Team Rebel Alliance Introduction

Kirsty - I'm leaving for Disney on Sunday too. I don't think I'll get to the parks until Monday though. I'll make sure to stop by the castle for some fairy dust.

Hockeychic - I have just been keeping track of the time and miles of my running and biking along with the time I've spent lifting and playing golf. I think some people are keeping track of yard work and stuff like that too. Basically, I think its anything that gets you off the couch counts towards the totals.

I don't have anymore finals until Friday so I have no excuse to skip exercise for the next few days. Today I'll either go running or biking and maybe some lifting. I also get to start moving from one apartment to another. The good thing is that the new apartment is just down the street a little so it won't be too bad. Thats it for now.

I've been slacking at keeping track of my miles and minutes as well! (Putting hand up in shame) Ha!

Last night I did laundry and unpacked everything from an almost 2 week trip... that counts for something, right? (ok, I can hope)

Steve~ I'm starting tonight hopefully with the program! YAY! I'm hoping I have all the equipment!

Kirsty~ Were you the one that said you gain weight when you run? I'm reading a book right now that just might explain the reasoning behind that!!! Let me know ;)
Suzann I was the one that said I gained weight when I excercise, is there actually a reason behind this??? Any info would be great thanks :)
There definitely could be an explanation! I'll have to grab the book tonight and type up a little bit of it since its kind of scientific (and I don't want to get it wrong!) :)
Ok I guess I lied earlier. I really DID have an excuse to not exercise. I spent more time moving than I thought. While I was moving I thought,"I'll just go for a run this evening." Then my friends and I decided we were going to have a few pitchers of margaritas to celebrate Cinco de Mayo and watch the Cavaliers play the Hawks. So unless there is a drunken midnight jog tonight (like Kirsty likes to do), I won't be logging any miles today. Hopefully I'll get some form of exercise in tomorrow. Talk to you guys later.

Hey guys, nothing to report tonight but a really good dinner at the local resturant, but it was really good and now I am definatly full!

Steve - I wouldn't recommend a midnight run, although it seemd like an excellent idea at the time I am fairly glad that my employer wouldn't let me out of the house when I went and got into my running gear!!!!

Suzann - I really appreciate you looking that up for me, it is a frustrationg problem and if there is a cause I would really be interested :) thanks

Have a good night guys I am going to sleep off some really good pasta and cheesecake :)

Kirsty~ I PMed you the stuff :)

I did the chest, back and abs workout last night... phew, that was hard! It'll get easier, right Steve?
Hey guys,
Another busy day of moving. I am realizing that I have way too much stuff. No workouts to report. I probably won't get anything in until I get down to disney.

Suzann - Yeah the workouts will eventually get easier. Although I still can't keep up with what they do on the video yet. The only workout where I could do exactly what they did was the Kenpo.

Tomorrow I start my drive to south carolina and then disney so I wont post for a week or two. Talk to you guys later

Hey team!!!!

What video are you all doing? I am starting my circuit training tonight. Need to get off alot of weight before serious Goofy training begins.

Steve: How where the Margaritas?

Suann: WTG on the weights workout!!!

Kirsty: Congrats on healthy eatting!!!!!
Hockeychic - The margaritas were excellent. Everytime we all go out for margaritas, it ends up being a crazy night. After a few pitchers we decided to head to a bar that was in a barn. A couple beers and a few long islands later, we were dancing with some "cougars". And no night of drinking would be complete without waking up the next morning and swearing off alcohol forever.

And Suzann and I are doing the P90X videos. Although I am on a break until after my vacation.

Awww one of those.

I swear if I make it through this I will never drink again:lmao: Not that I have ever done that:rolleyes1:dance3:

Did my circuit last night. Might have to pump it up a bit, didn't feel the burn at all.

Congrats on the P90X, DS looked at buying the set but it was almost $100 so he changed his mind:sad2:
Hi everybody.
Steve...awesome that you're to a point where the weights aren't heavy enough. That shows definite progress. Sound like you had a fun night on Cinco de Mayo. We have to be "cougars" because our husbands don't like to dance anymore;). Luckily with a 15 year old son to dance with I can dance with him and his friends and then I'm just a "fun" mom.
Kirsty...You always sound so full of life...I think it's great that you run to Disney music. It always makes me feel happy.
Allyson...We run on the track, too. With kiddos, it just seems to make sense...they can play, you can see them at all times, and you get to exercise. It's a win, win, other than going in circles! Did you watch the Boston marathon? Did you by chance get any pics of Ryan Hall? I'm trying to get one for DS.
Scott....things sound good with you.
Suzann....the bowling tourney sounds like fun and hiking in Yosemite sounds even better. Do you have any pics?
Kim....a cruise? I'm so jealous. Hope you had fun.

I'm consistently working out, but it's really hard to find the time sometimes. I'm looking forward to the kids being out of school and we can head to the local trails where they can ride bikes and I can run.
Take care all!
Steve.. rough! :)

Hockeychic.... yay for the circuit! But it does sound like you need to up the weight! Woo hoo!

JustSmile... Good job fitting the workouts in! I do have some pictures of Yosemite.....
(here's more than a couple...)





Hey guys sorry I have been MIA for a few days its been pretty crazy around here!

Well I am doing a 5 mile race for cancer research tomorrow so I have given myself a few days off to be fresh for that, but today I had a stupid idea which seemed really smart at the time, I have been thinking of other fun exercises to do other than running, just to get my fitness up without pounding my joints so much, so I was walking through Target on my afternoon off, and saw some roller blades on special offer, That seems like a good idea right ...... NO!!!! it was not a good idea! but at this point I didnt know this, I was just thinking, "all the people I see roller blading around look happy, I want to join in" .... NO BAD IDEA, BACK AWAY FROM THE SKATES NOW KIRSTY! (hindsight is brilliant isnt it!) "and I was really good at skating as a kid, just like riding a bike right?" ... NO!!! so I buy the darn skates and cant wait till after my race tomorrow to try them soI run out in the 90 degree weather put on my skates and fancy new pads and ...... fall on my butt! "This is harder than I remember!" So OK its not like riding a bike and maybe I am to old for this, oh wait I am getting the hang of this, (skinny, tall, brown, blonde flies past on her skates, and I fall on my butt!) "those kids cant be laughing at me right?" (Old man tells me to just take it one step at a time) OK time to turn around! So you get the drift, and now my legs are sore from the new activity and my butt hurts, and I have a 5 mile race to do tomorrow, good job Kirsty! :worship:

SO that is my adventures for the week! I am going to keep doing it until I look like that girl going 100 mile an hour on her skates :lmao: I just need to find a less public place to practice!

Suzann - thanks so much for the info, when I get a second to myself I will read it through properly (all those scientific terms need more than a proof read!) but it looks like it might be talking about the same thing that happens to me! PS those pics are awesome I am soooo jealous :)

Steve - How long did you go alcohol free? Have an awesome time on vacation and say hi to the mouse for me!

Allyson - I like to think I am full of life, even when sitting on my butt in a public park! Good job getting out even when you have a million things going on!

Anyway have a good weekend, I have the race tom, then volunteering, then Sun taking the kid to Disney, to do DHS and EPCOT, I think I will need a weekend to sleep after my weekend!

I will let you know how my race goes :)

Kirsty~ How did your race go?

For me, I did a plyometrics DVD on Friday and then went to the climbing gym. On Saturday I had a baseball game (4 and half hours worth) and I caught for 7 innings. My knees aren't used to that. Yesterday I shoveled 12 wheelbarrows full of dirt and then mowed the lawn. Phew! I am SORE today.

How is everyone else doing???
Hi guys...
Suzann...sounds like you had a busy weekend. The pics of Yosemite are absolutely gorgeous!'d the race go? I hope you've recovered from the roller blading "incident".

I'm still remaining consistent with exercising. I'm so ready for the older kids to be out of school so I can get outside and run and they can help by watching their littlest brother for awhile. It's a beautiful day today, but the rain looks like it's moving back in.
hey guys, I have been missing for a few days, it has been a busy weekend.

My race went well thanks for asking, it was a 5 miles through USF college campus, and this might sounds crazy but it was hilly!!! :lmao: at least it was hilly for Fl, OK we arent talking mountains here but we were always on some kind of incline/decline and for someone who is used to training on nothing but flat I really felt it! I was already Kind of stiff from the roller skating incident but those hills really put some pressure on my joints! But anyway, we set off at 7 30 and it was already in the 80's the sun was coming up and there was no breeze, but we set off and most of the first mile was mainly down hill and I went WAY to fast out the gate, I finished my first mile in less than 9 mins and then we reached the first "hill" it was then I realized I should have paced myself a little better! So I walked for a few mins to get my breath back then started up again, I finished the second mile in 11 mins, I carried on for the rest of the course walking when my hip gave up on the hills, and when my lungs gave up on the breathing and running as much as I could! I finished in 58 mins (my goal was between 50 and 60 mins so I was pleased) My average was about an 11 min mile (if I am remembering right) and it was a nice race, after there was a cancer survivor celebration and a good food spread so it was a good morning over all.

Then Sat afternoon, I went and volunteered for four hours at the hospitasl and of course they sent me all over, walking around each floor and I was exhausted when I was done! :rotfl:

Sunday we took the kid to Disney :cool1: we went to DHS to watch Beauty and the Beast and Ariel, then after lunch we walked over to EPCOT (via boardwalk) and saw the flower show, then we walked back to DHS and headed home, it was a very nice day but once again I was pooped and went to bed nice and early :cutie:

I gave my body a rest on Mon after a busy weekend, I decided it deserved it, and planned to get up early and train today.

Well today cane around, and I am very sick, I spent all day in bed, (no work for me :sick:) and slept, I was going to go for a walk after dinner but we will just have to see how dinner goes down (and stays down!)

Hopefully I can get myself back on track tomorrow, if I feel up to it!

Hope you guys are all doing well :goodvibes

Kirsty~ Glad your race went well (except your hip) and sounds like an exhausting weekend!!! Sad that you're sick too! Hope you're feeling better!!!

I did arms and shoulders yesterday along with abs. I didn't feel as much of a burn in this workout like I did in chest and back! Hmm


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