The Empty Nesters Magical Mystery Tour *1/28* Link to New Girl's TR p141

Sounds like a well deserved vacation after all that occurred in 2013. I see this as medicinal. ;)

Goodness, your adventures getting to the airport and then finding the right hotel, yikes! At least you finally reached your destination. And if you craved Chinese or needed dry cleaning to be done you were in a handy dandy location. (Uhhhh although you were there just for the night so never mind!)

I'm a soon to be empty nester. 3/4 of my babies are grown and gone so I think I may need to follow your example and plan an "I'm free at last" trip.

I'm looking forward to reading more!
You know I'm in!! Thanks for the heads up message with the link :). Great start!
Great start! I had a bigger response, but my computer is being stupid and it didn't post it. :eek:
I'm sorry getting to the hotel was stressful :( I agree about that bridge, I don't like it one bit. Unfortunately it's the way we have to go to get to the beach.

I hope work stress is better :)
I am here! Wow, you did have a brutal 2013...very glad it is a new year for you and that you had this trip as the year winded down. The compound effects of all of that...UGH!

I had to :rotfl: I swear, there isn't a MEK TR when you guys don't miss an exit or get turned around. The miss to long term parking was classic....the nightmare finding your real hotel....YUCK! You had to be just wiped out. Good news is hopefully that meant you both passed out and slept like rocks.
Yes, you definitely deserved a trip - what a stressful year for you both! I remember you going through each thing as it happened, but now seeing it collectively, it looks so much worse!

I like the revised itinerary plan - saving the cruise for your 25th sounds like a good idea!

Too bad it took so long to get to the right hotel - the room looks pretty nice.

I have a question about these AAA rewards - how do you earn them? (I'm not a AAA member). Sounds like a good deal!
Well it sounds like 2013 wasn't the greatest and you must really have been looking forward to this vacation. I love your enthusiasm and am looking forward to the trip :goodvibes
Sorry for the rough year. Here is to a great 2014.
I have a phobia on some bridges. EEK!
Nice of the clerk but I would have felt the same way.
Great start to the trip. Glad you found the hotel.
Here! Thanks for the heads up, Mary Ellen! You're just in time for me to finish mine. ::yes::
Looks like a great trip! What a perfect way to decompress from the job stress.

:welcome: amjb! Thanks for joining and for being first! :cool1: And welcome to the DIS boards. I hope you enjoy it here. FWIW - the trip report boards are the best. People are genuinely nice and I have met some true friends here!

Love your kitties; they are beautiful. Angel Max too! I have a diabetic cat and can relate.

Thank you! It sounds like you can really relate. I almost had Max off of insulin in August. I tested his blood sugars twice a day and was meticulous in caring for him. But ultimately he fell ill. The vet thought he had a kidney cancer because his one kidney was huge.

Can't wait to read the rest of your TP!

I usually update once a week but I am going to try to carve it down to once every 5 days. We'll see how that goes!

Guess what ...........

I am in!

And I made page 1!! :goodvibes

Now going back to read!

:welcome: Karin! Thanks for joining in! I wish I could organize multiple TR's like yours, but I'm just not quite that on top of things. In fact, sometimes when I am reading one of yours I have to stop and think "which one is this again?". Yeah - I clearly can't deal with two much distraction! :rotfl2:

Joining in!!!! :dance3:

:welcome: Jen! Notice that I got inspired by you and decided to border my pictures. We'll see how long that lasts! :rolleyes1

:cat:Love it!

I am so in!!!


:welcome: Dee and thanks for joining in! I'm so glad you are here to follow along! :thumbsup2

Beautiful pictures of your kitties!

Thank you. Kismet and Jewel are good kitties , for the most part. I know one thing - they don't miss Max one little bit. :rotfl2:

Seems like the travel to Florida was fairly uneventful, thankfully, but what a nightmare finding your hotel. I'm sure being lost was annoying after a long day of work and travel and the only thing you wanted to do was crash.

I thought the hotel would be easy to find so I did nothing more than plug the address into the GPS. Boy was I wrong! :rotfl: Maybe if it had been day time it would have been easy to find. Just an odd location for a hotel.

Better days are coming, I'm sure!

It wasn't until I counted up the various events that I realized 2013 was a stressful year. But it really is all behind me now!!!!!

I'm here :goodvibes looking forward to this report!!

:welcome: Nowells and thanks for joining in! :woohoo: Glad to have you along for this TR!
Looking forward to reading about your trip. Great start...except for getting lost, that stinks!


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