The 75% All New Trip! - All done! Bonus Material finished, Link to new TR!

Actually it's not an Alaskan Cruise, it goes from Portland OR (Vancouver, WA) to Clarkston WA.

Ok, I was on Wiki, and it maybe went up there before it was re-christened? It says that it has actually run aground 5 TIMES!! 5!!!!! Once in Alaska and another on the Snake. Anyway, it's a beautiful ship for sure.

That's pretty funny! I bet she was one of the Captain's favorite visitors of the day.[/QUOTE

Oh, no doubt! LOL!
Catching up on your latest updates from your trip after getting back from the DCA F&W Festival.

Very nice details pictures of the boat and that was neat by seeing the engine room.

The place where your boat was located, you can launch boats on trailers from there. Your meal looks very appetizing.
I love that you're updating a lot! Gives me something to read so I'm not thinking about my stolen kitty.

I'm loving the river cruise TR. Years ago I told DH that I'd like to take a steam boat on the Mississippi so this is really interesting to me.
Shame you missed out on Greenville and the bus. No Black Jack tables at the casino what! Turning money away I can't get over this. What a shame both you and the casino. I love Black Jack and roulette.

Yes here the canals you can take a vacation on by renting a narrow boat. It has a kitchen, living quarters and bedroom. Some folks live on them. You can stear your narrow boat through the canals of England stopping at pubs, points of interest. From Bath to up North! They go slow though but beside the canal is a path where you can walk and get out any time.

Your champagne reception sounds nice as does lunch and dinner.

I was dissapointed about the new new passed recently in Missisippi about free religion right to refuse same sex couples a back ward step right?

It is so interesting to learn about the river cruise and the difference between an ocean cruise. Boats and ships. I look forward to your final conclusion about which you prefer or if they are not mutual exclusive.
I love that you're updating a lot! Gives me something to read so I'm not thinking about my stolen kitty.

I'm loving the river cruise TR. Years ago I told DH that I'd like to take a steam boat on the Mississippi so this is really interesting to me.

Sorry I missed this stolen Kitty what! I am so sorry to hear this. Outrageous. My thoughts are with you. X
other factors determining a ship vs boat is that boats normally travel on inland and protected waters while ships are usually out at sea.
That's the criteria that I'd heard of before.

I counted approximately 10 people on our voyage who were either our age or younger. There were no kids (well kids under 18), there were obviously families traveling together the but the kids were closer to our age or older.
Oh wow.. well, yeah, I guess maybe I should wait a few years. :rotfl2:

but there was at least one woman in a wheelchair, and she was a pushy old broad!

For the first busses of the day there are a limited number for each departure time, obviously as many as the bus can hold. When those tickets have been dispensed, that's it for that time slot. Pick another time slot. By the time I learned about this, 2PM was the earliest available bus departure.
Oh no. That stinks. Sorry you missed out.

There was a guy from the Casino there offering free shuttles, and he approached me, but he had a car like a Ford Edge which I didn’t want to deal with taking the scooter apart. He asked if we were going to the casino, and I said, “Yes, but I don’t think we can fit in your car.”

He said, “Well at least I’d like to give you these cards for $10 in Free Play.”

On our way to the casino, we noticed more evidence of the high river level. Notice the parking garage is completely flooded on at least one level.
Wow. Wouldn't want to park there!

I told this information to Fran and we decided if they didn’t want to take our money, we would take it back to the boat with us. I cashed out my ticket and we rolled back over to the boat.
Yikes. Sorry the casino trip was a bust.

After that I came back to the room to enjoy some of the wine I still had from the night before. As I watched the scenery go by I could have sworn that we were backtracking.
:eek: :rotfl:
Would love to hear about the water/boat movement. I've heard that the water is smooth as silk, but I know I've had a pretty rocky ride on a river before.

Also, money aside, would you prefer this over a Disney cruise in the future?
I'm sorry I was totally behind, I don't think I checked in here for two weeks. All caught up now and totally enjoying reading about your river cruise :)

Sorry about your travel day and the hotel lateness, and then your fall :( Glad that your lens wasn't broken though!

Loving all the pictures, the boat is beautiful. Bummer about the casino not wanting your money though. Not fun.

How did the food compare to Disney? I'm thinking this is better?
Slighty off topic so I apoligise but I wondered if you and Fran got to be one of the lucky 999 that managed to obtain the HM Ghost Post subscriptions? If so were you pleased with what arrived? I saw the box and contents on line and it looked great! I am well jealous. US resisdence only and limiting it to only 999 was a neat twist. You would have to get up in the 'dead' off night to have grabbed that!
Ok, I was on Wiki, and it maybe went up there before it was re-christened? It says that it has actually run aground 5 TIMES!! 5!!!!! Once in Alaska and another on the Snake. Anyway, it's a beautiful ship for sure.

Well that was under it's previous name. And they said it was most likely due to an inexperienced Captain. Hopefully we will try it someday.

Catching up on your latest updates from your trip after getting back from the DCA F&W Festival.

Very nice details pictures of the boat and that was neat by seeing the engine room.

The place where your boat was located, you can launch boats on trailers from there. Your meal looks very appetizing.

I hope you had a good time at the festival! Most of the places we landed were pretty much boat launches, except at most places they were flooded over.

I love that you're updating a lot! Gives me something to read so I'm not thinking about my stolen kitty.

I'm so sorry about your kitty. I'll try to keep you entertained in the meantime.

I'm loving the river cruise TR. Years ago I told DH that I'd like to take a steam boat on the Mississippi so this is really interesting to me.

It's pretty fun, and they go all up and down the Mississippi so you do a trip in the North or the South.

Shame you missed out on Greenville and the bus. No Black Jack tables at the casino what! Turning money away I can't get over this. What a shame both you and the casino. I love Black Jack and roulette.

The town didn't sound all that interesting to us anyways. However you would think that they know the boat is coming to town, there were enough people from the boat there that we could have had an entire table. Their loss.

Yes here the canals you can take a vacation on by renting a narrow boat. It has a kitchen, living quarters and bedroom. Some folks live on them. You can stear your narrow boat through the canals of England stopping at pubs, points of interest. From Bath to up North! They go slow though but beside the canal is a path where you can walk and get out any time.

Interesting. Sounds like houseboats here that they have on some of the lakes.

Your champagne reception sounds nice as does lunch and dinner.

The champagne reception wasn't all that, except that we got a free glass of champagne.

I was dissapointed about the new new passed recently in Missisippi about free religion right to refuse same sex couples a back ward step right?

Yes totally a step backwards. There were two places coming up that we wanted to revisit as we couldn't do all we wanted in one day. Now we won't be going back unless they repeal that legislation.

It is so interesting to learn about the river cruise and the difference between an ocean cruise. Boats and ships. I look forward to your final conclusion about which you prefer or if they are not mutual exclusive.

I don't think they are mutually exclusive. It's like different cuisines, you don't need to exclude one just because you like another.

Sorry I missed this stolen Kitty what! I am so sorry to hear this. Outrageous. My thoughts are with you. X

The stolen kitty drama was unveiled on pkondz's TR.
I was shocked to see that in this day and age, states could refuse to serve people! This would never fly if it was based on race or religion, how can they do this? Sometimes it's not even obvious. How do they know what is in people's hearts?? :mad:
Awesomeness ❤️

I just love your in depth trip reports, with pictures! Thank you!

And I love reading questions and your answers! Can I ask about motion sickness? I've read the larger cruises like Disney, you don't feel the motion too much, but how is it on a river cruise, especially if you're getting on and off each day?
You don't have to do anything, but as far as pricing goes, this cruise cost what 4 DCL Dream 4-night cruises would have cost (or pretty close). On the other hand, our DCL Alaskan cruise costs about 80% of what this one cost. The thing is the ship's registry is not Bahamas. I got talking to a bartender on the boat and she is not on any contract like the DCL employees. She is a regular employee who gets her paycheck deposited in her bank every other week, gets benefits and earns a living American wage, which is more than you can say for the folks who work on DCL.

I kind of figured they'd be pricey being in the US. I'd be on the deck with the rocking chairs with an ice cream or chocolate chip cookie. :)
Heard you're feeling under the weather, Alison. Hope you get to feeling better quickly and your energy comes back soon. :)
Yup! There were six all together. The American Empress only has four decks. That one goes out by @Steppesister's way.


They were even selling tickets for a trip all the way from Minneapolis/St. Paul all the way down to New Orleans. 23 nights.

I saw that!
I looked (briefly) at their web site and saw that.
Intriguing, but I just don't have that amount of time right now.

What was even nicer about these was that they were scooter friendly too!


See, I had to nip that one in the bud.

Yep. You know me too well!


Yeah, but you put gravy on french fries. It's kinda similar in a roundabout way.

But that's gravy.
What I saw down south looked more like lumpy oatmeal.

I think they made it up.

It's their boat. I guess they can make up words if they want to.

I'm going to cover that in the next update since so many people asked, but I think it was an aircraft carrier was the example they used.

An aircraft carrier!?!?!?

Yeah, pretty much. But then often that's her normal look.

I've noticed that! :laughing:

I know. I remember the first time we were given a rental car with keyless ignition we were stumped. The car was running when we got it and we stopped for dinner after leaving the airport. We had to call the rental car company to find out "where to put the key to start it?" When we got back in the car from dinner.

I had a similar experience in Germany.
I tried and tried to start the car... no luck.
Finally an attendant came by and started it for me.
You had to put your foot on the brake.
D'uh! :sad2:

What made it worse for me was that I knew we were on an Old Fogies cruise. Then he starts playing those songs. I would have been fine if they played Elvis, or Fats Domino songs, or stuff from the 50s, but when he is playing songs from my childhood and I realized that I had now reached the target demographic on an Old Fogie Cruise. Well that just made me sad.

That sucks.
I'd be okay with 50s music too.
I’m hoping that at least I have a good portion of it finished, so bear with me!

Lions and tigers and now bears, oh my!

boats normally travel on inland and protected waters while ships are usually out at sea.

Oh! Okay. I get that.

Fran was the only one with her own scooter, but there was at least one woman in a wheelchair, and she was a pushy old broad!

So two pushy broads with their butts in chairs?


We learned at the talk this morning that with a river boat you have the option of docking, but if there is no dock, then the boat just pretty much grounds itself and puts down a gangway.

Really! Huh!

They offer a hop on/hop off bus which follows the ship from town to town (by land of course).

Ohhhh... I assumed they just had small fleets in each town.
Or more likely, that they contracted out in each town.

Here we are grounding our boat at the landing.

Of course.
Paddlewheel... shallow draft. Makes sense now.

I watched these guys do tie up the boat here so it didn't float away.

"Hey Fred. Didn't we leave the boat here?"

Seems big to misplace, doesn't it? :laughing:

I thought this whirlpool created by the engines was pretty cool.


They scanned your KTTW (or whatever they called it)

:laughing: Once a DISer...

I see what you mean about narrow.

Fran headed off over the pavement which was grooved and very bumpy, plus it was at a slant.

Whoa! Don't tip over Fran!

He said, “Well at least I’d like to give you these cards for $10 in Free Play.”


Such a beautiful boat.

On our way to the casino, we noticed more evidence of the high river level. Notice the parking garage is completely flooded on at least one level.

That's really quite high!
Seems odd they'd build so close to the river.

Their slots were really poor and I tried 4-5 different machines and kept just losing and losing.

Well, that just sucks.

we decided if they didn’t want to take our money, we would take it back to the boat with us.

Sucks even more that you didn't get to really play.

It was pretty much just a musical show. I got there late and stood in the back rather than take a seat somewhere. Some guy sang some hit from Josh Groban, and then the band (a piano and sax player) closed it out with I Get a Kick Out of You. If you don’t get it the first lyric is, “I don’t get a Kick from Champagne”

Was it an okay show?

Remember that park I told you to notice?

::yes:: It does look the same (without going back to look.)

We never figured it out, but she ignored us completely at every occasion and never made eye contact during dinner

Wonder what crawled up her butt.
Maybe she's just an extreme introvert.
But you did say you could eat by yourself at a small table, didn't you?

The Captain came by and I asked if he would pose for a picture with us

Like that picture of the three of you.

I even left a half glass of red wine and a full glass of white that Fran had gifted me.


As far as I know I slept soundly through the night.

Then you probably did! :)
That's the criteria that I'd heard of before.

I tried to look up online what kind of ship could hold that boat, because the guy giving the talk had a graphic, but that's what I kept finding on most websites.

Oh wow.. well, yeah, I guess maybe I should wait a few years. :rotfl2:

Yeah, that might not be a bad idea. It's also not cheap, so you may want to make sure you have some college funds secure

Oh no. That stinks.

Actually going to the casino was our main plan anyways. Most of the people who visited the town were not impressed.

10 bucks is 10 bucks! Even if you lose it less than 10 minutes!

Wow. Wouldn't want to park there!

Yeah, no long term parking in that structure!

Yikes. Sorry the casino trip was a bust.

Yeah, it was a bummer, but they didn't want our money. :confused3

Would love to hear about the water/boat movement. I've heard that the water is smooth as silk, but I know I've had a pretty rocky ride on a river before.

We never experienced turbulence like we have on an ocean ship. You could tell the boat was moving, but there was never any kind of adjustment that you need to do on a ship. I didn't feel the need to get my "sea legs."

Also, money aside, would you prefer this over a Disney cruise in the future

I'll probably cover that in a wrap up post but I don't think that either one is mutually exclusive. They're different but I can say I've enjoyed both.

I'm sorry I was totally behind, I don't think I checked in here for two weeks. All caught up now and totally enjoying reading about your river cruise :)

And two weeks ago I was already off the boat!

Sorry about your travel day and the hotel lateness, and then your fall :( Glad that your lens wasn't broken though!

Yeah. None of that was a great start to the trip, but I survived.

Loving all the pictures, the boat is beautiful. Bummer about the casino not wanting your money though. Not fun.

The boat was very nice and I enjoyed the compact nature so it was easy to get around. I didn't miss all the extra amenities of the DCL ships too much, just a few.

How did the food compare to Disney? I'm thinking this is better?

Each one had their strong points. I certainly enjoyed the complimentary wine at dinner. That saved us a bit, since that's where I had most of my drinks. I'd have to give Disney the breakfast medal, but I'll do a wrap up.

Slighty off topic so I apoligise but I wondered if you and Fran got to be one of the lucky 999 that managed to obtain the HM Ghost Post subscriptions? If so were you pleased with what arrived? I saw the box and contents on line and it looked great! I am well jealous. US resisdence only and limiting it to only 999 was a neat twist. You would have to get up in the 'dead' off night to have grabbed that!

I did not hear about this. Fran might have. Then again I haven't even started to open our packages that came while we were gone. Perhaps there is one in there. She rarely sleeps during the night.
Ok, I THINK I'm all caught up. I couldn't think of a whole lot of witty repartee, but it looks like you were enjoying both the cruise and the casino. I would have been fascinated by the engine room!
I was shocked to see that in this day and age, states could refuse to serve people! This would never fly if it was based on race or religion, how can they do this? Sometimes it's not even obvious. How do they know what is in people's hearts?? :mad:

I don't get it either. But then again that could have something to do with why they are the lowest state based on financial revenue. :confused3

Awesomeness ❤️

I just love your in depth trip reports, with pictures! Thank you!

And I love reading questions and your answers! Can I ask about motion sickness? I've read the larger cruises like Disney, you don't feel the motion too much, but how is it on a river cruise, especially if you're getting on and off each day?

Thank you very much! You know I was on the Dream in December and it was pretty rough. One of our table mates didn't make dinner the first night she was feeling so ill. I don't think getting on and off makes much difference for the motion of the boat. This one was very smooth. In fact one couple who we sat with at breakfast were on the River Cruise because they were afraid of the motion at sea, and afraid to be out on the open ocean where they couldn't see land.

I kind of figured they'd be pricey being in the US. I'd be on the deck with the rocking chairs with an ice cream or chocolate chip cookie. :)

On the one hand it was definitely pricey, but they also made up for it somewhat by not nickel and dimeing you for things like specialty coffees, bottled water, beer and wine at dinner, etc.

Heard you're feeling under the weather, Alison. Hope you get to feeling better quickly and your energy comes back soon. :)

Oh, and you will hear more about it too! The energy is slowly coming back.

I saw that!
I looked (briefly) at their web site and saw that.
Intriguing, but I just don't have that amount of time right now.

Yeah, I can't imagine taking a trip that long. At some point while we were still on the cruise I started having dreams about my little Tesla which made me realize that I obviously was starting to miss my kitties.

Yep. You know me too well!



But that's gravy.
What I saw down south looked more like lumpy oatmeal.

Those lumps were probably chunks of sausage!

It's their boat. I guess they can make up words if they want to.

Fair enough.

I've noticed that! :laughing:

Often I have to double check with her and make sure she's not mad or grumpy because she often has quite a sour look on her face, and it's usually for no reason.

I had a similar experience in Germany.
I tried and tried to start the car... no luck.
Finally an attendant came by and started it for me.
You had to put your foot on the brake.
D'uh! :sad2:

I'm glad that I'm not the normal driver. Too many things to worry about!

That sucks.
I'd be okay with 50s music too.

I didn't mind it too much because he actually played quietly, so if I had someone in the bar to talk with, we could have had a conversation. Not like clubs today and in my day where you had to yell to be heard over the music.

Lions and tigers and now bears, oh my!


So two pushy broads with their butts in chairs?


Actually this woman was way more pushy than Fran ever is. I started to realize on this cruise that old people don't really notice that they aren't the only people around.

Ohhhh... I assumed they just had small fleets in each town.
Or more likely, that they contracted out in each town.

No, we had the same bus drivers the whole time. And they were also "full time" employees of the company. I was talking to one of them (later in the week) and he said that the longest they have to drive to the next city is two hours. Most of the time it's only one hour. Then they get a hotel room and some dinner. They had at least four buses, and I'm guessing that there were extra drivers because the buses were going just about 8 hours every day.

Of course.
Paddlewheel... shallow draft. Makes sense now.

That was part of the whole Riverboat scene in the late 1800s. They could land just about anywhere (except if there was a huge silt build up) and haul all kinds of cargo. Passengers were really an afterthought on the original steamboats.

"Hey Fred. Didn't we leave the boat here?"

Seems big to misplace, doesn't it? :laughing:

Maybe not misplace, but it might be floating around somewhere in the middle of the river! :rotfl:

I see what you mean about narrow.

Sometimes they had giant hoses that we'd have to get her scooter over. (I assumed that day they were flushing out the sewage because it was hooked up to a big pipe in the ground.) Other days I think they were replenishing the water supply.

Whoa! Don't tip over Fran!

I know I was worried about that too! :laughing:

Such a beautiful boat.

It sure is!

That's really quite high!
Seems odd they'd build so close to the river.

I think this year was one of the anomalies for flooding.

Well, that just sucks.

Sucks even more that you didn't get to really play.

I know. I was definitely bummed, but I do know when to quit.

Was it an okay show?

I'm not sure. I only caught the last song. I mainly wanted the free champagne! :laughing:

::yes:: It does look the same (without going back to look.)

And later I found out that I was right. I even commented to the bartender and she didn't know we had actually veered off the river itself.

Wonder what crawled up her butt.
Maybe she's just an extreme introvert.
But you did say you could eat by yourself at a small table, didn't you?

We would have had to arrange for that prior to the cruise or the first night. We thought that she was homophobic, because she had no problem talking to Jenny or Nigel the other tablemates. Her husband was fine, he was always saying "Hello" when we would see them on the buses or around the boat. We just ignored her, and it wasn't hard because she was very mouselike. (And not like Mickey or Minnie)

Like that picture of the three of you.

Thanks! I had to make my own photo opportunities since they didn't have the photographers like Disney cruises.

I think I had plenty of wine that leaving some was OK. They never let your glass get empty unless you told them to stop pouring.

Then you probably did! :)

Yes you are probably right! But we'll find out soon.

Ok, I THINK I'm all caught up. I couldn't think of a whole lot of witty repartee, but it looks like you were enjoying both the cruise and the casino. I would have been fascinated by the engine room!

Cruise, yes. Casino, not so much. I thought about you down in the Engine Room. There were guys there that you could ask questions of, but I didn't even know enough to think of a question to ask. I could see you down there chatting with them for quite some time. It would have probably been even more fascinating if I had a clue what was going on!


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