The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

It was fun playing my Cheshire role here:

And here:

Love it! Your costume is adorable but I think I would be dying wearing that when it's hot there!

Either way, it was a FANTASTIC Meet full of amazing smiles, fun interactions, and general happiness.

Awesome costumes!

Or are you a t-shirt and call it good kind of party-goer?

Yup. I thought I would try to figure out a costume last time but I stressed out too much and then ended up doing nothing! I literally bought Halloween shirts there the day of the party!
When you began talking about being hot in your costume, I was thinking, "Oh, it couldn't be that bad now could it?" Then I saw the outfit in question and went, "She's a brave woman." Wearing such thick covering in Florida in early fall takes strength! I'm glad you didn't overheat. And your group photos with Alice and the Mad Hatter were fantastic. I'm sure you made a lot of other guests Ooh and Ahh over your group's creativity.
Yes, I remember that! Was it before or after I fell on my face and got a nasty splinter in my hand?

I got there just in time to see the fall and the CM arrive with a bandaid.

I would suggest you take it to an instrument repair technician. Even a player wont know what it needs to be I working order as players can compensate for problems in the works. They can at least give you an estimate. If you dont know where to take it, PM me and I bet my friends in your area can help you out.

That's a good idea. Can't be too careful with a million dollar sax. I know a place to take it, but thank you for your offer of a source.

So is he coping well? Are you reading any of my TRs? I just finished one that didn't end so well.

The dog is being spoiled rotten. We're retired so have much more time with him than our son did.

I'll look for your TR. I read all about your house renovations, but that was quite some time ago.
Ready to sweat your way through more people than on a commuter train in Tokyo?
I don’t know. Never been to Tokyo. How many people are there??
Let’s go find a rabbit hole and fall on down it, shall we?
Nice one, (given the costuming.)
In fact we, as a group, were a big hit and I gotta say, that was 90% of the fun for this party.
Not at all surprised! You guys looked great!
They radiated up to my fully-covered-in-plastic-flannel-with-a-hood body, producing sweat that sent uncomfortable rivulets into places that shouldn’t endure such treatment.
Sooo... You’re saying it was hot?
“Look, Mommy! Cheshire Cat and the Tweedles!”s
Niiiice. :)
I tried to stay calm while thinking I was going to imminently die of a heatstroke
But if you’re gonna go... at least you’re going at Disney.
many, MANY thousands of other party-goers
Yeah... lots.
But I’ll still go again.
Too much fun!!
Casey’s is the one place to avoid at ALL costs.
No kidding. Yikes.
I do not do hot dogs at Disney.
Generally, not do I. But I’ve only tried Casey’s... and they sucked.
you know what? It was fantastic!
:) Good to hear! Maybe I’ll try one there instead.
I’d give these a solid 8/10 for a satisfying Halloween Party meal.
pretty high praise!
(I didn't notice the food sitting directly on the tray until I edited this photo. I'm not sure what's grosser, that or rail-licking kids.
ate at Comics
Just for laughs?
did I mention it was hot?
No, don’t believe so. First I’ve heard.
I wanted to inflict maximum masochism so walked around Fantasyland
It was fun playing my Cheshire role here:
You sure look great and look like you’re having fun. :)
Basically, I was just acting like a 10 year-old with an Snap account.
And then I almost died.

So I found another shaded, hospitable enclave among the caverns of singing dolls.
Yes. Going in there is risking life and sanity.
They are not sweating
Just inflicting severe aural trauma.
the best costume of the night: Kudos kids!
That’s great. Very creative!!
Alistair in Wonderland (if you hadn't guessed it, Zach was gender bending as a male Alice)
:lmao: Funny!!
Because Dole Whips have NOTHING on Peter Pan Floats.
hmmm. I’ve had one. It was very good. But better??? I need to go back and compare.
Of course, when the kids saw my delicious concoction they helped me make short work of it.
I bet. :)
Precisely at 7:00, Alice and the Hatter came out to meet the party goers. I know because I looked at Hatter's watch.
You’d trust Hatter’s watch????
The kids stood there from 5:45-7:00 making sure not to lose our first in line place.
Hence making it worth bringing them.
The reactions were just as stupendous as we'd hoped for
Very happy for you guys. :)
I literally just finished saying in my last update that I’d not stand in line for characters, but I will make an exception for something like this.
I did the same... once.
POTC as the big draw for us is the live action Pirates
Anara leaned over and said, “Isn’t that the CM who gave our spiel at FOP?!”
Wow! Impressive !
Mikki didn’t know what to do or say so flipped up her face and turned away.

To which the pirate yells out, “AND SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE THE DUMB ONE!!!!”
Wow that’s quick thinking!
People are complaining about long lines and a lot of people and while that IS true, by 7:45 when we got off the ride, the party had already been worth the ticket price for us.
:) good.
we bee-lined it straight for HM because that’s what you do at a Halloween Party.
You have to!!!
Madame Carlotta and Lady Renata, and of course, Butler Broome.
That’s their names! Couldn’t remember
Some of the costumes that were paraded along the streets of the Old West were amazing.
Seeing the guests’ costumes is part of the attraction of going in the first place.
Wanna post photos of clever costumes you've seen in the past at parties? If you don't have any, would dressing up make your party more fun or be a burden and detract from it for you?
Would take too long to find photos.
but dressing up (for me) is an absolute highlight.
That's great. You are creative. Me, not so much.

I dunno about that. I know you've done re-enacting before and did costuming for that, right?

This is another reason I would be reluctant to wear a costume in Florida. It's always so hot that time of year.

It really is. Might have to re-think about what I'd do if I were to go to another one.

Hmm....MK is usually a once a trip for us and that's one of the few days that we have a breakfast reservation before MK. Most of our days are basically unplanned, and this sounds like it might be something yummy for Fran and I to split.

I do think it would be. :) Let me know if you do!

I thought you couldn't wear masks in the park, or did they give you a pass since it was on a stick?

This didn't really cover my face completely and I only put it up there off and on for photos or to show the kids who made comments. I don't know for sure, but they certainly did give me a pass on it.

I'm not sure I get it.

Together they made Slinky Dog. :) Talk about being coordinated...!!

I've never watched the parade from there only Main Street. You next update should be interesting.

We shall see.... it's been super busy leading up to my first day back and I'm working well over 40 hours this week. So... back to not being able to post quite as much.

I think with the oppressive heat dressing up for the party might be difficult.

It was. But after dark, it wasn't bad at all.

One year I wore a Cinderella costume, but all the others, I've just been comfortable.

There is definintely some value to that too. :)
Your Cheshire Cat was amazing! I love the mask you had, too. That was genius. The kids were cute, too. :)

Thanks, Sue! :) I bought the costume and mask from different retailers, but they coordinated wonderfully!

We took our grandson to a Halloween party when he was 5 years old. His favorite character was Pluto, so our daughter made a Pluto costume out of a hooded sweatshirt and sweatpants. It was a bit of a hot costume, like yours, but he wore it the entire time. He looked adorable and he got a lot of attention and compliments from CM's. Here is a picture of him at Whispering Canyon Cafe before we went to the party. He got a lot of attention from the greeter at the restaurant, which we all enjoyed. :)


Awwww, look how adorable he is!! Just precious! He looks so happy and like he's having the time of his life. :goodvibes
Oh, I didn't mean for MNSSHP - we've never actually done that. I'm talking about when you go to an indoor party on one day, and do outdoor trick-or-treating on actual Hallowe'en (when it could be anywhere from 70 degrees down to 30 degrees). I suppose if we ever do go to MNSSHP we will have to guess on something that works for a variety of weather conditions.
Oooh... gotcha!!! :D

Yes, I can see that too. I guess...layers? Or just 2 costumes. But more work, more $$.

I think for MNSSHP, just plan on being roasting, and when the sun goes down, have a jacket. The costumes are less visible at night anyway.
Andy!! You're back!! :D Huzzah!

Couldn't even get it to be a random clownfish.

I assume it's because Alaska is based in Seattle and there aren't any clownfish up there. Clowns, yes, but no Nemos. Salmon is what we do here.

::yes:: I love Jock Lindsey's! Great way to start things off.

Yes! Such a great themed space.

:headache: Yeah, you can feel real good about yourself.


Not bad at all, for feeding 4 people on Disney property.

We tried to be pretty economical and did a lot of splitting and sharing. Seemed to work since portions are back up to what we'd expect from a Disney restaurant. (There seemed to be a few years there when portions were too small to split, and some even bordering on too small for one.)

1 - Yes, I'd explain and ask if they could look it up. 2 - I would think that they should be able to, but then again, that relies on Disney's IT system not sucking at something. And on that vein, if the system was actually good, they'd be able to identify it on your MB anyway. 3 - Kind of, but not at him. My own fault, I forgot the card *if* it can't be looked up, he's just following the rules and I'm sure less honest guests have likely tried to pull a fast one so I couldn't hold that against him. But being a smart... uh, butt, like he was. Yeah, I'd hold that against him 100%.

Apparently they can't? ... because Disney's IT sucks at EVERYTHING.

I'd have been FAR less irritated if he'd simply said no, I'm sorry. But to add a smart alek remark as a parting shot? Yeah, kinda bugged me.

Congratulations! Only 2 months late for the news.

Thanks!! He's a real cutie pie! He's starting to smile and I love to cuddle him!

I have... before it was updated so it has been YEARS.

I've never been, and honestly have no desire right now to go.

Well, that's nice to know that they were going through the effort to do due diligence and provide exceptional customer service. Unlike a certain manager at another Disney Springs eatery.

Kinda like night and day.

Yikes.. that stinks. Especially starting your trip off with it right out the gate. :headache:

I'm such a dolt sometimes. :sad2:

R and his Croc on Spaceship Earth. I'm sure that's not the only one, but that's all I can recall right now.

I remember that story! No small amount of drama on that one.

That just seems to be part of it. When you have that many people in a room, there's not enough closet/drawer space to fully unpack, you can't neatly have bags stored away and still easily accessible... it's a hard balance.

I do like that the new beds at POP have the bottoms open so you can slide those cases out of the way. I didn't but I can see with 4 to a room it'd sure be a big help in that dept.

Monorail. I've always loved riding into the MK through the Contemporary and riding through Future World in EPCOT.

Both really fun bits of scenery! It'll always be an iconic mode of travel, but I wonder if the Skyliner is going to outshine it at some point. I'm hearing good things about it.

I think he just wants those dang kids to stay off his lawn.

And for good reason! They keep littering all over it.

It's hard to say... there are so many. Not really adventures, in my opinion, but places I want to see. My heredity goes back to Ireland and Germany so I'd love to spend some time in those countries just taking in the scenery and history. And I've always had a love for Italy (especially the food there). So really a big trip through Europe, I guess.

Saving up for that big trip? Sounds like you need to go someday!

All they need is your birthdate and social security number!

Sadly, people give that out freely without a second thought.

:rotfl2::lmao::rotfl: As a Disdad, I think this is funnier than it should be.

I'm not even a DISDad and found it hilarious. :laughing:

Definitely not something you want to happen. I'm glad that you were there to help and Disney was quick to respond.

I was too. It made me quite sad for her and her family knowing their vacation had taken this unexpected turn.

::yes:: And a stop by Karmel Kuche. And a stop by the grapefruit beer card. And maybe a pretzel.

You know all the good snacks in that pavilion! ;)

Great pictures! I'm glad they enjoyed the show so much!

They were just as good as the group in the Canada Pavilion where we spent some time enjoying them as well.

1 - Lizards on a Train (Starring Samuel L Jackson)
2 - Most definitely

Did you know he's the highest grossing actor in American history? WOWZA!! And yes, he'd be perfect for that role. Let's start the screenplay writing for it!

Yikes... that's rough. I've kind of glazed past most of the conversation but I hope you're doing much better now.

I'm much better, but not nearly back to normal. At all. It's going to be a long road.

That was in EPCOT, wasn't it?


Looks like a nice dinner with friends... aside from the wine mishap.

It really was. Very, very nice.

Well, it is important to stay hydrated at Disney World.

Yes, it just leaves as fast as it goes in.

I've got to pick Country Bears and Carousel of Progress. Just based on nostalgia and memories of those attractions from when I was a small child coming to the parks.

Nice picks! I did CBJ recently and while I enjoy when I do get there, it's not one I have to do every trip. I DO love to get on COP every trip though. Love that one! I heard there's a refurb coming, and I'm curious to see what that's about. It's all about nostalgia, isn't it?

WHAT??? Just okay?????

Fantastic? Outstanding? Amazing?

Okay, the cheese and fruit plate, and the sammie kinda wrecked my glowing report for Gastons, but yes the cinnamon rolls ARE very good!

Alright, alright, I'll give you that. Very true. It irritates me that the person working the register is also then turning around to get the drinks and food orders together. It takes way longer than it should to serve guests in that place. I know they don't want to pay more CM's, but they really need someone on the register and someone else assembling the orders. I've walked out of there before because the ordering area was just too chaotic and I didn't want to dedicate the time to it.

Anyway... I love the cinnamon rolls there. One of my absolute favorite snack/food items in all of Disney World. I believe you were right on about the inadequacies of the sandwich and fruit platter though.

This! It's always a CF in there, unless you hit it at a slow or off time. The system just doesn't work for there.

I hate that ride with a passion. The kids see it. They want to do it. We have to explain, "no, we'll do it later" or "we'll get FP and come back." Long story short, I'm not waiting more than 15 minutes for it so why does it have to be there front and center where we keep walking past it???

Yeah, pretty hard to reason with the under 7 crowd and that's the crowd that most loves it. And sees it right off the bat.

::yes:: I can't wait. Not a big fan of the Tron movie (it was ok) but I'm all in for a new coaster!

YUS!! Bring it!

So, re-thinking this misplaced hot dog hate?

Yeah, kinda. Just don't crave them more than once every few years, and when I do, I want chili or kraut on it.

And there's nothing wrong with that!


Hey, that was one worth the wait! You guys were dressed to impress and it looks like it paid off! If I were to wait for a character meet it would be something like that... a special party meet where you wait before the party so you really aren't missing out.

I agree. We all had such a nice time with it and I'm sure my kids will remember it for a long time to come.

Yeah, I've never been, but I'd probably be a t-shirt guy.

I kinda had guessed that about you, My Friend. :)
Simply perfect! My favourite picture is the one with the Cheshire Cat cafe sign in the background.

Air conditioning was definitely a good choice!

Yeah, I know some would NEVER go on IASW, but they've never almost died in flannel like I did. That AC was amazing no matter WHERE it was!!

So well done!


Love the Peter Pan float but Dole Whips still hold my #1 spot.

This may turn into a friendly rivalry in Disney Kingdoms. LOL!

Everything about this is Alistair in Wonderland and the Tweedles are perfection. So fun!

The best part was the that I got a ton of buy-in from the kids and they totally took charge of their own costumes. They shopped together as a group a few times for items they needed went to lunch, etc... it was awesome to watch them have fun together on this project.

You made great use of your time!

WE did a TON of stuff. Several rides, the Cadaver Dans, the parade, fireworks, dinner, character Meet. Just no magic shots. I did do some on my 2nd party though.

Such a great experience! Did you go to another party on this trip? I'm thinking about the Bo Peep pics with @pkondz .

Yes, I was lucky enough to do 2 parties this year! I just really love them!

I missed them at my first MNSSHP... really hoping I will get to go again this summer. Jack (my oldest) said he would like to go to Disney so naturally I am all over that. We just have to figure out dates that work with our summer plans.

OH fun!! Yes, I do hope you get to go and do another party with your son! There's always enough to see and do and the parties always go by so fast!

I don't have any pics but agree that dressing up is half the fun! My first and only MNSSHP was in 2017 and I dressed up as the Blue Fairy from Pinnochio. I loved every minute of it!
OH shoot! I'll bet you were adorable as well!! But yes, dressing up and planning the costume is a lot of fun and goes a long way at the parties.
The best part was the that I got a ton of buy-in from the kids and they totally took charge of their own costumes. They shopped together as a group a few times for items they needed went to lunch, etc... it was awesome to watch them have fun together on this project.
I love when you see their creativity blossom. So nice to see your kids building connections with each other as young adults too. :goodvibes
Yes, I was lucky enough to do 2 parties this year! I just really love them!
So, so lucky! The parties are fabulous!
OH fun!! Yes, I do hope you get to go and do another party with your son! There's always enough to see and do and the parties always go by so fast!
My dates aren't working out for MNSSHP as we have to be back early for meetings before the school year starts. Jack is taking spring semester as he switched majors and has to get a couple of pre-reqs for his third year courses. So it looks like we will go late June/early July although I am waiting on my DVC package from Disney so I can check availability. His one request was a night at the Yacht Club so will try to swing that. I am just thrilled that my almost 20 year old wants to go on a trip with his mom. :)
I dunno about that. I know you've done re-enacting before and did costuming for that, right?

Well yeah, but Fran just bought me stuff from sutlers, you know how she likes to do that.

This didn't really cover my face completely and I only put it up there off and on for photos or to show the kids who made comments. I don't know for sure, but they certainly did give me a pass on it.

When we went to the masquerade ball (next bonus coming up) security gave us a huge hassle and they had a representative there to let us through with masks. They were not going to, and we were pretty obviously dressed up beyond regular Disney attire. It was tough.

Together they made Slinky Dog. :) Talk about being coordinated...!!

Definitely, there just wasn't enough beyond the slinky for me to get it.

We shall see.... it's been super busy leading up to my first day back and I'm working well over 40 hours this week. So... back to not being able to post quite as much.

That's OK. I'm in Florida and happen to have an evening where I'm not exhausted and such so I'm catching up on a few TRs. I'm going to take a bath after this, so good night!

Hope you had a good first day back at work this week!
I love the Cadaver Dans! We always hope they show up when we wait for the parade

We do too. THey are so witty and funny and a nice addition to their lineup. :)

Love the costumes you all came up with

Thanks! We sure had a lot of fun!

I wish the parties were less crowded like in the past! We do love the MNSSHP, however, crowd wise not near as fun any more

I do too tbh, but even though they are less fun, I still enjoy them, even if I only get on 2 rides, get to watch the parade and fireworks and enjoy the general spooky vibe.

Oh and by the way I love a hot dog at Disney, ::yes::

I think I'm outnumbered on this one, but the one at Cosmics was a surprisinig winner for me.
Your Cheshire Cat costume was amazing, and that your family coordinated was the true Disney spirit. Great job. :thumbsup2

Thanks!! We put a fair amount of thought and work into coordinating and assembling. I LOVED how the kids owned it and worked together.

Since I'm a little old lady (more old than little or lady) who does Disney solo, I don't dress up cuz I don't want to draw attention to myself. I've thought of wearing a t-shirt that says I Don't Have 19 Cats!, but that might draw attention. :sad2:

LOL!! You're as sweet as ever!

I was solo for my 2nd one, but still loved the smiles from the kids. It was fun to see their faces light up. And I think a t-shirt like that would be adorable! :)

If I'm ever inspired to do the Halloween thing, I'm one pillow short of being able to pull off Fairy Godmother. :rolleyes1

And I think you'd have a very wonderful time doing that one. ;)
That's a no...and a no.

But please tell me you have party shoes....

This sounds like such a great time!

It was... not. But I love how your sarcasm drips like Steppe-in-Cheshire-Attire's sweat.

How about scrapple? It's a Delaware delicacy.

I don't know what that is. But knowing you, I'm sure it's delicious. And either made of meat or sugar.

Building up those immunities, though!

Of course!

That's the one good thing I can say about that ride.
So with earplugs, sounds like you'd really enjoy it.


<hangs head in shame while sucking down a PP Float as fast as she can>

You can never go wrong with Dad jokes.

Puns for All!!!

More of a burden for me. I've never been into dressing up/role-playing. I did have fun as a storm trooper at my church's VBS this past summer, but nobody knew who I was. And I wouldn't wear that costume around the parks.

Nor could you. Even if they let you, you'd be even sweatier than I was and that would be impressive. And gross.
Love it! Your costume is adorable but I think I would be dying wearing that when it's hot there!

Yeesh, it was awful, but still fun. More fun after the sun went down but we all had such a great time. :D

Yup. I thought I would try to figure out a costume last time but I stressed out too much and then ended up doing nothing! I literally bought Halloween shirts there the day of the party!

I think to do something more than t-shirts, you do have to plan a bit ahead and shop around for what you need. Otherwise, last minute would stress me out too! But, if it's stressful, it's not worth it and your solution of buying shirts right then and there totally works great!
When you began talking about being hot in your costume, I was thinking, "Oh, it couldn't be that bad now could it?" Then I saw the outfit in question and went, "She's a brave woman." Wearing such thick covering in Florida in early fall takes strength! I'm glad you didn't overheat. And your group photos with Alice and the Mad Hatter were fantastic. I'm sure you made a lot of other guests Ooh and Ahh over your group's creativity.

I truthfully am too. I'd already seen a couple medical incidents by this time that were likely heat related, and am glad I wasn't another statistic. I tried to stay hydrated and took the hood off a lot.

I absolutely ADORE those photos for so many reasons. A lot of "stuff" this year and that photo truly warms my heart.


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