The Empty Nesters Magical Mystery Tour *1/28* Link to New Girl's TR p141

:wave2: Joining in! :cheer2:

Sorry you had such a rough year, hoping 2014 is much better for you.

Sorry you had such a hard time finding the hotel, couldn't have been much fun in the dark either.

Looking forward to hearing about this trip! :flower3:
Joining in the fun too!

:welcome: amytech!!!! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2

We have 3 out of the house and our last will be in college in 6 years so we are not quite empty nesters yet but looking forward to hearing about your trip and dreaming for the future!:thumbsup2

I hope those last 6 years go really fast for you. :rotfl2: Seriously, I'm just kidding. Saying goodbye to the youngest is really hard. Planning an empty nester trip is not! ::yes::

Joining in an hoping to stay caught up with this report. I really need to make a list of the ones I start reading.

:welcome: tazdev!!! Thanks for joining in! I manage to get caught up with my TR subs by staying subbed and always using my user cp. The down side to that is I often miss the start of new TRs.

You had a bad 2013 too. Here's hoping we all have a better 2014.

I'm glad 2013 is behind me. It was a lot of things that happened at different times, but I think they really did have an additive effect.

Is that the bridge over the Delaware Bay? I avoid that bridge at all costs. Absolutely terrifies me.

It's the bridge over Chesapeake Bay. It's route 301 & 50 in Maryland. It's an interesting bridge - just a little longer than I like.

Being an empty nester actually starts to become fun. I've been one for about 6 years and love it now. My kids all live close so I can see them and the grandkids easily but I love the peace and quiet at home.

That sounds perfect and I am enjoying my quiet time at home. Of course, the kids are home for summer and breaks so its not an 100% empty nest, but close enough.

Looking forward to reading more.

Thanks! :good vibes

Jus waiting for the next update !!!!!

I'm getting there Rosie. I promise!

Mary Ellen I modified the ressie:cool1::cool1::cool1:

Yayayayayaya! Now here's to no flight delays! Really looking forward to it!

Ooo, I love the idea of being in Disney from one month into the next! It just sounds so luxurious to say, "Yeah, we'll be there October into November!" But man, you had to go through some stressful times to get to your trip! I'm glad you had the opportunity to vacation for some time after all that!

:welcome: Rachel!!!! Thanks for joining in!

It is pretty cool being there from one month to the next - now that you mention it! I'm glad we were able to plan such a long vacation. I didn't know that 2013 was going to be rough, so this worked out perfectly.

i made it!! I love the pic of you both at epcot,very nice!

:welcome: cheeky!!!! Thanks for joining in! And thanks for the compliment on the picture!

[SIZE="4" OH MY !!! that bridge is creepy we don't have anything like that here.[/SIZE]

No chesapeake bay to cross where you live, right? :rotfl2:
Oh Mary Ellen, 2014 has got to be better for you than 2013. Yes I agree, you just kept getting hit last year.

You needed that trip. ::yes::

I'm sure it will be Pat. It was just weird how a lot of things happened at once and I think they say that job changes and deaths are really major stressors. I think a change in living situation is also a major one. So I guess Nick leaving would fall into that category.

Yup - we both needed that trip!

You're so sweet to say that, thank you :goodvibes I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

It was a great TR! The only bad thing about it is now I wished I had booked lake view. Oh well, I wanted to try both so hopefully I won't be too disappointed.

There's just something about vacation :)

You can say that again! :cool1:

I hate when it's windy, it really freaks me out. I even have a 'get out of the car if I go over a bridge plan', I really really don't like high bridges. Thankfully the fear isn't bad enough to keep me from driving on them but I'm pretty scared when I'm up there.

That's funny you should say that because I often think about the same thing. I think about how I would unlock the doors on the way down and I think you are supposed to open the windows, too so you can get out. Ewww - shudder- I can't even stand to think about it!

I'm so glad! :)

That has lessened my stress considerably. Going into those really long OT stretches was really stressful for me. I am grateful that is over.

Joining along!

:welcome: Poohbear!!!!!!! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2

Also, wanted to say a quick howdy neighbor..
We also live on the beautiful Eastern Shore in Denton. I'm very familiar with the dreaded Bay Bridge.. I don't know which is worse that or the tunnel! My husband drives over it everyday to go to work in AA county.

I know where Denton is. We actually live in Middletown DE, but are quite familiar with the Eastern Shore especially since our oldest goes to school in Salisbury. I bet your DH is probably pretty used to that bridge by now! And I agree - I'm not sure which one is worse either. Tunnels freak me out a little. At least a tunnel isn't high.

Good intro - it really gives a sense of where you were, approaching this trip. I'm sorry you had so much crappiness in 2013 - here's to a well deserved getaway, and a great 2014!

Thanks Tammie! It was weird - as each event happened I thought I was taking it all in stride and then *boom* it all caught up with me. So far 2014 has been good. All except the weather and even that isn't bothering me too much.

I understand the empty nest thing very well. Great idea to go on a trip right away! :thumbsup2

Did you have trouble adjusting? I guess everyone must have to some degree. I'm really glad we planned an empty nest trip. We deserved it.

Joining in! My DH and I were there at the same time as you. I kept an eye out but I don't think we were ever in the same park at the same time.

:welcome: Pluto!!!! Thanks for joining in! Did you guys have a great trip? With as many people that are in the parks its especially hard for me to recognize people I know. They always seem to see me first.

I'm following along! I love your TRs...looking forward to another one.

:welcome: Jayne!!! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2 And thanks for the compliment about my TR's.

I'm sorry 2013 was such a rough year for you, sometimes it just feels like those things just all happen at's to a better 2014 :cheer2:

Thank you for the positive thoughts. A lot did happen all at once. 2014 is already off to a much better start!
I'm here! I promise to keep up with this one better than I did with your last TR, totally failed on that one...

:welcome: Jen! So happy to have you here! :cool1:

Anyway, I'm so sorry your life was so stressful last year! :goodvibes It seemed like 2013 was just a pain in the you know what for everyone, I'm so glad it's over! And it sounds like your trip was just what you needed to relax a little!

I know you didn't have the best 2013 either, so you completely understand. And a Disney trip is what everyone needs to relax, right? :thumbsup2

Great start! That bridge does look a little high and scary, lol! I'm not normally afraid of bridges, but sometimes they can be a little terrifying! Can't wait to read more!

Bridges never used to bother me but now I can definitely get freaked out by some of them. Especially the ones that just look like they are going up, up, up with no top in sight. *shudder* :laughing:

Thanks for the heads-up! Can't wait to read along about your trip. :cool1:

:welcome: DWGAL!!!!! Thanks for joining in! :cool1::cool1:

Keeping up Mary Ellen !!!!

Rosie you are totally ahead of me. I feel like a total slacker, but I'll get that update done soon! :thumbsup2

Yay i'm here and will be back to read later! :cool1:

:welcome: Alisha! Thanks for joining in! ::yes::

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has found the DIS slow. Between that and my son's surgery and mom in the hospital, I got behind again (and we will be gone all weekend so trying to catch up everywhere before we leave early Friday morning).

:welcome: Kathy!!!! Thanks for joining in!

I've noticed that it tends to run really slow in the morning, but its usually not THAT slow at night. So frustrating. Sounds like you've got a lot going on. I hope you have a nice weekend and warm weather is right around the corner. :thumbsup2

Love your intros, and sorry you got lost finding your hotel (we did that one year when we got in really late and stayed at a LaQuinta...yep, we ended up at the wrong one.

:rotfl2: We have a lot in common, don't we? I can totally see that happen because there are a million LaQuintas. There are two within a few miles of the airport and who knows how many others.

The Fairfield's are nice...but they can be a bit pricey.

That's why free is good! We stayed at a couple during our college tours and earned a free night. :thumbsup2

I look forward to the next update, but I'm even more looking forward to our lunch together in 28 days. :goodvibes

I can't wait! :cool1: Woo hop! :cool1:

:wave2: Joining in! :cheer2:

:welcome: Danielle!!!!! Thanks for joining in! :thumbsup2

Sorry you had such a rough year, hoping 2014 is much better for you.

Thanks. Each event didn't seem overwhelming, but added together ended up being a little rough. Things got a little crazy after my dad passed away.

Sorry you had such a hard time finding the hotel, couldn't have been much fun in the dark either.

I have to say that the only bright side was it was the beginning of the trip so we didn't get too frustrated. We knew we would eventually find it and it was sure a heck of a lot better getting there at night.

Looking forward to hearing about this trip! :flower3:

New update coming up soon!
The big bridges don't bother me as much as the underwater tunnels. No way am I driving in there!
I'm joining in. My husband and I are a long way away from being empty nesters (we have a preschooler and a toddler), but after their behavior lately it makes me dream of the day they are both grown up and out of the house, so I'll live vicariously through your TR for now.
The DIS is SO slow right now! So I'm going to quit and be back with more replies tomorrow!
You had me at empty nester! Always enjoy your reports , just had to jump in and comment on this one . We too our empty nesters ,on our 2nd year. Never thought when we bought our DVC back in 1999 we would still be loving it just as much now. And probably even more ,eventually, with grandchildren !
Hi Mary Ellen! :wave2:

I'm not up to full commenting speed yet, but just wanted to drop in and say I'm reading along!
Hi ME! Thanks for the heads up.

Wow reading your intro, i remember each event as it happened but when you realize everything was so close. Well, thats how 2006 was for me. And yup, a Disney Trip was much needed!! (Our first trip was Jan 2007).

Sounds like a fun trip and some beach time is just what the doctor ordered! Looking forward to hearing about the St. Augustine leg. We did a quick stop in 2012 that made me want to visit there for a day or two at least.
When you sum up your year like that, it seems like it was such a tough year for you and your family :grouphug: Hoping 2014 brings LOTS of happiness!:goodvibes

Okay, that's EXACTLY why i'm never on my phone or reading in the car when DH is driving. He gets sidetracked so easily so I'm definitely the 'back-seat' driver!

I've done the, "Where is this place at?" after looking on the phone map and having to backtrack when realizing, it's tucked away. Definitely annoying.
I'm sure it will be Pat. It was just weird how a lot of things happened at once and I think they say that job changes and deaths are really major stressors. I think a change in living situation is also a major one. So I guess Nick leaving would fall into that category.

Yup - we both needed that trip!

Oh yes, lots of "major life stressors" there. Or lots of "upset to the applecart" as I like to say. Gets you off balance and sometimes hard to get back in balance. ::yes::

That has lessened my stress considerably. Going into those really long OT stretches was really stressful for me. I am grateful that is over.

The long meet weekends do me in too. I just have my cranky panties on all week after that until I get some time off to catch up.

I have this theory that one of two things happens when you kids grow up. You either realize you can't stand you spouse or you get closer, but your relationship does change. It's almost like - "phew, we made it".

I think its good for adults to go on child-free vacations, but the planning can be stressful. I know we had trouble getting child supervision a few times and thought we might need to cancel, but we managed to pull it off.

I agree with you totally and well I tell you I know I didn't do too well in that area. With a child who seemed to get sick every time we left her, it was harder to leave them than take them.
Judy says every time I go away something happens !!!:rotfl2:Let me see First trip to Lake George she got so sick she almost died , had emergency surgery the day after I got back:scared1:, next year Samatha dislocated her thumb ( not that serios ) the next year the little dog was lost for 3 days :scared1: then this year Samantha had an accident , not hurt just her car !!;)So do you think she is right :lmao:I told her they all needed to stay inside the whole time and take vitamins and avoid any dngerous activities :rotfl2:No mention of me NOT going away !!:rotfl2:
I promise to do replies tomorrow. And an update! It's almost done! :cool1:
I am here and ready to read!

:welcome" Stranger! :wave2: OMG - I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how your boys were doing. I hope they are still loving school. Nick had a great first semester at UD and declared mechanical engineering. It was nice to see them over winter break, but I'm glad they are both back now! :rotfl:

So glad you are here joining in!

The big bridges don't bother me as much as the underwater tunnels. No way am I driving in there!

I'm not a big fan of underwater tunnels either. I'm OK once I see the exit, but until then I prefer to close my eyes (when I'm not driving, of course!) :lmao:

I'm joining in. My husband and I are a long way away from being empty nesters (we have a preschooler and a toddler), but after their behavior lately it makes me dream of the day they are both grown up and out of the house, so I'll live vicariously through your TR for now.

:welcome: jedimeg! Thanks so much for joining in! Yes - you are quite far away from the empty nest, but before you know it, it's here. I remember thinking the same thing and dreaming of the day when we could travel alone. Family vacations are awesome, but there is certainly a new level of appreciation for adult trips once you have kids!

You had me at empty nester! Always enjoy your reports , just had to jump in and comment on this one . We too our empty nesters ,on our 2nd year. Never thought when we bought our DVC back in 1999 we would still be loving it just as much now. And probably even more ,eventually, with grandchildren !

:welcome: carejo! Thanks for joining in and commenting! I really appreciate that.

It's so awesome to hear that you are enjoying DVC with your grandchildren. I hope there aren't any grandchildren in my immediate future :rotfl:, but I also look forward to those days!

:wave2: Checking in, trying not to get too far behind......... :)

New update is coming today! :thumbsup2

Hi Mary Ellen! :wave2:

I'm not up to full commenting speed yet, but just wanted to drop in and say I'm reading along!

:welcome: Mark! And congratulations! I know things in your house are pretty hectic right now. But what an exciting time! :cool1: I'm sure you'll be updating again in no time!

Hi ME! Thanks for the heads up.

:welcome: Mary Ellen! Thanks for joining in! I really want to hear all about your latest adventure! :thumbsup2

Wow reading your intro, i remember each event as it happened but when you realize everything was so close. Well, thats how 2006 was for me. And yup, a Disney Trip was much needed!! (Our first trip was Jan 2007).

Disney trips are medicinal, aren't they? Nothing cures stress like an awesome Disney trip! :thumbsup2 Everybody needs a little pixie dust: from time to time!

Sounds like a fun trip and some beach time is just what the doctor ordered! Looking forward to hearing about the St. Augustine leg. We did a quick stop in 2012 that made me want to visit there for a day or two at least.

I :love: Loved St. Augustine. What a great little town. It reminded me more of the deep south than Florida. I highly recommend a visit if you ever get the opportunity and it really wasn't that far from Orlando!
When you sum up your year like that, it seems like it was such a tough year for you and your family :grouphug: Hoping 2014 brings LOTS of happiness!:goodvibes.

Thanks! I felt like I was taking everything in stride as it was happening, but in retrospect I realize now that by September I was feeling pretty stressed and just a little anxious. I am much, much better now!

Okay, that's EXACTLY why i'm never on my phone or reading in the car when DH is driving. He gets sidetracked so easily so I'm definitely the 'back-seat' driver! .

:lmao: I can SO relate. Whenever we drive to places we know (like my moms or my bothers) I know to pick my head up at crucial points to make sure he doesn't miss a turn. And, seriously, how many hundreds of times has he been to BOTH of those places. :rotfl:

I've done the, "Where is this place at?" after looking on the phone map and having to backtrack when realizing, it's tucked away. Definitely annoying.

That was just a weird location for a hotel, although I should know by now that they will put a hotel ANYWHERE in Orlando. It just makes things really hard to find at night.

Oh yes, lots of "major life stressors" there. Or lots of "upset to the applecart" as I like to say. Gets you off balance and sometimes hard to get back in balance. ::yes::

That's a great analogy Pat. I know everyone who has taken Psych 101 knows that the major life stressors are: death, changing jobs, moving. I had a lot of them all at once included Nick leaving. I never perceived that as a stressor, but it was. But, it's all good now!

The long meet weekends do me in too. I just have my cranky panties on all week after that until I get some time off to catch up.

Ugh to long work stretches. My biggest fear is that I won't quite make it to the end. Then I stress about that, which is silly. Fortunately, I have gotten better at taking one day at a time!

I agree with you totally and well I tell you I know I didn't do too well in that area. With a child who seemed to get sick every time we left her, it was harder to leave them than take them.

It is certainly stressful to leave your kids at home. I remember being at one meal in Disney and being on the phone with my kids the whole time. I told the CM - please don't think I am rude - I have teenagers alone at home. :rotfl2:

Judy says every time I go away something happens !!!:rotfl2:Let me see First trip to Lake George she got so sick she almost died , had emergency surgery the day after I got back:scared1:, next year Samatha dislocated her thumb ( not that serios ) the next year the little dog was lost for 3 days :scared1: then this year Samantha had an accident , not hurt just her car !!;)So do you think she is right :lmao:I told her they all needed to stay inside the whole time and take vitamins and avoid any dngerous activities :rotfl2:No mention of me NOT going away !!:rotfl2:

OMG - Rosie - that is terrible. I had no idea that happened to Judy. Wow! Scary stuff!

Your track record is not very good at all! You need to bubble wrap those kids and the dog the next time you go away. ::yes:: How stressful! :(
Magic Band Mix-up

Before I start my next update I just want to say how excited I am about all the potential DIS meets for May.

Take Note Cynthia. Cynthia? Where is Cynthia? I don't think she's stopped by yet. :confused3

So, let's see - There's Danielle! She better be bringing Yeti along for a visit to the Ditch. Dawn & Caitlin! I was fortunate enough to have lunch with them in October and they are just the cutest mother/daughter team! Can't wait to see you both again.

I just discovered that the infamous pole dancing Rosie will be there and she was gracious enough to invite me to join her for dinner on my arrival night. So excited! There better be some pole dancing going on! And if there is you can bet I will be photographing it!

And I just learned that Alicia will be there with her family. I can't wait to meet Landon. Hopefully he will do his "hulk" move for me!

Cynthia may know of some other DISers that we are going to meet.

I think we definitely need that spreadsheet now Cynthia! :rotfl2:

On to the update -

Magic Band Mix Up

Thursday October 24th

I considered this to be the official start to vacation. Yesterday was a travel day. Today was the real deal! Woo hoo!

When I first woke up I really couldn’t remember where I was. It took a few minutes to realize that I was waking up in Disney. Well, almost. I was only 15 minutes away.

I did go running before we checked out. It was sort of cool and overcast, but I didn’t care. I was going to Disney World!

Remember I said we were in a strip center with a dry cleaner and Chinese restaurant. Well, I sort of made that up, but this picture proves I was actually telling the truth.

Please note: I am channeling my inner Jensieb again - I added borders to most of my pictures, just because.

After my run I showered and got ready for the day. We went downstairs and got some free breakfast. It was surprisingly crowded and I was anxious to get on our way so I sort of hurried Denny along with “Are you done yet? Are you done yet? Are you done yet?????”

Here we are pulling out of the parking lot. I’m coming Boardwalk!

I think we could have turned sooner and headed by all the good neighbor hotels near DTD, but then we wouldn’t have been able to get this picture and, well, that just wouldn’t be the right way to start a trip report!

I did online check-in and I never expected our room to be ready, but I wanted to swing by the Boardwalk before heading to the parks. I had Denny leave our luggage with bell services, which turned out to be a mistake.

You see - the good news - our room was ready! The bad news - I had the wrong magic bands with me. Denny checked the right ones with our luggage. Doh! And here is an important tip my friends - If you have a split stay, pick different colors for your magic bands so you don’t confuse them. They could have reprogrammed then, but I decided to go with plan B.

Plan B, you ask?

Well, since our room was ready I decided to go check it out and call for the luggage that Denny had just checked 5 minutes earlier.

I really wanted to get to the park, but I needed the right magic band to do so.

When I walked to our studio I was very pleased to find we were on the 5th floor. I loved the studio Cynthia and I stayed in last October. I was hoping for a similar location. But it turned out the our room number was in the opposite direction.

And those Boardwalk hallways are long. Really long. Super duper long. After walking a half mile (OK, I’m exaggerating), I found our room and it definitely wasn’t facing the pool this time.

Our view you ask.

Ta Da

Cool! I loved it instantly. It was so private. I took these pictures with my phone. You’ll have to wait for the real ones, but this will do for now.

To the left

To the right

Fortunately, our luggage was delivered promptly and correct magic bands were in hand.

To the MK we go!

We decided to drive. I’m not a super big fan of the buses from the Boardwalk. Plus we needed to do a Walmart Run after leaving the parks.

We decided to ferry it across Bay Lake because its prettier!

I checked out the construction at the Poly

And admired the VGF

I seriously can’t wait to stay here!

We passed BLT off in the distance

Hi MK. We’re coming!

Hi Space! We’re coming there too!

Once we were docked it was the usual made rush to get inside the park. Out of my way people. I want IN!

Ahhhhh - Finally!

Our first stop was to use our FP+ at Space Mountain

Imagine how happy we were when it actually lit up and granted us admittance.

Oh Yeah!

No redneck ride photos here. Sorry!

I took a couple conveyor belt pictures

Continued In Next Post!
After our ride on Space we decided to go visit Little Mermaid. Denny didn’t love it in June, so I thought he should try it again.

Today was obviously a busy day on the Mine Train Mountain

I can’t wait to see the most recent progress. Any word on the opening date?

Next stop - Little Mermaid

My inside pictures are a bit hasty, but I was texting back and forth with Melissa (Mickeysmyboy). She saw that I posted our visit to Space Mountain on FB. She and her family were just entering Space Mountain. We texted back and forth to try to figure out a spot to meet up and say hello.


She is just SO creepy, especially in stills.

I love a happy ending


So, not the best pictures because I was texting a bit too much!

Some "outside the queue" pics

Continued In the Next Post!
You can definitely see it was very overcast, but the temperature was warming up nicely.

We walked past Gaston’s next, but we couldn’t stop because we were on our way to DISmeet #1

In case you are curious, here is the wait for BOG. I really want to eat lunch here, but this wait just looks so NOT fun to me!

Yup, I don’t even know if it was 10:30 yet, but here’s the wait. Fun!

We arrived at our meeting destination.

Photographic proof of my meet with Melissa.

She's really not on the boards anymore, but that’s how I met her. I also got to meet her kids for the first time and they are adorable. Denny seemed to hit it off with Melissa’s DH, but the kids starting vying for adult attention and, if you have kids, you know how that goes!

So our meet was short, but it was great to see Melissa. She looks fantastic and has really turned her fitness level around with regular exercise. You go girl!

Up Next - Do we get Splashed on Splash and another DIS meet! :cool1:


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