Team Rebel Alliance Introduction


DIS Veteran
Mar 24, 2006
I moved my bio from here to post #4 so that we can deal with some team stuff.

As of 6-8-09 our team consists of 14 (kick ***) members.

Suzann - Suzann from Seattle - Captain
Scott - Scoolover from Connecticut - Co-Captain
Tracey - Justsmile from the show me state
Allyson - momofckj from Mass
Hockeychic from Ontario Canada
Angela- wdwflgal from Tampa
Laura - Geekerbell from the mighty state of Texas
Tonya - Zane Anthony another from Texas
Steve - UTGuitarist27 from South Carolina
Katie - december14disney from parts unknown!
Brandie - surfermickey from Florida
Tammy - Running Diva from Corona, CA
Kirsty - Kirsty-Leigh from St.Petersburgh, FL
Andrea - disney mommy from Virginia

If you are new to the team you can PM Suzann and she can send you the link to the google spreadsheet. Don't be alarmed - even I figured it out.

It appears that the rules are pretty simple. We count miles and minutes. Miles come from organized exercise - running, walking, biking are the common ones. Minutes come from anything that gets you off the couch. Cleaning counts, lifting, yoga, mowing the lawn and building rock walls etc... all count toward minutes.

I would personally like to see people post fairly often to keep everyone updated on how you are doing. If you are having a tough time, post about it and we can try our best to keep each other going and moving forward.

Good luck all and we will see you in the body of the thread.
Hi.. my name is Suzann from the Seattle area.
I was always playing sports growing up and once I got into college and the sports went by the waste side, my waist side grew. I got to just over 200 pounds after college and knew I needed to lose weight. Joined a football team (Yes, a women's football team) and lost a lot of it just by practice!
Since then I've been averaging the mid 130's to 140's. Running was never on my mind until a friend wanted to go to the inaugural Disneyland half marathon. Had knee surgery a couple months before the half marathon, and never completed more than a 4 mile training run, but there I was... In DL, running a half marathon.. my first ever 'real' race. Loved it! Was hooked from then on! I've only done one half marathon since then, I like the smaller races! But now, just last year, got into triathlons and love them! I'm also doing a stair climb at the end of March which is fun, but really hard!

Ok, I think that gives my background :goodvibes


Oh, and I can create a siggie if we want Scott?
Hi guys,
I just got put on your team this morning. Wow, it's gonna be hard getting those 200 miles in:lmao: I'll be back later to tell you more about me, but for now, I've got to go finish making our Valentine's Dinner:) . I'm so happy to be part of your team. Scott, are you the Scott, who ran up and introduced yourself to the WISH gal on our way out of the Magic Kingdom during the 1/2 this year? You look like the same guy, but the whole race was very surreal for me, so I could be mistaken.

Take care,
Hi guys,
I just got put on your team this morning. Wow, it's gonna be hard getting those 200 miles in:lmao: I'll be back later to tell you more about me, but for now, I've got to go finish making our Valentine's Dinner:) . I'm so happy to be part of your team. Scott, are you the Scott, who ran up and introduced yourself to the WISH gal on our way out of the Magic Kingdom during the 1/2 this year? You look like the same guy, but the whole race was very surreal for me, so I could be mistaken.

Take care,

That was me. You were the only person I saw wearing a wish shirt during that race. I was surprised to not see anyone else. How did you do?

Anyway, let me introduce myself. I am Scott Williams from Southeastern Connecticut. I attended Central Connecticut State Univ after growing up in Orange County, NY. I graduated in 1999 with a degree in Track and Field. Not really but If they had that degree program, I would have.

After getting a job in the Dept of Correction, my weight sky rocketed. In December of 2005, I had weight loss surgery and lost 135 lbs. I have since put about 20 back on that I am working on.

The surgery and joy of running combined with my love for anything Disney brought me to WISH in the summer of 06. I ran the Race for the Taste in 2006 proudly displaying my WISH bracelet. I have now run 3 Disney marathons including two Goofy's and the Hyannis, MA marathon. If I had to guess my race total, I would say it is in the 40 range with most being 5K's.

My weekly milege is in the area of 15-20 miles on average. About 3 or 4 times a year I will go 7-10 days without running. It is not a conscious thing but when I look at my running log, it just seems to happen. I would also like to get into biking this spring with the distant thought of completing a tri-athalon at some point.

I think that's enough about me. Don't think that you have to include your life story as I did. Just a little bio and the reason you found the WISH and what is keeping you here.

Take care

Tracey! -- I'm so psyched to see you on a team! :woohoo:

I think the Rebel Alliance is going to Rock!

Go Team Rebel Alliance!

Welcome, members of the Rebel Alliance! :welcome:

We're glad to have you as part of the WISH teams. I know your numbers are going to grow, so you won't have to do that 200 miles a week, but in the meantime what you lack in members you more than make up in spirit.

And I think you have the potential to have the coolest motto yet: The Rebel Alliance is too well equipped, they're more dangerous than you realize.

Welcome and I look forward to hearing of your many successes!
Hi team,

My name is Angela & I live in Tampa, FL.
I've always been relatively active but was never interested in running until the past few years. I was born without a hip socket & had 2 surgeries as a child. I haven't had any difficulties since but never pursued any type of running partly because of that. Well, since I decided to run my first 10K a few years ago, I knew this was something I could do. I'm not a fast road warrior but really enjoy running & I love Disney!

During the 2007 WDW Marathon I met a few WISH folks. The encouragement and support they showed one another was truly inspiring & made me want to be a part of this group. :hug:

I'm looking forward to a great year with this team! Go Rebel Alliance!
Scott....I started out in Corral D and did see quite a few WISHers. It was so nice of you to say, "hi" and it came at a great time. I'm one of those girls that cries everytime I see the castle, so I was doing everything I could to hold in the tears and sniffles (which would have turned into sobs because, "Oh my gosh....I'm running the Disney 1/2 marathon...I'm actually here...this is something I NEVER thought I could do....yadayadayada....". You were a very welcome addition to all the thoughts running through my head. So, thank you! I finished in 2:25...not quite what I hoped for, but it's given me a jumping off point for the next one;) . How did you do?
Maria & Deb....thanks for stopping by girls!
And I think you have the potential to have the coolest motto yet: The Rebel Alliance is too well equipped, they're more dangerous than you realize.
Oh, so true;) .
Suzann & Scott....can you point me to the rules and tell me when to post my numbers. Thanks.
Tracey & Angela WELCOME!!!

Since I'm new to the team stuff, I'm not sure how it works.. I know we keep track of miles, but beyond that, I'm a bit lost. Scott, can you help us out here?

So is anyone training for events coming up soon?
Well, I'm very new here, but am so excited about being on a team!:goodvibes

I am currently a walker who really wants to be a runner. I was very active in high school sports (Softball, volleyball, running on my own) then once I got married and started having kids, my weight flew to astronomical numbers.:scared1:

My brother is a coach and personal trainer and with his continued encouragement, I have decided to get back into the active lifestyle.
I've lost about 35 pounds so far, still having over a hundred to go, and I have started a program with a trainer the past couple of months. I have finally got my walking back to about a 16min/mile pace and will be starting the C25K program next week.
I have registered for my first 5k on March 23rd.
Longterm goals/plans: complete a triathalon in 2010 (I need to actually learn to swim), complete the Austin 1/2 marathon in 2010, and I would like to do a WDW race in 2010 also. Maybe the Race for the Taste?

Anyway, I am looking forward to giving and receiving support from everyone here. Looks like a couple of you have had the big weight loss I am looking at achieving as well, so it's nice to know it can be done! ;)

I'm baaaaaaack!
My kiddos (I have 4 boys) have the day off, but my parents just picked up 3 of them to take them to the Science Center. I would've loved to have gone and normally would have, however, I think it's nice for them to just spend time with their grandparents. So, I'm staying home with DS15, and he's heading out for a run soon and so am I. I'm trying to convince him to join our team because he seems to run ALOT!
I am Tracey, I'm a stay at home mom (SAHM) who proudly has a BS in Education. Four boys and a husband keep me really busy and my friends would tell you that I'm a typical Martha Stewart-ish mom(is that a compliment?) My family is my life and I've always put myself the lowest on the totem pole. Don't feel bad, I like it that way----taking care of them really makes me happy and gives me great joy. This is why my new take on life in the last 2 yrs. is such an out of the box experience for me. **I had never been a runner and when I had to run in middle school I cried. My son is an amazing runner (I really can't say it enough). When he was 12 (2005)
, and I was hugely pregnant with my 4th, he decided to run his first 5k. He was nervous and to make him laugh I said, "Hey, if you win this thing, I'll run a 5k someday!" Well, wouldn't you know it, that little stinker won (in his age division) and my future was set. I had the baby and kept putting off my promise to run a 5k, although I was walking about 8 miles a week. In June of 2007, everything changed. Jake let me off the hook by saying, "You know Mom, you really don't have to run a 5k." He thought I couldn't! I was caught between :mad: and :guilty: and I've always taught my kids to be true to their word. The next day, I added a 10 second jog to my walk! The day after that I stumbled upon the WISH boards (while checking the budget boards) and that led my to C25K! I was on my way. I planned to run a 5k in November and be done! I lost some weight pretty quickly and was:yay: :cheer2: :dance3: ! The day before the November race, I sprained my ankle and couldn't run. I swore someone was trying to tell me something! Well, around here that was the last race of the season and I was going to have to keep running in order to run a spring 5k. I was hating every step of running!!!! And then in Jan. something happened....I started to look forward to running. I started pushing myself a little bit harder and I loved that my backside jiggle was tightening up! Crazy me signed up to run the Disney 1/2 in 2009! I ran that first 5k in June in 31:37 and I have ran quite a few since then with my last being 29:27!!!! I ran the Disney 1/2 in 2:25 and I hope to run the St. Louis 1/2 in April. I have made a conscious effort to exercise and make time for me, if I can run with my kids while they bike or roller blade, or I can push my little guy in the jogging stroller then I do it! I have learned that by moving myself up the totem pole, I'm not pushing them down.....I'm just strengthening the base.
Wow...I just wrote a novel, but now you know who I am. I'm looking forward to not only being accountable to myself, but being accountable to y'all as well. May the force be with you!
Welcome Laura!!!! :banana:
Great goals that you have.... and we're here to help keep you motivated!!! :cheer2:

Tracey~ WOW, such a road you've been down, but you came out victorious! Way to go with doing your first 5K and moving on from there... it becomes addictive, huh? (all those 'free' t-shirts and medals you can get from races.. ha!)

Ok, team... I've come up with a logo.. let me know what you think.. love to get feedback (even if you say you hate it... we wanted everyone involved)

Hi guys, y'all are off to a good start, I'm sending Hockychic, Kim, over to join you guys. Kim is training for the goofy in 2010 and has the cutest laugh and that's good because she laughs a lot. Please welcome Kim to the Rebels.

Visiting Panda:hippie:
Hi guys! Just dropping in to say Welcome!!! Love the name and the logo! We're gonna have a great year!!!

Do you guys have any kind of slogan or motto yet? I like to make userbars for the teams and wondered if you had anything yet. I'm thinking something to do with "the force is strong with these ones" hahaha But just let me know!

princess: Kat ~ Walt's Warriors
Hey gang,

Sorry I wrote this big long biography of myself and as I hit send.....system went down for 60 mins of maintenance.

So long and short of it. If it is OK I would like to join your group.

I am training for the Goofy and have 2 other 1/2 booked for this year and am looking at either another 1/2 or a full.

When is your check in date?
Howdy ya'll.

Good luck on your year together!

I have developed a spreadsheet that the SuperGoofs use to track individual daily and monthly miles and minutes, and it tracks team weekly, monthly and YTD volumes.

PM me if you want me to send it to you for the Rebel's use on googledocs.

Kim...we're glad you're here
Kat...we can't wait to see what you come up with for our userbar the logo...thanks
How's training going everybody? I got an easy 4.3 in yesterday and an hour long fitness class. One of the gals in class was turning 50 and the exercises were performed in counts of 50.....50 crunches, squats, lunges, 50 second planks......needless to say, I'm a little sore today. I think I'll keep my mouth shut when I turn 40 next month.;)
Have a great day.
Hi everyone... I'm home sick today with a head cold.. ugh! Yesterday I got in 25 minutes of swimming (I'm training for a triathlon that is a week and half away)

Has anyone seen Scott?

Tracey... way to go with the workout!! (and 50 of anything gets hard!) HA!

Kim... welcome to the group.. Once again I'm not sure how we all tally our minutes and miles.. I got the spreadsheet, so maybe if we wanted to work our a weekly or even a daily time to have our minutes/miles in by?
Just popping in to see what's going on and to say hello to everyone! I think this team has the coolest name :)

Kim - Very cool that you're doing Goofy next year! I saw you and Mike after the half back in January but you guys were motoring and I couldn't push DF to go any faster. Ok, ok... I was hobbling along too :)

Tracey - WTG on the 4.3 and the workout! Just reading about the sets of 50 makes me tired. You can always give 'em your Disney age next month!

Okay ... see you all later!! :wave2:


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