The ABC's of a BSN Celebration! Trip Wrap up; Final Thoughts (7/11)

:laughing: Already there! And rather enjoying my "misery" very much!

LOL!! And it's great to have you there.

Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us all! :)

My pleasure!
I really had to think on this. What's my favourite land?
And... I just might have to agree with you. There's a certain vibe there, isn't there? May not have the best rides (Hello Liberty Square and Frontierland), but... just seems a bit more intimate? Not sure if that's the right word, though. Maybe immersive?

I think of all the lands, it is the one that "draws me into the story" best. I love that, and this is changing, it's franchise/IP-free; it' lets ME create my OWN story with simply the context provided.
Excuse me, but... What about Aunty Gravity's? Strawberry smoothie? Chocolate milkshake? Floats?
Okay. I can get those anywhere. I withdraw my comment.

I was thinking the EXACT same thing when I read your suggestions. Just... no. I can get those here in town. At any old Denny's.
Really, though... Tomorrowland really is pretty devoid of good snacks, isn't it?

Yeah, pretty much!
I wonder if that will change once Tron is up and running??

THAT I can't wait for!
Like the framing on this one. :)

Of the lot, this may be my favorite. Simplistic and minimalist.
At least there are still people being poked, albeit different ones.

I will reserve judgment, but keeping my bias in check is difficult indeed.
Edward Low's flag.
Edward Low - Wikipedia
OH MY GOSH! Did you READ that article?!

Dark much? :scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:

Where the heck is that?!?!?
It's actually right at the queue entrance to POTC. From most angles, it just looks like a rock with no form. I have no idea how I saw it this time?? But how cool is THAT?!
I love the nooks and crannies of Morocco. I'm not looking forward to seeing the changes on my next visit. Your photos are once again outstanding. I'm not sure what my favorite country is. On my very first visit it was Mexico. I was in high school and thought it was the coolest area. So many pretty colors everywhere.

Nor am I! It was perfectly splendid and beautiful as it was with expert, authentic craftsmanship. The merch is likely to turn into crap like every other pavilion too. Intereting! Mexico! I don't hear too many people saying that, and I admit, it's taken time for that one to grow on me. I do like the Coco exhibit and the ambiance of the indoor area!

Sorry Jock Lindsay's was a disappointment. I still hoping to try it someday and Morimoto. I know Danielle has been to Morimoto. I need to ask her if she visited the bathroom. She was a big KPop fan in High School but that has cooled now.

It wasn't a disappointment per se, but that drink presentation was a joke. And we did giggle and shrug our shoulders at the silliness of it.

I think all "kids" go through a K-Pop, Boy Band stage... I"m glad mine outgrew it. It was a very expensive obsession.
I love Adventureland too but I don't know if it's my favorite. You do have some very valid points. I'm hoping CHH is open soon. Danielle did say she saw where hey are brining in some CPs to work there but I don't know when.

So what IS your favorite area/land? I guess ALL the remaining resorts are opening up soon with dates, and so I Caseys, the Ice Cream Parlour, and 'Ohana, so I suppose it's just a matter of time for CHH. :) Yay!
Thanks for sharing another report.
The pleasure's all mine. :)
Well, I got another new computer and now it's the Dr. Strange area from Avengers Campus.
ANOTHER new computer? 😲 :faint: I think I missed something. Did you break it? Or...?

So is Disneyland. They just ripped off the band aid on June 15th.

And now we see how it goes!

Ours is open now too, but I don't know about capacity.

I am altogether unfamiliar with CA rules right now. I do know that Oregon, one of the strictest in this whole thing is wide open with NO masks, social distancing, closures, etc...

I'm guessing that they put is back on June 15th, plus I hope that they put the Rey Room back in the ride. They were skipping that too, so that the whole experience was under 15 minutes.

They did close some parts of the ride, but not the Rey Room, cuz Mik and I got some photos of that part in January. Hmm, now I'm not even sure what parts were closed off/skipped.

Sounds like a deal, and I won't even order a mug drink! :laughing:

:rotfl:You can, but that's one's on YOU. :laughing:

So I'm guessing there was the bed you showed, one in the couch and one from the kitchen table?

Yes, exactly. And all of them quite comfy! I was pleasantly surprised.

I actually prefer the one in my DVC room, but then I'm spoiled.

Well, of course, there IS that! ;)

I actually just bring Tide Pods and some bounce sheets.....

Oh, even better. ::yes::

I read your Wine Bar George update and after a massage, I'm just too tired to multi-quote. I've never been so taken with the menu as to consider it. I'm glad you all had a good time, and redeemed yourselves. I would have ended up ordering dinner at the Boathouse and saying sayonara to Wine Bar George.

THAT I understand- the whole too tired to quote bit. 24 hours in 2 days... 26 more by the end of the week. Tired.

OH man, you are totally missing out then on the fried mac n cheese balls. They are SO GOOD!! And you, the wine fiend... you should try!
I think of all the lands, it is the one that "draws me into the story" best.
Yes! That's it!
Of the lot, this may be my favorite. Simplistic and minimalist.
OH MY GOSH! Did you READ that article?!

Dark much? :scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:
He was not a nice person.
It's actually right at the queue entrance to POTC. From most angles, it just looks like a rock with no form. I have no idea how I saw it this time?? But how cool is THAT?!
Very cool!
There will never be another time like 2020 to have visited Disney World. Sure, there were huge changes, loads missing, and it was an altogether different experience, but we will likely never see such low crowds again. And you better believe I took full advantage of that!!

Yes, it was nice when Disneyland first reopened. We loved being sat with no one near us, and having the park so empty. But no longer. Now it's up to full capacity on rides. Although I think Disney is not happy with attendance because they released California resident tickets for 3 different days for $249 one park tickets and the option to make them hoppers for an extra $55.

ETA: I forgot to mention that those were some great pictures you got in the Morocco pavilion. It looked like you had the place entirely to yourself!

Maybe in your replies you could tell us what YOUR favorite pavilion is or wish you could have an hour to browse around in with NO people around...

Hard to say. My first thought was France, then I thought no, Italy, wait! Germany is cool too! And then I saw @pkondz said Japan, and I like that one too! It's like picking your favorite cat.

we happened to be going by way of Morimoto. I talked it up a bit to Mik and before we knew it, we were at the podium politely asking for a reservation 2 nights from then. Lo and behold, one was actually available, so we snatched it up as a perfect end-of-the-trip sit down meal.

That's cool that it worked out for you. I like that place too.

I have yet to try the famed Short Ribs that @ChunkMonkey raves about.

They are so good!!!!!!!

I ended up ordering a Greyhound, Mik ordered a whiskey flight, MEK ordered a beer on tap, and Kari got a Coke. Then we waited practically forever. I cannot to this day figure out what took so long as there were like 6 parties even in there to serve. Sad too cuz if tips are to be made, this in not the way.

I don't know what it is with slow service....

Is this how a Greyhound, or any other mixed drink should ever be served? A mix-it yourself monstrosity?!! I mean, WTH? Here’s some booze and juice served separately in glasses and some ice in a paper cup?! Okay…… :confused:

That's just weird. And I agree. No tip for him!

And now, here I am presented with yet another Disney bathroom encounter, and this one…? Well, this one just made me burst out laughing in my stall. Like legit giggling that probably made the other users wonder what kind of whack-job was in there with them. I mean… who the hell puts poster-sized photos of boyband members in an upscale restaurant that has mosaic art, crystal chandeliers, and silk wall hangings in other places? I’m sorry if I don’t get it, I mean I 100% understand they are Asian, and SUPER popular with the teen girl set.

I wonder if they remodeled since I was last there. I don't remember boy band pictures on the walls the last time I was there.

I’d only had one drink that evening, so got a Lychee Martini: Absolut Elyx and Soho Lychee Liqueur-$14.00 which was phenomenal.

I hope you had a few sips before you took that pic. That's not much booze for $14

Best guess is that it was a birthday party of some sort gone wrong. It was so awkward and honestly, I was sad for the whole affair. Sometimes, as they say, it’s hard to look away from a train wreck.

Yes, it is rather sad to witness such a phenomenon.

… and some sushi. Sorry, no idea what kinds, except that I think it was 3 different fish and we ate it all.

Looks like a spicy tuna roll, california roll, and an Eel roll.
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‘Z’ brings us to the end of the alphabet and the end of this Trip Report, save one last chapter for some last thoughts.

And I finally get caught up. Here. I need to catch up on mine and one other, then I will attack the other report.

Is it just me, or does this remind you of the Bayou cabin at the DLR PoTC?!

Yes it does!

ANOTHER new computer? 😲 :faint: I think I missed something. Did you break it? Or...?

Well my computer of several years, started acting up over the Winter so Fran said I could get a new one. I picked one out from Costco, but that one kept spontaneously restarting, it would get the blue screen of death (which I hadn't seen since Windows 7 or before), and it just seemed to have problems. So this time we looked at Amazon and found substantially more expensive computers (about 2x the Costco priced one) and decided that we get what we pay for. I have no complaints about this one now.

I am altogether unfamiliar with CA rules right now. I do know that Oregon, one of the strictest in this whole thing is wide open with NO masks, social distancing, closures, etc...

We still have strict rules, sort of. Non vaxxed people still have to wear masks, but no one is policing it, so pretty much anyone who doesn't want to wear one, doesn't have to. At Disney no one has to wear masks, but about 10-20% still do (including us). I still wear it most of the time because I don't trust the other people. Too many people are still getting it even with vaccinations, plus they are recommending even vaxxed people wear masks indoors with this Delta variant.

OH man, you are totally missing out then on the fried mac n cheese balls. They are SO GOOD!! And you, the wine fiend... you should try!

Hmmm.....I've not been a huge fan of mac n cheese balls as they are too much fried and not enough mac n cheese, and I can get a good glass of wine almost anywhere!
Hard to say. My first thought was France, then I thought no, Italy, wait! Germany is cool too! And then I saw @pkondz said Japan, and I like that one too! It's like picking your favorite cat.
Picking your favourite cat is easy. It's the one who threatens to disembowel you with its razor sharp claws and if you don't he'll... wait... that's all of them.
I never really thought about having a favorite land before. AdventureLand is often the first land we go to at rope drop since most of the crowd goes off in the other direction.

It is nice that you have photos from the Jungle Cruise to document what is used to look like. ;)
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FArts Trip Wrap-Up

All in all, this was such a fantastic trip! We saw and did so many things together and it really served to refresh and re-charge me after a hell-ish year of working many, many hours. I picked up days, nights, and weekends in excess because I faced the uncertainty of not knowing if I’d even HAVE a job from week to week. I finished my BSN in 4 months and put up with fires, Covid, riots, personal struggles, uncertainty, and all manner of 2020 Bull poo. I’m glad for the most part that is mostly behind me and having made the decision to leave Oregon and all of its shenanigans, life is looking a bit rosier.

And now for a recap to put this TR to bed…

Favorite Portrait style photo:

Or maybe this one:

The highs:

  • It was a great opportunity to re-connect in a deeper way with my daughter and experience our adult-to-adult relationship.
  • The crowds were super low and waits were very reasonable
  • Even though so many things were unavailable, we still managed to see and do a LOT.
  • I got a nice mix of solo time and time with the ladies.
  • The upgrade to a suite!
  • FArts was just amazing!! LOVED THIS!

The lows:

  • It was soooo cold, which really took a lot of the joy out of it. No pool time, shivering in lines and at park openings, and bulky coats and other winter gear to deal with.
  • There were a lot of places we wanted to dine at, but ADRs were super hard to get, and DTD was where we had to focus. Which in the end was fine- we’d not have discovered Jaleo otherwise. (Places I might have tried but either were closed or we couldn’t get: Topolinos dinner, Cali Grill, Jiko)
  • There were no nighttime shows, which was also fine as by evening we were busted and done. But one would have been nice.
  • No evening hours to enjoy Pandora, SW:GE, or Main Street's lights or ambiance.
  • Transportation just simply sucked. They REALLY need to get this worked out!!
  • The disappointing Avocado Toast at CBR and worse… Tambu Lounge
  • The lack of Quick Service and my favorite snacks

Things I’d do again in a hot minute:

  • Jaleo
  • The Monorail Crawl- Especially the Enchanted Rose!
  • Gideons Cookies
  • FArts!
  • Take all my camera lenses cuz you just can’t get good photos without a fast lens and a zoom lens
  • Room with MEK again

Favorite Festival Photo:

Favorite Festival Food:

Sichuan Red Hot Mala Shrimp – $10.50

Things I’m going to miss and am a bit salty about:

  • Jungle Cruise
  • Splash
  • The Original Moroccan Pavilion

Changes to WDW that I liked with Covid:

  • Cavalcades (no long parades to get stuck behind!)
  • Short waits
  • Upgrades for so many folks, including me!
  • Best purchase: My Disney Alphabet Art Poster

New to me:

  • MMRR
  • Totchos
  • Jaleo
  • Enchanted Rose
  • The New EPCOT Experience in the old Odyssey Building. It's a pretty cool 12-minute show showcasing all the upcoming changes. Some I love, some I'm holding out judgement on.

Pins for the trip: (sorry for the blurry on some!)

I'm at a point in my life that I AM living my best life. Slowly healing from a divorce, on top of my game with my career, able to handle a big move and change so far, life is good.

Always need the Festival Pin!

While the world WAS a big mess, it's slowly getting back to normal and things are turning around. Huzzah!

Thanks all for reading! To those of you who commented and joined in the chatter, thank you extra!! That's what makes a trip report fun and worth it! If you care to join me on my next TR with all things Flower and Garden, and you haven't chimed in yet, or are lurking.... PLEASE say HI!!! No one bites, although there may be some friendly teasing and banter along the way. You can find me at:

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Yes, it was nice when Disneyland first reopened. We loved being sat with no one near us, and having the park so empty. But no longer. Now it's up to full capacity on rides. Although I think Disney is not happy with attendance because they released California resident tickets for 3 different days for $249 one park tickets and the option to make them hoppers for an extra $55.

I will admit Disney had a penchant for seating guests WAY too close. That's one reason I love the Signature places. You can have a private conversation or a little personal space and not get claustrophobic.

Supply and demand will even out the ticket prices. Of that I'm sure!! I don't know what the price was before on that same ticket, so is that good?

ETA: I forgot to mention that those were some great pictures you got in the Morocco pavilion. It looked like you had the place entirely to yourself!

I really enjoyed myself back in there. Lots to see and so many wonderful details.

Hard to say. My first thought was France, then I thought no, Italy, wait! Germany is cool too! And then I saw @pkondz said Japan, and I like that one too! It's like picking your favorite cat.

LOL!! Point well taken. There are so many good qualities to make each one unique and beautiful!

That's cool that it worked out for you. I like that place too.

For sure!! I'm glad we got one last table service before heading home.

I don't know what it is with slow service....

Nor do I. Did they need to go somewhere else to find my grapefruit juice? Did he have a break before serving us? I don't know, but hello?

That's just weird. And I agree. No tip for him!

Tips are 100% optional; I don't know where the notion that they are mandatory or expected came from. The whole concept and premise is that the better the service the more you get, and depending on how bad it is, there may not be one at all. If restaurants want a mandatory "tip", then by all means build it into the charges and give that on top of a servers' pay, but if there is to be any incentive for service above and beyond what is a baseline common courtesy, there has to be a tip system in play. Probably controversial and an unpopular opinion, but if I am treated with a bit of service that goes beyond simply bringing what I order, making sure my bill is accurate and my food is brought out in a timely fashion, then I will tip accordingly. And sometimes VERY generously.

I wonder if they remodeled since I was last there. I don't remember boy band pictures on the walls the last time I was there.

Or maybe you just didn't notice? No idea!!!

I hope you had a few sips before you took that pic. That's not much booze for $14

I had. By the end of the trip I was getting very lazy with TR material. ;)

Yes, it is rather sad to witness such a phenomenon.

It really is. Just so uncomfortable for everyone at the table. #cringe

Looks like a spicy tuna roll, california roll, and an Eel roll.

I would tend to agree although, I don't care of Cali Roll, so maybe something else. But I did let Mikki choose entirely and she may have gotten that?

And I finally get caught up. Here. I need to catch up on mine and one other, then I will attack the other report.

I am not going to get to other's TRs this weekend, so will work on those in evenings this week. Lots of hours scheduled though, so we'll see. There also won't be another chapter on my F&G one for a bit either. So you have time!!

Well my computer of several years, started acting up over the Winter so Fran said I could get a new one. I picked one out from Costco, but that one kept spontaneously restarting, it would get the blue screen of death (which I hadn't seen since Windows 7 or before), and it just seemed to have problems. So this time we looked at Amazon and found substantially more expensive computers (about 2x the Costco priced one) and decided that we get what we pay for. I have no complaints about this one now.

OH dear!! Mine doesn't start up without HARD starting it every single time. It shuts off after not using it for a time (like over 2 hours or so?) and then I have to push the button and boot it up again. I really should back it up again soon! It's a perfectly good laptop other than that. I'm glad Fran let you get a new one as that can be very disconcerting and stressful! I would agree, you just get what you pay for in the laptop world!

We still have strict rules, sort of. Non vaxxed people still have to wear masks, but no one is policing it, so pretty much anyone who doesn't want to wear one, doesn't have to. At Disney no one has to wear masks, but about 10-20% still do (including us). I still wear it most of the time because I don't trust the other people. Too many people are still getting it even with vaccinations, plus they are recommending even vaxxed people wear masks indoors with this Delta variant.

I am hearing that those, at least here, getting it are those not vaxxed. And I'd say about 20% are still wearing them out. Which is about the number of those who aren't? I don't know. I think the actual numbers of those getting it with are very low. Last I saw was .3%. I'd say those are VERY good odds of NOT getting it if you have been. :)

Hmmm.....I've not been a huge fan of mac n cheese balls as they are too much fried and not enough mac n cheese, and I can get a good glass of wine almost anywhere!

Fair enough! But I will say the sheer NUMBER of wines is pretty astounding here. I do wonder if a tasting might be fun here as I am always looking for a good vintage to buy a bottle or two of. I don't think I'd pay their prices for one though. I can get my local grocery store to order one for far less.
I never really thought about having a favorite land before. It is often the first land we go to at rope drop since most of the crowd goes off in the other direction.

There are those that go left and those that go right!! But I do wonder if most head to Mexico first. It'd be fun to do a poll here.
It is nice that you have photos from the Jungle Cruise to document what is used to look like. ;)
Same with Splash. Looking like they'll keep it through the 50th and we'll see what public backlash can do, but glad I got some photos nonetheless. :)
All in all, this was such a fantastic trip!
I faced the uncertainty of not knowing if I’d even HAVE a job from week to week.
Oh, wow. I wasn't aware of that. I just assumed as a nurse you'd be even more in demand. Not less.
I finished my BSN in 4 months
Remember that. Impressive!
Reminiscent of a 'roaring 20s' shot. :)
Really like this one. :thumbsup2
It was a great opportunity to re-connect in a deeper way with my daughter and experience our adult-to-adult relationship.
Awww. :)
It was soooo cold, which really took a lot of the joy out of it. No pool time, shivering in lines and at park openings, and bulky coats and other winter gear to deal with.
Canadian jokes/ribbing aside. Florida is not someplace you go expecting it to be cold!
Transportation just simply sucked. They REALLY need to get this worked out!!
I've heard far too many people complaining about this. And it's not okay.
I hope his demise was as speculated: tried and hung in France. Yikes.... torture worse than the Inquisition?! Holy crap!
You've got an evil streak to you that I was previously unaware of. I'm glad I didn't get on your bad side when we met... what... twice? Thrice?
  • It was a great opportunity to re-connect in a deeper way with my daughter and experience our adult-to-adult relationship.
  • The crowds were super low and waits were very reasonable
  • Even though so many things were unavailable, we still managed to see and do a LOT.
  • I got a nice mix of solo time and time with the ladies.
  • The upgrade to a suite!
  • FArts was just amazing!! LOVED THIS!
So nice to have 1:1 time with your girl.
  • Jaleo
  • The Monorail Crawl- Especially the Enchanted Rose!
Must go to Jaleo!
  • Cavalcades (no long parades to get stuck behind!)
Love those too!
  • Best purchase: My Disney Alphabet Art Poster
I will be looking for that poster. It is perfect!
I'm at a point in my life that I AM living my best life. Slowly healing from a divorce, on top of my game with my career, able to handle a big move and change so far, life is good.
Good for you! The sun is shining your way!
Thanks all for reading! To those of you who commented and joined in the chatter, thank you extra!! That's what makes a trip report fun and worth it! If you care to join me on my next TR with all things Flower and Garden, and you haven't chimed in yet, or are lurking.... PLEASE say HI!!! No one bites, although there may be some friendly teasing and banter along the way. You can find me at:
Thanks for another fun and engaging TR!
Well, I am one of those sad individuals who failed to comment, BUT I did read and catch up on all the updates! It was endearing reading about a mom/daughter trip, because some of my best times with my mom have been now that I'm an adult. It's a different dynamic, and I try to remind myself of that shift whenever Evie is being...a kid. :rotfl2:

It was also nice hearing about your time with MEK. I miss her on the boards!

Man, if that Sebastian pin isn't hitting the nail on the head.
I’m glad for the most part that is mostly behind me and having made the decision to leave Oregon and all of its shenanigans, life is looking a bit rosier.
Oregon is beautiful but I can understand why you are ready to move. :)
There were no nighttime shows, which was also fine as by evening we were busted and done. But one would have been nice.
We missed the nighttime entertainment more than I thought we would. I especially missed not seeing the Epcot fireworks when we stayed at the Yacht Club and the MK fireworks when staying at the GF. That is one of my favorite things about staying at a deluxe resort.

Florida in the second part of January is often cold. My sister doesn't realize how lucky we were to have nice weather the 36 hours we were there the last weekend in January. It turned very cold the day after we left, which was the day you arrived, I believe.

Your trip with your adult daughter sounds really nice. I love spending time with my adult daughters, especially when I can get them alone without husbands and kids. :)
Oh, wow. I wasn't aware of that. I just assumed as a nurse you'd be even more in demand. Not less.

At the beginning of the shutdown all elective surgeries were postponed. Both of my jobs shuttered for 2 months except I was able to pick up shifts in other departments which saved me. But being per diem at one (the one I was able to continue to find work at) I was never sure if with cost-saving mode if I'd be on the chopping block. It was a very uncertain time.
Reminiscent of a 'roaring 20s' shot. :)

Maybe I'll tinker with B&W. :)
Really like this one. :thumbsup2

Canadian jokes/ribbing aside. Florida is not someplace you go expecting it to be cold!

I know, and I've caught those cold spells at least 3 or 4 times. This time I was far better prepared than in the past, but still not comfortable.

I've heard far too many people complaining about this. And it's not okay.

Oh you just wait...
You've got an evil streak to you that I was previously unaware of. I'm glad I didn't get on your bad side when we met... what... twice? Thrice?
Nah, I'm generally pretty even-keeled, but when I sense hypocrisy, rudeness, incompetence, or mean... I'm on it. That pirate seemed to have a special talent for being cruel with no remorse. Best to dispatch IMHO.


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