Team Rebel Alliance Introduction

Hi Veronica!!! :wave:
Wow, seems like you're busy busy!! Way to go with the 50 pounds though!!! You rock! Just PM me your email address so I can send you a link to our spreadsheet :)

Steve~ I'm jealous you're going to Disney AGAIN! HA!!!

Kirsty~ Thankfully my arm didn't fall off at all... I did misplace it however :) Awesome that you haven't missed a workout all week!!! YAY
And pushing around a stroller in 100 degree heat is a WORKOUT
Hi there,
My name is Chrissy. I live in West Virginia just outside of Baltimore and DC. I wanted to stop in and introduce myself real quick before I rally the kids for baseball. I'll check back in later for a more detailed introduction. Off to a double header:banana::banana::yay::yay:
Hi again,
We didn't get back from baseball until late last night, so I missed my run. Now I'll pay for it today. Anyway, a little bit about me...

I ran back in high school, but that was long, long ago. I've been trying to get back into it for years but kept getting derailed by pregnancies, babies, and life. I had been trying to do the C25K since last September and kept stopping. I finally started again in March and found a neighbor to do it with me. Having someone to run with has helped lots! We did our first 5K last Saturday in DC, Race for the Cure. My time was 38:28, no speed records but I ran the whole way!

Now I'm trying to decide what to do next. I checked out the Galloway training plan and it looks interesting, but I can't figure out the walking break ratio. It seems like a lot of walking breaks.

Any suggestions on where to go from here? Do I just keep at it and keep adding more time and distance? What should a typical week look like?

Thanks, I'm excited to join you!
Hi Chrissy!!!

I don't really have any suggestions on training (my training schedule is skewed due to my life schedule)

I do want to say WAY TO GO on the 5K!!! I love the smaller races! And how awesome that you ran the entire way! Not a lot of people can say that!!!

How did the baseball game go last night? Any wins??
Hi again,
Now I'm trying to decide what to do next. I checked out the Galloway training plan and it looks interesting, but I can't figure out the walking break ratio. It seems like a lot of walking breaks.

Any suggestions on where to go from here? Do I just keep at it and keep adding more time and distance? What should a typical week look like?

Thanks, I'm excited to join you!

Galloway believes that walking helps you recover and makes your runs more efficient. I haven't finished the book yet, but what I've read so far makes sense.

My SIL used it with great success to train for a full marathon.
It isn't one-size fits all, but it is working for me. I find that I am much less sore after workouts and more willing to up my routine this way. I have a habit of thinking I can do more than I really can and then regretting it the next day, and this training keeps me from doing that.

I didn't like C25K as much as I like this program. I can't explain why, but I do.
Galloway believes that walking helps you recover and makes your runs more efficient. I haven't finished the book yet, but what I've read so far makes sense.

My SIL used it with great success to train for a full marathon.
It isn't one-size fits all, but it is working for me. I find that I am much less sore after workouts and more willing to up my routine this way. I have a habit of thinking I can do more than I really can and then regretting it the next day, and this training keeps me from doing that.

I didn't like C25K as much as I like this program. I can't explain why, but I do.

I guess I'm going to have to get the book and figure it out. I like the idea, it sounds much easier. The only problem I have is that when I start running again from walking my shins get really tight. But maybe if I'm not running for as long it will be better.

Suzann, they won one and lost one, thanks for asking.
Hi all-

I posted my miles and minutes on the spreadsheet, hope it comes out okay! I did from the beginning of the month, even though I wasn't on the team quite yet, trust me its not a lot of miles, but enough minutes LOL. Hope that is okay.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend-had nice weather this morning for a run and hoping tomorrow is cool for our long run (though this week is only 4 miles, not long at all really). But that is what the program calls for, so that's what I'll do. Following the program. Now if only I could get with the program for my food we might have something.....................
hey guys

How r all doing?

I did my walk day yesterday but couldnt do my 3 mile today since I was sick this morning, but I plan to exchange it for my rest day tomorrow so I dont miss out on any training!

I have decided that the mickey will not be enough to satisfy me in 2010 so I will be going for my first Goofy as well! I am so excited about all those medals but I have to be as good with my training as I can possibly be, the family I live with has already planned a whole long weekend down at Disney so I cant wait!

Steve - where did you get ur P90X thingy from, we saw a comercial for it today but it seemed really expensive, did it work do you think?

Everyone else - I am enjoying reading the new members stories and am happy you could join are group. If anyone has any Goofy training tips they are more than welcome!

Hope you all have a good week

Is there a link to the team spreadsheet?

It is nasty and rainy outside today, so there went my hopes of doing my run with the baby in the jogger. I'll have to wait for DH to get home from work so I can run solo. Yet another reason I need a treadmill! LOL.

How was everyone's weekend?
Hey everyone... getting caught up from the weekend!

Veronica~ You entered your stuff on the spreadsheet perfectly! YAY

Kirsty~ You are a brave woman!!! I'm hoping to do the goofy once in my lifetime :) My goofy training tip is: Run. Keep running :goodvibes (I get a little mantra in my head from Dory (Finding Nemo) "Just get running.. running.. running.. that's what we do..." Of course Dory says swimming, but its all the same, right? :)
Hey team,
I'm back from disney and I had a blast. Its a little weird seeing Star Wars guys walking around the park, but definately fun. I was more entertained by the other guests than by the disney-planned stuff. I am working in exercise when I can, but its not where I want it to be. I'll update the spread sheet at some point.

Kirsty - My dad bought the P90X dvds on ebay or amazon used. I just burnt a copy of his dvds so I only paid for the blank dvds. They are very expensive new and I don't have that kind of money. I am in awe that youre doing the Goofy in january. You might just inspire me to try a full marathon in the future.

Welcome to all the new people. This is a great team. I'll try to get on the boards a little more often so I can get know everyone.

Hi Everyone! Welcome Ashley, Veronica and Chrissy!!!:dance3: This is a great team and everyone is very supportive; I'm betting you'll love it here!

Ok, catch up time: After the Marathon I took two weeks off to try to let my achilles tendon/IT band heal. I had that duathlon at Disneyland looming but I was having some disturbing knee pain and buckling... I showed up for the duathlon and did it in a knee brace and with kinesio tape - but even that didn't help with the last run... oh well, I finished and had fun. That's all that matters, right?

Now I'm on total rest again! Seeing the ortho doc tomorrow, maybe he can tell me when I can run again... So I don't have much to add to the spreadsheet, but I will still try to get over there and put in the duathlon stuff. I'm afraid I'm not contributing much this month, and I completely forgot to put in anything last month :guilty: Sorry!

Suzann - all that bowling sounds exhausting. Does your hand hurt as well as your arm? I don't bowl much, but when I do my fingers and wrist hurt. Probably doing it all wrong!

Kirsty - Way to go on the training and the goal setting!! Goofy in 2010 - WOW! I'm thinking maybe 2011... I will be doing a full, a half and then the Princess 1/2 all in a month's time... assuming I can still walk!:rotfl2:

Scott - thanks for updating the list!

Steve - you sure are getting a lot of trips to WDW... I'm jealous! Now that your folks have moved will you be going as often?

Ashley - I saw your posts on the Princess 1/2 thread... I'm just lurking for now as I haven't signed up yet, but I did it last year and enjoy seeing who is coming back... congrats on your 5k!

Veronica and Chrissy - same to you! Fast is a relative thing, you may think you're slow but I may think you're really fast... I try not to worry too much about the times.

I use Galloway, varying my intervals based on the run. LSD and long races I use a 1:1 ratio; weekday training runs and short races I go longer, usually 5:1 or 7:1. Just depends on how I'm feeling.

I'm off to bed, got to get up for that Dr.'s appt!
Its nice to be back... TTFN
Hey Rebels!


So the Goofy training is coming along well! I actually signed up yesterday and that makes it kinda real! (especially when its like $300!!!) so I am just getting my base miles up at the moment and I haven't missed a run yet! I took Sunday off because I was sick but did Sundays 3 miles on Mondays rest day, so i haven't missed any miles, this weeks total so far is 9 miles with my weekend runs still to go, I have a long way till I get in Goofy shape but I have 6 months so I think I will be ok :scared:

Steve - thanks for the info on the DVD's, do you think they worked? Glad you enjoyed WDW when is your next trip planned for? I am going over next week to take the Kid to Typhoon for the day but I guess that is the advantage of living an hour away ;) I think you should go for the Marathon some day, you know you want that Mickey medal (thats the only reason i am doing Goofy, More BLING!)

Suzzan - Thanks for the tip! I have been using that saying quite a lot lately, infact I use the swimming version to teach the kid how to swim, I think she might hate Nemo by the time she is done!!!

Tammy - I hope the legs feel better, good job on all the races this past few weeks :thumbsup2 and I think you should go for Goofy 2011 (and I have no hopes of being able to walk afterwards in fact I my dad told me I wont have the strength to hold my fancy medals on my neck afterward!!!)

Veronica - Good job on the miles, it doesnt matter how few they all count here! I hope you had a nice run the other day and I look forward to chatting to you more in this wonderful group!!!

Chrissy - How is the Galloway studying going? well I hope :) Have the kids had anymore games? I am Nanny to a 3yr old and we took her to her first soccer practice! It was interesting to say the least!!!

Ashley - Is the Galloway program still treating you well? I hope everything is good :)

Anyway got to get back to work, no rest for the Wicked!!!

Speak to you all soon and Happy Running :)

Kirsty - Yeah, I think the DVDs work if you stick with them. The problem is that it is very tough to find time and get motivated for intense workouts six days a week. Inevitably something comes up where you miss a day and then your whole schedule is thrown off. I did manage to stick with it very strickly for about a month and I saw huge results. I gained a ton of mass in my chest and biceps (thats why i wasn't losing weight when I did it). Unfortunately, between moving apartments and helping my parents move from south carolina to ohio, I fell off the wagon. Oh yeah, I'm a little jealous of your hour drive to disney. I thought I had it good with an 8 hour drive.

Tammy - You're right. we won't get to go to Disney as much now that my parents are moving. I guess I'll have to keep my eye on Southwest Dings. Right now, my next trip isn't until January for the marathon. I am watching for cheap flights in October so I can go to food and wine fest during my fall break, but thats a bit of a long shot.

I do plan on running a few miles with my dog today. Hopefully, if the heat isn't blistering, I can go to the driving range too.

Tammy~ You rock for sticking it out for the duathlon! Ugh! That must have been difficult! Let us know what the ortho says.. and we're always here for encouragement!!!

Kirsty~ Wow, I didn't realize the Goofy costs so much!!! That must hurt the wallet some!

Steve~ Good job keeping up with the running and working out!

Well, I'll be gone all of next week, so I wish all of you the best for training!!!
Hi friends!

Just want to say thanks for all the warm welcomes-much appreciated. I am plodding along, doing my thing. So far this month I have run 47 miles. Seems like so much more!

Yesterday was a 2 miler I missed on Thurs, which I did fast, 20:26, which for me is absolutely flying. I did do a short walk after the first mile (which I did in 9:41), but that let me catch my breath enough to power through the second mile. Then I went home and laid patio blocks, about 130 of them, still not done with this $%@#$ thing. In the midst of my masonry, FIL calls to say he is picking me up at 6:15 for our long run on Sunday, and oh by the way, we're doing the hills route. ARE YOU NUTS:scared: 6 miles with over half hilly? But I went and did it, but boy am I feeling it now.:upsidedow

I got some new gear yesterday too-I got a pair of Race Ready shorts with the built in fuel belt and a couple of small water bottles for it. They worked out really well. I had my powerbar before the run, then had a few sportbeans at mile 3 (at the base of the final killer hill BTW). I wasn't sure how many you were supposed to eat, I only took like 4 of them. I can't tell you if they helped me or not cause I was DYING on the 30%incline we were going up. Oh yeah and its like half a mile long to boot. Not trying to be a whiner, but I really just want to do long runs at a nice even pace on flatter roads just to be able to build up my endurance. I know the hills help but I would rather do them on short runs than my long ones. Is that wrong or crazy? Thanks for letting me vent!

Good luck with training this week everyone. Hope the weather cooperates!
The Mixer starts here on the 'Ohana thread....

:stitch:'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

I asked a variation of this on team thread, but it makes for a good general prompt. Lots of us are finalizing our late summer/fall/early 2010 race schedules and/or in training for them. So let's talk events. Two questions:

  1. What event have you committed to that you're most looking forward to, Disney marathon weekend excluded? And
  2. What are you most looking forward to about Disney marathon weekend, if you are attending? (With sympathy :grouphug: to those who are not.)
Hi everyone!!

I have been horrible with my runs this week. DH is "gone" and our jogging stroller is busted, so running is impossible.

I wish he'd break down and let me get a treadmill. I could run during naptime, at night, in the am, and never have to worry about dragging the baby with me or waiting for him to be home to go. It is very frustrating. Plus, our neighborhood is not very runner friendly, and I'm having a hard time getting my Saturday distance runs in.

I've been scouring craigslist for used treadmills in the hopes I can somehow convince him.
Hi everyone!!

I have been horrible with my runs this week. DH is "gone" and our jogging stroller is busted, so running is impossible.

I wish he'd break down and let me get a treadmill. I could run during naptime, at night, in the am, and never have to worry about dragging the baby with me or waiting for him to be home to go. It is very frustrating. Plus, our neighborhood is not very runner friendly, and I'm having a hard time getting my Saturday distance runs in.

I've been scouring craigslist for used treadmills in the hopes I can somehow convince him.

I don't know where you live, but if it is in the Northeast (like NY or Mass etc) I have 2 treadmills, don't use either one currently (but will need one come this winter). I'd give you one if I could!
I don't know where you live, but if it is in the Northeast (like NY or Mass etc) I have 2 treadmills, don't use either one currently (but will need one come this winter). I'd give you one if I could!

Aww, thanks for the thoughts! I'm actually in the Virginia Beach area.


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