The Empty Nesters Magical Mystery Tour *1/28* Link to New Girl's TR p141

i made it!! I love the pic of you both at epcot,very nice! OH MY !!! that bridge is creepy we don't have anything like that here.
Joining in. Sounds like a well deserved trip

:welcome: funnycat! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2 And, yes, I think it was a well deserved trip, but of course I am going to say that! :laughing:

subbing Mary Ellen thanks for the Heads Up

:welcome: Rosie! Thanks for joining in!!!!! :banana:

Thanks for the alarm, MEK. We are running errands, but I'll be back later today to read. :)

:welcome: Kathy! Thanks so much for joining in!!!! :thumbsup2

popcorn:: joining in popcorn::

:welcome" MiaBella! Thanks so much for joining in!!! :banana:

I'm here I'm here!!!! Must comeback to read but I'm here!

:welcome: Pam!!!! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2 And I still can't believe your TR is done. I'm so sad! :sad2:

I'm here!

Jill in CO

:welcome: Jill! Thanks for joining in! :banana:

Sounds like a well deserved vacation after all that occurred in 2013. I see this as medicinal. ;)

:welcome: Brenda! Medicinal - that's a great way to describe it. :thumbsup2 I like that! ;) But really, what Disney trip isn't medicinal? :laughing:

Goodness, your adventures getting to the airport and then finding the right hotel, yikes! At least you finally reached your destination. And if you craved Chinese or needed dry cleaning to be done you were in a handy dandy location. (Uhhhh although you were there just for the night so never mind!)

The airport ride wasn't bad, but it was seriously frustrating not being able to find the hotel. I never expected that. From now on - google earth. I am going to know EXACTLY where I am going.

I'm a soon to be empty nester. 3/4 of my babies are grown and gone so I think I may need to follow your example and plan an "I'm free at last" trip.

I highly recommend it! This is the first time we traveled during October together and it was really nice. Such a great time to visit Florida and F&W is just the icing on the cake.

I'm looking forward to reading more!

I hope to pace this TR a little better than the last one, so fingers crossed. I still have to upload my next update's photos.
You know I'm in!! Thanks for the heads up message with the link :). Great start!

:welcome: Kristi! Thanks for joining in!!!!! :thumbsup2 You were one of my DIS meets, you better be here!

Great start! I had a bigger response, but my computer is being stupid and it didn't post it. :eek:

:welcome: Danielle. Thanks for joining in! :banana: And I absolutely hate when my computer acts wonky. :badpc:

I am in! I got so behind on your other tr but am here to start from the beginning on this!

:welcome: Rachel! Thanks so much for joint in! :thumbsup2

Joining in! :)

:welcome: wiigirl! Thanks for joining in! :banana:

I'm sorry getting to the hotel was stressful :( I agree about that bridge, I don't like it one bit. Unfortunately it's the way we have to go to get to the beach.

It wasn't as much stressful as it was just downright annoying. But you can never get too annoyed at the start of vacation, right?

I hate when they close one side of the bridge and you have cars going in opposite directions on the same span. :scared1: That always unnerves me. I just I better get myself psyched because I will be taking the bridge to BWI by myself in May.

I hope work stress is better :)

Its actually much better and one of the big reasons why is because I don't have to work mega overtime anymore! ::yes::

I'm in! Thanks for the bat signal!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

:welcome: Wendy!!!! Thanks so much for joining in! :thumbsup2

I am here! Wow, you did have a brutal 2013...very glad it is a new year for you and that you had this trip as the year winded down. The compound effects of all of that...UGH!

:welcome: Cynthia!!!! Thanks for joining in! :banana: It was weird because I thought I was OK, but I realized I really wasn't. But its all good now. Just a temporary bump in the road.
I had to :rotfl: I swear, there isn't a MEK TR when you guys don't miss an exit or get turned around. The miss to long term parking was classic....

Let's clarify that - when DENNY doesn't miss an exit because it ALWAYS happens when I'm not paying attention. But you're right - It would not be an MEK TR with some directionless moments. :laughing:

the nightmare finding your real hotel....YUCK! You had to be just wiped out. Good news is hopefully that meant you both passed out and slept like rocks.

That's exactly what we did - pass out and the next thing you know - time to get up and get to Disney! :worship:

I'm here - I hope I gave you the motivation!
(Sarah picked out these guys!)

:welcome: Sherri! !!!! Thanks for joining in and you certainly DID help in the motivation area. :banana: Tell Sarah I love all those smilies. Strong work!!!!!
Oh Mary Ellen, 2014 has got to be better for you than 2013. Yes I agree, you just kept getting hit last year.

You needed that trip. ::yes::
:welcome: Pam!!!! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2 And I still can't believe your TR is done. I'm so sad! :sad2:

You're so sweet to say that, thank you :goodvibes I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

It wasn't as much stressful as it was just downright annoying. But you can never get too annoyed at the start of vacation, right?

There's just something about vacation :)

I hate when they close one side of the bridge and you have cars going in opposite directions on the same span. :scared1: That always unnerves me. I just I better get myself psyched because I will be taking the bridge to BWI by myself in May.

I hate when it's windy, it really freaks me out. I even have a 'get out of the car if I go over a bridge plan', I really really don't like high bridges. Thankfully the fear isn't bad enough to keep me from driving on them but I'm pretty scared when I'm up there.

Its actually much better and one of the big reasons why is because I don't have to work mega overtime anymore! ::yes::

I'm so glad! :)
Also newly empty nesters here to follow along!

:welcome: Pooh2!!! Nice to have another empty nester on board. Has being an emptier nester helped with your Disney vacation plans?

I'm here!! popcorn::

Great start! :goodvibes

:Welcome: Shelly and thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2

Sorry about getting lost, that is the worst on vacation!! :(

We took it in stride, but that was probably because it was our first night. A little later in the trip and that would have been as annoying as heck! :crazy2:

Yes, you definitely deserved a trip - what a stressful year for you both! I remember you going through each thing as it happened, but now seeing it collectively, it looks so much worse!

At the time it didn't seem like those things should bother. I just kept telling myself to "be a wall". But little by little the stress started creeping in. Fortunately I am much, much better now!

I like the revised itinerary plan - saving the cruise for your 25th sounds like a good idea!

I thought it seemed like the thing to do. We won't buy a park ticket before the cruise. We'll go to the Halloween party and to Universal, but not Disney. That will be weird. Do you think I can make? :scratchin

Too bad it took so long to get to the right hotel - the room looks pretty nice.

The Fairfield Inn rooms all look the same. They are stylish enough for that level of chain hotel. And the rooms are always clean.

I have a question about these AAA rewards - how do you earn them? (I'm not a AAA member). Sounds like a good deal!

Once you join AAA you get their credit card. It's no annual fee and you earn 2 and 3% for travel. It works much like the Disney Visa. You apply the rebates to travel or you can cash the rewards in for the green stuff.

Well it sounds like 2013 wasn't the greatest and you must really have been looking forward to this vacation. I love your enthusiasm and am looking forward to the trip :goodvibes

:welcome: Mrs. Doubtfire!!! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2 It wasn't the greatest year, but in the grand scheme of things it could have been much, much worse. It was great to get away. I love October and F&W. Such a great time of year.
Joining along!

Also, wanted to say a quick howdy neighbor..
We also live on the beautiful Eastern Shore in Denton. I'm very familiar with the dreaded Bay Bridge.. I don't know which is worse that or the tunnel! My husband drives over it everyday to go to work in AA county.
Good intro - it really gives a sense of where you were, approaching this trip. I'm sorry you had so much crappiness in 2013 - here's to a well deserved getaway, and a great 2014!

I understand the empty nest thing very well. Great idea to go on a trip right away! :thumbsup2
Joining in! My DH and I were there at the same time as you. I kept an eye out but I don't think we were ever in the same park at the same time.
I'm following along! I love your TRs...looking forward to another one.

I'm sorry 2013 was such a rough year for you, sometimes it just feels like those things just all happen at's to a better 2014 :cheer2:
I'm here! I promise to keep up with this one better than I did with your last TR, totally failed on that one...:faint:

Anyway, I'm so sorry your life was so stressful last year! :goodvibes It seemed like 2013 was just a pain in the you know what for everyone, I'm so glad it's over! And it sounds like your trip was just what you needed to relax a little!

Great start! That bridge does look a little high and scary, lol! I'm not normally afraid of bridges, but sometimes they can be a little terrifying! Can't wait to read more! :thumbsup2
Sorry for the rough year. Here is to a great 2014.

Amen to that Scott! and :welcome:

I have a phobia on some bridges. EEK!

So you? I never did before but as I get older I can see where that might happen. Looking down into that water is pretty dizzying!

Nice of the clerk but I would have felt the same way.

I know, right? I just wanted to say "thanks, but no thanks". But he was trying to be so helpful.

Great start to the trip. Glad you found the hotel.

So am I. I'm glad we got lost at the beginning of the trip as opposed to the beginning.

Here! Thanks for the heads up, Mary Ellen! You're just in time for me to finish mine. ::yes::

:welcome: Tammie! Thanks for joint in! :cool1::thumbsup2

Holding my spot 'til I can get back here. Thanks for the heads-up Mary Ellen!

:welcome: stranger Glenn! Thanks for dropping in and claiming your spot! :thumbsup2

Accident, on page three already. Just saving my place, gotta get caught up!

:welcome: Doris! :thumbsup2 Thanks for joining in! :cool1:

Looking forward to reading about your trip. Great start...except for getting lost, that stinks!

:welcome: cstorm!!! Thanks for joining in! :woohoo:

Thanks for the heads up! Knowing me, it would have taken me forever to notice that you had started. :rolleyes1

:welcome: Lisa!!! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2 Yup - I decided to send out the bat signal!

I can't say that I blame you for wanting to put 2013 behind you. May 2014 be whole different story for you. :thumbsup2

I'm sure it will be. Thanks! I didn't realize so much had happened this year until I added it all up. Then I thought "well, no wonder I am so stressed."

It's too bad that you got lost trying to find the hotel but at least when you did, it was nice and fit the bill for your short stay.

It was free, so it was totally worth staying there for the night. It would have been sort of silly to use points for that night.
Following along on yet another great MEK report. :thumbsup2

Welcome Caren!!!!! Thanks for joining in! :cool1: Something to tide you over until summer!

Arriving at MCO at night is very different than it is in the daytime. It is quiet, calm, and dark. I much prefer the hustle and bustle of the daytime and the sun shining brightly through on all the palm trees.

It is really nice to see the airport in the day light. I totally agree with that. Our upcoming flight is also a late evening flight. Right now it makes sense for use to fly in after work, although its never my first choice.

I hope Denny never has any hospital stays on future vacations. I remember reading all about that and thinking how terrible that was for both of you. Little did I know what was in store for me.... ;) Here's to healthy trips to all from now on!

Here Here! :thumbsup2 I totally second that. No more hospital stays for all DISers and their family members!

It is nice that you get to travel whenever you want to now and that you are not bound to school/sports/activities schedules. Thanks for sharing your good times and pictures with us.

I have waited a long time for this. It's really nice to know that we are no longer tied to summer vacations. I love the flexibility!

:wave: I am here... subscribed. It will likely take me a while to get caught up though... but I promise I will get caught up! :goodvibes

:welcome: Ann Marie!!!! Fortunately for you I really haven't written that much yet, so you should be good! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2

We have been having empty nest vacations for quite a while. They are great, but retirement vacations are even better. No waiting on work, we can go anytime we want. Only bad thing about is a husband who is home all of the time! LOL

I am absolutely sure that retirement vacations are the best! :cool1: I already know I am going to be a retirement snowbird. I seriously can't wait. :cool1:

And lol to the husband who is home too much. :lmao: Yup - that will definitely be the down side! :laughing:

Whenever we go anywhere I'm the navigator, my DH cant find his way out of a paper bag. I can't begin to tell you how many times he passes where he is supposed to turn.

Sounds VERY familiar. I guess I need to navigate better, but sometimes I just get so darn distracted with my phone. That's what a GPS is for and I don't make a very good one!

:welcome: Camille!!! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2

I didn't realize you had such a rough year. I guess when we are hearing about our trials one at a time they don't seem as bad as when we list them all together. I'm so sorry for such a rough year, I can relate....greatly. :worried:

I know you can totally relate and, looking back, my year doesn't seem THAT bad. I think it was just a lot of life events that caused me to start getting stressed and worried. I feel A LOT better now! ::yes::

I'm glad you got to take a trip to decompress, you really needed it. :hug:
I'm starting to regret not planning a May trip, I sure could use it. Still holding out for the NYC trip. ::yes::

I'm glad I had so much of the trip planned well ahead of time otherwise I probably wouldn't have gone on such a long trip.

NYC? Nice! I hope it all works out for you. You'll definitely need to keep me posted.

Joining in! :)

:welcome: MistDis!!! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2

Oh my I always hate going over the Bay Bridge! As many times as we've had to do it due to numerous trip to Ocean City, I still hate it!

It's a bit of a scary bridge, isn't it? It didn't used to bother me, but the older I get, well, the scarier that darn bridge gets. :laughing:

Wow! I knew all of those things had gone on for you this year... but when you list them all out it is a lot. I am glad you got through them all. :hug:

It does seems worse once I wrote it all out on paper. Clearly the worst part of the year was losing my dad, but the most stressful thing was starting a new job. That adjustment period was rough.

Flying into MCO at night is something we always do. It is very quiet there at night.

I really enjoyed arriving at night. Right now its just easier for us to leave after work so we might as well make the best out of it and focus on the positives!

Finding your home for that first night sounded like quite the ordeal!

Fortunately, because it was our first night it was a lot easier to deal with the frustration of getting completely turned around.
Ok, now I'm all caught up! I knew each of the things that happened last year, but when you put them all together it's quite a lot to happen in one year. You definitely needed this trip!
I sincerely wish you a much better 2014.

I am certain that 2014 will be better than the end of 2013. I felt like I took all those life events in stride, but I guess by the end of the year it all caught up with me. I'm much better now!

Glad your departure day went pretty well, other than getting turned around finding the hotel! I can't wait to hear all about this trip!

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards

It really was a pretty good day, other than taking an hour to find the hotel. :rotfl2: Seriously, who cares at the start of vacation when there's a whole trip ahead of you!

Page 4 already?! This must be where all the cool kids are :) Looking forward to hearing all about your trip!

:welcome: Dawn!!!!! And know that you are here its definitely where all the cool kids hang out. Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2

Yea for a new TR! Can't wait to read along. I knew about most of what had been going on in 2013 but after reading it all together...whew! :crazy2: I bet you were glad to put 2013 to bed.

:welcome: Christine! :thumbsup2 Thanks so much for joining in! :cool1: And, yes, I was ready for 2013 to end. Things are all good right now!

It's so nice to see you and Denny going on trips and enjoying each other. While it will be a while before we get to travel as empty nesters, it seems to me that for a lot of people, by the time they get to that point, they don't want to be around each other or have no idea who they are anymore. I don't want that and we try to take a "just us vacation" each year but that doesn't always happen - like you mentioned, hard to get sitters.

I have this theory that one of two things happens when you kids grow up. You either realize you can't stand you spouse or you get closer, but your relationship does change. It's almost like - "phew, we made it".

I think its good for adults to go on child-free vacations, but the planning can be stressful. I know we had trouble getting child supervision a few times and thought we might need to cancel, but we managed to pull it off.

I love reading about your trips together, even if he misses an exit or two here or there! :goodvibes


:rotfl2: or three! :rotfl2: But it wouldn't be a TR without a few wrong turns. So thanks!

You sure had a lot to deal with in 2013! :scared: So glad you were able to rearrange plans to something that works for you. :goodvibes

I'm glad I was able to get the time off to go because I would normally never ask for that much time off at a new job. That was definitely a major plus. And what trip would be complete without some tweaking? :confused3

Even arriving late at night, and having a more calm situation at MCO to deal with, you still had quite an eventful start to your trip! I just hate when I'm trying to find a hotel I'm not familiar with and they don't do a very good job of placing signs to help you find it. :headache: I've done the backtracking thing a few times myself. :blush:

It's so easy to find Disney hotels, but sometimes those off-site places can be completely tucked away. It was an odd location and one I wasn't completely familiar with. But, hey, it was free and that counts for something!

Here's hoping the rest of your trip went a lot smoother, and you have a much calmer and better 2014! :hug:

2014 is going along quite well so far. Well, except for the cold and snow we've been having. But I know many people are dealing with that so no biggie!

I'm actually on the Southern Caribbean 7night with Cynthia. I wish I could swing 2 cruises in a month since your double dip would be a birthday cruise for me!

Jill in CO

Nice! So when is that cruise - mid October? Sounds wonderful! :thumbsup2

Just stopping by to say hi. I'll try to get caught up later! :wave2:

:welcome: Andy!!!! Thanks for joining in! :cool1:

I'm In!
Joining in the fun!


:welcome: Kim!!! Thanks for joining in the fun! :cool1:
The DIS is SO slow right now! So I'm going to quit and be back with more replies tomorrow!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has found the DIS slow. Between that and my son's surgery and mom in the hospital, I got behind again (and we will be gone all weekend so trying to catch up everywhere before we leave early Friday morning).

Love your intros, and sorry you got lost finding your hotel (we did that one year when we got in really late and stayed at a LaQuinta...yep, we ended up at the wrong one.

The Fairfield's are nice...but they can be a bit pricey.

I look forward to the next update, but I'm even more looking forward to our lunch together in 28 days. :goodvibes


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