Team 'Ohana--No One Left Behind: The Continuing Adventures

Sandy – San Antonio RnR is November 14th this year, would love to see you there! …and I’ll keep mum about your brother. ;)

Rebecca – Good luck! :teacher:

John – They ARE tasty! I especially love the float. :drinking1

Maria – Isn’t the DVR just sooo great for TV watching! I am still keeping the last 3 Doctor Who episodes (TV movies) from the last 2 months.

Jen – I’ll get you in for Princess; will Butch be going, too, or just you?

The more I read everyone’s bio, the more I remember TV series I like (liked), too much couch potato here. Also, I am seeing so many things that I knew, but forgot along the way.
Wow, busy, busy, busy! :goodvibes

Just random thoughts:

  • Welcome, cousins! :welcome:
  • The Borg are the best villains ever--or maybe Q. 'Nuff said. Although I do love me a good toaster or skinjob.
  • So many great TV shows you all listed--Psych, Eureka, Burn Notice, etc! My dad works as an engineer at a TV station, so I have a long television-watching history. I can't believe I forgot to put The Muppets and The Prisoner (original, not the heretical remake) on my list of favorite shows! :scared1:
  • I also think the DLR half might make a good meet, as many of us are gunning for the Coast to Coast Medal.
  • Older team members? Harumph. Maura called us "seasoned." I call Saffron!
  • In pop culture news, has anyone else seen Avatar? I finally caught up with it last weekend, and thought, "Golden Globe for Best Picture? Really??"

Mel: I had no idea you had so many jobs/careers going on! Must be paying for someone's college, huh? ;) Also a lot of halfs this year....Wowsa!

John: Nope, didn't know your handle, but had heard of Hash House Harriers. Odd, the bits and pieces I retain. I'm not a beer drinker, but if I were I like to think it would be Guinness. DOOD, my DH whom you'll hear of/meet, keeps a beer journal and enjoys one or two post-race.

Maria: I'm with John on DS9. Not my favorite ST, but I certainly enjoyed it. Firefly yes, Buffy no, Angel yes, Dollhouse no! I'm so fickle. Isn't Beach to Beacon one of those races that sells out within hours of opening?? So impressed with your plans--not only for that race but your two-year plan! :cool1:

Sandy: I rewatched Dune with DOOD (his first time)--hadn't seen it since I was in high school. SOOO sorry that was a date movie. I love the story of your screen name!

Rebecca: Ahhh, Dole Whips. Something I must have at DLR, but not WDW. Churros, too. How very odd of me. Just love that you're new to running and jumping right in, feet first! :thumbsup2 Like you, I have a background teaching (college) but am embracing the full-time writing gig.

Richard: Yep, I can't imagine anyone having a better time at any race. You were practically skipping through the parks--which would have made such a pretty sight if the weather had been better and those leopard shorts had been fully on display. :rolleyes1 Oh, and you know the love I feel for the Ender series. Endless. Or endlessly wordy. :lmao:

Don't get me wrong. Even now, I want to do Goofy. The itch has started as the blisters heal and the memory fades. But every other year is better. It keeps me sane(r).

Jackie: Ah, yes, the Flying Pirate Inaugural. I do want to do that race, but April is not looking pretty. Tobacco is really shaping up to be a WISher event, a good place for a PR. ;) Is DD doing any of these events with you? Not much of a sci-fi fan! Whaaaa???? Oh, that's right, you save all your love for historical fantasy, ala Outlander. :thumbsup2

Christine: But how do you feel about NCIS? :rotfl2: That's the show, along with Law and Order, that always seems to be on at the gym when it's treadmill time for me. I might need to look into Homicide. I have to say, I'm SO impressed that you're doing those long-walk events! :worship:

Julie: Boo on the no Disney in 2011, although I can't imagine how fast you'll be by 2012! :thumbsup2 And I have to guiltily admit that I've always thought your screen name was laughingplace1999. Apparently, I overlooked it was three numbers. Never hire me as a proofreader, folks!

JenB: Awww, welcome to little Pixar! What a cute name for a cat. Yeah, TOT 13K was a good night event--I miss it. I'm still not sure how I feel about Wine and Dine. Maybe if I were as speedy as you.... Did you see that I hope to do a couple of races in Philly this year? I'm trying to convince DOOD that Philly is a good weekend getaway for a short race and sightseeing, like Broad Street. (He thinks we should just run here, but it's not the same...)

As for me: Was have one of "those days" today, where I just wasn't motivated. Job was frustrated, lots of little side projects, snowy and windy all day. Almost talked myself out of going for a run. But then I figured I had to report in to folks here. So, I did my short little run. 27 degrees + wind chill. And followed up with Pilates. I feel better, as physical activity always makes me feel; now if I could just remember that little life lesson all the time! :rotfl2:

In fun news, I'm attending an advance screening of When in Rome tomorrow, Touchstone's newest comedy with Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel. Not my genre, but I like Bell. Hoping it's worth my time (and words). Will let you know, of course.
John - Sienna is over a year old now, and she still has moments when she shrieks loudly in her crate to express her discontent (usually when I try to sneak in the house after work and take a nap without letting her out.) At those times you'd swear she was some other animal - no dog I know is capable of making the noises she makes. Fortunately our other dog isn't nearly as vocal. Sienna was actually hoarse when we picked her up from the kennel after marathon weekend from barking so much while she was there. And personally, I think the Dole Whips are better at DL, but maybe that's just because I had my first one there!

Christine - I'm jealous that you were there long enough for it to warm up. We even skipped dessert at Artist Point and said we were going over to MK for dessert, but I just couldn't do it. Every time we walked by Aloha Isle I slowed down, but then I thought about shivering. And I can eat ice cream year round, but I was just so darned cold all weekend! We ate one Mickey bar, but it was inside The Land where it was warm after riding Soarin'.

Jen - I'm really going to have to move the Philly RNR up in consideration. Everything I hear makes me want to do it. And Philly is drivable. San Antonio... just looked at airfare on SW. Ouch!

- The DVR is my favorite invention of the 21st century, I think. (or maybe it was actually the 20th. Either way, I can't imagine life without it!)

Sandy - Puppies are so much fun, aren't they? Ours turned a year old in September and October, and they're still wild things. They actually seem a little calmer after the Disney trip, so we're wondering if we need to leave them more often...

Richard - You're going to have to find me cheap transport to SA, I'm afraid. Another tuition bill will come due before that race comes around. I've never been to Texas, but I have a feeling that one Disney trip and one Indy trip this year may be all the budget can afford. A weekend in Philly might be doable, but San Antonio is a completely different ball game.

Jackie: Ah, yes, the Flying Pirate Inaugural. I do want to do that race, but April is not looking pretty. Tobacco is really shaping up to be a WISher event, a good place for a PR. ;) Is DD doing any of these events with you? Not much of a sci-fi fan! Whaaaa???? Oh, that's right, you save all your love for historical fantasy, ala Outlander. :thumbsup2

DH is doing Myrtle Beach, Tobacco Road, and Indy, DD is just doing Indy. And yep, the truth is out, I'm not a real sci-fi fan. I watch it when it's on, I just don't turn it on. DH is a HUGE Doctor Who fan (more the original than the new, but he'll watch any of it), but he's a little out of touch with the more recent stuff. His current taste has run more toward Psych and Burn Notice.

In fun news, I'm attending an advance screening of When in Rome tomorrow, Touchstone's newest comedy with Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel. Not my genre, but I like Bell. Hoping it's worth my time (and words). Will let you know, of course.

Can't wait to hear your review. This one IS my genre, and is on my "to see" list. DH and I have recently become movie-goers, much to DD's dismay. She can't fathom how mom & dad can have a life without her. And we go to movies without her!
Richard: Butch will be at Princess weekend as will DD but he won't be running. He will be doing the Gasparilla full the week before in Tampa. Interestingly enough it is pirate themed, so it sort of fits for him to do the pirate and me the princess-- he will likely be wearing his medal around the Disney parks-- where else could you get away with wearing your medal all week?
Name: Allie (actually it's a nickname I have acquired here on the DIS, if you want to know my "real" name, just send me a PM ;) ) Why use a nickname, well, it's a long boring story, and suffice it to say I have grown attached to my name. :goodvibes

Day Job: I'm a mom, but work part time at my church's preschool. I am a helper, and I am responsible for making sure the two year olds go potty (and wash their hands ;) ), and for helping them do their crafts for parties, etc. I basically do anything I am told. ;)

Family: DH (for 20 years - this year I will have lived with him as long as I lived with my parents before I got married....:scared1:), DS 16 - almost 17 and DD 11, and two dogs - Shadow and Trixie, and a 10 gallon aquarium with a lonely surviving Platy in it (Mars), and a 55 gallon tank with our semi aggressive fish - 4 Tiger Barbs(Can't remember their names), 1 Red Tailed Shark (Bullet - he's actually a catfish, but looks like a shark), 4 Clown Loaches (Bubba and 3 others - can't remember their names), 1 African Featherfin (Captain), and 1 Blue Gourami (Moonbeam). My daughter names all the fish. ;)

Location: Alabama

Favorite race you ever ran: Disney 5K in 2008. I ran (ok, we actually walked)
it with my daughter in honor of my 40th birthday which was in April of that year, oh and it was the last time I could take her for the "kids" price. :laughing:

Best recovery food or beverage: Hot chocolate while sitting in my ice bath. :goodvibes

TV Shows you watch or have loved:
Survivor, Amazing Race, Cold Case, Criminal Minds, ER (I still miss that show), Tonight Show with Conan (don't know if I will get to watch that again :mad:), anything on HGTV, my MIL gave us the REBA dvd's - never watched this show when it was on the air, but it is funny!, Monk, Dead Zone (DVD's), Two and a Half Men, Dog Whisperer

Races Planned this year: 2 mile and 4 mile race on Valentine's, 3 local 10K's all in the month of May! :eek: One is an inaugural race in my little town. :goodvibes Local (aka CHEAP) Half Marathon in November. Several other 5K's around town.

Meaning of DIS screen name: I'm from Alabama, I love Disney, and I'm a girl. :upsidedow

Oh, and I will eventually put the OHana clippie in my siggy, but I don't want to offend my Buzzie teammates that are left. Don't want to think that I have just left them high and dry. Everyone has been understanding, and some are opting not to join a team, or are on the fence. It's just that I have been with the team since the beginning, and I don't want them to feel like I have abandoned them. Hope y'all understand. :grouphug:

Thanks for all the kind Welcome's! :love: Glad I passed the test Richard! Whew! :goodvibes

Ok, gonna have to get off 'cause DS will need the computer when he gets home from Basketball practice. He has a project due tomorrow, and he needs the computer to complete it.
Debra – I don’t really think Q counts as a villain, more of a non-villain antagonist at times yes, but villain no. THe Borg do make one tenacious villain, though. Your assessment of my race is correct, I was that happy, and I think it is possible I may have skipped at one point—I know I broke my own rule about not dancing to the music at a couple points--it is entirely possible that I had more fun than was previously thought possible at a race event. I can't believe I left off DL 1/2 for meets. :( , but I have taken care of that now :) .

Jackie – While I’d love to see you at San Antonio, I know about those tuition bills and travel expenses all to well, but if it makes the difference I’ll help watch the airfare sales.

Jen - Love the idea of wearing the pirate medal around WDW all week, he'll have great stories!

Allie - Love the name, but if anyone asks, I'll help you come up with an exciting story if you like ;) , and there was no test other than you feeling like you fit in here!

As for me, I had my longest mid week run for some time, 3.1 miles plus another 0.6 miles warmup/cooldown walking. I am trying to wean myself off the run/walk method and did the 3.1 miles at a tempo pace ran without stopping. Although I kept a good pace, I can tell my legs are still not 100% recovered yet.
Random thoughts....

  • not a huge fan of Dole Whips or DS9
  • this is the final year for the Gasparilla full, though the half is supposed to continue
  • our newest dog goes willingly into her crate cuz she likes her kong with pnut butter
  • she would not need to be in the crate if she hadn't eaten the couch
  • The Borg Rock!
  • DD17s TomTom has a downloadable Jean-Luc Picard voice
  • as for old and seasoned, I should like to be "Cinnamon", please
  • I remember when Sandy changed her was after that professor did the Final Lecture speech about being a tigger or an eeyore
  • I understand his rationale for being a bouncy, life-loving cat, rather than a depressed old donkey, but Tigger seems kinda irritating sometimes
  • loved ER and Criminal Minds! How could I forget them?
  • favorite ER moment...patient rambling on, whining and complaining about minor stuff, going on and on. Dr. Green looks at her and says, "I have a brain tumor...I win!"
  • have y'all seen the course for the Halloween 5K? Bet the medal will be cool
Mel: thanks for making me smile with your last post :) I really liked ER too, although DH refused to watch with me because I would criticize the accuracy of medical stuff on the show (Carter was a year ahead of me and I tried to keep up somehow)

West Wing is another show that I really used to like, also liked Firefly a lot

Richard: I'm trying to move from R/W to continuous running too. It is usually my shins that start to complain. I've made it 6 miles so far-- want to see if I can do the Princess with walk breaks only at water stops. I still haven't figured out how to drink and run without spilling most of it or choking :confused3
Rebecca: Ahhh, Dole Whips. Something I must have at DLR, but not WDW. Churros, too. How very odd of me. Just love that you're new to running and jumping right in, feet first! :thumbsup2 Like you, I have a background teaching (college) but am embracing the full-time writing gig.
What's different about them between DLR and WDW? The running thing is totally funny for me because I hate running. I did everything I could to get out of it in PE and pretty much anytime else, but now what am I doing? :lmao: My degree's in elementary, but I went and got certified in middle school math and science as well. A lot of good that's done me. :rotfl:

chimera said:
  • not a huge fan of Dole Whips or DS9
Oh well, more for me. :cheer2: :banana:
Just passing through...

Debra - I'm not sure if you've run across this relay race before but it has your name all over it. A 200 mile relay through Kentucky booze country. I'm thinking we could get a little Ohana-Bot cross pollination going. Jodi's been itching to do one of these relays forever.
Hello Ohana. I was planning to pop in and introduce your new member, but she's already been here! Oh well. At this point, your team is pretty full up, so "No soup for you". Oh wait, wrong show..(which I really never liked anyway--Jerry Seinfeld always looked too smug--like he was about to laugh at his own jokes)

Anyhow, we'll send the next newbies onto other, loving teams.......

And can I get in on the bourbon chase?

I like Debra & Mel's idea -- I don't have time to do a lovely long post because of this pesky work, so random thoughts it is:

  • I could never love DS9 because I couldn't stand Odo or Kira Nerys. Dr. Bashir got on my nerves, too. Of course, this is tempered by my Worf love. When he arrived, it all greatly improved.
  • Love the Borg, love Q.
  • Could never get into the Enterprise villains. Actually, really didn't get Enterprise, although I think it could have improved given time.
  • I'm going to be Cilantro. It's a little quirky and so am I.
  • Jean-Luc Picard -- Best.Captain.Ever!
  • Butch is going to cause great confusion with that pirate medal and people asking cast members where they can buy one! :lmao:
  • I also loved The 4400 and V -- Anything with Billy Campbell or Joel Gretsch will get my attention. Did you know Joel Gretsch is William Shatner's son-in-law? It's a small world after all...
  • I'm tentative for Beach to Beacon because I'm afraid we just won't get spots. It's Joan Benoit Samuelson's baby, so people come from all over the country. It's a flat, scenic route, and I would love to try it.
  • I totally love the name Pixar! That could not be cuter!
  • Welcome to our new family members! I look forward to getting to know you all! And I'm so happy for our returning cousins! :grouphug:
  • I think Julie has to do the Honan 5K so we can run into each other, since no Disney races for her :sad1:
  • I'm ambivalent on the Dole Whips. I tried one and enjoyed it, but wouldn't seek it out like I do the carrot cake cookies...which they were out of when I went to Goofy's. A very sad day. ::yes::

Ok, gotta give some attention to my newest project -- housing for homeless veterans. I've never done a proposal to the VA before, so I'm looking forward to the challenge! :thumbsup2

Maria :upsidedow
I wrote up part of a post yesterday and then I think it got lost in a browser crash. Story of my life....

So what happens if I start chanting:

Bourbon Chase! Bourbon Chase! Bourbon Chase! Bourbon Chase!

The pace requirement on it is a little tough at 11 minute miles, though maybe doable for a team like us if it's OK for it to average out between the runners. Also, timing-wise it's a bit close to the new Wine and Dine event.... but put it on my dream list anyhow!!! Bourbon :cloud9: Chase :dance3:

I need to say :welcome: to Rebecca of the Dole Whips! I am a fan myself. The best one ever, I have to admit, was last summer at Disneyland. It was soooo hot that week, and we stood in a long line and waited for the machine to cool off enough to make more whip. That float was the most delicious one ever, in my experience. I also like the pineapple vanilla swirl a lot.

:welcome: to Christine. I love the story of your screen name! Who knew these things would be important in the long term, right? Happy Belated Birthday, by the way! :)

I am going to adopt the "random thoughts" model. My apologies if they end up sounding more like "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handy:

•On DS9 - I was intrigued at the beginning, but we always mercilessly made fun of Dr. Bashir, I'm afraid. It started when he'd introduce himself and he'd say "Please. Call me Julian." For some reason that cracked us up and we'd say to eachother, "Please, Call me Droolian." And then we got a dog - and my mom named him Julian, after, yes, Dr. Bashir - I think she thought he was handsome or something??? And we often called him Droolian, because, well, he was just that kind of dog. Many good stories about Julian - he's off to the happy dog park in the sky now, but was always an adventure. Someday I will tell the story of "Julian and the House of Blood." It is best told in person, however. I can't gesture well enough to do it justice on the computer.

• My dog, Skippy is 2 1/2 years old and looks and acts like a 50 pound puppy. (Apparently, it is a Lab thing) It's a good thing they are so adorable - I like dogs and I'd just as soon have one! There is quite a dog theme going on around here! :thumbsup2

•I am looking at San Antonio, but can make no promises. I may be on the hook for the half in Seattle while visiting family the following weekend. You guys make it so tempting with that long list of Ohana, though. Tell us more about the city and the race, Richard!

• Wait - best villains ever...what about those lame guys from the Gamma Quadrant who were addicted to "The White" and their little whiny puppet of a leader, Weyune??? Yeah, OK, not the greatest villains ever. Greatest villains EVER: The Shadows from B5. Now those are some villains to make you quake in your shoes! Props to the Borg from me as well. Symbolizing as they do the fear of human/tech melding that is basically going on before our eyes. Is anyone else concerned about how people were wearing those bluetooth earphones like all the time, walking around talking to themselves? Borg. I'm not a fan of their queen, though, I have to admit. She's icky!

•I'd rather be Cardamom, but I'm afraid my spice name is always going to be Coriander. It just is.

• My quick thoughts are not that quick. I'd better revert to some shoutouts.

JenB - I must say, I think it's really cool that you are doing your own Pirate/Princess relay event. Very cool indeed. Can't wait to see that Pirate medal! I can't wait for kitten pictures!

Maura Aw man! I love soup, too. Seriously, we are full now? But there are 626 experiments out there waiting to find their one true place....

- good luck on getting a spot in that race - it sounds wonderful! Oh, and about Worf's long and prosperous life, I assume it has also been replete with Honor! Very important to a Klingon cat, I know.

As For Me: DS6 is on day 3 of staying home. He's really sleeping today. I thought he was a lot better by the end of yesterday, but he was still coughing a lot in the night, so I think he needs the sleep. I am getting a little stir crazy, I must confess.

Last night, I was feeling all adrift - something about getting to my goal weight, starting maintenance and getting that huge half marathon PR kind of left me feeling like all of my big projects kind of ended at once. I was feeling gloomy from being stuck at home for 2 long days and the weather is in single digits again. I got on the treadmill last night, though, and hammered out a smokin' 4 miles and realized how great I was feeling again with the running. I am just going to have to latch onto some new dreams and projects.

I am not sure what's really going to grab me - I am feeling a little underwhelmed by my body fat % goal - I just don't have enough experience to know that I'm working toward that in any kind of an efficient way. So I'm working on picking out some new race/time goals, too.

I would love to hear your heath and fitness goals and aspirations for 2010!
  • Our dogs go willingly into their crates with Pupperoni. Sienna follows me from the bag in the kitchen; Apollo runs to the crate and waits patiently there.
  • Mel's dog is not the only one who likes couches.
  • Couch covers are a wonderful invention.
  • I also remember when Sandy changed her name. She was very distressed by that lecture.
  • I know Allie's real name, but I'm not telling!
  • I ran the Disney 5K in 2006, too! That was my very first race ever. Look what it did to me.
  • I think Ohana-Bot cross-pollination is an excellent idea, although slightly terrifying! And Kentucky is geographically central to many of us...
  • Am I the only one who actually liked Captain Janeway?
  • I tend to agree with Maura. I only watched a few episodes of Seinfeld, but fortunately did see the Soup Nazi episode. Otherwise I'd be missing an integral part of American culture.
  • I don't know what it is about DL Dole Whips, but we apparently need to do a scientific study to determine what it is that makes them taste better on the west coast. DL Half participants, anyone?

I suppose I should actually do something to earn this paycheck now...

I liked Captain Janeway. I actually really enjoyed Voyager, although my dh (Dennis) pointed out if she had just been a bit friendlier to Q they would have never gotten stuck in the Delta Quadrant (I think it was Delta, forgive me if I have the wrong Quadrant!), and that would have made her more interesting and less noble...Of course, Dennis also enjoyed the fact the Riker would sleep with any being...I know "villain" may be a transitory title, but I really enjoy the Romulans, and who can forget Kahn?

Maria :upsidedow
I like this random thoughts approach to things. Time is short at night this week because of the new puppy (who already goes into her crate because that's where she gets fed), so here are my thoughts for the morning.

- Loved DS9. Their multi-season story arcs made it much more compelling to watch than Voyager. I loved the mythology and other plotlines that were woven throughout the entire series.

- Beach to Beacon is in my hometown. It's a beautiful course, but I wouldn't say it's flat. There are quite a few hills along the way, including a very steep downhill and then uphill right before the finish.

- The Borg were a great villain until they started overusing them. At first, they were a terrifying force that were basically unstoppable. The beginning of their loss of fearsomeness came when Data put them to sleep. How many centuries have they had to assimilate other cultures and advance themselves yet they leave themselves open to a backdoor root command like that? Please. I think Gul Dukat was the best Trek series villain because you could watch all parts of his personality develop and cahnge over the years. Sometime nice, mostly not, and growing deeper and darker each season.

- Spice? Would have chosen cilantro because I absolutely love it, but since Maria beat me to it, I'll go with anise/fennel instead. Another of my favorite flavors.

- If anyone comes to run San Antonio, make sure you pay attention during the first 2-3 miles. Don't do what I did and start asking about the Alamo around mile 6 only to be told I had passed it at mile 2.5. I was expecting a big building with a sign or something, but there isn't one. Oh well, it gives me an excuse to go back this year if we don't go to Richmond. I like Richmond's course better although I coudl do without the stretch on the Lee Bridge at mile 16. It's one of those "always uphill into the wind" kind of bridges. :)

- Our dogs: Taylor - Aussie, 13 years old. Still runs flyball but is retired from everything else. Athena - Rottie, almost 13. Retired from everything but still gets to play at tracking and agility. The only one of the pack to make the trip to Russia with us. Holden - Aussie, 10. Retired. Great indoor couch dog, thinks the outside world is out to get him. Davis - Aussie, 7. Still competing and acts barely half her age. The wild child and the one who has figured out how to open doors. Harlow - Border Collie, 8 weeks today. Our newest and already proving to be a handful too.

And now it's time for lunch... :)
I must head is spinning a bit!! Not only am I trying to get to know new peeps, but all this DS9, Dr. Bashir, Quadrant Bot talk has me wondering what is real and what is not!! We are supposed to be a spice now? I am not sure cilantro is a spice...more of an herb.

Corinna I think I can actually follow some of what you have to say! Sorry you have been stuck home with a sick child. Glad you got a run in on the TM last night. I understand needing a goal to work towards. I am feeling a bit in a lapse mode myself with nothing I am officially training for. Maybe I ought to just put the Flying Pig on the schedule. I did it last year and said never again--that course really kicked my asp! But, after going Goofy I find my self saying am I gonna let some airborne swine kick my curly tail!? I think not!! So, maybe I have to do that one again.
- Loved DS9. Their multi-season story arcs made it much more compelling to watch than Voyager. I loved the mythology and other plotlines that were woven throughout the entire series.

I think Gul Dukat was the best Trek series villain because you could watch all parts of his personality develop and cahnge over the years. Sometime nice, mostly not, and growing deeper and darker each season.

- Spice? Would have chosen cilantro because I absolutely love it, but since Maria beat me to it, I'll go with anise/fennel instead. Another of my favorite flavors.

Agreed on DS9 - I loved the depth and the fact that they were on a station with the politics that entailed, not relying on a steady diet of planet-hopping. I was not a fan of Weyune but the whole thing with the Dominion was pretty interesting while it lasted. Gul Dukat was awesome, as was that Cardassian tailor double-agent. I thought that Sisko was a great captain, too.

Ainise/Fennel is a great idea. Of course, you could spell it Ffennel! :)

Christine - I'm amazed, looking at what I wrote that anyone was able to follow any of it! The spice thing is because we are not "older" members, we're just "seasoned."

One of my MN running friends was just talking about the Flying Pig the other day - we both have family in the Cincinnati area, so it's a possibility. I agree, you can't let a winged hog win! :) Darn those are cute logos they have for that race!


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