The fine line between crazy and insane....kickin' asphalt on the way to Goofy '08

Hi guys :wave:

Thank you all so much for checking in on me. I'm doing great. My legs are feeling good...seems the extra day off helped. I ran 3 miles on Wednesday, didn't want to push it to see how I recovered. It was a decent run, and I felt pretty good yesterday so I'm ready to head out and run this afternoon. Just waiting for the sun to soften the ice/ snow lol. We had a nice storm yesterday...not quite the foot that Linda got :eek: ...but a mess for sure. We're expecting possibly 12 inches on Sunday now I'll be moving my LR to tomorrow. Ugh. This early snow is very unusual for us here in NJ. It's really messing with my training ;).

Other than that not much to report. I've taken two pilates classes and did my ski-machine for 30 minutes yesterday. So I'm keeping up with the XT too! Thanks for stopping by :).
Yippee!!!! I'm so glad your legs are feeling better! Way to go listening to your body! :thumbsup2

SNOW!!! WOW! It's been close to 80 here a few days this week. I think all of that is changing this weekend though!

I hope you have a very successful LR w/ no pain!

Try to stay warm this weekend!!! Hope you have good one!
YAY - glad you're feeling good!! Have a great weekend and take care of yourself!:hug:

What's up there Perky Penguin? :goodvibes:

Sooooo glad to see that you are feeling better physically! (not that i have a vested interest or anything!) You were smart and did the right thing this week with your workouts and training. I'm very proud of you...I know how much you just want to "stick to THE PLAN (dun dunn....duuhh duuhhh)"'s just so nice to see how you are taking control of it this year, not stressing out and just moving forward.

Good job with everything...keep up the great work and have an awesome weekend! (build a snowman for me, would you?)
Hi Amy,

Sorry that I haven't been around. I am so happy to hear that you listened to your body. It is awesome that your legs are feeling better. Have fun on that long run in the snow.

Take care,
I know you haven't posted it here yet, but AWESOME JOB on the run today!! You kicked butt out there in the cold Jersey climate :goodvibes:

Looks like we're set up for a successful week.

Hope everything is ok with you tonight.
Hi Guys!!!

Thanks Scott...Yes I had a VERY successful run yesterday. It felt good since I've been struggling a bit with my pace so it was a HUGE surprise to finish the 8 as well as I did. I finished with an 8:59:58 pace :laughing: ... How's that for JUST barely squeaking under the 9 mpm mark!!! It was really really cold here...felt much colder than the 27 degrees it read on the thermometer. I think it was that northerly breeze that was preceding this nasty weather we have here this morning.

This was a really big confidence boost even though the distance wasn't that far, based on the fact that I ran 5 Miles on Friday evening, then taught and did Pilates on Saturday morning...and finally heading out to run in the afternoon yesterday. I was testing my legs and they passed...Yay! :cool1:

Here's the recap of the week that was:

Ran: 16 Miles
Walk/Ran: 0 miles (due to the weather)
Pilates: 180 Minutes*
Cardio XT: 60 Minutes*

* I plan to do the ski machine and pilates this afternoon and those numbers are included in there.

Next week is the biggest and toughest week of the training plan. At least my legs are feeling pretty healthy heading into it. Here's what the week ahead looks like :scared1: .

Monday: Rest Day; Teach 2 classes
Tuesday: 6 Mile Run; 90 Min Pilates Session w/ Trainer; Teach 2 classes
Wednesday: 30 Cardio XT; 60 Pilates Mat;Teach 1 class
Thursday: 5 Mile Run; Teach 1 Class
Friday: 30 Cardio XT; 60 Pilates Mat
Saturday: *Possible walk/run*; Teach 1 Class
Sunday: 18 Mile LR

Thanks for stopping by :). I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Hey Amy--sorry to be MIA this week from your journal...been really busy! Glad to hear your legs are feeling better! That is great, your training is going so well....under 9 min pace! THAT'S AWESOME!! :cool1:

Lunch at MK on Friday sounds good to me!! Now we just need to come up with the time/place! I am going first thing in the morning to get my race number then the plan is to head to just let me know the time and place and Gregg and I will be there! I am so excited to meet everyone!

Good Luck with your big week of training! You will definetely do great! I will try to keep up better this week!
Hey Amy!
Just skimmed over your journals! Girl! You can and should call Goofy an ultra...(on your 1st page of this years training). I think it is more of an ultra b/c it is over 2 days....
It is so amazing to see how far you have come in the short amount of time you have been running. I WISH I could be at WDW this year to see you cross that finish line(or to cross it with you)! You will have a get out there in Jan and we say in the South..."Git R done"!:cool1:
Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement.The thought of me doing a marathon is daunting to say the least.At this time next year I would have to be doing like 18 miles or so right? Oh the nasty weather will make that difficult to do.This is when you wish you lived in the south!!!!!!!

Have a good one,
Hey Amy! So glad to hear your weekend runs went to so well!!! What a great pace!!! AWESOME!

This week coming up looks challenging, but I know you can do it!!! Once you get this weekend behind you, you will be all set for Goofy (not that you're not now!) :goodvibes 18 miles...WOW!!!

Hope you have a great week!


PS. I bought Pilates for Dummies over the weekend...I'll try it out tonight!
Hi Amy,

Great job on the 8 mile run the other day. You kicked butt! I'm glad to hear your legs are feeling good with the training you have scheduled this week.

Take care,
Hi Amy,

Great job on your 8 miler!!:cheer2: I'm glad to hear that your legs are feeling better since you have quite a week ahead of you. :goodvibes Once this week is over, you'll be sailing into the Goofy in just a few short weeks.:thumbsup2

Hope you have a great Tuesday!:hug:
Happy Birthday Buddy!

Just hoping that you have a great day!! :woohoo:

I know Tuesdays are extremely busy for you, but find some time to relax and enjoy yourself today!!

And what better thing to do than run 6 miles? :rotfl: Hey, at least we aren't having to run a mile for each year ;) glad to have you around :hug: I'm very thankful to have you as a great friend, running buddy, fitness instructor and nutritional advisor (didn't know you wore so many hats did ya'?). Thanks for helping me be who I am today...I could have NEVER done this without you.

Have a great day Amy...and since I can't treat you tonight, please allow dinner on me in WDW :)
Hi Guys...LIFE has not only taken over but I think it's tied me up and held me hostage....*sigh*


Today was not a great day for me...just "one of those days" as the saying goes. I'm feeling way overwhelmed suddenly. Between teaching a ton of classes and driving about a half hour each way to get to them, trying to get caught up on holiday shopping (ugh...still not done), trying like crazy to keep up with training despite weather, parenting and holiday obligations and trying to make my house look more like a home and less like it should be shut down by the health department and preparing for girl scouts and class parties and ARRGGHHHHH *where's the pulling your hair out smiley*. My kids are so busy...I'm pretty much handling everything solo these days....I'm just about at wits end tonight. Marathon training just suddenly feels like this huge weight on my shoulders. I love exercise...I love the marathon training....I can't wait to get to WDW...but the training has me down today. I skipped my run. Went out to do it...all bundled up in this horrible icy cold weather....started to run when I realized I had forgot to wear my jogging bra. CANNOT run without one of those babies. Soooo I walked back to the house...totally aggrivated....and took off my sneakers and laid down and took a nap. Yep. Just went to sleep. :sad2: Sick of the cold...sick of the snow and the ice and the wind. So laying in a warm bed...with all my running gear on...made total sense at the time. :laughing:


Thank you all for listening to me complain. I just needed to type that stuff out. Ahhhhh....I feel to carry on ;). I'm really really sorry for the whole "woe is me" post LOL. I just need to let it out and you guys are an easy way to do that. I'm totally fine...I just needed to vent. So thanks! :hug:

I woke up an hour later feeling guilty...probably more stressed and had to go teach. But I hopped on the ski machine to get 30 minutes XT. Earlier in the day I did work with my Pilates trainer for 90 minutes so at least I managed to get training in today. But now I've messed up my whole week in terms of running. Oops.,,:guilty: So tomorrow...a day that is just as busy....I will try to get those stupid 6 miles in. :confused3

Sooo...I have to say...

Christa: Thank you so much for stopping by my journal and offering your encouraging words. I respect you so much as a runner and biker! I aspire to get those bike miles when the weather starts to cooperate. It was really uplifting to see those nice words you put in my journal. Thank you for stopping by :).

Scotty....Wow...thanks for wishing me happy b'day today. My kids didn't even remember LOL. They still haven't figured it out. But that's life lol...they can't remember to brush their teeth so how do I expect them to remember it's my birthday LOL...especially without anyone reminding them. And I'm not going to do that...a b'day one week before Christmas is really just poor timing...everyone is so stressed and caught up in the holiday stuff that it's totally my feelings never get hurt :). But I really appreciate you taking the time to wish me a happy birthday today. Bright spot in my gloomy day!! :sunny:

Stacie: Yes...1:00 pm at Pecos Bills. You guys have NO IDEA how excited I am to meet you all in WDW! Yay!!!! I need this vacation...phew....cannot wait. Hold on...did I just call running 39.3 miles a vacation??? Oh my...the psychosis is getting worse ;).

Laurie: Thanks for stopping by! I'll check out your journal soon :). Take care of that knee. XT is a great it up so you show up healthy!!

Beth and Tracy: :grouphug: I appreciate the support.

THANKS everyone..honestly...I come here and read your posts and it really helps me to stay motivated and inspired. Love you guys! :love:
:hug: Amy :hug:

You know, I do empathize with your day and I hope that things become more stress free for you...but I do find your rants entertaining LOL (sorry!)

Glad you were able to get it off your un-sports bra covered chest (was that too forward?)...feel free to vent here anytime!! I hope it worked for you.

Take care of yourself and tomorrow is a new day!! :goodvibes:
Yay! Super Amy is human! :goodvibes Obviously, I'm not happy you had such a stressful day, but I'm happy to know you took a nap. Sometimes I really wonder how you get everything in! Your schedule in training alone is crazy busy and then you add life in there! :confused3 I give you props for being you! :thumbsup2 It's hard training, it's hard being a mom, it's hard working, maintaining a household...Hey, Life is hard, but it does have it's rewards right! I'm glad you were able to rant and feel better!!! :hug: (I hope that doesn't sound bad, I was trying to be playful and make you smile...)

I hope today is much less stressful for you!!! :wizard:

One question for you...If you miss a run, aren't you supposed to SKIP it??? :confused3 Just wondering... :rolleyes1

Somedays (ok most) the only positive thing I can think of is going to Disney in January! I can think of Disney and it makes me smile...

Pecos Bills...Here we come! :woohoo: I've never eaten there so that will be cool! It will be so fun meeting you guys!

Sending some warmth and sunshine your way!!! :sunny:

Hey there Amy! First of all, Happy Belated Birthday!!!!

Secondly, no need to apologize about the are entitled! And we don't mind, that is what we are here for!

You are so ready for this race, or should I say two races! Don't worry about a bad run here or there, you are going to do so great. It is so hard this time of year to get all the training and have all really good runs.

Hopefully the weather holds out for the rest of the week so you can get your runs in.

23 days till Pecos Bills!!!! :cool1: :cool1:
Hi amy,

Happy Belated Birthday! I am sorry I missed the actual day.

Feel free to rant anytime. This is your journal, and you can use it for whatever will make you feel better. You warned us in advance, so we could duck for cover too. :hug: I wish I had an answer for you. The demands on women's time are incredible. It is amazing that we are not all committed at some point.

I thin a nap was a brillant idea. I took one today. You need time to recharge yourself sometimes sweetie. There should be no guilt involved. I also understand about the sports bra. There is no way a woman should run without one. That distraction would be dangerous to the oncoming drivers.



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