The Most Magical trip of my life! Day Two!


Mummy to a perfect princess.
May 14, 2008
Day One
Day Two (The Engagement!) - You are here!
Day Three
Day Four


Goofy rang at 7 to get us out of bed. We were at the Main St Lounge for 7.30 and were the first people into California Grill for breakfast. Had a wonderful view of Main Street lit up, and the lights to the castle came on after a few minutes - a perfect way to start the day!! Breakfast was gorgeous - great buffet I LOVED the banana bread!!

We headed out at 8 and were the first into the park - it was gorgeous, all dark and Main Street looked wonderful. I was trying to take photos but Jack was hurrying me along to the castle - we did miss it yesterday so I understood he was keen and put the camera away.


We were the only people there when we made it.

As we were about to go under the arch to get into the castle Jack said “Let’s stop here a minute”

Then he told me how much he loved me and that he wants me to be his forever!! I was so emotional I didn’t take the ring as I had to hold onto him! So we hugged for a bit while we both calmed down and then I got to put on my ring! So far I think I’ve looked at it every 10 minutes or so.

This is me, just engaged. In the magic engagement spot.


After that we walked around the inside of the castle which I had forgotten how beautiful it was! Then I got a bit emotional again so we stood inside for a bit before going out onto the balcony and taking lots of photos of fantasyland.


We walked back down and my FIANCE(!!) tried to pull the sword from the stone but sadly he didn’t manage to get it out. We then went on our first ride - Peter Pan, and it did seem as if we could see a lot more this time than in July. When we got off we went over to Dumbo and were the only people on it, so treated ourselves to an Elephant each. Then we hit the teacups, where again we were the only riders.

Then it was time for Discoveryland, we hit buzz first - carriage each as we were the only people riding - and I posed matrix style for the photo with two guns - but the photo machine wasn’t working. We had a quick look in Constellations and then headed over to Space Mountain. We walked on and sat near the back, was great fun but so rattely that my head was quite sore by the end. We had a walk back down Main Street, as we were both very wet and cold so we popped back to the hotel for a while and called our parents to tell them our news.

After we’d warmed up it was Studios time - which I really enjoyed today! We went on the flying carpets first which we both agreed were funner than Dumbo, and then had a go on Cars, which was also good fun. The Crush line was out of the queuing area - so we gave it a miss! As we got off Cars Donald was at the Toon Studio meet and greet by himself, so I gave him a cuddle to cheer him up!


Then we headed over to see what time Stitch was on, on the way though Sulley was out, so I gave him a cuddle too!


We went on Stitch live (only about 15 of us in the theatre) Jack and I both loved this, and agreed that if we had had kids with us it would be the best ride of the trip as they would just love it! We then went on RnR which had about a 10 minute wait. This was scarier than I remembered! But good fun - I love/hate the take off! Very fun/scary!

We headed back to Studio 1 for a drink, but only one till was open and the queue was huge, so we walked to the Village and got a drink and some chips in the New York sandwich place, and visted the lovely Disney Gallery shop. I bought a Mickey and Minnie wedding album to use a wedding scrap book, and also a mug with them in their wedding clothes on. Then we had a walk to the Cheyenne as I’ve never seen it, was very cute! Shame the Santa Fe wasn’t given half the effort of its neighbour - looked very depressing in the cold. We walked back via the Sequoia Lodge shop where I bought an SL pin a I’ve decided I want a pin for each Disney Resort I’ve stayed at.

We got back to the DLH and when I got into the room Jack had ordered me the most beautiful bunch of flowers!! And a few moments later a man arrived with champagne and strawberries for us! I had a little well up again and we both got a little tipsy and enjoyed our champagne.


After a nice relax we headed back out to the magic kingdom Trying to make California Grill reservations on the way - but it was all booked up.

Back to the park and the Railroad was just pulling in so we hopped a lift round to Frontierland, where as we were both pretty starving we popped into Cowboy Cookout [review] after a quick trip to Woody’s Roundup village.

We then headed over to BTM which was a walk on so we rode twice in a row, and after being disappointed with the slowness of being in the front row yesterday we sat at the back both times today which made it super fun! The second go round it really started to rain though, which was pretty painful on our skin and eyes.

We headed back over to Main Street through the secret (and dry) passage and went in to see about getting a Walt’s reservation but it was shutting early, so we had a nosey around Lilly’s and then ran back to the DLH in the torrential rain.

We spent a while in the room, watching our (now fixed) TV - lots of awesome Disney Channel shows (LOVE Phineas & Ferb and The Wizards of Waverley Place!! Think I’ll be adding Disney to our Sky package!) The rain continued to fall - so we headed to the lobby and updated our Facebook statuses to ‘Engaged’ and I also popped on the DIS, then we headed back out to the Village and had a great, very tasty meal at La Grange, we used 1 of our HB Prem vouchers so we only had to pay 11E to cover the extra!


After Dinner we headed back to the room and my parents called to wish us congratulations again and to hear all about it. My Dad also said “We’ll have to start planning when you get back!” Which was music to my ears as I was worried about having to initiate a planning talk with him!! I headed down to the lobby while Jack enjoyed the Suite Life and then had a bath - when I got back up to the room he had had a bath and was all snuggly in his robe, so I did the same and then settled down to write up today’s report while HSM2 played on the Disney Channel - wonderful film!

Then it was bedtime.

Tomorrow - will we brave Tower of Terror yet? Will we have a day without rain? Will sleeping with my ring on prove to be the wisest choice?
Another great day, although I disagree with your choices of Disney Channel programmes :lmao: I can't stand them!!!
no no no i take it back this was the best day ever. i am never gonna be able to pass under the castle without thinking of your engagement story. how lovely was that!!
crying again here lol
how magical - just the two of u at the castle - bless jack - no wonder he was hurrying u!!!

fantastic & truly spoilt!!! just what i like to hear :thumbsup2
A fantastic day. Congratulations again to you both:cheer2:
Congratulations on the engagement, so are you now planning the Disney Wedding now?

Oh that was fantastic, (haven't read day one yet!) - congratulations to you both.
Absolutely brilliant :cheer2: Congratulations to both of you.I couldn't think of a more romantic place to get engaged.You look so happy.

You brought a tear to my eye though :sad:
Awwwwww - I've spent all my time reading your 2 days trippies going "aaawwwwwwwwwwwww". What a memorable way of getting engaged :goodvibes
Wow, what a wonderfully romantic way to get engaged. It will make DLRP an even more special place for both of you.:goodvibes
:cheer2: Congrats again, you sound so happy in your report- It sounds like a really amazing holiday!
Awww Victoria that was lovely, did jack get on one knee?:)


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