating back in 1985, that seems sooo long ago) daughters Amanda 21 and Patricia 19 (both with August 19 birthdays :wizard:), 3 dogs, 1 cat and 1 rabbit
Location: Spring, Texas (just a bit north of Houston)
Favorite race you ever ran: even with all of its trials and tribulations, it still has to be the recent Disney Goofy Challenge (and Debra can attest to the fact that I had a great time out on the course)
Best recovery food or beverage: I love the local bagel shop after my weekend long run with my local running club.
TV Shows you watch or have loved: too many to name here, Star Trek (all), Stargate (all), Mythbusters, Fringe, Law and Order, NCIS (I look past my wife's TV crush on Mark Harmon :rotfl: I like to think she see some of me in that character ;) ), classic and newer Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, I wish I could find Babylon 5 on again, I'll sometimes watch Dirty Jobs (trouble is I have done sevral that I have seen on it :laughing:), more recently I am liking Life After People as I love baseball, although more live than on TV
Races Planned this year: Goofy (done), Run Wild Half Marathon, Lone Star 70.3 Tri, DL Half, Longhorn 70.3 Tri, San Antonio RnR Half, Goofy 2011 (yeah, that's not this year)
Meaning of DIS screen name:hmmm....has a twofold meaning. First, it's a throwback to 4 years of high school Latin/Classics studies where some of us in the class "adopted" ancients Roman-sounding names--and I may have also picked it for the James T. Kirk tie-in. Second, it's a tie in to the Ender series by Orson Scott Card, where two fo the main characters select distinguished sounding names for their online personas, for which I used to use Tiberius as mine (and sometimes still do).
Oh my gosh! I go away for what seems like just a few hours, and we’ve packed up and moved! And completely reorganized, and grown… and I’m trying to catch up, but my job actually expects that I’ll do work? What’s up with that? :confused3

Debra – Yes! I’d love an Ohana race schedule. It didn’t seem to make it into a box from the old location to the new one.

Rebecca – Welcome! Any fan of Dole Whips is a friend of mine! :thumbsup2 The saddest moment of marathon weekend was when I passed the Dole Whip stand and realized I was too cold to eat one. :sad2: I actually went the entire week without one, and now am kicking myself repeatedly.

Name: Jackie
Day Job: Administrative Supervisor
Family: DH (Bill), DD19, 2 dogs
Location: Raleigh, NC
Favorite race you ever ran: 2009 Richmond Marathon/2009 Disney Marathon
Best recovery food or beverage: Chocolate milk
TV Shows you watch or have loved: Mad Men, Brothers & Sisters, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Bones, Castle, Mythbusters, Burn Notice, House
Races Planned this year: Myrtle Beach Half 2/14
Tobacco Road Half 3/21
Indy Mini-Marathon 5/9
Under consideration: Flying Pirate Half 4/18, Philly RNR 9/19, City of Oaks Half 11/7, OBX Full 11/14, San Antonio RNR
Meaning of DIS screen name: Mouse for Mickey, Dog (originally for my last dog Mystic, now for my dogs in general), Mom in general! DD19 actually created the name.

Rebecca – Welcome! Any fan of Dole Whips is a friend of mine! :thumbsup2 The saddest moment of marathon weekend was when I passed the Dole Whip stand and realized I was too cold to eat one. :sad2: I actually went the entire week without one, and now am kicking myself repeatedly.
Ditto, Dittto, and Ditto

Races Planned this year: ......San Antonio RNR

A note to the newer team members, and a reminder to the (ahem) "older" team members, that I am volunteering to coordinate for any San Antonio RnR team meets or answer questions for anyone unfamiliar with San Antonio.

Meaning of DIS screen name: Mouse for Mickey, Dog (originally for my last dog Mystic, now for my dogs in general), Mom in general! DD19 actually created the name.

A note to the newer team members, and a reminder to the (ahem) "older" team members, that I am volunteering to coordinate for any San Antonio RnR team meets or answer questions for anyone unfamiliar with San Antonio.

If we don't go back to Virginia to run Richmond, we'll be at San Antonio again. I think I'll opt for the half this year. That marathon course was pretty dull running by the airport and through the park.
Rebecca – Welcome! Any fan of Dole Whips is a friend of mine! :thumbsup2 The saddest moment of marathon weekend was when I passed the Dole Whip stand and realized I was too cold to eat one. :sad2: I actually went the entire week without one, and now am kicking myself repeatedly.

Excuse my ignorance, but what is a Dole Whip? I'm an ice cream guy myself, but everyone here seems to love them.
How about that!! I made the team!!

Name: Christine

Day Job: attorney with public defender office--assigned to drug court

Family: Husband Mark, DS 17

Location: Cincinnati--but grew up on Long Island

Favorite race you ever ran: I did the Goofy challenge this year! Loved it!! :cold:

Best recovery food or beverage: Varies--will often have a chocolate high protein Boost after a long training session

TV Shows you watch or have loved: Don't watch much TV...never been a sci-fi fan (hope I'll still fit in)...I am more of a crime fan! Cold Case, Law & Orders, though Biggest Loser seems to be a recent addicition! Old time favs Homocide, Picket Fences, I Love Lucy

Races/Events Planned this year:

Virtual V-day 10K
100 mile walk--Cincinnati to Columbus
Marathon in May - July time frame
Breast Cancer 3 Day (60 miles) October (have not decided on which city
Marathon in November (probably in North Carolina)
Local 5 and 10 K's

Meaning of DIS screen name: I found the DIS while helping Mark plan my 40th birthday trip to Universal. Who knew I would still be around...okay, you do the math!! and that a screen name would have been important?!
Sandy, Rebecca, & Christine, :welcome: to the family!

Name: Julie
Day Job: Stay at home mom
Family: DH, DD10, DS8, & DS3
Location: Boston
Favorite race you ever ran: Hmmm...since I've only run four races, there's not much to choose from. I'd say Mickey 2010.
Best recovery food or beverage: Ice cold Coke
TV Shows you watch or have loved: American Idol, Survivor, Bones, Psych, Criminal Minds, anything on HGTV. In the old days, I loved MASH.
Races Planned this year: Run to Remember Half 5/30, BAA Half 10/11 (Sadly, no Disney races for me in 2011 :sad1:)
Meaning of DIS screen name: Splash Mountain is my favorite ride. The first time I rode it was on my honeymoon in 1994. I had intended for my screen name to be laughinplace1994, but apparently, that was one character too long for the Disboards, so the "4" was dropped.
San Antonio Half? (11/14) <--Fingers crossed
Disney Half Marathon 2011 <--And no one's talking me into the Goofy!

San Antonio Half? Really?
Then I just might not try to talk you into the Goofy if you come down here! Just remember you worked me over last year to do Goofy.


Based on initial speculation I am seeing at least 2 good opportunities for Team 'Ohana Meets this year.
At this point I am including all "maybes" on the list. Let me know if I should add any other names or races to this list. I'll also try to keep a copy of the list on the first page of this thread, most likely as post #4.

Princess 5K and Half 2010

San Antonio Rock n Roll 2010
John - If you're an ice cream guy, you'd love Dole Whips. They're a soft serve dessert that's available only at Aloha Isle at the Magic Kingdom (and somewhere at the Polynesian) and at Disneyland. (You can also get them in Hawaii, but I don't find myself there very often) Most common flavor is pineapple, but they're also available in vanilla, chocolate, and swirl. Since these boards are G rated, I won't repeat what I said when I first tasted one, :love: but for a long time I had a picture of one as the screen saver on my phone! And Richmond is on my "maybe" list for this year, since DH hasn't run it yet and several of his friends want him to do it. I ran the full last year and loved it and would do it again but don't want to do another full. Unfortunately, the prettiest parts of the course are only on the full.

Christine - I LOVED Picket Fences! Keep me posted on your NC marathon decision. We'll have to coordinate! And don't tell anyone, :ssst: but I'm not much of a sci-fi fan either. DH is, though, so I understand what they're talking about!

After a hectic morning at work, things have slowed to a crawl. 2 hours to go, and absolutely NOTHING to do. Guess I'll just have to DIS... :banana:

Rebecca - Do you prefer Rebecca or a nickname? I loved the whole Stargate and SG Atlantis series', and really want to like Universe when it picks back up as well. You may be new to running, but you'll have some other team members there for Princess in March you might be able to meet up with--it took me over 2 years to get to meet some of these guys. Welcome to running and welcome to the Team.:cheer2:
Yay! Rebecca is fine with me. I've seen a lot of episodes of SG1, but not in any particular order, so I don't know all of the intricacies of their villains, just the basics (I always have to ask my husband questions when we watch it). Though I totally loved Vala and watched all of those episodes. One day I'll watch them all, but ten seasons is a lot to get caught up on! :rotfl: I just really prefer the characters and "feel" of Atlantis to the other two. SGU is pretty cool, but it feels more like Battlestar Galactica meets Lost than Stargate to me.

Rebecca – Welcome! Any fan of Dole Whips is a friend of mine! :thumbsup2 The saddest moment of marathon weekend was when I passed the Dole Whip stand and realized I was too cold to eat one. :sad2: I actually went the entire week without one, and now am kicking myself repeatedly.
Thank you! I'm not sure I could ever be too cold for a dole whip (or ice cream). :lmao: My husband fusses at me when I get ice cream and then complain about being cold. If only he understood. :rotfl:

Excuse my ignorance, but what is a Dole Whip? I'm an ice cream guy myself, but everyone here seems to love them.
Oh I'm a total ice cream lover too. I just got disappointed with my Disney ice cream because I thought "I could have gotten mint chocolate chip ice cream anywhere!" :laughing: A Dole whip is a non-dairy frozen concoction that's ice cream by my book. The classic flavor is pineapple, but they also have orange and vanilla. You can get any of these two flavors swirled. You can get just the Dole whip or you can get it as a float with pineapple juice. My favorite is the vanilla Dole whip float. You can get them at Aloha Isle in Adventureland and Captain Cook's at the Polynesian. They're very yummy! And if you're on the dining plan, they all count as a snack credit! :woohoo:

Sandy, Rebecca, & Christine, :welcome: to the family!
Thank you!
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone.

I am also a big fan of Dole Whip floats. And on my last day at Disney--yes, the day it was starting to warm up :rolleyes: my last stop before heading to the resort for my ME bus was to Aloha Island to get my fix!!
:goodvibes Thanks for the Welcome!!

Excuse my ignorance, but what is a Dole Whip? I'm an ice cream guy myself, but everyone here seems to love them.

It has become Disboard LEGEND - we get one, and they are ok - but its strictly tradition, the 3 of us share the float! We do love pineapple tho..

San Antonio Half? Really?
Then I just might not try to talk you into the Goofy if you come down here! Just remember you worked me over last year to do Goofy.


Based on initial speculation I am seeing at least 2 good opportunities for Team 'Ohana Meets this year.
At this point I am including all "maybes" on the list. Let me know if I should add any other names or races to this list. I'll also try to keep a copy of the list on the first page of this thread, most likely as post #4.

Princess 5K and Half 2010

San Antonio Rock n Roll 2010

When is San Antonio :rolleyes1
Allie if you can swing it - I'll work on it!! :laughing: even if it means running another 13.1 miles :faint: (I really love San Antonio... )

Richard I think my brother is in Spring TX - but we wont talk about that!! (he may have moved after the last hurricane)

Julie ok, I'm a bit crazy, when I read your favorite race was Disney 2010 and your post race drink was coke - did you combine those 2 and get your frozen coke at the finish line? YIKES... what a race! and I have to add when I came thru the line, they must've put the water away the only liquid (besides the moisture from the sky) was coke -

Rebecca best of luck in your journey to a classroom!!

Jakie Christine I liked Picket Fences too - I read other people's fav TV series and think - I like that too!!

OK - my adopted puppy is driving me crazy - I didnt mention we have 2 guinea pigs, and their Timothy hay gets everywhere - and this dog is eating the Timothy Hay on the stairs! GOLLY he is a vacuum - he licks the floor...

arrrg... I've got to run the vacuum...
Thank you, Sandy! I'm just applying to everything I qualified for within an hour of my house and hoping it will work out at some point. I know applied for a parapro job a few weeks ago (which I'm overqualified for, but would do it as a stepping stone into a teaching position) and the principal said within 12 hours of posting the job there were over 70 applicants, many of whom were also certified teachers. It's rough, but I'm trying to make the best of it!
I am a bit slow getting back to my workout routine since going Goofy. I am lucky if I am getting 3 in per week. In my mind I seem to have my sights set on Feb 1.... That being said I just did a 50 minute core/strength routine and feel pretty good. I am going to try to get on the TM later. I really need to get something scheduled so I know I am working towards something.

Last year my husband spoiled me and got me all 7 seasons of Homicide for ChristmasI watched them while on the TM. Maybe I will have to hint about the Picket Fences DVDs.

Hope the job search goes well for you, Rebecca!! :hug:
A Dole whip is a non-dairy frozen concoction that's ice cream by my book. The classic flavor is pineapple, but they also have orange and vanilla. You can get any of these two flavors swirled. You can get just the Dole whip or you can get it as a float with pineapple juice. My favorite is the vanilla Dole whip float. You can get them at Aloha Isle in Adventureland and Captain Cook's at the Polynesian. They're very yummy! And if you're on the dining plan, they all count as a snack credit! :woohoo:

Hmmm, sounds tasty. I'll have to grab one when we're there for Goofy again next year. Or maybe out west if I end up going for the Coast to Coast medal this fall.
Sandy, is your puppy a new addition or one that's been around a while? We just brought our new one home yesterday. She's an 8-week old Border Collie named Harlow after the actress. She's a dream so far except for the fact that she HATES her puppy condo and her crate. She'd rather be out where the action is and screams at the top of her little lungs to make sure we know it. :)
I'd better do this before life gets in the way again...

Name: Maria
Day Job: Grants Professional
Family: DH aka Dennis, DS12 (well, he will be on Friday!), Worf the cat
Location: Boston
Favorite race you ever ran: I also don't have many to choose from. I'm going to say Donald 2008, my first Half!
Best recovery food or beverage: Chocolate milk and carrot cake cookies
TV Shows you watch or have loved: 24, Castle, The Biggest Loser, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Star Trek (most versions), Stargate (all versions), Eureka, Dr. Who, Torchwood, Being Human, General Hospital, Buffy and Angel, Alias, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, What Not to Wear (yes, I watch way too much tivo!)
Races Planned this year: Honan 5K, another 5K to be named later, hopefully Beach to Beacon, and possibly DL Half, WDW Half 2011
Meaning of DIS screen name: My name is our nickname for Worf the cat. He is almost 17, so he has had a long and prosperous life.
Took me most of today to recover from work yesterday, but I made it back to the DIS finally.

Welcome to all the new cousins.

Christine: You will fit in fine without sci-fi as long as you don't laugh too loudly at the rest of us (the occasional snicker is fine). :lmao:

Richard: add me as a possible for a Princess meet

on to the questions...

name: Jennifer
day job: pediatrician
family: wonderful DH nicknamed Butch(based on our last name, not any real "Butch-like" qualities, DD6, dog named Muppet and kitten named Pixar(we pick her up in 3 days)
location: Southern NJ-- pretty much my whole life except for a brief stint in Hershey, PA where I did my residency training
favorite race: This question is really tough-- Minnie has a special place in my heart as my first "real" race but I really love Tower of Terror 13K, I mean what's not to love about a night race where you get to play Toy Story Mania at the end. Favorite local race is the Philia Distance Run- a 1/2 in Philadelphia-- beautiful, flat course ending at the Art Museum-- cue the Rocky music
best recovery food and/or drink: at home I have what DD has deemed "weird iced tea, Crystal Light blueberry white tea but a diet Coke is a real favorite
TV shows: currently watch most of the Law and Order series, CSI, Psych, Mythbusters, Survivor, Amazing Race, V but always like the classics like Star Trek, also a big Muppet/Jim Henson fan
Planned Races: Princess 1/2; Rutgers/Unite 1/2 in New Brunswick, NJ 4/18; Broad Street Run in Phila, PA 5/2; Disneyland 1/2; PDR in Philia, PA 9/19; Food and Wine 1/2; ?Philadelphia Marathon 1/2 11/21; Goofy.. maybe Dopey 2011
DIS name: no creativity here-- my first initial and the beginning of my last name, started to enter a photo contest for DISunplugged podcast before I even knew about WISH-- who knew the boring name would be used for anything...


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