Team Rebel Alliance Introduction

Hi Everyone - remember me? I've been AWOL for a few weeks :sad2: but its been for good reason... I had a 1/2 marathon race Sunday before last (new PR!! :banana:) and then worked all week; Mother's day I did my 22 mile run (Full marathon is 2 weeks away...) and then worked a charity golf tournament.

I'm tired! And sore! And feeling old!!! So I haven't been getting online much...
But I do think about you guys! Glad to hear you are all still working out and chatting; I'll try to get back here a bit more often after the marathon.

Anyone coming to CA for the Disneyland half? They released the route this week and we get to run through Angel stadium again! :cheer2:

Hi Everyone - remember me? I've been AWOL for a few weeks :sad2: but its been for good reason... I had a 1/2 marathon race Sunday before last (new PR!! :banana:) and then worked all week; Mother's day I did my 22 mile run (Full marathon is 2 weeks away...) and then worked a charity golf tournament.

I'm tired! And sore! And feeling old!!! So I haven't been getting online much...
But I do think about you guys! Glad to hear you are all still working out and chatting; I'll try to get back here a bit more often after the marathon.

Anyone coming to CA for the Disneyland half? They released the route this week and we get to run through Angel stadium again! :cheer2:


Shame, shame on you Tammy for being AWOL. :lmao: J/K. Congratulations on your awesome racing schedule! You've been busy, busy, busy! :cheer2:
Whats up Rebels,
I'm back from Disney and it was a great vacation. It was a little more of a laid back Disney trip. We didn't really run around trying to get everything in. Instead, we just sauntered through the parks, grabbed a couple fast passes, and hit the rides that had a short wait. We actually spent a good deal of time in the UK pavilion watching British Invasion. It was definately my kind of Disney trip. I also went to Jellyroll's for the first time. That place is fantastic. I will have to go there in January to either celebrate finishing the half or to forget about not finishing the half. The only activity I had during the trip was a game of golf at Disney's Osprey Ridge. Some how I managed to par two holes and still shoot the worst game of golf ever, but it was still fun.

Suzann - How's that P90X treating you. I thought the chest and back was the most demanding of phase 1. So arms and shoulders felt easier to me too. Nice pics too.

Kirsty - Congrats on the race. I was at DHS that sunday too. We left for Disney at 4am so we got there at noon and decided to hit the studios. I wonder if we passed each other and didn't realize it. Anyway, I hope you feel better.

Tammy - Congrats on the half and good luck on the upcoming full. I wish I had the money to run the DL half. It sounds fun.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to try to get back into the workout habit. I've been off for a couple weeks due to moving and vacation. I will also be watching what I eat very closely. I need to make up for eating way too much not-so-healthy foods at Disney. Thats it for now. Talk to everyone tomorrow.

:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it." ~Alfred Hitchcock

By now, most of you have figured out I like movies. A lot. Perhaps an unhealthy amount. Nevertheless, I think it's fun to talk about movies, especially now that the summer season has started. Wolverine has been released, so has Star Trek, with many more big blockbusters soon to come.

So this week's mixer topic is, predictably enough, summer movies! The start of the mixer, posted on the 'Ohana thread, is here.

What summer movies are you looking most forward to, and why? Also, how do you like your summer movies?

Feel free to talk about how you choose your flicks: based on directors, your favorite movie star, a beloved genre? And what is your ideal movie experience? Midnight movies or matinees? Chain theaters or independents? Drive-ins? What about the movie-going extras? With or without snacks? Buttered popcorn or chocolate?
Hey everyone!!! How's it going??

I went to a bowling tournament this weekend... almost 10 hours of bowling on Saturday... ugh, I was tired! Yesterday I did an hour of yoga that felt great!

Steve~ I'm doing the dvd's every three or so days because I just don't have that much time between all my other activities. And so far the chest and back has definitely been the hardest. The arms and shoulders felt easy, maybe I didn't do enough weight!

Tonight I have bowling practice, tomorrow is league, thursday is softball.. yay!
Whats up team,
I'm afraid I didn't get back on track with the workouts yesterday. I woke up monday morning with a horrible headache that I guess came from the climate change from Orlando to Charlotte. It was 30 degrees colder in South Carolina than Florida. ANyway that headache lasted all day and no amount of Tylenol would help. I did manage to get back on track with eating healthy though. Hopefully one of these days I'll convince myself to go running.

Suzann - I understand completely. those DVDs are very time consuming.

Also a bit of a sidenote. Go Cavaliers! I really hoping to see Cleveland win a championship. The last time cleveland won a championship in anything was the Indians in like 1948 so the Cavs have got me excited. I hope everyone's training is going well.

Hey guys,

Sorry but once again I have been MIA and not posting :rolleyes1 but that doesnt mean I wasn't putting my miles in, Honest:cutie:

I was sick all the beginning of last week so wasn't up for much, then the rest of the week motivation wasn't there and I decided to give myself the whole week to let my body recover :cool1: By Saturday I was in no mood for a run but dragged myself out of bed and went for a 2 miler,my body protested at first but then on the way home I realized I should have run further because when I blew the cobwebs away I felt really good, Sun I decided to try the roller blades again and it was much more successful than the first go, although I got tiered quickly I did 1 mile and then headed out for a day at MK (lots of miles walking round there right :thumbsup2) Monday I ran two miles, Tue I skated two miles (in very windy weather, which was great behind me but bad going towards it!) Day off today and probably a run tomorrow :thumbsup2

Steve - We totally could have both been in DHS at the same time and may have passed each other, how strange :wizard: Glad you had a good vacation and good luck getting back into the healthy lifestyle :thumbsup2

Everyone else, keep up the good wok and speak soon

Hey Team,
I did a two mile run this morning with Moose. It wasn't the most organized or efficiant run with him having to check out every smell along the way, but it still counts. I'm hoping to go to the driving range tomorrow and I'll also have to mow the lawn with the push mower. I normally don't count chores as exercise, but push mowing is a workout. Thats it for now.

Hi Rebels,

I'm here for moral support (really, I just need to whine a bit so I can get over it. Sunday started my taper for the Rock 'n Roll marathon - supposed to do an easy 12 miles, right? WRONG! By mile 5 I had to quit and hobble back to my car (at least i got another 1/2 mile of distance in!!) due to pain in my ankle.

I was going to ignore it, but combined with knee pain and hip pain and IT band pain, I figured I should fork over the $20 and see the doctor... here's the pity part... I have acute achilles tendonitis and must stay off it completely for as long as possible. Add ice baths to that, and I'm officially miserable! Now don't misunderstand me, I love getting doctor's orders to be a couch potato, but not right before a marathon!!! I'm freaking out but doing my best to stay positive. Did I mention that freaking out includes consumption of massive amounts of M&Ms? I couldn't get a prescription for Oxy so they'll just have to do (J/K). So now I'll be off to the race with bum knees, hobbled ankle and an extra 10 lbs of blubber due to sitting on my **** and eating for a week and a half. Are you crying with me yet?

Sounds like you're all doing well and staying on track (OK, there is a bit of poor me in that too)... Just slap me, I'll get over it :laughing:
Hi everybody :wave:.
I swear...I'm still working out, I'm just not posting. Between all the end of the year activities for the kids, it's been crazy around here.

Tammy....sorry to hear about the tendonitis, but you'll be just fine. A little bit of couch potato time will fuel you to be ready to run when the date comes! Just take it easy and don't be too hard on yourself about the M&M's....they're better then eating a whole chocolate cake, gallon of ice cream, or any one of a number of things.;)
Steve...I just "ran" with my dog last night. It was really more of a walk/run and he had to stop and smell makes for an interesting run doesn't it?
Kirsty....Are you feeling back to normal?

Take care!
Hey everyone... seems like we're all kind of sick or hurt. Not good! I've been feeling under the weather for the past two days. Ugh!
Tracey - thanks for the support, I'm feeling a bit better. Had a little "retail therapy" yesterday:rotfl:. Today I'm back to sitting and icing... no M&M's though!! I'm swearing off them for today. One day at a time...

Suzanne - what's wrong? Flu bug? I'm getting a scratchy throat now - did you pass it to me through the message board? Rest, tea, soup - that's my stern mother voice talking...
Hey guys,
I've slowly been getting back into the workouts. I've been going to the driving range a bunch and this morning I took moose on a 2 mile walk with swim breaks when we passed the pond. Hopefully I can step it up a notch in the next few days.

:stitch: 'Ohana Monday AND Tuesday Mixer :stitch:

Stop on by the 'Ohana team thread, where the mixer starts here!

I know this weekend is a vacation weekend for many of us, so we'll be running the mixer tomorrow (Monday) and Tuesday. This mixer question is a ringer, folks, but hopefully still fun:

What did you do for Memorial Day/Weekend?

Provide us with plenty of details & hopefully photos of your activities, gatherings, celebrations and how you observe the day (and spirit) of Memorial Day. :thumbsup2
Oh no.. I hope you're not sick! Definitely wasn't me ;)

Steve~ Are you getting back into the video workouts?

I had a great extended weekend... went camping in the Olympic National Park and climbed Mt. Ellinor... then Glissaded down. One of the coolest things ever!!!! I have pictures of the hike if anyone wants to see them!
Whats up team,
Sorry I haven't been on lately. I have been swamped ever since I got back from disney. My parents just found out that they are going to be moving back to Ohio for my dad's job. That has made home life a little hectic. I am actually in Canton Ohio right now, looking at houses with my dad. Over Memorial day, I went to my first NASCAR race. It was supposed to be on Sunday, but it got rained out (the first time in 50 years...figures). We had to go back to Lowes Motor Speedway Monday to watch the race. It was still fun and I would like to go to another one. You have to love a sporting event that allows you to bring your own coolers. Today I am driving back to South Carolina and hopefully I can find a job for the summer. Workouts have fell off this month, but I hope I can squeeze them in.

Oh, I have also been watching the Cavs play Orlando in the NBA playoffs (Kirsty, you're in enemy territory. :laughing: ). Hopefully the Cavs can win the next two games and knock the Magic out.

Suzann - Unfortunately, the videos have kind of slipped away. I should be at my parents house for the rest of the summer so I have no excuse not to start them up again. I think I'll try to pick it up on Monday. How are you're workouts going? Seeing improvements yet?

Thats all I have for now. I promise I will try to log on more often. It has been a chaotic May.

:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

I know you're all ea-GEAR to share your knowledge about your favorite clothing, training aids and technical toys, so this week's prompt posted here on the 'Ohana thread is:

Beyond the basics, what's your favorite/most-useful/most loved gear?

Of course, feel free to talk about your favorite shoes, socks, tech shirts or sports bras or other necessities. But I think we'd all like to know about that special something(s) that you've added to your "must have" for training, racing days, or just plain pleasure. For some of you, maybe it's your Garmin. Other, a special brand of sunscreen or a specific brand of water belt? Still others, a strategy for taping your legs and feet or a a favorite tracking website?

Please share your special finds with the rest of us. :thumbsup2
Hi team! Not a lot of chat lately! How is everyone doing????

Steve... sounds like you're busy busy! I haven't been doing the dvd's lately because I just haven't had time. Between bowling, baseball and softball I barely have time for house chores!

I did hit the driving range this weekend and also went for an extending bike ride. That was fun! (Well, besides for a broken derailer)
Hey team,
I finally got back into the DVDs today. I really need to start running again, but one step at a time I guess. I also talked my parents into taking me back down to disney for a star wars weekend. I told them since we are moving back to ohio, this is our last chance for a last minute disney trip. I also told them that since we are annual pass holders and DVC members, we can't afford not to go. so next weekend ill be in the world for a few days. I've never been to a star wars weekend before, but it seems like an experience. I'll try to take some pictures for everyone, but I'm horrible at remembering to stop what im doing and take pictures.

Suzann - Yeah I'm pretty busy. We just got the house up for sale so things should start to calm down a bit. Those DVDs are pretty time consuming. its hard to squeeze them in. I didn't know you were a golfer. I like to pretend I am, but my score doesn't show it (My goal this summer is to break 100).

Thats it for now.
Hi Team! I'm back from the San Diego Rock 'n Roll marathon, and I'm happy to report that 1) I did start the race, 2) I did finish the race (in spite of that nagging tendonitis) and 3) I got a PR!! Slowly but surely I'm approaching the realm of times I can mention without people wondering if I ever run LOL!!

This was an especially tough marathon for me as I ran it alone for over 14 miles (I always run with a friend) AND I was truly injured. I had decided to just do what I could... until mile 12 when I got frustrated by my split time and tried to run the rest at a negative split! I succeeded, and paid the price in aches and pains... but like they say, pain is temporary, but your times live on the internet forever!!:rotfl:

I can see that I have a little catching up to do here... I'll try to get back this week :) Thanks again for letting me be a part of this team!!:yay:


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